End Of "Critical Race Theory"

.......Other than than, 21st Century Conservatives are not only anti intellectuals they are living in the 19th Century.


We're not the ones who think they deserve reparations for something that happened almost two hundred years ago.


Critical Race Theory is right. White privilege is real.

Only white privilege allows whites to complain about being discriminated against when they have the majority of everything and actually be allowed to remove training designed to stop racism because they want to deny that racism exists.
White privilege is a myth.
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Critical Race Theory is right. White privilege is real.

Only white privilege allows whites to complain about being discriminated against when they have the majority of everything and actually be allowed to remove training designed to stop racism because they want to deny that racism exists.


Perhaps if the rogue blacks in the black community didn't burn down the businesses of the blacks who are attempting to make something for themselves every ten to twenty years more blacks would have more than the nothing you complain about.


Why the right wing insists on homogeneity over diversity.
The 'left wing' DNC is supporting BLM which is a homogenous group based on one's skin color. Republicans do not support homogenous skin color groups that riot, burn, kill, throw feces, kill officers and innocent people like BLM supporters do. As a matter of fact, Trump called out Federal law enforcement to protect Federal buildings in BLM riot ravaged areas. Federal buildings employ people of all races, creeds and colors.
U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow has written that “critical race theory” or “white privilege” training imposed on its employees likely violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination based on race. The Department of Justice has also sought information about training sessions from Seattle, on the same ground. Seattle’s “white privilege” training was no different from what many companies and units of government have inflicted on their employees, and if it was illegal–as I think it was–the illegality is widespread.

“Last year, Sandia National Laboratories — which designs America’s nuclear weapons — hosted a” segregated “3-day reeducation camp for ‘white males,’ with the goal of exposing their ‘white privilege’ and deconstructing ‘white male culture.’”

The details are sickening:

In the opening session, trainers demanded that the men make a list of associations about white male culture. The trainers wrote “white supremacists,” “KKK,” “Aryan Nation,” “MAGA hat,” “privileged,” and “mass killings.” Afterwards, white male employees were told to expose the “roots of white male culture,” which consists of “rugged individualism,” “a can-do attitude,” “hard work,” and “striving towards success” — which sound good, but are in fact “devastating” to women and people of color, according to the trainers, a company called “White Men as Full Diversity Partners.”
The whole thing is reminiscent of the Red Guards:

In a subsequent session, the white males were forced to publicly recite a series of “white privilege statements” and “male privilege statements.” They had to accept their alleged complicity in creating oppression of women and people of color. At the end of the training, the white males had to “write letters ‘directed to white women, people of color, and other groups’” in which they “apologize for their ‘privilege.’”

Dan Brouillette, Secretary of Energy, has asked the Inspector General to investigate Sandia’s “white privilege” training, but “Rufo says Sandia executives have only accelerated their purge against conservatives.”

One brave Sandia employee, an electrical engineer named Casey Peterson, stood up against Sandia’s racist regime. He emailed 16,000 Sandia employees, protesting against the imposition of critical race theory. He also published a video that was critical of the company’s “white privilege” training on YouTube. In response, “Sandia executives placed Peterson on paid administrative leave and established a ‘security review board’ to ‘evaluate whether his actions have comprised or posed a threat to Sandia computing and security systems.'”
Peterson’s suspension may violate Title VII and another federal statute:

The suspension of Peterson might violate the anti-retaliation provisions of at least two civil-rights laws, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and 42 USC 1981.
Peterson’s video opposes racist scapegoating that a reasonable employee could view as racial harassment, and seems to oppose race-based hiring.
The left used to love Whistleblowers.
Criticism of discrimination against whites is protected against retaliation by the civil-rights laws, even when it involves an affirmative action policy that turns out to be legal — unless the policy is so obviously legal that no reasonable employee could have thought otherwise. (See, e.g., Sisco v. J.S. Alberici Co. (1981)).
Protection against retaliation for disagreement.
Peterson could reasonably have thought that Sandia’s anti-white training was racial harassment that created a hostile environment in violation of federal civil-rights laws. Forcing an employee to confess his complicity in oppression of women and people of color just because of his race and sex is extremely racist and sexist.
They are the haters, racists and bigots
Courts have ruled that “baseless accusations of racism” made against employees because of their race are racial harassment that contributes to a racially hostile work environment in violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. (See Underwood v. Northport Health Services (1989)).
Hostile work environment.
Courts have also ruled that anti-male diversity training seminars can be sexual harassment. (See Hartman v. Pena (1995))

Here, it wasn’t just a single episode but a three-day period, over which white male employees were forced to admit to racial wrongdoing and pressured to say negative things about their race. That is probably sufficiently severe as to be illegal racial harassment.
How can this be happening in America.
Not just minorities, but also whites, are protected against racial harassment by the civil rights laws. For example, courts have ruled that employers are liable for racial harassment against whites, in cases like Huckabay v. Moore (1998).
You can't hate on folks based on race and gender just because they are White and Male.
Even if Sandia’s training wasn’t harassing enough to violate federal law, Peterson’s complaint could still be protected against retaliation. Complaints of harassment are protected against retaliation, not just when the “harassment” was illegal, but also when it wasn’t bad enough to violate the law but an employee still reasonably viewed it as harassment.
Someday, the federal courts may drive a stake through the harassment of, and discrimination against, white and male employees that have become common in today’s workplace. That isn’t likely to happen if Joe Biden wins in November.
Why the right wing insists on homogeneity over diversity.
The 'left wing' DNC is supporting BLM which is a homogenous group based on one's skin color. Republicans do not support homogenous skin color groups that riot, burn, kill, throw feces, kill officers and innocent people like BLM supporters do. As a matter of fact, Trump called out Federal law enforcement to protect Federal buildings in BLM riot ravaged areas. Federal buildings employ people of all races, creeds and colors.
The Left doesn't recognize the need for all of us to mutually recognize each other's basic human right. They think they have the right to compel speech, force kneeling and saluting, cancel others for failing to conform to their radical destructive positions. They think they have the right to drag people from their cars and beat them because they don't want to stop what they are doing and join their riot. They think they have the right to loot and burn when they stir themselves up into a rage.
Critical Race Theory is right. White privilege is real.

Only white privilege allows whites to complain about being discriminated against when they have the majority of everything and actually be allowed to remove training designed to stop racism because they want to deny that racism exists.

View attachment 385762

Perhaps if the rogue blacks in the black community didn't burn down the businesses of the blacks who are attempting to make something for themselves every ten to twenty years more blacks would have more than the nothing you complain about.



Since that's not what or why that happens, I'll dismiss your ignorance.
Why the right wing insists on homogeneity over diversity.
The 'left wing' DNC is supporting BLM which is a homogenous group based on one's skin color. Republicans do not support homogenous skin color groups that riot, burn, kill, throw feces, kill officers and innocent people like BLM supporters do. As a matter of fact, Trump called out Federal law enforcement to protect Federal buildings in BLM riot ravaged areas. Federal buildings employ people of all races, creeds and colors.
The Left doesn't recognize the need for all of us to mutually recognize each other's basic human right. They think they have the right to compel speech, force kneeling and saluting, cancel others for failing to conform to their radical destructive positions. They think they have the right to drag people from their cars and beat them because they don't want to stop what they are doing and join their riot. They think they have the right to loot and burn when they stir themselves up into a rage.
Another right wing lie.
Why the right wing insists on homogeneity over diversity.
The 'left wing' DNC is supporting BLM which is a homogenous group based on one's skin color. Republicans do not support homogenous skin color groups that riot, burn, kill, throw feces, kill officers and innocent people like BLM supporters do. As a matter of fact, Trump called out Federal law enforcement to protect Federal buildings in BLM riot ravaged areas. Federal buildings employ people of all races, creeds and colors.
That's a lie. Because it's right wing trump supporting groups who are doing most of the damage. Portland is 95 percent white. It's the whitest city in America. The groups going at it are both white. You got white anti racists on one side and white supremacists on the other. White supremacists are anti government so guess who wanted to set a federal government building on fire?
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Perhaps if the rogue blacks in the black community didn't burn down the businesses of the blacks who are attempting to make something for themselves every ten to twenty years more blacks would have more than the nothing you complain about.
Since that's not what or why that happens, I'll dismiss your ignorance.

Tell that to the black businessmen who have their businesses looted and burnt to the ground by other blacks.


Why the right wing insists on homogeneity over diversity.
The 'left wing' DNC is supporting BLM which is a homogenous group based on one's skin color. Republicans do not support homogenous skin color groups that riot, burn, kill, throw feces, kill officers and innocent people like BLM supporters do. As a matter of fact, Trump called out Federal law enforcement to protect Federal buildings in BLM riot ravaged areas. Federal buildings employ people of all races, creeds and colors.
You would be much more credible if it were only one color doing all of the rioting.
U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow has written that “critical race theory” or “white privilege” training imposed on its employees likely violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination based on race. The Department of Justice has also sought information about training sessions from Seattle, on the same ground. Seattle’s “white privilege” training was no different from what many companies and units of government have inflicted on their employees, and if it was illegal–as I think it was–the illegality is widespread.

“Last year, Sandia National Laboratories — which designs America’s nuclear weapons — hosted a” segregated “3-day reeducation camp for ‘white males,’ with the goal of exposing their ‘white privilege’ and deconstructing ‘white male culture.’”

The details are sickening:

In the opening session, trainers demanded that the men make a list of associations about white male culture. The trainers wrote “white supremacists,” “KKK,” “Aryan Nation,” “MAGA hat,” “privileged,” and “mass killings.” Afterwards, white male employees were told to expose the “roots of white male culture,” which consists of “rugged individualism,” “a can-do attitude,” “hard work,” and “striving towards success” — which sound good, but are in fact “devastating” to women and people of color, according to the trainers, a company called “White Men as Full Diversity Partners.”
The whole thing is reminiscent of the Red Guards:

In a subsequent session, the white males were forced to publicly recite a series of “white privilege statements” and “male privilege statements.” They had to accept their alleged complicity in creating oppression of women and people of color. At the end of the training, the white males had to “write letters ‘directed to white women, people of color, and other groups’” in which they “apologize for their ‘privilege.’”

Dan Brouillette, Secretary of Energy, has asked the Inspector General to investigate Sandia’s “white privilege” training, but “Rufo says Sandia executives have only accelerated their purge against conservatives.”

One brave Sandia employee, an electrical engineer named Casey Peterson, stood up against Sandia’s racist regime. He emailed 16,000 Sandia employees, protesting against the imposition of critical race theory. He also published a video that was critical of the company’s “white privilege” training on YouTube. In response, “Sandia executives placed Peterson on paid administrative leave and established a ‘security review board’ to ‘evaluate whether his actions have comprised or posed a threat to Sandia computing and security systems.'”
Yet, right wingers are the ones who have a problem with this:

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
Guys should learn to love diversity.
Why the right wing insists on homogeneity over diversity.
The 'left wing' DNC is supporting BLM which is a homogenous group based on one's skin color. Republicans do not support homogenous skin color groups that riot, burn, kill, throw feces, kill officers and innocent people like BLM supporters do. As a matter of fact, Trump called out Federal law enforcement to protect Federal buildings in BLM riot ravaged areas. Federal buildings employ people of all races, creeds and colors.
The Left doesn't recognize the need for all of us to mutually recognize each other's basic human right. They think they have the right to compel speech, force kneeling and saluting, cancel others for failing to conform to their radical destructive positions. They think they have the right to drag people from their cars and beat them because they don't want to stop what they are doing and join their riot. They think they have the right to loot and burn when they stir themselves up into a rage.
Yet, right wingers have nothing but bigotry and race baiting.
Perhaps if the rogue blacks in the black community didn't burn down the businesses of the blacks who are attempting to make something for themselves every ten to twenty years more blacks would have more than the nothing you complain about.
Since that's not what or why that happens, I'll dismiss your ignorance.
View attachment 385788

Tell that to the black businessmen who have their businesses looted and burnt to the ground by other blacks.


Blacks are not the only ones out there causing trouble.
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You would be much more credible if it were only one color doing all of the rioting.
There you go again evoking skin color. Frankly, YOU would be much more credible if you could explain why you support a group that promotes it's own skin color. How is that not racist? Soyboy whites and 'nasty ' women who join BLM and riot are supporting hatred and racism by skin color.
You would be much more credible if it were only one color doing all of the rioting.
There you go again evoking skin color. Frankly, YOU would be much more credible if you could explain why you support a group that promotes it's own skin color. How is that not racist? Soyboy whites and 'nasty ' women who join BLM and riot are supporting hatred and racism by skin color.
lol. Like right wingers are not bigots and race baiters. You have to show only one color doing All of the rioting.

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