Endeavoring to better understand Trumpery.

/----/ Only in your twisted TDS brain.

Wow, we have our daily TDS Fruitcake winner. And Johnny, what has he won? Well, Monty, inside the big box is a trip to a Rump rally where he is to contract Covid 19 and he gets an all expense (he will be billed later) trip to the Covid 19 isolation ward with all the Jello he can stomach.
Yet the leftists are taking away the past for future generations.

It started with school Christmas Parties, Christmas Plays, and Nativity Sets. Now we have moved on to the removal of statues and the burning of the flag. I can see disagreeing on policy. That is good and healthy. But the whole notion that America is evil and needs to be taken apart is both sad and dangerous.
It started with school Christmas Parties, Christmas Plays, and Nativity Sets. Now we have moved on to the removal of statues and the burning of the flag. I can see disagreeing on policy. That is good and healthy. But the whole notion that America is evil and needs to be taken apart is both sad and dangerous.

Exactly. The leftists love to chip away small pieces at a time so their sheep wont notice then shame the people that do.

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