Ending the War on Drugs Discriminates Against the Sensitive


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2013
This is a reverse debate.

Let us agree that the War on Drugs should end.

My argument is that sensitive personalities get relegated to the status of second class citizens. Unlike insensitive personalities, they are vulnerable to becoming addicted. Therefore, the rule of law, social programs, and tax policy will necessarily become prejudiced against them.

One, the rule of law will have relaxed standards of duress. Drug users and insensitive personalities will be able to influence standards of duress because drugs can be used.

Two, sensitive personalities will have to pay taxes for the policing of drug usage which they can't personally indulge in without becoming addicted.

Three, social programs will be influenced by insensitive and drug using lifestyles such that sensitive personalities will not be prioritized.

If you wish to challenge this, please take the role of a sensitive person in society and prove that you retain equal class as a citizen.

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