End Times?

Future Predictions Of Nostradamus: 21st century

Nostradamas had some interesting concepts about End Times.

The 3rd and final Anti-Christ

According to Nostradamus, the first two anti-Christs were extremely evil, and history has shown this to be

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so; however, Nostradamus speaks of a third anti-Christ who is more hideous than
all the others combined. Some have said Sadaam Hussein, the dictator from Iraq
(proved false now), or even Osama Bin Laden. Could he be this evil tyrant?
Others say that he has not yet appeared. What does Nostradamus say about this
third anti-Christ? First, Nostradamus tells us he will come from the Middle

Out of the country of Greater Arabia Shall be born
a strong master of Mohammed,

He will enter Europe wearing a blue turban.

He will be the terror of mankind.

Never more horror.

Here, Nostradamus says that a man from Greater Arabia will lead his forces on an invasion through Europe. This invasion will start a third world war that will be far worse than all the other wars put together. When will all this take place? In one quatrain Nostradamus gives us an exact date in which the war will be well under way.

In the year 1999 and seven months

From the sky will come the great King of Terror.

He will bring back to life the King of the Mongols;

Before and after war reigns.

Nostradamus predicts the war will begin shortly before the year 1999. It doesn’t make much sense to this author, but many are now saying that the ‘war’ was set ‘in motion’ in 1999, and now after Septermeber 11th these things are going to come true… as we are now ‘at war with terror.’ Interpret it how you will. He also tells us how long the war will last.

The war will last seven and twenty years. (so 27 years)

Nostradamus says that the war will be so terrible that the world will come face to face with final annihilation. Here, he implies that the war might involve some kind of horrible weapon, possibly nuclear. Nostradamus tells what the first target will be.

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.

Fire approaches the great new city.

In this phrase, Nostradamus refers to a great city in the new world of America near forty-five degrees latitude. Experts agree this could only be New York. I know many of you are thinking of other websites that claim this means he predicted September 11th. Again, interpret it how you will. The sky did burn at 45 degrees, but New York was not destroyed, nor was it a nuclear attack.

By fire he will destroy their city,

A cold and cruel heart,

Blood will pour,

Mercy to none.

Although Nostradamus ‘s predictions for our future sound frightening, the accuracy and dates he gave do not seem to flow. Are they being misinterpreted, or are they just plain wrong? Is the New City at 45 degrees yet to be destroyed? He does give us some hope by telling us how this third world war will end. He says it will end as a result of an unexpected alliance.

When those of the Northern Pole are united,

In the East will be great fear and dread…

One day the two great leaders will be friends;

Their great powers will be seen to grow.

The New Land will be at the height of its power:

To the man of blood the number is reported.

Again, the new land was a common term used by Nostradamus to refer to what we now call America. The countries of the northern pole could be Russia and the United States. We have recently seen the breakdown of Communism in Russia and an increasing friendship between Russia and the U.S. Perhaps the two countries will work together against the source of evil.

The End of the World

Of course, not only have the “experts” on the prophets not always been correct – the seers themselves have not always been quite so accurate in their forecasts. Although people keep claiming that “it’s the world will end” they often ignore
other prophecies he wrote. Nostradamus NEVER said the world would end in 1666, 1999, 2012, 2096, or any of those years. In fact, he was quite clear we would survive through all of these other conflicts, and if we took it upon ourselves, we could change / prevent what was indeed going to happen.

Time will tell if the Iraq conflict or, indeed, the World Trade Center attack
had put the spark to a bigger barrel. As for the end of the world…
Nostradamus predicted it to be the year 3786 or 3797, depending on which
Nostradamus expert you believe.

So, some of the historical events may have Nostradamus predicted were the war with Napoleon, the American Revolution, the Civil War, the rise and the fall of Hitler, events in the British monarchy such as the abdication of Edward VIII, and the assassinations of Lincoln and John and Robert Kennedy. He also predicted three reigns of terror by persons he named as ?antichrists?.

What Nostradamus did prophesy was that a great war would come sometime during the last five years of the 20th century, presaged by famine, drought and a series of other natural disasters. This war will last close to 30 years, after which there will be one thousand years of peace, or a new golden age.
Nostradamus quatrains did not go beyond 3786 or 3797. According to a letter written to one of his sons, the seer claimed this is the year the world will end.

It was Saddam=mabus in the mirror.
All the details of what would happen after he's killed has occured through insurgents and Isis being born out of disgruntled baath party which are merely carrying out his territory grab plan the Baath party had always had planed.
it fits prophecy which has many facits/layers those being
1) the historical description, because the Sages knew to see emulations in behavior, events, and power hungry leaders to predict future probable emulations and resemblances=prophecy.
Isaiah14 used by Christians to secret the anti messiah is describing king Nebuchadnezzar, however the admitted emulator Saddam said so himself that he was emulating the Babylonian king trying to bring Babylon to it's amcient glory.
So that is
2) the future emulation prophecy fulfilled because Isaiah14 is also describing Saddams fall, his dishevelled unrecognizable appearance and his being found in a pit. The ground did shake in Bagdad as well as elsewhere with the bombing raids.
In fact I was the only one to notice and point out that the day he was found coincided exactly with the verse. Remember in that part of the world days come before months so 14/12 is the 14th of Dec the day he was captured in his pit.
But prophecy also has a third layer, the spiritual emulation warning, that being the description of the fall of Lucifer Jesus, the image of a man that Rome created to deceive the world into worshiping Baal (the harvest god of that Babylon region).
In fact many of the stories used for the Jesus myth come from predated Baal accounts found on predated tablets. Even the Dec 25th birthday is From Baal's birthdate. Hence father Baal & son (morning star) are one, because Jesus is but a mask new image & new name for one in the same mythology and harvest scam.
For the record-----not that anyone cares,, I date the start of world war III
to December 2010 when turmoil in Tunisia came to be called "THE
ARAB SPRING" We are almost five years into World War III
You know, every generation that is facing perilous times has felt that way, kjw47. It doesn't surprise me that people would be expecting Jesus to show up any day now. Before Mao took over? The Chinese Christians were waiting for the rapture. They believed Jesus Christ would show up. It was their tribulation but not the tribulation. Likewise when WWII happened? There were Christians who thought this is it! This must be the tribulation. But it wasn't. It was their tribulation but not the tribulation. Again -when the early Christians were being fed to the lions and crucified by the Romans they most likely expected the return of Jesus.

EXCEPT not ALL these things were taking place at the same time and Israel was not a nation.

While that is true, Ninja, consider that the North Korean Christians are suffering in tremendous tribulation - yet it is not the tribulation. Same goes for Christians in Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and other nations throughout the world. While it is true these Christians are suffering through a tribulation it isn't the one spoken of in Revelation. Is it near? I believe it is. Will it come before I leave this earth? I do not know. I know we are living in the end days. Clearly we can see that these are the end times spoken of in the Bible. The tribulation is a specific timeline and we are not there yet.

yes of course. The pretrib rapture happens first- at least seven years before the trib starts.

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