Endorsements: August GOP primary season


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Many of you across the country will have a chance to vote in GOP primaries this month. If you care about limited government, secure borders, and parental/local empowerment against Fed Ed, here are some of the stellar candidates running at the local, state, and federal levels who deserve your support.

Today August 5: KANSAS
Dr. Wolf for Senator
(he's a staunch conservative against socialized medicine....time for Pat Roberts to go)
Kris Kobach for Secretary of State
(he's a longtime leader against illegal immigration)

Today August 5: MICHIGAN
Lana Theis for 42nd District State Representative
(she's a proven activist for limited government)

Joe Carr for Senate
(he's a proven conservative....Lamar Alexander needs to go)
David Byrd for state legislature in House District 71
(he opposes Common Core)

August 12: WISCONSIN
Tracie Happel for the state's 94th Assemby seat
(she's a grass roots leader against Common Core)

Augsust 19: WYOMING
Cindy Hill for Governor
(she's a fierce opponent of Common Core.....Matt Mead needs to go)
Sheryl Lain for State Superintendant of Public Instruction...a top Hill aide
Bill Hooley for House District 60...a longtime activist against Fed Ed

August 26: ARIZONA
Diane Douglas for state School Superintendant
(she's against Common Core while her GOP opponent John Huppenthal is a zealous defender of CC)
Andrew Thomas for Governor
(he's earned the wrath of the open-borders GOP elite)
Adam Kwasman for state representative 1st District
(a conservative opposing McCain/Boehner-backed amnesty promoter Andy Tobin)

August 26: FLORIDA
Jorge Bonilla for representative 9th District
(a conservative who opposes amnesty and Common Core....boot Grayson, back Bonilla)

Michelle Malkin |
Thanks - anyone that someone of your ilk supports - I'll be certain to vote for their opponent.
When I see "he/she is against Common Core", then I know they are a retard.
43 states and the DoD adopted Common Core.

For those who are intellectually stunted, there aren't 43 blue states.

Big conservative heroes like Jan Brewer, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, and Bobby Jindal all supported Common Core.

Common Core was developed by the states, with ZERO federal involvement.

Zero. None. Zip. Zilch.

It does not get more states rights than that, folks. It just doesn't.

Then one day...Barack Obama endorsed Common Core. And federal funding was approved for those states which have Common Core. You know, the way federal funding has been provided to states for decades. Federal funding that has been approved by the Republican House.

That federal funding in no way means the federal government developed Common Core. This is what the retards don't get.

If you ever want to see real live genuine Obama Derangement Syndrome, just look for the goofballs who now oppose Common Core.
keep students dumb, they'll never know how dumb Republicans really are.
43 states and the DoD adopted Common Core.

For those who are intellectually stunted, there aren't 43 blue states.

Big conservative heroes like Jan Brewer, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, and Bobby Jindal all supported Common Core.

Common Core was developed by the states, with ZERO federal involvement.

Zero. None. Zip. Zilch.

It does not get more states rights than that, folks. It just doesn't.

Then one day...Barack Obama endorsed Common Core. And federal funding was approved for those states which have Common Core. You know, the way federal funding has been provided to states for decades. Federal funding that has been approved by the Republican House.

That federal funding in no way means the federal government developed Common Core. This is what the retards don't get.

If you ever want to see real live genuine Obama Derangement Syndrome, just look for the goofballs who now oppose Common Core.

Standards in Your State | Common Core State Standards Initiative
43 states and the DoD adopted Common Core.

For those who are intellectually stunted, there aren't 43 blue states.

Big conservative heroes like Jan Brewer, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, and Bobby Jindal all supported Common Core.

Common Core was developed by the states, with ZERO federal involvement.

Zero. None. Zip. Zilch.

It does not get more states rights than that, folks. It just doesn't.

Then one day...Barack Obama endorsed Common Core. And federal funding was approved for those states which have Common Core. You know, the way federal funding has been provided to states for decades. Federal funding that has been approved by the Republican House.

That federal funding in no way means the federal government developed Common Core. This is what the retards don't get.

If you ever want to see real live genuine Obama Derangement Syndrome, just look for the goofballs who now oppose Common Core.

you're full of it.....it was definitely developed via the Feds.....and today many states are now questioning the use of Common Core....

Common Core was not developed by the states but rather by the "COMMON CORE REGIME" along with Obama's stimulus $$ and pushed by the duped Republican governors and business groups.

The push by a DC-based nonprofit called Achieve, Inc., which is the Education division of Rupert Murdoch‘s News Corp., under the auspices of the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) in 2007. Neither NGA nor CCSSO (which are merely trade associations with private membership lists) had a grant of legislative authority from the states to develop national standards. In fact, Common Core was written by the same progressive education reformers who have been trying to impose a national curriculum for decades. This time, they were savvy enough to invoke the “cover”of NGA so they could paint Common Core as a “state-led” effort. To the extent states had any input, it was limited to offering suggestions that may or may not have been accepted by the people in control.


Here is Bobby Jindal's own state of Louisiana debunking the belief the federal government established the standards:

Myth 1: The Common Core State Standards are national/federal standards.
The Common Core State Standards were not developed by the federal government. The development of the standards was initiated by governors and chief state school officers (e.g., state superintendents) in 48 states. They insisted, successfully, that there be no federal funds or other federal involvement in the development of the standards. The process was managed by the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State Officers, and Achieve. This occurred before the federal Race to the Top initiative.


Established by the Governors. For the retards, Governors are state level officials.

Established before Race to the Top.

This is a document issued by the Jindal Administration.
Myth #2 The Common Core State Standards are an Obama administration initiative.
The Obama administration is a strong supporter of the Common Core State Standards initiative, but the administration did not lead it. The initiative was, and continues to be, state-led.

No federal official was on the work teams and feedback groups that developed the standards. Then, once the standards were released, forty-five states and the District of Columbia—each acting on its own—chose to adopt the standards.

The Obama administration clearly supported the effort. In its Race to the Top program—a $4.3 billion competitive grant program that awarded funds to states that pledged reforms in four key areas—the administration awarded 40 points out of a possible 500 to states that adopted “a common set of K-12 standards” which were internationally benchmarked and that prepared students for colleges and careers-- such as the Common Core State Standards. States could conceivably have won the grants without adopting the Common Core standards specifically. In February 2010, President Obama said he might tie funds from the federal Title I program to adoption of the Common Core standards, but the administration never followed up on that plan. The administration provided incentives but did not force states to adopt the standards.

The administration did provide $330 million to two state consortia to develop assessments to measure the Common Core standards, but these funds support development. States are building the assessments, and once the assessments are in place, they will be administered and operated by states. They are not federal tests.

Harvard Education Publishing Group - Home
The nation's governors and education commissioners, through their representative organizations, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), led the development of the Common Core State Standards and continue to lead the initiative. Teachers, parents, school administrators, and experts from across the country, together with state leaders, provided input into the development of the standards. The actual implementation of the Common Core, including how the standards are taught, the curriculum developed, and the materials used to support teachers as they help students reach the standards, is led entirely at the state and local levels.

States across the country collaborated with teachers, researchers, and leading experts to design and develop the Common Core State Standards. Each state independently made the decision to adopt the Common Core. Local teachers, principals, and superintendents lead the implementation of the Common Core in their states. The federal government was not involved in the development of the standards.

Frequently Asked Questions | Common Core State Standards Initiative
You aren't keeping up with the times.....like many governors who were duped into it by accepting Fed educational funds Gov Bobby Jindal of LA signed up with Common Core back in 2010 but is now intent upon scrapping it.....the people of Louisiana have no intention of handing over its state educational authority over to the Feds by accepting PARCC (a Common Core testing consortium)...
Bobby Jindal sues to get Louisiana out of Common Core test consortium | NOLA.com

As for your claim that the Feds were not involved you are really splitting hairs.....the Obama Administration (i.e., the Feds) were the ones handing out the funds to states agreeing to participate in the Common Core program......yes the program itself was not created by the Feds per se but by groups composed mainly and led by LEFTISTS and PROGRESSIVES....however it was puhed by the Obama Administration insinuatng it into the states via RTTT funding....if the states didn't accept Common Core they didn't get any RTTT funding....most governors didn't really understand the ramnifications of CommonCore....and of course were probably more interested in getting the Fed funds...


GATES FOUNDATION underwrote( paid for) & promoted the COMMON CORE curriculum scheme
RUPERT MURDOCH's News Corp built the database infrastructure
inBLOOM evolving out of the above partnership this was created to operate the database.

The U.S. Department of Education (USED) did not create the Standards, but it was deeply involved in the effort to gather together the various trade associations and private foundations to do the work that USED wanted done.

Once Common Core was created, USED “persuaded” the states to adopt it by tying adoption to the opportunity to obtain Race to the Top (RTTT) funding. No Common Core, no RTTT money. (Since then, USED has also attempted to lure states into the Common Core by dangling No Child Left Behind waivers as a reward for adopting the national Standards and national tests. In both RTTT and NCLB waivers, Florida decided to play the game – piece by piece, dollar by dollar.

USED is funding the national tests that are being created by two testing consortia (called SMARTER Balanced and PARCC – Florida is a member of PARCC). Obviously, what’s on the PARCC test will dictate what is taught in Florida classrooms – in other words, it will dictate curriculum. So by funding the tests, USED will eventually control the Florida curriculum – in violation of three federal statutes.


Jan Brewer, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, and Bobby Jindal let the commie fed bastards trick them into writing Common Core standards to meet the commie's requirements. :lol:

That says a lot about all those Republican Governors, eh?

Jan Brewer, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, and Bobby Jindal let the commie fed bastards trick them into writing Common Core standards to meet the commie's requirements. :lol:

That says a lot about all those Republican Governors, eh?

all of them except Jeb Bush have backed off from support of Common Core....in fact Jan Brewer/Arizona recently backed out as did Bobby Jindal/Louisiana....stupid RINO Jeb has doubled down on supporting it...

one needs to ask WHO IS BEHIND Common Core....?

mainly a Washington 'think tank' named Achieve....it is without representation from all the states so it is NOT a 'state-led' movement....in fact they've been working on this program for 30 years and some of the methodology comes from Britain...eventually they enlisted the National Governors Association in order to present a facade of state involvement...of course handing out millions of Gates Foundation money to promote it always helped...btw the NGA does not represent all governors and is more like a networking organization...

who is behind Achieve...? the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is estimated to have poured a couple Billion into this program....setting up all kinds of front groups and promoters.......but all Common Core roads lead to K-street.....

WHO BENEFITS from Common Core....?

here's a few answers...
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, pledged $150 million dollars in Grants in 2007. Bill and Melinda Gates are directly tied to the United Nations, and they will directly benefit from the software packages that are sold to train teachers in the classroom through Microsoft.

Publishing Companies- Pearson, Scholastic News, MacGraw Hill, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, (AZ textbooks used in Public Schools are primarily from the publisher Harcourt) etc., will benefit from Common Core because they will provide the textbooks, for training teachers and teaching students, and curriculum changes that will need to be made to implement Common Core. Pearson, the largest on-line book company in the world, announced in their 2012 Earnings Report that "The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)...awarded Pearson and Educational Testing Service (ETS) the contract to develop test items that will be part of the new English and Mathematics assessments to be administered from the 2014-2015 school year. We continued to produce strong growth in secure online testing, an important market for the future. We increased online testing volumes by more than 10%, delivering 6.5 million state accountability tests, 4.5 million constructed response items and 21 million spoken tests. We now assess oral proficiency in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Arabic and Chinese. We also launched the Online Assessment Readiness Tool for the PARCC and the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Common Core consortia to help 45 states prepare for the transition to online assessments." Can you say more $$$ for Pearson???

Achieve, Inc. connections- who will benefit from Common Core? Craig Barrett is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Achieve, Inc., he is the current Chairman for the AZ Ready Education Council; and he is a Thunderbird Faculty member promoting United Nation Principles. (He is also the Former CEO/Chairman of the Board of Intel). Computer companies will directly benefit from computer sales to the states and local school districts. All of the Common Core student assessment testing will now be computer based. See (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers {PARCC} website for more details on the new student testing that will replace AIMS).

Arizonans Against Common Core

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