End of the republic... what's next ?

What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol

King Trump.
the previous Administration working hand in fist with the DNC and the Clinton campaign to smear the opposing parties candidate

Obama went out of his way to not announce that Russia was interfering during the election on behalf of the Trumpybear.

Or when they "weaponized" the IRS against their political opponents?

The Obama administration didn’t use the agency to target its opponents If the Republicans had had any evidence that President Obama directed Lerner to target only his political enemies you know very well they would have impeached him with Democrat support.

Evidence? How exactly does one GET evidence when you've got Lerner taking the 5th and Koskinen eliminating the evidence? You liberals used the IRS against us conservatives and you got away with it because you're the Party of Clinton! You lie about what took place...you destroy the evidence of what took place...and then you rely on a compliant Main Stream Media to cover it all up!
As for what Obama did about Russian "interference" in the election? Nothing! He didn't do squat because he thought it was in the bag for Hillary! All of you on the left thought that...right up until election night when it all turned to shit on you! Trust me...if Barry had foreseen what Trump was about to do he would have been pushing the Russian "collusion" bullshit HARD!
As for what Obama did about Russian "interference" in the election? Nothing! He didn't do squat because he thought it was in the bag for Hillary! All of you on the left thought that...right up until election night when it all turned to shit on you! Trust me...if Barry had foreseen what Trump was about to do he would have been pushing the Russian "collusion" bullshit HARD!

Getting hit by the electoral college twice in 15 years.... who could have imagined this?

There's definitely food for thought there... The hillbillies strike again lol. I loved that show ! Especially Granny !
What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol

You know what we call this?


Real Americans speak for a vast portion of this country. Sorry.......most reject what is only embraced in California, New York and a handful of other shitholes like Seattle. Eight years of government in your face 24 hours a day..........the country said, "Fuck this.......enough!":fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

BTW.....learn to live and love and embrace the electoral college......its a wonderful thing and isn't going anywhere.......like ever.
the previous Administration working hand in fist with the DNC and the Clinton campaign to smear the opposing parties candidate

Obama went out of his way to not announce that Russia was interfering during the election on behalf of the Trumpybear.

Or when they "weaponized" the IRS against their political opponents?

The Obama administration didn’t use the agency to target its opponents If the Republicans had had any evidence that President Obama directed Lerner to target only his political enemies you know very well they would have impeached him with Democrat support.

Evidence? How exactly does one GET evidence when you've got Lerner taking the 5th and Koskinen eliminating the evidence? You liberals used the IRS against us conservatives and you got away with it because you're the Party of Clinton! You lie about what took place...you destroy the evidence of what took place...and then you rely on a compliant Main Stream Media to cover it all up!

By looking through the documents they turned over. Lerner was completely within her rights by taking the 5th. The committee was just trying to snare her in perjury trap so her lawyer told her she didn't have to.

The scandal over IRS scrutiny of conservative groups, explained
the previous Administration working hand in fist with the DNC and the Clinton campaign to smear the opposing parties candidate

Obama went out of his way to not announce that Russia was interfering during the election on behalf of the Trumpybear.

Or when they "weaponized" the IRS against their political opponents?

The Obama administration didn’t use the agency to target its opponents If the Republicans had had any evidence that President Obama directed Lerner to target only his political enemies you know very well they would have impeached him with Democrat support.

Evidence? How exactly does one GET evidence when you've got Lerner taking the 5th and Koskinen eliminating the evidence? You liberals used the IRS against us conservatives and you got away with it because you're the Party of Clinton! You lie about what took place...you destroy the evidence of what took place...and then you rely on a compliant Main Stream Media to cover it all up!

By looking through the documents they turned over. Lerner was completely within her rights by taking the 5th. The committee was just trying to snare her in perjury trap so her lawyer told her she didn't have to.

The scandal over IRS scrutiny of conservative groups, explained

She would have been in trouble if she had told the truth.
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What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol
Spoken like a true brown shirt ;)

Don't you have any books to burn ?

Your talking to an Army vet who served in a war zone. Have you ever served you snotty little piece of shit? You want a burn? How about the burn of my boot up your ass you piece of shit.

You want Brownshirts? That would be your little punkass Antifa leftists is the street you little coward fuck.

Punkass bitches like you who talk shit are nothing but little snotty cowards. You would crap all over yourself if you said that shit to my face.

Getting hit by the electoral college twice in 15 years.... who could have imagined this?

The EC did its job and protected the majority from the radical minority you dumb fucking moron.
The checks and balances system designed by the Founders is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Throwing out a President who's been elected fairly shouldn't be "easy" just because the opposing Party controls the House! Impeaching one should be a last resort...done only when high crimes have been committed...not because you think asking for an investigation into someone's apparent influence peddling SHOULD be a crime!

You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.

The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

I consider the weaponization of our bipartisan foreign aid, using it as leverage against one of the two parties, destructive enough to warrant a Pence Presidency.
You're assuming that Donny was using foreign aid as "leverage against one of the two parties", from what I've seen so far I don't think the Democrats have proven that case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If using money we approve against the opposing party during the elections is normalized, why approve any foreign aid money in the future ever. The ultimate outcome will be one party rule.
Good question, Why?
What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol
The Republic died over a period of years starting in 1913.
the previous Administration working hand in fist with the DNC and the Clinton campaign to smear the opposing parties candidate

Obama went out of his way to not announce that Russia was interfering during the election on behalf of the Trumpybear.

Or when they "weaponized" the IRS against their political opponents?

The Obama administration didn’t use the agency to target its opponents If the Republicans had had any evidence that President Obama directed Lerner to target only his political enemies you know very well they would have impeached him with Democrat support.

Evidence? How exactly does one GET evidence when you've got Lerner taking the 5th and Koskinen eliminating the evidence? You liberals used the IRS against us conservatives and you got away with it because you're the Party of Clinton! You lie about what took place...you destroy the evidence of what took place...and then you rely on a compliant Main Stream Media to cover it all up!

By looking through the documents they turned over. Lerner was completely within her rights by taking the 5th. The committee was just trying to snare her in perjury trap so her lawyer told her she didn't have to.

The scandal over IRS scrutiny of conservative groups, explained

Perjury trap my ass...her lawyers told her to take the 5th because if she admitted to what she'd done she would have lost her pension if not faced jail time.
What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol
The checks and balances system designed by the Founders is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Throwing out a President who's been elected fairly shouldn't be "easy" just because the opposing Party controls the House! Impeaching one should be a last resort...done only when high crimes have been committed...not because you think asking for an investigation into someone's apparent influence peddling SHOULD be a crime!

You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.

The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

I consider the weaponization of our bipartisan foreign aid, using it as leverage against one of the two parties, destructive enough to warrant a Pence Presidency.
You're assuming that Donny was using foreign aid as "leverage against one of the two parties", from what I've seen so far I don't think the Democrats have proven that case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If using money we approve against the opposing party during the elections is normalized, why approve any foreign aid money in the future ever. The ultimate outcome will be one party rule.
Good question, Why?

There is no reasonable doubt he was leveraging those funds to get the announcement of the investigations he wanted.
What's next ?
King Trump ?
A never-ending coup attempt begun 4 years ago culminating in a manufactured 'whistle blower' complaint consisting of 3rd-hand account hearsay that was originally dismissed by the prosecutorial divisions of the DOJ for lacking a crime, evidence, and witnesses yet still partisanly made it to the House where liars, leakers, and traitors ended up using it as the basis for their Impeachment of the President, despite also not being able to produce a crime, evidence, or witnesses, and it all just got blown up, voted down, rejected in a process created by the Founding Fathers....and you can't handle another loss, so you react in a ridiculous emotional way.

Poor snowflake......

The checks and balances system designed by the Founders is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Throwing out a President who's been elected fairly shouldn't be "easy" just because the opposing Party controls the House! Impeaching one should be a last resort...done only when high crimes have been committed...not because you think asking for an investigation into someone's apparent influence peddling SHOULD be a crime!

You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.

The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

I consider the weaponization of our bipartisan foreign aid, using it as leverage against one of the two parties, destructive enough to warrant a Pence Presidency.
You're assuming that Donny was using foreign aid as "leverage against one of the two parties", from what I've seen so far I don't think the Democrats have proven that case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If using money we approve against the opposing party during the elections is normalized, why approve any foreign aid money in the future ever. The ultimate outcome will be one party rule.
Good question, Why?

There is no reasonable doubt he was leveraging those funds to get the announcement of the investigations he wanted.

I agree, we must never investigate Biden's corruption.
Biden's corruption must always remain hidden.
There is no reasonable doubt he was leveraging those funds to get the announcement of the investigations he wanted.
'Too bad after 4 years Democrats still came up empty on a crime, evidence, and witnesses.... :p

'Reasonable'?! You snowflakes are the ones who can watch Joe Biden's videotaped confession of his extorting the Ukraine PM and still claim he is lying, never happened.


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