End Times Prophecy

Prove that Daniel's prophecies have not been fulfilled.......Strange, is it not that Christianity, not Jewish doctrine and tradition........declare that the last days of mankind began when the Christ appeared with His kingdom in the 1st century. (Acts 2, Hebrews 1) Not to mention that Jesus declared that Daniel's prophecy concerning the Abomination of Desolation would come during the 1st century (Matthew 23:36, 24:15) And.............History Actual proves Jesus correct. Israel was totally destroyed by the Roman Empire in the 1st century with its tribes scattered around the globe.....and has not existed upon earth since as described in scripture.......Israel will never be made whole again, it was broken like a potters jar. (Isa. 30:14) Because it disobeyed the LAW and the PROPHETS as charged by Jesus in (Matthew 23).
You have a mistranslation. There is no "last days of mankind" in the OT----there is a time
that can be loosely translated as "days after...." which refers to a MESSIANIC ERA of peace---
no war, and no WEAPONS of war-------it does not seem to be on the HORIZON. You
are on overly optimistic christian. Israel was never 'totally destroyed'. Rome was including
the first, second and third Reichs ----the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE is----goners
It was the end of temple Judaism in 70 AD.
yes----and the religion was carefully adapted to its existence without a TEMPLE----
It did not have a TEMPLE prior to King Solomon and it no longer had a Temple
after Titus. In fact the religion was also adapted to DIASPORA life under the influence
of EZRA (a "prophet" circa 400 BC) Sorry you are so diasppointed-----you and yours
yes----and the religion was carefully adapted to its existence without a TEMPLE----
It did not have a TEMPLE prior to King Solomon and it no longer had a Temple
after Titus. In fact the religion was also adapted to DIASPORA life under the influence
of EZRA (a "prophet" circa 400 BC) Sorry you are so diasppointed-----you and yours
I never said anything about being disappointed. What is wrong with you?
I never said anything about being disappointed. What is wrong with you?
oh----of course---so you are the famed EXCEPTION TO THE RULE-----the concept
of END OF THE JEWS is covered extensively in English literature---a subject in your
Fancy Wancy "private school" and you managed to overcome the concept
I 'll start with whats happening today in Bible prophecy, or what we think is in prophecy.

Revelation 13.

The Beast from the Sea
(Daniel 7:1–8)
1Then I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the sea. There were ten royal crowns on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. 2The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
3One of the heads of the beast appeared to be mortally wounded. But the mortal wound was healed, and the whole world marveled and followed the beast. 4They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?”
5The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for 42 months. 6And the beast opened its mouth to speak blasphemies against God and to slander His name and His tabernacle—th
Can I bump your old thread? I think we should remind ourselves this is why half of evangelicals defend Israel at all cost.

Polling bolsters Oldmixon’s explanation. In December, LifeWay Research conducted a poll evaluating the views of evangelical Americans on issues related to Israel and the politics of the Middle East. (The definition used to identify evangelicals, we’ll note, was more specific than most polls necessitate.) Among the questions was one about the biblical promise of the Holy Land to Abraham and his descendants. Two-thirds of respondents strongly agreed that the promise was an eternal one from God.

“What kick-starts the end times into motion is Israel’s political boundaries being reestablished to what God promised the Israelites according to the Bible,”

The LifeWay poll found that 80 percent of evangelicals believed that the creation of Israel in 1948 was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy that would bring about Christ’s return.
oh----of course---so you are the famed EXCEPTION TO THE RULE-----the concept
of END OF THE JEWS is covered extensively in English literature---a subject in your
Fancy Wancy "private school" and you managed to overcome the concept

They didn't teach religion or the Scofield heresy.
They didn't teach religion or the Scofield heresy.
I mentioned ENGLISH LITERATURE--not religion
class. I never had a religion class in my life. I have
never encountered a person who ignores religion
describe anything as an HERESY
I mentioned ENGLISH LITERATURE--not religion
class. I never had a religion class in my life. I have
never encountered a person who ignores religion
describe anything as an HERESY

Scofield was hired to promote Christian Zionism. Has nothing to do with religion. It was politics.
Scofield was hired to promote Christian Zionism. Has nothing to do with religion. It was politics.
did I mention Scofield? I know nothing about his
version of the New Testament. British literature is CHOCK full of allusions to religion from the time
that the anglo saxons learned to write. You must have
missed it
Can I bump your old thread? I think we should remind ourselves this is why half of evangelicals defend Israel at all cost.

Polling bolsters Oldmixon’s explanation. In December, LifeWay Research conducted a poll evaluating the views of evangelical Americans on issues related to Israel and the politics of the Middle East. (The definition used to identify evangelicals, we’ll note, was more specific than most polls necessitate.) Among the questions was one about the biblical promise of the Holy Land to Abraham and his descendants. Two-thirds of respondents strongly agreed that the promise was an eternal one from God.

“What kick-starts the end times into motion is Israel’s political boundaries being reestablished to what God promised the Israelites according to the Bible,”

The LifeWay poll found that 80 percent of evangelicals believed that the creation of Israel in 1948 was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy that would bring about Christ’s return.
did I mention Scofield? I know nothing about his
version of the New Testament. British literature is CHOCK full of allusions to religion from the time
that the anglo saxons learned to write. You must have
missed it

Yes. I know. They were promoting Christian Zionism. That's why Samuel Untermyer paid for the writing and publication. It's pretty ugly. 2/3rds of Jews die. It's all about speeding up the return of Jesus.
The Scofield heresy was low class for the uneducated until prophet Hal Lindsey made it popular in the early 1970s.
Yes. I know. They were promoting Christian Zionism. That's why Samuel Untermyer paid for the writing and publication. It's pretty ugly. 2/3rds of Jews die. It's all about speeding up the return of Jesus.
SO? how interesting. About what year was that?
Yes. I know. They were promoting Christian Zionism. That's why Samuel Untermyer paid for the writing and publication. It's pretty ugly. 2/3rds of Jews die. It's all about speeding up the return of Jesus.
I'm fascinated with the fact that Jews know about all this but what do they care? It's all bullshit right? So whatever. If it gets Christian Americans to defend Israel, let them believe what they want to believe. These people also come as tourists to see the holy land. Shhhh.
1909??? Close enough.
1909---is that AD? English literature was chock full
of allusions to ZION long before 1909 AD ---that is
ENGLISH ---non-jewish literature. Some of the
Churches in my childhood---very recently ---not restricted, hometown had the word ZION in their name----something like "FIRST CHURCH OF ZION---whatevah
Does the word ZION ring a bell with you? Salem Massachusetts is named for JERU-SALEM. There are
cities all over the USA named after the cities of Israel/Judea. There are people all over the USA bearing hebrew names. ---- some people must have had an interest in that foreign land
I'm fascinated with the fact that Jews know about all this but what do they care? It's all bullshit right? So whatever. If it gets Christian Americans to defend Israel, let them believe what they want to believe. These people also come as tourists to see the holy land. Shhhh.
"Jews know about----but what do they care" right---
in general jews do not care about christian beliefs.
I have never heard the word "christian" in a synagogue or from elderly relatives when I was a kid. I never heard
about KRISHNAH either

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