End of Days : Day of the Lord Cruise : Paradise Restored


Edward Palamar
Sep 7, 2012
The Day of the Lord Cruise to the Mount of Olives and the Holy Land has begun as, and must remain as (in some way, shape, and/or form) a prayer.

A google advanced search for "Day of the Lord Cruise" can fill you in on various details, but the essence of the Cruise is to give global communications coverage for the Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5), which is only 142 days away. (and I know I just ended a sentence with a preposition)

It is the only way that you can stay alive in the next 142 days.
A cruise sounds lovely, but if they're advertising The Battle of Armageddon at the end, the promoters had better be ready for some lawsuits.
There is no proof for any biblical passage other than using another biblical passage in which to do so . . . this of course is circular reasoning and totally illogical. ~ Susan
There is no "they're advertising" in the single germ of a prayer.

Do it or die.

No "promoters" either.

Year after year people carouse in 'bringing in' the New Year on New Year's Eve.

So far, the Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5), which comes once in all of eternity, and no one has even put up a pickle.

The lawsuit is coming, and currently, you're about to lose.
A cruise sounds lovely, but if they're advertising The Battle of Armageddon at the end, the promoters had better be ready for some lawsuits.


Oh, wow, a philosopher.

Nice to know that you'll still be thinking of me while you burn in hell.
There is no proof for any biblical passage other than using another biblical passage in which to do so . . . this of course is circular reasoning and totally illogical. ~ Susan
Paradise Restored?
You should google Hebrew
return /restore=HaShev
I want my royalties.

Who's paradise(kingdom)
-War Scroll” (4Q471)
verse XVII

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