End of the republic... what's next ?

The checks and balances system designed by the Founders is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Throwing out a President who's been elected fairly shouldn't be "easy" just because the opposing Party controls the House! Impeaching one should be a last resort...done only when high crimes have been committed...not because you think asking for an investigation into someone's apparent influence peddling SHOULD be a crime!

You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.

The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

I consider the weaponization of our bipartisan foreign aid, using it as leverage against one of the two parties, destructive enough to warrant a Pence Presidency.
You're assuming that Donny was using foreign aid as "leverage against one of the two parties", from what I've seen so far I don't think the Democrats have proven that case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If using money we approve against the opposing party during the elections is normalized, why approve any foreign aid money in the future ever. The ultimate outcome will be one party rule.
Good question, Why?

There is no reasonable doubt he was leveraging those funds to get the announcement of the investigations he wanted.

Are you claiming that other Presidents haven't "leveraged" foreign aid before Trump? Why has it suddenly become an impeachable offense? Keep in mind that the President of the Ukraine has stated quite clearly that he felt there was no "quid pro quo" but even if there was...asking for an investigation into apparent corruption by the previous Vice President doesn't even come close to a high crime or misdemeanor! Especially with all the crap that you liberals pulled during the last administration! If Trump had asked the Ukraine to make up things about Biden...you know...like you progressives did to him in the last election...then you might have just cause to cry foul but Trump never did THAT! All he did was ask that the Ukrainians look into something that quite frankly reeks of influence peddling!
The checks and balances system designed by the Founders is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Throwing out a President who's been elected fairly shouldn't be "easy" just because the opposing Party controls the House! Impeaching one should be a last resort...done only when high crimes have been committed...not because you think asking for an investigation into someone's apparent influence peddling SHOULD be a crime!

You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.

The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

I consider the weaponization of our bipartisan foreign aid, using it as leverage against one of the two parties, destructive enough to warrant a Pence Presidency.
You're assuming that Donny was using foreign aid as "leverage against one of the two parties", from what I've seen so far I don't think the Democrats have proven that case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If using money we approve against the opposing party during the elections is normalized, why approve any foreign aid money in the future ever. The ultimate outcome will be one party rule.
Good question, Why?

There is no reasonable doubt he was leveraging those funds to get the announcement of the investigations he wanted.

If the POTUS was doing that, how come Ukraine got "those funds" and there wasn't an announcement of the "investigations he wanted"? Is it a case of quid with no pro quo ?

FYI: The accusation leveled by the Democrats is that Donny was using "those funds" for the express purpose of enticing a foreign government to aid in damaging a potential rival for the Presidency, that is the case that IMHO the Democrats have not proven beyond a reasonable doubt; their case is completely circumstantial.
End of the republic... what's next ?

What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol

The Republic died at Appomattox in 1865. This is just another brick in the empire’s foundation.
Are you claiming that other Presidents haven't "leveraged" foreign aid before Trump?

"Leveraged" the foreign aid "for what" is the question you left out. No President has leveraged foreign aid on a foreign country announcing it was opening an investigation into that presidents top political rival. Until now we've keep that tin-pot dictator shit out of our political discourse. Are you saying there has been?
The checks and balances system designed by the Founders is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Throwing out a President who's been elected fairly shouldn't be "easy" just because the opposing Party controls the House! Impeaching one should be a last resort...done only when high crimes have been committed...not because you think asking for an investigation into someone's apparent influence peddling SHOULD be a crime!

You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.

The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

I consider the weaponization of our bipartisan foreign aid, using it as leverage against one of the two parties, destructive enough to warrant a Pence Presidency.
You're assuming that Donny was using foreign aid as "leverage against one of the two parties", from what I've seen so far I don't think the Democrats have proven that case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If using money we approve against the opposing party during the elections is normalized, why approve any foreign aid money in the future ever. The ultimate outcome will be one party rule.
Good question, Why?

There is no reasonable doubt he was leveraging those funds to get the announcement of the investigations he wanted.

If the POTUS was doing that, how come Ukraine got "those funds" and there wasn't an announcement of the "investigations he wanted"? Is it a case of quid with no pro quo ?

FYI: The accusation leveled by the Democrats is that Donny was using "those funds" for the express purpose of enticing a foreign government to aid in damaging a potential rival for the Presidency, that is the case that IMHO the Democrats have not proven beyond a reasonable doubt; their case is completely circumstantial.

Cause they got busted.

He also wanted an announced investigation into the 2016 election so they could "Look-Back" and re-invent how Russian interference was really Ukrainian interference. But you are entitled to your own opinion. But at least one Trumpublican has said the House proved it's case but it doesn't matter, it was wrong what he did but it was not impeachable.
End of the republic... what's next ?

What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol

The Republic died at Appomattox in 1865. This is just another brick in the empire’s foundation.

No coincidence these people show an intense hatred for the South’s heroic defenders.
Spoken like a true brown shirt ;)

Don't you have any books to burn ?

Your talking to an Army vet who served in a war zone. Have you ever served you snotty little piece of shit? You want a burn? How about the burn of my boot up your ass you piece of shit.

You want Brownshirts? That would be your little punkass Antifa leftists is the street you little coward fuck.

Punkass bitches like you who talk shit are nothing but little snotty cowards. You would crap all over yourself if you said that shit to my face.

Getting hit by the electoral college twice in 15 years.... who could have imagined this?

The EC did its job and protected the majority from the radical minority you dumb fucking moron.
Cool story. Thanks for providing additional evidence of the results of lowered standards for enlistments. REMFs are the absolute baddest.
What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol
Presidents can only serve "two terms," no more. So, your meme "Obama2020" is never going to happen. The only way we will have an Authoritarian government is if the Socialist (I no longer call them Democrats) party gets in.
I keep in mind a comment by Nancy Pelosi:
Pelosi: "No civility until we're in power." That's a powerful politician clearly wanting only one party in power...as in Socialist parties.
National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (NAZI).
Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republic.
Lao People's DEMOCRATIC Republic.
Peoples DEMOCRATIC Republic of Algeria.
DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea).
SOCIALIST Republic of Vietnam.
Nations such as these get their populations worked up to make everything equal and the populations fall for it, then they end up with Authoritarian leaders that do away with any freedoms and implement draconian laws.
But first, they disarm the populace to ensure that all the public can do is march and complain, then the arrests follow, then so-called re-education camps open up.
What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol
Presidents can only serve "two terms," no more. So, your meme "Obama2020" is never going to happen. The only way we will have an Authoritarian government is if the Socialist (I no longer call them Democrats) party gets in.
I keep in mind a comment by Nancy Pelosi:
Pelosi: "No civility until we're in power." That's a powerful politician clearly wanting only one party in power...as in Socialist parties.
National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (NAZI).
Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republic.
Lao People's DEMOCRATIC Republic.
Peoples DEMOCRATIC Republic of Algeria.
DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea).
SOCIALIST Republic of Vietnam.
Nations such as these get their populations worked up to make everything equal and the populations fall for it, then they end up with Authoritarian leaders that do away with any freedoms and implement draconian laws.
But first, they disarm the populace to ensure that all the public can do is march and complain, then the arrests follow, then so-called re-education camps open up.

If they're Socialist as you claim, when are they planning to change the Constitution? Is that is their platform? Are you really afraid they are going to change us from a Constitutional Republic to a Socialist State without modifying the Constitution?
Are you claiming that other Presidents haven't "leveraged" foreign aid before Trump?

"Leveraged" the foreign aid "for what" is the question you left out. No President has leveraged foreign aid on a foreign country announcing it was opening an investigation into that presidents top political rival. Until now we've keep that tin-pot dictator shit out of our political discourse. Are you saying there has been?

What I'm saying is that Presidents have doled out foreign aid with conditions that they have set for as long as we've been giving out foreign aid.

So this comes down to Trump asking for an investigation into the Biden's sweetheart deal with Burisma? Name the last candidate for President that NEEDED to be investigated for influence peddling like Joe Biden? As sleazy, corrupt and money hungry as the Clintons are...even THEY never got the kind of deal for any of their family members like Joe Biden got for his good for nothing son, Hunter!
What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol
Presidents can only serve "two terms," no more. So, your meme "Obama2020" is never going to happen. The only way we will have an Authoritarian government is if the Socialist (I no longer call them Democrats) party gets in.
I keep in mind a comment by Nancy Pelosi:
Pelosi: "No civility until we're in power." That's a powerful politician clearly wanting only one party in power...as in Socialist parties.
National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (NAZI).
Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republic.
Lao People's DEMOCRATIC Republic.
Peoples DEMOCRATIC Republic of Algeria.
DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea).
SOCIALIST Republic of Vietnam.
Nations such as these get their populations worked up to make everything equal and the populations fall for it, then they end up with Authoritarian leaders that do away with any freedoms and implement draconian laws.
But first, they disarm the populace to ensure that all the public can do is march and complain, then the arrests follow, then so-called re-education camps open up.

If they're Socialist as you claim, when are they planning to change the Constitution? Is that is their platform? Are you really afraid they are going to change us from a Constitutional Republic to a Socialist State without modifying the Constitution?
A recent comment from an incumbent Democratic politician was: "The Constitution is just a piece of paper and it only has authority if you obey it."
Hence these Sanctuary Cities, local authorities releasing prisoners who were supposed to be detained for ICE, as the illegal migrants were wanted felons, and on and on the refusal to obey the federal laws goes. Local administrations ignoring the Constitution's designated authorities to the federal government...reason...1. They want no borders. 2. Terrorists, drug-cartel members, rapists, murderers, thieves, et cetera coming in unvetted...no problem to them. Absurd local laws like San Francisco's new District Attorney no longer prosecuting anyone who steals less than $950 from someone, calling them quality-of-life crimes. Those people they steal from had to work to get the money to purchase the items, only for some scum to come along and take it. This is your new Democratic (Socialist) party. The party is scum itself.
You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.

The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

I consider the weaponization of our bipartisan foreign aid, using it as leverage against one of the two parties, destructive enough to warrant a Pence Presidency.
You're assuming that Donny was using foreign aid as "leverage against one of the two parties", from what I've seen so far I don't think the Democrats have proven that case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If using money we approve against the opposing party during the elections is normalized, why approve any foreign aid money in the future ever. The ultimate outcome will be one party rule.
Good question, Why?

There is no reasonable doubt he was leveraging those funds to get the announcement of the investigations he wanted.

If the POTUS was doing that, how come Ukraine got "those funds" and there wasn't an announcement of the "investigations he wanted"? Is it a case of quid with no pro quo ?

FYI: The accusation leveled by the Democrats is that Donny was using "those funds" for the express purpose of enticing a foreign government to aid in damaging a potential rival for the Presidency, that is the case that IMHO the Democrats have not proven beyond a reasonable doubt; their case is completely circumstantial.

Cause they got busted.
Uh-huh, was that before or after the Ukraine got "those funds" without announcing any investigation?

He also wanted an announced investigation into the 2016 election so they could "Look-Back" and re-invent how Russian interference was really Ukrainian interference. But you are entitled to your own opinion. But at least one Trumpublican has said the House proved it's case but it doesn't matter, it was wrong what he did but it was not impeachable.
What evidence do you have to support that allegation? Is it just more hearsay or is there some credible direct evidence?
It's the Trumpublican Senate's Rubber Stamp Confirmation of "El' Douchebag" as their Supreme Fascist Ruler.

Their position: "We don't need to hear no more evidence about of his crimes against the Republic. We know he did those things, we just accept the corruption his actions represent. Get over it you scumbag voters!"
They never charged him with any crimes against the Republic in the first place. Therefore, no witnesses are needed.

Get over it, jackass party of slavery supporter.

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