The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I like the fight I am seeing from The GOP. Strong in their convictions, dedicated, and fighting it out line by line, unified and showing America what a divisive partisan farce this is, and going down in The Record to show what a rigged and corrupt sham proceeding it is, devoid of Due Process and Wholly Lacking in Evidence.

Three Words:

No Statutory Infractions

Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress do not exist in US Code so how can you accuse The President of the Commission of A High Crime and or Misdemeanor on a fictitious and nonexistent crime?

I personally think The Deplorables should start marching in The Streets. If 65 Million Rose up and Demanded Justice, they would get justice.

Never surrender and never back down.

This is our country, our flag and our Constitution and we should NEVER allow Globalists, Communists, and Islamocists to take it from us.

If you won’t fight in the streets, then fight your way to the polls and vote these treasonous vipers out of office and never give them power again!
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I like the fight I am seeing from The GOP. Strong in their convictions, dedicated, and fighting it out line by line, unified and showing America what a divisive partisan farce this is, and going down in The Record to show what a rigged and corrupt sham proceeding it is, devoid of Due Process and Wholly Lacking in Evidence.

Three Words:

No Statutory Infractions

Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress do not exist in US Code so how can you accuse The President of the Commission of A High Crime and or Misdemeanor on a fictitious and nonexistent crime?

I personally think The Deplorables should start marching in The Streets. If 65 Million Rose up and Demanded Justice, they would get justice.

Never surrender and never back down.

This is our country, our flag and our Constitution and we should NEVER allow Globalists, Communists, and Islamocists to take it from us.

If you won’t fight in the streets, then fight your way to the polls and vote these treasonous vipers out of office and never give them power again!

When the GOP retakes the majority in the House I hope these idiots remember how Dem's behaved.
Half of the Trump losers are screaming that the Democrats are rushing through the impeachment.

The other half is screaming it's eternal.

Trump losers, you'd look less triggered and hysterical if you could settle on just one hilariosuly stupid cult talking point.

And Trump losers, do you realize that butthurt is not something you can run on? I mean, not with normal people. You, you can appeal to the butthurt of the other Trump cultists, but that's a pretty small minority.
And they need to remind them every day.

I like the fight I am seeing from The GOP. Strong in their convictions, dedicated, and fighting it out line by line, unified and showing America what a divisive partisan farce this is, and going down in The Record to show what a rigged and corrupt sham proceeding it is, devoid of Due Process and Wholly Lacking in Evidence.

Three Words:

No Statutory Infractions

Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress do not exist in US Code so how can you accuse The President of the Commission of A High Crime and or Misdemeanor on a fictitious and nonexistent crime?

I personally think The Deplorables should start marching in The Streets. If 65 Million Rose up and Demanded Justice, they would get justice.

Never surrender and never back down.

This is our country, our flag and our Constitution and we should NEVER allow Globalists, Communists, and Islamocists to take it from us.

If you won’t fight in the streets, then fight your way to the polls and vote these treasonous vipers out of office and never give them power again!

When the GOP retakes the majority in the House I hope these idiots remember how Dem's behaved.
Half of the Trump losers are screaming that the Democrats are rushing through the impeachment.

The other half is screaming it's eternal.

Trump losers, you'd look less triggered and hysterical if you could settle on just one hilariosuly stupid cult talking point.

And Trump losers, do you realize that butthurt is not something you can run on? I mean, not with normal people. You, you can appeal to the butthurt of the other Trump cultists, but that's a pretty small minority.

Damn, you're triggered.
Half of the Trump losers are screaming that the Democrats are rushing through the impeachment.

The other half is screaming it's eternal.

Trump losers, you'd look less triggered and hysterical if you could settle on just one hilariosuly stupid cult talking point.

And Trump losers, do you realize that butthurt is not something you can run on? I mean, not with normal people. You, you can appeal to the butthurt of the other Trump cultists, but that's a pretty small minority.

Damn, you're triggered.

Horowitz lit a fire that's going to burn a lot of people who thought they were "Untouchables".
Nancy Pelosi just slipped up and said she has been working on Imoeaching The President for Nearly 3 years just a day before, Nadler said that he needs to impeach Trump because they cannot beat hm in an election which follows on the heels of Green promising Endless impeachment’s
America is triggered and The DemNazis Loaded The Gun!

Half of the Trump losers are screaming that the Democrats are rushing through the impeachment.

The other half is screaming it's eternal.

Trump losers, you'd look less triggered and hysterical if you could settle on just one hilariosuly stupid cult talking point.

And Trump losers, do you realize that butthurt is not something you can run on? I mean, not with normal people. You, you can appeal to the butthurt of the other Trump cultists, but that's a pretty small minority.

Damn, you're triggered.
The GOP needs to keep hammering The Democrats, because support for impeachment is in a free fall and The President’s support is surging.

But best yet, all The Battleground states are polling that The GOP takes The House back.
Half of the Trump losers are screaming that the Democrats are rushing through the impeachment.

The other half is screaming it's eternal.

Trump losers, you'd look less triggered and hysterical if you could settle on just one hilariosuly stupid cult talking point.

And Trump losers, do you realize that butthurt is not something you can run on? I mean, not with normal people. You, you can appeal to the butthurt of the other Trump cultists, but that's a pretty small minority.

The only loser is you. Your a pathetic brainwashed libtard loser who can’t think for himself. Fucking idiot. Your just mad because you Demtards are getting your asses handed to you. Just wait. It gets worse for you.

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Have you noticed at all, That The Democrats spent three years on a witch hunt, spent millions of dollars, and even had a 22 Month rectal exam in The Mueller Hoax Investigation, and there is not even ONE Single Line of The Mueller Report in The Articles?

Not only that, Neither Obstruction of Congress, not Abuse of Power are actual crimes, and appear NO WHERE in US CODE!

Half of the Trump losers are screaming that the Democrats are rushing through the impeachment.

The other half is screaming it's eternal.

Trump losers, you'd look less triggered and hysterical if you could settle on just one hilariosuly stupid cult talking point.

And Trump losers, do you realize that butthurt is not something you can run on? I mean, not with normal people. You, you can appeal to the butthurt of the other Trump cultists, but that's a pretty small minority.

The only loser is you. Your a pathetic brainwashed libtard loser who can’t think for himself. Fucking idiot. Your just mad because you Demtards are getting your asses handed to you. Just wait. It gets worse for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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brothers and sisters: Sassy Sondland didnt even have notes when he testified. he doesnt take notes, and we're supposed to trust his word?

if you want to impeach THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, you better have your facts straight, jack!
No one is screaming that it’s eternal. Nancy Pelosi revealed..... That she has been working on Impeachment for 3 years and Green has said he was going to try to impeach The President multiple times if he gets re-elected!

You and your party are sore losers and the data shows you all getting booted out of office On Your Asses in 2020!

Half of the Trump losers are screaming that the Democrats are rushing through the impeachment.

The other half is screaming it's eternal.

Trump losers, you'd look less triggered and hysterical if you could settle on just one hilariosuly stupid cult talking point.

And Trump losers, do you realize that butthurt is not something you can run on? I mean, not with normal people. You, you can appeal to the butthurt of the other Trump cultists, but that's a pretty small minority.
"the case is so darn weak from The House. there is no chance Trump will be impeached" - Cocaine Mitch just now on Hannity
No Evidence
No Due Process
No Direct Witnesses
Secret Witnesses
Secret Testimony
Secret Courts
Secret False Affidavits
Secret Hearings
No Statutory Crimes Committed

And these Dem Tards wonder why we refuse to get on The Crazy Train with them?

Anyone on The DemNazi Crazy Train that was stupid enough to get on wants off because it’s headed over a cliff!


This is looking better and better for The President. Some of The Democrats look like they are cracking and this should be dragged out AS LONG AS POSSIBLE!

The GOP needs to propose amendment after amendment after amendment.

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