Endure Hardship Like a Good Soldier

P.T. , just need to point out to you that you are quoting the author of this article - not Michael Boldea and not me.

Look at the OP you wrote. The quote I pulled from it had no quotes around it and no attribution to someone else. In any case, are you saying you disagree with it?

The author of the article writes about Michael Boldea in this particular story which is why I put it up here. Michael Boldea and his grandpa, Dumitru Duduman are the two servants of God I never doubted and have always believed that hear from God ( for over 12 years I have been listening to them - reading their writings - Dumitru moved to heaven years ago - also Richard Wurmbrands ministry VOM which is led now by Tom White ) - have had genuine dreams and visions from God over the years - Dumitru Duduman - lives in heaven - his grandson continues to carry on his work for the orphanages in Romania and lives a very humble life. Here is a brief description of Michael Boldea he has written:

About Michael Boldea
Who I am

I am the grandson of a potato farmer, and the son of a glass blower. I came to this country at the age of nine, and began...

Click Here to read Mike Boldea was born in a small northern Romanian Village. At the age of nine, his entire family was deported from Romania for smuggling Bibles. His grandfather, Dumitru Duduman started an outreach ministry called "Hand of Help" of which Mike is now Chairman.

Mike has traveled internationally with Dumitru for over 11 years acting as Dumitru’s translator. They shared their testimonies, as well as an important message God gave Dumitru for the United States.

Recently Mike has translated the book entitled "Life In Christ" which Dumitru had penned prior to his death. The testimonies of those that were persecuted for their faith must live on to build up the body of Christ. Mike continues to operate in his gift as an Evangelist to exhort the body of Christ to present itself with a garment clean before our Lord.

Michael has a strong Christian heritage coming from a line of 4 generations of Christians. In the village of Hinceste Romania his Great grandfather was one of the first Christians converted there and his grandfather was a pastor and his father pastors the "Messiah" church in Botosani Romania with over 800 members. Their family worked with Richard Wurmbrandt, Harlan Popoff, and brother Andrew taking bibles to the underground Church.

Michael has seen the presence of God in accomplishing the work that his family was called to. In the face of great persecution and opposition thousands of bibles were given to the Christians of Romania even though it was punishable by imprisonment if caught. His grandfather Dumitru Duduman did suffer greatly being imprisoned for his faith. Under extreme torture he never recanted his faith and stands as a witness of faithfulness to this day in Romania.

Hand of Help Ministries - Truth for Today

* Neither man ever lived in a mansion, neither man ever bought fancy cars, luxurious items or lavish vacations for themselves. Neither man ever made themselves rich off of preaching the gospel. Neither men were ever televangelists or had tv shows. These men have kept their testimony and their integrity as true servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe their reward in heaven will be great. - Jeri

I see nothing there that presents evidence that there's anything of substance in their revelations. That's the problem with all such individual revelations, it only applies to them, IF it can't be attributed to other natural reasons, which they and we should all consider first. Should we always start by assuming that the visions and voices of a schizophrenic are real?--no offense, this is the nut of the problem. Without corroborating evidence, how can we rule out mental illness....or worse, malintent.

It has a link posted right at the bottom of the clip of article. Read it in it's entirety and you'll see the author of the article is quoting Michael Boldea as well as others. I do not agree on even considering leaving America as an option as this is my country and I have no intention of leaving it. I will stay here and pray for my country until the day these things Dumitru Duduman was shown come to pass and then I will - God willing - help my brethren who survive this devastation - in the aftermath rebuild America which is what we are called to do. To pray, to warn those who do not believe judgment is coming and to rebuild and restore in the aftermath of that destruction. The whole world is in travail awaiting the sons of God to be revealed. How can that happen with false teachers in control of the churches in this hour? Those are the tares among the wheat which will be gathered on the appointed day ( God's decision as to when ) bundled and burned - then the wheat are gathered into the barn and revival breaks forth.. you cannot see the true church right now because of the false teachers abounding with their message of 1,001 ways to heaven without accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and obeying Him - which is living holy.

To hear one False Church leader tell it, the atheists are now going to heaven and no one needs to believe in Jesus Christ anymore because he has now appointed himself as "Gods boss".. the arrogance of that one is beyond comprehension...( the new Catholic Pope) I would say that his moral illness outweighs any accusation of mental illness and truly if you are to accuse Christians of being mentally ill for believing the bible and the Words of Jesus Christ then you must realize you are accusing Jesus Christ of being mentally ill. Again I say anyone who would suggest such a thing is "morally insane" and anyone who defends that position has sold their soul to the devil himself. As for me? I am not ashamed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not any cost. - Jeri
When the reality of what is coming to America finally became clear to me, my first thought was to get my family together and fly to Australia where we would stay until peace and stability returned. However, within a day or so I realized I could not do that unless the Lord tells me to go, and I don’t think He will.

The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “You must therefore endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3).

Previous generations made great sacrifices to fight for the freedoms we enjoy today. By comparison, our generation has had it easy. Wars have been fought, but not on American soil. So the coming events take it to another level.

I have resolved to stay here and fight for the Lord and for my country. I refuse to be forever remembered as the coward who fled on the eve of the battle. I believe we are in a spiritual battle for the future of our nation, so the key to our victory is in the spiritual realm. We must first win the fight in the spiritual realm before we can win in the natural realm. We are going to need all the help we can get from people who know how to believe in faith, walk in faith, pray in faith, and share their faith with others. Perhaps we were born into this country for such a time as this.

Today, I came across a dream the Lord gave to Michael Boldea, grandson of Dumitru Duduman, from Hand of Help Ministries. Michael also had thoughts about leaving America before the war comes. However, in his dream he received a clear answer on what he should do.

I dreamed I was standing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a valley that stretched out below me. Although it was night, the valley was not dark due to the dozens of fires that were burning all around the valley. Large white tents peppered the valley floor, and men dressed in white were hurriedly preparing. Some were sharpening swords, others were polishing shields, but the selfsame look of purpose and determination was evident in the countenance of every one.

As I continued watching I was startled when a hand touched my shoulder. I turned and stood face to face with the same man I had seen in my dreams on previous occasions.

“What do you think they are doing down there? he asked pointing toward the valley and the men.

“It looks like they’re preparing for a war, I said gazing back at the valley.

“And what do you call a soldier that flees the battlefield on the eve of battle?

“A deserter, I said.

“A deserter he echoed. “Why would the Father train and equip you for the coming battle only to release you as the battle is about to begin? You think this is the end but it is not. The need for light is multiplied as the darkness grows, not diminished; the need for truth becomes more necessary as deception consumes the innocent, not less relevant. In these dark hours the children of light must shine, in these evil days the truth must be proclaimed with boldness. You can choose to flee, but it is not the Father’s will. You can stay and fight, and thus receive your just reward. The world has tainted many who ought to have stayed pure, and many have defiled themselves who ought to have remained undefiled. They have gorged themselves on Nebuchadnezzar’s delicacies, thereby disqualifying themselves from being used in these days. The hosts of heaven stand ready even now to do battle on behalf of the righteous. Do not fear the coming days for they have been foretold. Walk in the authority that has been given you, and do your duty as a faithful soldier ought to.

[Continue reading]

Michael Boldea: Endure Hardship as a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ | Z3 News

Stay in American and do your best to support the Secessionist Movement. It is going to happen when the dollar is worthless than toilet paper. God tells you to go then go. Until then stay in America and fight for the Republic. Freedom aint free, besides if you got duped into voting for on of the Bilderberg parties, Republicans and Democrats then you owe it to freedom to do your part for America.

Is the Constitution Party on the ballot in your state ?

If no.... then start with that !!!!!! :eusa_angel:

Constitution Party > Home

We have Chairpeople in all 50 States.

Constitution Party > Get Involved > State Parties

Do your part with them and America will recover faster !!!!!!


Thank You !!!!!! :cool:

Send your suggestion to the author of the news article as I have never permitted myself the option of leaving America. You are mistaking the author of the news article for me. See the link provided at bottom of original thread post. As for me? I am a Christian and this is my country. My God is going to bring His judgment upon those who have defiled America and rejected his warnings to repent and turn from their wicked ways. God himself will cleanse this land of its iniquity. (The wicked are his sword. ) It is only a matter of time but never think for a moment that true born again Christians who are living for God are in fear of this hour to come. That is simply not the case. The wicked are Gods sword. Psalm 17:13. He isn't wielding it carelessly. He knows exactly who He is going to take out in this coming fall. God is in full control. My God is just. Never doubt it. - Jeri p.s. I am far more grieved over the actions of the so called churches these days than the world which is lost and has mistaken the Joel Osteens of the world for the true church. Far more grieved! You have no idea how much so! Is it any wonder the world is so confused as to who Jesus Christ is? Do you not think God knows this? Of course he does!
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When the reality of what is coming to America finally became clear to me, my first thought was to get my family together and fly to Australia where we would stay until peace and stability returned. However, within a day or so I realized I could not do that unless the Lord tells me to go, and I don’t think He will.

The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “You must therefore endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3).

Previous generations made great sacrifices to fight for the freedoms we enjoy today. By comparison, our generation has had it easy. Wars have been fought, but not on American soil. So the coming events take it to another level.

I have resolved to stay here and fight for the Lord and for my country. I refuse to be forever remembered as the coward who fled on the eve of the battle. I believe we are in a spiritual battle for the future of our nation, so the key to our victory is in the spiritual realm. We must first win the fight in the spiritual realm before we can win in the natural realm. We are going to need all the help we can get from people who know how to believe in faith, walk in faith, pray in faith, and share their faith with others. Perhaps we were born into this country for such a time as this.

Today, I came across a dream the Lord gave to Michael Boldea, grandson of Dumitru Duduman, from Hand of Help Ministries. Michael also had thoughts about leaving America before the war comes. However, in his dream he received a clear answer on what he should do.

I dreamed I was standing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a valley that stretched out below me. Although it was night, the valley was not dark due to the dozens of fires that were burning all around the valley. Large white tents peppered the valley floor, and men dressed in white were hurriedly preparing. Some were sharpening swords, others were polishing shields, but the selfsame look of purpose and determination was evident in the countenance of every one.

As I continued watching I was startled when a hand touched my shoulder. I turned and stood face to face with the same man I had seen in my dreams on previous occasions.

“What do you think they are doing down there? he asked pointing toward the valley and the men.

“It looks like they’re preparing for a war, I said gazing back at the valley.

“And what do you call a soldier that flees the battlefield on the eve of battle?

“A deserter, I said.

“A deserter he echoed. “Why would the Father train and equip you for the coming battle only to release you as the battle is about to begin? You think this is the end but it is not. The need for light is multiplied as the darkness grows, not diminished; the need for truth becomes more necessary as deception consumes the innocent, not less relevant. In these dark hours the children of light must shine, in these evil days the truth must be proclaimed with boldness. You can choose to flee, but it is not the Father’s will. You can stay and fight, and thus receive your just reward. The world has tainted many who ought to have stayed pure, and many have defiled themselves who ought to have remained undefiled. They have gorged themselves on Nebuchadnezzar’s delicacies, thereby disqualifying themselves from being used in these days. The hosts of heaven stand ready even now to do battle on behalf of the righteous. Do not fear the coming days for they have been foretold. Walk in the authority that has been given you, and do your duty as a faithful soldier ought to.

[Continue reading]

Michael Boldea: Endure Hardship as a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ | Z3 News

Stay in American and do your best to support the Secessionist Movement. It is going to happen when the dollar is worthless than toilet paper. God tells you to go then go. Until then stay in America and fight for the Republic. Freedom aint free, besides if you got duped into voting for on of the Bilderberg parties, Republicans and Democrats then you owe it to freedom to do your part for America.

Is the Constitution Party on the ballot in your state ?

If no.... then start with that !!!!!! :eusa_angel:

Constitution Party > Home

We have Chairpeople in all 50 States.

Constitution Party > Get Involved > State Parties

Do your part with them and America will recover faster !!!!!!


Thank You !!!!!! :cool:

This is not a political battle but rather a spiritual one. The Republicans are just as guilty of sin against God as the Democrats and independents are. No one has the monopoly on sin in this nation and least of all the televangelists such as Joel Osteen who refuse to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ because it would cost them their viewer audiences and the filthy lucre they covet and are heaping up for themselves in these end days. ( See James 5 for their future )

I do not foresee a moment of repentance such as Ninevah had because while Ninevah did not know her left hand from her right hand, America has had the bible on tape, bible on cd, over a dozen translations, ready access to volumes of libraries of teachings and sermons by great men and women of God such as Howard Carter, Smith Wigglesworth, Maria Woodworth Etter, Johnathan Edwards, Jeanne Guyon, Michael Molinos, A.W. Tozer, Leonard Ravenhill, Charles Spurgeon, F.F. Bosworth, Theresa of Avila, Charles Finney, Andrew Murray, E.M. Bounds, A.B. Simpson, A.J. Gordon, Alexander McClaren, Lester Sumrall, Alexander Dowie, Oswald Chambers, Thomas A Kempis, William Gurnall for what? Joel Osteen who refuses to preach from the bible? Are you kidding me?! Oh my! People! What a mistake you have made by ignoring the narrow is the path teachers for a wide is the road teachers that tickle itching ears but will only take you straight to hell in the end!

What a horrific mistake you have made indeed! My only comfort is knowing that most of the world is rejecting these fat cat preachers for the false teachers they truly are as they wait it out for the real sons of God to be revealed! They are coming! But the question is, "Will you still be here when they come?"
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The fair cause of freedom always rises and falls, then it has to rise again.

Freedom isn't easy. It's hard. It's messy. Dependency is easy which is why once freedom has been achieved people eventually reject it in favor of dependency.

Would you rather own your own land, farm it yourself, take the risk of crop failure, sell your surplus and become rich? Or, would you rather just have a nice man from the government give you your food while you sit home and watch television?

I think I'd rather put my trust in the Lord and take my chances.

It was for the cause of liberty that Christ came into the world. His message was to set at free those who were in prison and those who are in bondage.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Cor 3:17)

If we want to have freedom. We need to obtain the Spirit of the Lord. And we get that with the truth. And the truth will set us free.

We are looking for political solutions for a spiritual problem.
The fair cause of freedom always rises and falls, then it has to rise again.

Freedom isn't easy. It's hard. It's messy. Dependency is easy which is why once freedom has been achieved people eventually reject it in favor of dependency.

Would you rather own your own land, farm it yourself, take the risk of crop failure, sell your surplus and become rich? Or, would you rather just have a nice man from the government give you your food while you sit home and watch television?

I think I'd rather put my trust in the Lord and take my chances.

It was for the cause of liberty that Christ came into the world. His message was to set at free those who were in prison and those who are in bondage.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Cor 3:17)

If we want to have freedom. We need to obtain the Spirit of the Lord. And we get that with the truth. And the truth will set us free.

We are looking for political solutions for a spiritual problem.

Exactly. Well said, Avatar. It isn't our physical location or our physical possessions that protect us in a time of trouble but rather our abiding in Christ and He is our only protection. In all truth. Not these other things..
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This is not a political battle but rather a spiritual one.

To a certain extent, you're right. No mater what the form government takes, it is always an political/economic battle, but it isn't a religious battle. That said, for any government that depends on an electorate, it is necessary that that a majority of that electorate be moral under a universal, reasoned definition, not any of the plethora of religious ones.

The fair cause of freedom always rises and falls, then it has to rise again.

Take a look again at history. It never rose until the US lifted it up. (King George showed, again, that the Magna Carta wasn't worth the parchment it was written on.) Without a major force to anchor freedom in the world, it will sink back into the abyss--and it will be even harder to raise it up the next time.

Freedom isn't easy. It's hard. It's messy. Dependency is easy which is why once freedom has been achieved people eventually reject it in favor of dependency.

Would you rather own your own land, farm it yourself, take the risk of crop failure, sell your surplus and become rich? Or, would you rather just have a nice man from the government give you your food while you sit home and watch television?

What can I say, there will always be some of both kinds. That's why I say this is a political/economic issue. No matter what the system, it's always immoral to steal from Peter to pay Paul.

Is the Constitution Party on the ballot in your state ?

The only difference between the Constitution Party and the Democrat Party is the Democrats want to smother the Constitution with socialism, and the CPers want to do it with theocracy. Freedom is the objective of neither. If you want freedom, which I doubt, stick with libertarianism.
I think I'd rather put my trust in the Lord and take my chances.
If we want to have freedom. We need to obtain the Spirit of the Lord. And we get that with the truth. And the truth will set us free.

We are looking for political solutions for a spiritual problem.

By spiritual I'm sure you mean under your brand of religion.

When God comes down and takes command, I'll be the first to pledge my allegiance. Until then, we're on our own as we have been since the beginning--free will being the purpose for which the universe was created, if God exists.
God exists, P.T. I believe Avatar has a deep faith in the existence of God and it goes beyond any "brand of religion".. - Jeri
When the reality of what is coming to America finally became clear to me, my first thought was to get my family together and fly to Australia where we would stay until peace and stability returned. However, within a day or so I realized I could not do that unless the Lord tells me to go, and I don’t think He will.

The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “You must therefore endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3).

Previous generations made great sacrifices to fight for the freedoms we enjoy today. By comparison, our generation has had it easy. Wars have been fought, but not on American soil. So the coming events take it to another level.

I have resolved to stay here and fight for the Lord and for my country. I refuse to be forever remembered as the coward who fled on the eve of the battle. I believe we are in a spiritual battle for the future of our nation, so the key to our victory is in the spiritual realm. We must first win the fight in the spiritual realm before we can win in the natural realm. We are going to need all the help we can get from people who know how to believe in faith, walk in faith, pray in faith, and share their faith with others. Perhaps we were born into this country for such a time as this.

Today, I came across a dream the Lord gave to Michael Boldea, grandson of Dumitru Duduman, from Hand of Help Ministries. Michael also had thoughts about leaving America before the war comes. However, in his dream he received a clear answer on what he should do.

I dreamed I was standing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a valley that stretched out below me. Although it was night, the valley was not dark due to the dozens of fires that were burning all around the valley. Large white tents peppered the valley floor, and men dressed in white were hurriedly preparing. Some were sharpening swords, others were polishing shields, but the selfsame look of purpose and determination was evident in the countenance of every one.

As I continued watching I was startled when a hand touched my shoulder. I turned and stood face to face with the same man I had seen in my dreams on previous occasions.

“What do you think they are doing down there? he asked pointing toward the valley and the men.

“It looks like they’re preparing for a war, I said gazing back at the valley.

“And what do you call a soldier that flees the battlefield on the eve of battle?

“A deserter, I said.

“A deserter he echoed. “Why would the Father train and equip you for the coming battle only to release you as the battle is about to begin? You think this is the end but it is not. The need for light is multiplied as the darkness grows, not diminished; the need for truth becomes more necessary as deception consumes the innocent, not less relevant. In these dark hours the children of light must shine, in these evil days the truth must be proclaimed with boldness. You can choose to flee, but it is not the Father’s will. You can stay and fight, and thus receive your just reward. The world has tainted many who ought to have stayed pure, and many have defiled themselves who ought to have remained undefiled. They have gorged themselves on Nebuchadnezzar’s delicacies, thereby disqualifying themselves from being used in these days. The hosts of heaven stand ready even now to do battle on behalf of the righteous. Do not fear the coming days for they have been foretold. Walk in the authority that has been given you, and do your duty as a faithful soldier ought to.

[Continue reading]

Michael Boldea: Endure Hardship as a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ | Z3 News

Stay in American and do your best to support the Secessionist Movement. It is going to happen when the dollar is worthless than toilet paper. God tells you to go then go. Until then stay in America and fight for the Republic. Freedom aint free, besides if you got duped into voting for on of the Bilderberg parties, Republicans and Democrats then you owe it to freedom to do your part for America.

Is the Constitution Party on the ballot in your state ?

If no.... then start with that !!!!!! :eusa_angel:

Constitution Party > Home

We have Chairpeople in all 50 States.

Constitution Party > Get Involved > State Parties

Do your part with them and America will recover faster !!!!!!


Thank You !!!!!! :cool:

Send your suggestion to the author of the news article as I have never permitted myself the option of leaving America. You are mistaking the author of the news article for me. See the link provided at bottom of original thread post. As for me? I am a Christian and this is my country. My God is going to bring His judgment upon those who have defiled America and rejected his warnings to repent and turn from their wicked ways. God himself will cleanse this land of its iniquity. (The wicked are his sword. ) It is only a matter of time but never think for a moment that true born again Christians who are living for God are in fear of this hour to come. That is simply not the case. The wicked are Gods sword. Psalm 17:13. He isn't wielding it carelessly. He knows exactly who He is going to take out in this coming fall. God is in full control. My God is just. Never doubt it. - Jeri p.s. I am far more grieved over the actions of the so called churches these days than the world which is lost and has mistaken the Joel Osteens of the world for the true church. Far more grieved! You have no idea how much so! Is it any wonder the world is so confused as to who Jesus Christ is? Do you not think God knows this? Of course he does!

Sorry I thought you were having an online epiphany !!!!!!!!!!

Many of these churches are paid off by the government to be the peacekeepers while the Globalists take over.

Hitler did the same thing in Nazi Germany.
I think I'd rather put my trust in the Lord and take my chances.
If we want to have freedom. We need to obtain the Spirit of the Lord. And we get that with the truth. And the truth will set us free.

We are looking for political solutions for a spiritual problem.

By spiritual I'm sure you mean under your brand of religion.

When God comes down and takes command, I'll be the first to pledge my allegiance. Until then, we're on our own as we have been since the beginning--free will being the purpose for which the universe was created, if God exists.

By Spiritual I mean the things of the Spirit.

We aren't on our owns. But you don't have to take my word for it. Go to the Lord and He will teach you.
Spirituality and religion are two different things. Spirituality is about relationship with God and religion is about doctrine and the outer workings of the subject. Spirituality is the interior way whereas religion is the exterior way. Get it, P.T.?
God exists, P.T. I believe Avatar has a deep faith in the existence of God and it goes beyond any "brand of religion".. - Jeri

As far as God's existence, yeah. But a belief in God hasn't stopped the vast majority of believers (or false believers) from making all kinds of absurd claims about what their God has said or done, and applying a brand to stake such a claim.
Spirituality and religion are two different things. Spirituality is about relationship with God and religion is about doctrine and the outer workings of the subject. Spirituality is the interior way whereas religion is the exterior way. Get it, P.T.?

Spirituality is the interior way whereas religion is the exterior way.

conquering evil by religion - the Spirit is set free.

Spirituality and religion are two different things. Spirituality is about relationship with God and religion is about doctrine and the outer workings of the subject. Spirituality is the interior way whereas religion is the exterior way. Get it, P.T.?

Spirituality is the interior way whereas religion is the exterior way.

conquering evil by religion - the Spirit is set free.


You lost me, Breezewood. The believer is more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus but religion in and of itself will do nothing. It is the Spirit of God working through a human vessel that sets others free. The Spirit of God doesn't need to be set free. People do.
God exists, P.T. I believe Avatar has a deep faith in the existence of God and it goes beyond any "brand of religion".. - Jeri

As far as God's existence, yeah. But a belief in God hasn't stopped the vast majority of believers (or false believers) from making all kinds of absurd claims about what their God has said or done, and applying a brand to stake such a claim.

Your sceptical. So are many people. Then they have their own encounters with God and suddenly they are no longer sceptical. Absurd claims? What absurd claims? How big is your picture of God?
Spirituality and religion are two different things. Spirituality is about relationship with God and religion is about doctrine and the outer workings of the subject. Spirituality is the interior way whereas religion is the exterior way. Get it, P.T.?

I tend to think of religion as spirituality in practice. There are some who seem to think religion us a bad word. I don't know if you are one of them, but I don't agree with that. James said that Pure religion is to take care of the widow and the fatherless and to keep ourselves unspotted from the world. Religion then seems to be how we express our spirituality towards our fellow man.
God exists, P.T. I believe Avatar has a deep faith in the existence of God and it goes beyond any "brand of religion".. - Jeri

As far as God's existence, yeah. But a belief in God hasn't stopped the vast majority of believers (or false believers) from making all kinds of absurd claims about what their God has said or done, and applying a brand to stake such a claim.

That's the beauty of the Lord. He can speak on His own behalf. You don't have to take my word for anything. You can go to Him and find out for yourself by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I have no doubt that as we all honestly seek the truth and to know God, He will guide us by His Spirit. If we are humble and willing to correct ourselves where we are mistaken, He will teach us the Truth of all things and eventually we will all see eye to eye even if now we may seem miles apart.
Spirituality and religion are two different things. Spirituality is about relationship with God and religion is about doctrine and the outer workings of the subject. Spirituality is the interior way whereas religion is the exterior way. Get it, P.T.?

Spirituality is the interior way whereas religion is the exterior way.

conquering evil by religion - the Spirit is set free.


You lost me, Breezewood. The believer is more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus but religion in and of itself will do nothing. It is the Spirit of God working through a human vessel that sets others free. The Spirit of God doesn't need to be set free. People do.

I have not allowed that I should read further the "Bible" than the first few verses of Genesis I consider to be an affront to the meaning of life meant by the Creator - and have therefore read nothing concerning your Jesus.

... religion in and of itself will do nothing.

that is correct, however only the True Religion when realized is of value and is the path the Spirit must follow for Remittance to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting.

even a sinless Spirit must know why it is so as the only test required by the Almighty for acceptance is to conquer evil as nothing else matters.

and still there are no assurances in the Everlasting, one is never safe.

Your sceptical. So are many people. Then they have their own encounters with God and suddenly they are no longer sceptical. Absurd claims? What absurd claims? How big is your picture of God?

Any claim to anything supernatural is absurd since the only possible statement that can be made is hear-say. Add to that thousands of years and the fallibility of man, and you have a tangled mess that we're only now beginning to unravel some of.

Not sure what you mean by "picture of God", but God, if It exists as a sentient super spirit, would be equivalent with Truth, which is everything that exists in the Cosmos and in the mind.

That's the beauty of the Lord. He can speak on His own behalf. You don't have to take my word for anything. You can go to Him and find out for yourself by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I had faith, strong faith, that I had done that. People kept telling me the same things you just said until I finally figured out the problem wasn't with me. God wouldn't give me my free will, and a mind to exercise it on, and then expect me to turn it off. God (if It exists) didn't make me rational only to punish me for being so. I'm not a skeptic, I'm an agnostic. I don't know if God exists or not, but I do know there's absolutely nothing to base a belief in the supernatural on in this universe.

I have no doubt that as we all honestly seek the truth and to know God, He will guide us by His Spirit. If we are humble and willing to correct ourselves where we are mistaken, He will teach us the Truth of all things and eventually we will all see eye to eye even if now we may seem miles apart.

Being humble and trying to correct ourselves, which I try to be, sounds like the scientific method to me and a sound model for the pursuit of the Truth. In fact that's exactly how I came to leave Christianity--which, btw, was very frightening, especially since the rest of my family remained unchanged.

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