End of the republic... what's next ?

The checks and balances system designed by the Founders is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Throwing out a President who's been elected fairly shouldn't be "easy" just because the opposing Party controls the House! Impeaching one should be a last resort...done only when high crimes have been committed...not because you think asking for an investigation into someone's apparent influence peddling SHOULD be a crime!

You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.

The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

I see it more as Democratic leadership realizing that they have a bunch of terrible candidates running for President and the economy is humming along nicely. So what do they sell to the American people? Their agenda? More leading from behind? More high gas and electric prices? Fewer jobs? Bigger trade deficits? This impeachment is more diversion than anything else. It's a desperate "look over here!!!" so the voters won't take a good long look at what they're really offering!
The checks and balances system designed by the Founders is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Throwing out a President who's been elected fairly shouldn't be "easy" just because the opposing Party controls the House! Impeaching one should be a last resort...done only when high crimes have been committed...not because you think asking for an investigation into someone's apparent influence peddling SHOULD be a crime!

You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.

The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

I consider the weaponization of our bipartisan foreign aid, using it as leverage against one of the two parties, destructive enough to warrant a Pence Presidency. If using money we approve against the opposing party during the elections is normalized, why approve any foreign aid money in the future ever. The ultimate outcome will be one party rule.
You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.
The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

Given the democrats slim chance of succeeding with impeachment at the senate level, I'm convinced that was one of their goal. The main goal was to show the voters how severely partisan house and senate have become and the threat it poses to democracy as you know it.

Who knows... after King Trump. Baron might replace him?... or does the power go to Queen Melania ?
The checks and balances system designed by the Founders is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Throwing out a President who's been elected fairly shouldn't be "easy" just because the opposing Party controls the House! Impeaching one should be a last resort...done only when high crimes have been committed...not because you think asking for an investigation into someone's apparent influence peddling SHOULD be a crime!

You missed the point, the Congress Creatures-D weren't really concerned about throwing Donny out , they were just interested in smearing him and staining his Presidency.

The denizens of the Democrat Crime Family have succeeded in turning impeachment into a partisan political weapon, cool, huh?

I consider the weaponization of our bipartisan foreign aid, using it as leverage against one of the two parties, destructive enough to warrant a Pence Presidency. If using money we approve against the opposing party during the elections is normalized, why approve any foreign aid money in the future ever. The ultimate outcome will be one party rule.

But you were OK with the previous Administration working hand in fist with the DNC and the Clinton campaign to smear the opposing parties candidate with a paid for series of phony dossiers? Or when they "weaponized" the IRS against their political opponents? Let me guess...you didn't see that as a danger? The hypocrisy of the average liberal on this board is amazing to watch...
What's next ?
King Trump ?

This isn't an impeachment, it's really a crowning and the redefinition of the US checks and balances system as defined by the founders.

Mitch 'Ayatollah' McConnell really doesn't give a hoot about America in its current liberal state and its modern values based on tolerance. His frantic push to fill the courts with ultra-conservative judges will haunt and shape the USA for generations to come. Safe to say now that the bible belt reaches the Canadian border lol.

Freedom caucus (Jim Jordan).... wow!. Deregulation is the highway to the next economic crash.

Nice going guys lol

You and your ilk so full of hate and misery over the 2016 election that you can't see the impeachment SCAM before your eyes and how much it hurts the country. Removing a duly elected President without evidence of an impeachable offense merely because you thought you have power in the White House? Nazi Germany all over again. Pretty sure as they were throwing Jews in the ovens they thought they were right also. Removing Trump on nothing but baseless allegations moves the bar ever so low for impeachment in the future and takes away our right to vote.
Given the democrats slim chance of succeeding with impeachment at the senate level.........

Because it was all based on hate and lies......

......I'm convinced that was one of their goal. The main goal was to show the voters how severely partisan house and senate have become and the threat it poses to democracy as you know it...........

Its you punkass socialists trying to overthrow the government that is the threat to democracy.

Who knows... after King Trump. Baron might replace him?... or does the power go to Queen Melania ?

Oh God, shut your crackhead ass up. You're embarrassing.
You and your ilk so full of hate and misery over the 2016 election that you can't see the impeachment SCAM before your eyes and how much it hurts the country. Removing a duly elected President without evidence of an impeachable offense merely because you thought you have power in the White House? Nazi Germany all over again. Pretty sure as they were throwing Jews in the ovens they thought they were right also. Removing Trump on nothing but baseless allegations moves the bar ever so low for impeachment in the future and takes away our right to vote.

There's enough documentation to remove that president under normal circumstances. There's enough obstruction and partisanship now to destroy a democracy... end of story and end of republic. There's no hate and misery here lol
You mean trying to throw out a duly elected President from day one of his election by any means possible is a threat to the Republic?

When it is done illegally, uh, yes.

Now, if "a duly elected President" committed a high crime or misdemeanor on his first day, then I suppose it would be okay.

But the socialist pig vermin Democrats used fake evidence, lies and innuendo to impeach the president, violating due process every step of the way.

There's enough documentation to remove that president under normal circumstances. There's enough obstruction and partisanship now to destroy a democracy... end of story and end of republic. There's no hate and misery here lol

You're obviously an ignorant moron. Pull your head out of your ass you dope
You mean trying to throw out a duly elected President from day one of his election by any means possible is a threat to the Republic?

When it is done illegally, uh, yes.

Now, if "a duly elected President" committed a high crime or misdemeanor on his first day, then I suppose it would be okay.

But the socialist pig vermin Democrats used fake evidence, lies and innuendo to impeach the president, violating due process every step of the way.

There's enough documentation to remove that president under normal circumstances. There's enough obstruction and partisanship now to destroy a democracy... end of story and end of republic. There's no hate and misery here lol

You're obviously an ignorant moron. Pull your head out of your ass you dope

Spoken like a true brown shirt ;)

Don't you have any books to burn ?
You and your ilk so full of hate and misery over the 2016 election that you can't see the impeachment SCAM before your eyes and how much it hurts the country. Removing a duly elected President without evidence of an impeachable offense merely because you thought you have power in the White House? Nazi Germany all over again. Pretty sure as they were throwing Jews in the ovens they thought they were right also. Removing Trump on nothing but baseless allegations moves the bar ever so low for impeachment in the future and takes away our right to vote.

There's enough documentation to remove that president under normal circumstances. There's enough obstruction and partisanship now to destroy a democracy... end of story and end of republic. There's no hate and misery here lol

Schiff and Nadler threw huge piles of unadulterated horse manure against a wall and got nothing to stick. They get an A for effort and an F for results. Nothing that Donald Trump is doing spells the end of the Republic! That's simply hyperbole because let's face it...you have nothing to run on to remove Trump from office and your candidates are simply awful!
Schiff and Nadler threw huge piles of unadulterated horse manure against a wall and got nothing to stick. They get an A for effort and an F for results. Nothing that Donald Trump is doing spells the end of the Republic! That's simply hyperbole because let's face it...you have nothing to run on to remove Trump from office and your candidates are simply awful!

Power to the people... We'll have the proof of the pudding in November I guess. (just a few months away anyways).
Consolation? Heir Trump has a shit stain on his MAGA cap.
You mean trying to throw out a duly elected President from day one of his election by any means possible is a threat to the Republic?

When it is done illegally, uh, yes.

Now, if "a duly elected President" committed a high crime or misdemeanor on his first day, then I suppose it would be okay.

But the socialist pig vermin Democrats used fake evidence, lies and innuendo to impeach the president, violating due process every step of the way.

There's enough documentation to remove that president under normal circumstances. There's enough obstruction and partisanship now to destroy a democracy... end of story and end of republic. There's no hate and misery here lol

You're obviously an ignorant moron. Pull your head out of your ass you dope

Spoken like a true brown shirt ;)

Don't you have any books to burn ?

The closest thing we have to Brown Shirts in this country is Antifa! You might want to come up with a different analogy!
Schiff and Nadler threw huge piles of unadulterated horse manure against a wall and got nothing to stick. They get an A for effort and an F for results. Nothing that Donald Trump is doing spells the end of the Republic! That's simply hyperbole because let's face it...you have nothing to run on to remove Trump from office and your candidates are simply awful!

Power to the people... We'll have the proof of the pudding in November I guess. (just a few months away anyways).
Consolation? Heir Trump has a shit stain on his MAGA cap.

You feeling good about the election? I am...
the previous Administration working hand in fist with the DNC and the Clinton campaign to smear the opposing parties candidate

Obama went out of his way to not announce that Russia was interfering during the election on behalf of the Trumpybear.

Or when they "weaponized" the IRS against their political opponents?

The Obama administration didn’t use the agency to target its opponents If the Republicans had had any evidence that President Obama directed Lerner to target only his political enemies you know very well they would have impeached him with Democrat support.
Rome got its Emperor after bleeding the Roman Republic to death...

Now it's our turn DAMMIT!

All Hail Emperor Donicus Bigus Douche Baguiis Trumpicus :rock:

How many bong hits did it take you to come up with that?

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