Endeavoring to better understand Trumpery.

If, like me, you have struggled to fully appreciate the nature of the total devotion Trump has inspired in his followers you will not find a more comprehensive explanation than the one in this article.



Don't get me wrong. Reading the article will not comfort you. The takeaway from the article is not, "oh, now I understand what they see." It's, "OMG, this is dangerous, how the hell did this happen?!"

More than anything, it helps explain how an incompetent, ignorant, race baiting, adulterer maintains his hold on his flock. It helps explain why his supporters believe everything he says and defend everything he does. It helps explain why nothing we could ever say and no fact we could ever present will give them pause in their devotion. They believe they are on a righteous path. Persuading them to realize they aren't is an exercise in futility.
/——/ TDS on steroids. Your frantic attempt to separate Trump from his base is laughable. Keep up the good work, libtard.
Every so often in human history we've seen it - a bold, nationalistic strongman comes along who identifies and focuses on the frustrations of just enough of the populace to gain power.

He soothes and feeds their anger and paranoia and hatred of "the other", and cons them into believing he's like them and is fighting for them. So the people completely buy into it, on an organic, emotional, visceral level.

At some point, the conned realize what has happened, but not before quite a bit of damage his been done.

Later he is scorned by the most of the country and used as a cautionary tale.

We don't seem to learn.
/——/ That would be Obozo.

Let me help.

Trump is (still) not Hillary.

You're welcome.
Also, Trump is not Mitt Romney. Mitt should had won the 2012 election, but he gave up the fight after the first debate, and when hurricane Sandy came along. Mitt didn't have the stomach to fight the democrats and the MSM. Trump, on the other hand loves a fight, and he will fight no matter how dirty it has to get. Trump does not give up.
Every so often in human history we've seen it - a bold, nationalistic strongman comes along who identifies and focuses on the frustrations of just enough of the populace to gain power.

He soothes and feeds their anger and paranoia and hatred of "the other", and cons them into believing he's like them and is fighting for them. So the people completely buy into it, on an organic, emotional, visceral level.

At some point, the conned realize what has happened, but not before quite a bit of damage his been done.

Later he is scorned by the most of the country and used as a cautionary tale.

We don't seem to learn.

Your assuming quite a bit. For instance, most of his supporters agree with his policy stances. In addition, we have been promised those stances as a ruse for years. I think the bulk of his support is appreciation for someone who actually does what the voters have been wanting for decades. You can dislike his policy, but saying it is a wave of hate is a bold assumption. Also, you seem to dislike the term nationalism. As far as I can tell, nationalism has no negative connotation in regards to our country. The 'us' vs 'them' is completely unnecessary. Republicans believe their policies are good for all races. Standing up for Traditional American Views is not nefarious. Two parent working families, personal freedom, God given rights, love of country, belief in law. You don't like Trump, you don't agree with Republican Policy, but it is a bit dramatic to say millions of people are being duped because of paranoia.

Let me help.

Trump is (still) not Hillary.

You're welcome.

I believe Trump is an absolute failure as a president and I've supported little to nothing that he has done. I didn't vote for him nor will I vote for him.

I still can not understand how the Democrats have not learned the lessons of 2016.

Once again, I will not vote for their candidate either. I wanted to vote (D). It's not going to happen.
Also, Trump is not Mitt Romney. Mitt should had won the 2012 election, but he gave up the fight after the first debate, and when hurricane Sandy came along. Mitt didn't have the stomach to fight the democrats and the MSM. Trump, on the other hand loves a fight, and he will fight no matter how dirty it has to get. Trump does not give up.

Trump gives up on everything. You mean that Trump won't stop running his mouth. That is true.

He doesn't follow up though. He gives up.
“There is a frightening mystical, quasi-religious quality to Trumpette's devotion. It isn't just irrational, it's quite literally insane.”


Indeed, much of that insane, blind devotion is the consequence of the 2016 General Election.

To his supporters, Trump is imbued with messianic powers – against all odds, proving the pundits, political prognosticators, and polls all wrong, Trump not only won the coveted WH for the GOP, but he also defeated the hated Hillary.

And Trump supporters believe Trump will work his magic once again in 2020, no matter how far behind in the polls Trump might me.
Obama supporters are no different. Its rather amazing how similarly the two sides react to their leaders.
Every so often in human history we've seen it - a bold, nationalistic strongman comes along who identifies and focuses on the frustrations of just enough of the populace to gain power.

He soothes and feeds their anger and paranoia and hatred of "the other", and cons them into believing he's like them and is fighting for them. So the people completely buy into it, on an organic, emotional, visceral level.

At some point, the conned realize what has happened, but not before quite a bit of damage his been done.

Later he is scorned by the most of the country and used as a cautionary tale.

We don't seem to learn.

Yet the leftists are taking away the past for future generations.
There is a frightening mystical, quasi-religious quality to Trumpette's devotion. It isn't just irrational, it's quite literally insane.

"As Trump knows, the best kind of deal—the kind that pays—is not only transactional, it’s transformative. With some minor exceptions, the establishment Christian right has embraced the gospel of Trump, and it has prospered: Trump’s administration stocked top to bottom with its apostles, the movement mightier now than it was under George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. Trump, meanwhile, has fused his penchant for self-pity with the paranoia that runs like a third rail through Christian conservatism, the thrilling promise of “spiritual war” with dark and hidden powers.

In 2016, the Trump faith was name it and claim it, Make America Great Again, the prospect of the restoration of a -mythic (read: white) past. Now, though, the kingdom has come. Trump is no longer storming the gates; he holds the power. The faith for 2020, I learned at his rallies, is a secret one, its password a wink that’s really a warning, its enemy invisible and everywhere: the deep state, the pedos and the FBI, Democrat-ruled sanctuary cities and the “illegals” they send forth to pillage the heartland. MAGA has become KAG, Keep America Great—which requires not a new prosperity but the eradication of America’s enemies within. “If you do not bring forth what is within you,” as the gospel of Thomas puts it, “what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”
Not like the left has for BO.
More than anything, it helps explain how an incompetent, ignorant, race baiting, adulterer maintains his hold on his flock. It helps explain why his supporters believe everything he says and defend everything he does. It helps explain why nothing we could ever say and no fact we could ever present will give them pause in their devotion. They believe they are on a righteous path. Persuading them to realize they aren't is an exercise in futility.

Trumpism is about sticking it to people; it's that simple. The outward focus is beneficial in a number of areas. They include but are not limited to:

The aggressive nature of some men. Only that the aggression is usually not possible for many (if not most) so the rhetoric is aggressive, the tweets are aggressive, the legislation is aggressive.

The "us and them" mantra really works when you have plenty of "thems" so you never run out of targets. Muslims, Hispanics, blacks, the young, women, the educated, Democrats, liberals, moderates, un-elected public officials, etc...

It draws attention away from the shortcomings in healthcare, budget control, foreign policy, losing the trade wars that he started, the mis-management of the executive branch, etc...


It also does something that I really don't think the blob wanted to do but has, never the less, benefitted from; his "us and them" approach to everything validates the hate, the resentment, and the bigotry of white males who see their influence waning. You need look no further than this board for confirmation.
Trumpery is a variation of a very old theme: reactionaryism – the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

Reactionaryism is fundamentally conservative and authoritarian, seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent.

You mean like Black Lives Matters.

Here is still hoping you get Corona.....develop COVID and suffer immeasurable before you die.
Fucking hysterical reading the left wing bullshit on this thread.

Dem leaders were talking impeachment almost before he was sworn in.

They've obsessed over the vaporous Russiagate (and broken the law in attempt to prove it).

Long live Peter Strzok.

And they wonder why Trump does not trust you fuckers.
TDS thread 1,730

And a load of bullshit it is.

Vanity Fair.......I buy it when I can't find toilet paper.
So you think Obama was a bold, nationalistic strongman.

You people are so trained on denying what you are that you can say the most truly stupid, ignorant things.
/——/ I’m talking about this part: “ focuses on the frustrations of just enough of the populace to gain power.” Obozo was supposed to end the division and racial strife, but he only made it worse. And you knew exactly what I meant.

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