Enemies of the Far Left: A Case Study on Tolerance


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
The liberal left has for years been claiming to be tolerant of opinions, faiths, beliefs and whatnot. This evening I will present to you a few cases that contradict their contentions.

Case 1: Sweet Cakes by Melissa

An Oregon bakery decided to refuse service to a homosexual couple because of their religious beliefs. Not only were they attacked viciously by militant gay rights advocates and members of the left, they were forced to downsize and operate out of their home. Nevermind Public Accommodation Laws, liberals, you claim to be tolerant of religious belief, but sat by and allowed the government to rule in favor of forcing these people to serve people against their faith. It's rather cut and dry.

?Stupid Bible-Thumping?B**ch?: Bakery That Refused to Make Gay Couple?s Wedding Cake Speaks Out Amid Threats, Economic Woes | TheBlaze.com

How can you explain your tolerance of beliefs or of religion when you make threats against those you disagree with in order to destroy them?

Case 2: Julie Boonstra

Julie Boonstra was diagnosed with Leukemia. She decided to speak out against Obamacare after her insurance was cancelled due to the new healthcare law. Afterwards, anonymous liberals began sending her letters like these:


So, how is this tolerant? The woman is dying of Leukemia, something she couldn't help. But the tolerance of the Liberal Left is nowhere to be found. In fact they were most reticent about the whole ordeal. But they don't mind trying to stifle dissenting opinions.

Case 3: Mia Love

In 2012, she gave a speech at the GOP convention. The kicker here is that she is a black conservative woman. Black. After her speech, her Wikipedia page was defaced by leftist liberals, with phrases such as this:


The left purports to support women and African Americans, yet as we saw here, such a belief is only selectively applied. She was called a "house ******" and an "Aunt Tom" by some disgruntled liberals. Nay tolerance. Alas, only Conservative Republicans are capable of such racist, misogynistic displays.

Case 4: Former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich

Just 11 days after being appointed as CEO of the non profit internet giant Mozilla, he was forced to resign over his stance on gay marriage. According to campaign finance records, he donated $1000 in support of California's Proposition 8. His resignation was graciously accepted by gay rights activists, and railed against by others, such as prominent gay blogger Andrew Sullivan.

Andrew Sullivan, a prominent gay blogger, railed against the pressure that led to the resignation.

"You want to squander the real gains we have made by argument and engagement by becoming just as intolerant of others' views as the Christians?," he asked. "You've just found a great way to do this. It's a bad, self-inflicted blow. And all of us will come to regret it."

Mozilla CEO resignation raises free-speech issues

Liberals in their infinite tolerance for free speech and opinion, like OKCupid's Sam Yagun, called for a boycott of the internet browser and of Mozilla Products after learning of Eich's stances. Yagun claims that it was never an attempt to force Eich to resign, however. Still, regardless of that fact, his resignation stirs up a lot of free speech issues. It also demonstrates the lefts intolerance of free expression and an inherent desire to destroy, not debate, their opponents.

Case 5: Sarah Palin

The list is long with this one. Once a Vice Presidential hopeful tabbed by John McCain in his 2008 presidential campaign, she like no other has managed to rile the left up and raise their hackles in a manner not seen before. No sooner did the announcement come, than did liberals begin looking for ways to destroy her:

In 2008, the son of Democratic State Representative Mike Kernell hacked into Palin's email and he posted some of the contents online.

The 7 Most Despicable Ways Liberals Have Attacked Sarah Palin - John Hawkins - Page full

David Kernell, Palin E-mail Hacker, Sentenced To Year In Custody

More cases of liberals showing their intolerance toward her include comments by liberal comedians concerning her daughter and her son Trig. Also, she was blamed by liberals for inciting the now infamous shooting in Tuscon, Arizona via gunman Jared Lee Loughner, who shot and severely injured Gabrielle Giffords while killing six other people. However just recently, journalist Martin Bashir was forced to resign after insisting that someone should defecate in Palin's mouth:


Liberals, or the party at least, are not tolerant of differing opinions, not of faiths, women, or minorities. This prompts me to ask, why is it, with these examples of intolerance, do you still claim to be tolerant? Why do you champion diversity, but do nothing to encourage it, and everything to stifle it? If you really were tolerant, why would you treat people who disagree with you with such contempt? Where is this tolerance and diversity you speak of? What I've seen so far over the years, is a scorched earth campaign, not a campaign for tolerance or diversity.

This OP is not designed to be an end all be all of liberal intolerance, for that, all you need is Google, and an open mind.
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1) Fuck your God. If you want your business to succeed, shut your mouth and bake the cake. That's your job. Do your job.

2) What information do you have about the author of that letter that implies that they are "leftist"? Real peace-loving hippie liberals would send joints to her to help her fight the leukemia.

3) Mia Love should be despised for being a moron, not for being a black woman.

4) Brendan Eich resigned to spare the company the backlash of public disapproval and lowered stock value. It was all very Capitalistic. You should endorse his decision and get over it.

5) Sarah Palin is fucking retarded.
1) Fuck your God. If you want your business to succeed, shut your mouth and bake the cake. That's your job. Do your job.

2) What information do you have about the author of that letter that implies that they are "leftist"? Real peace-loving hippie liberals would send joints to her to help her fight the leukemia.

3) Mia Love should be despised for being a moron, not for being a black woman.

4) Brendan Eich resigned to spare the company the backlash of public disapproval and lowered stock value. It was all very Capitalistic. You should endorse his decision and get over it.

5) Sarah Palin is fucking retarded.

1) "Fuck your God"? Gee how tolerant.

2) Are you implying a Conservative wrote the letter? No sir. It's quite clear that if you're an overzealous liberal advocate of universal healthcare, you'll write letters such as that one to people who disagree with Obamacare.

3) So, calling her a moron still makes you a misogynist. No tolerance here.

4) I'll endorse whatever I wish. Your demands of me prove your lack of tolerance for my support of his ability to express himself. Perhaps if you would let a man do his job, maybe you would be supporting him for his products, not admonishing him for his opinions. But alas, you know nothing of free expression. "Free expression" means for you having an opinion that doesn't stray from liberal dogma.

5) Yeah, this ultimately made my point. You claim to care for those with disabilities, yet call Palin "retarded." Not only does that show an intolerance of white conservative women, it shows an obvious disdain for those with down syndrome and learning disorders.

Stop hitting yourself.
1) Fuck your God. If you want your business to succeed, shut your mouth and bake the cake. That's your job. Do your job.

2) What information do you have about the author of that letter that implies that they are "leftist"? Real peace-loving hippie liberals would send joints to her to help her fight the leukemia.

3) Mia Love should be despised for being a moron, not for being a black woman.

4) Brendan Eich resigned to spare the company the backlash of public disapproval and lowered stock value. It was all very Capitalistic. You should endorse his decision and get over it.

5) Sarah Palin is fucking retarded.

1) "Fuck your God"? Gee how tolerant.
I never claimed to be tolerant, especially not of stupid people who insist that there is an invisible man in the sky and that I have to do whatever you tell me that your imaginary friend says. "Fuck your God" is simply me paraphrasing the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

2) Are you implying a Conservative wrote the letter? No sir. It's quite clear that if you're an overzealous liberal advocate of universal healthcare, you'll write letters such as that one to people who disagree with Obamacare.
Sure, that's what it might look like over the internet. In real life, though, no one cares. Someone got a letter and they felt really bad about it. And then the world kept spinning.

3) So, calling her a moron still makes you a misogynist. No tolerance here.
No, it would be misogynistic to say that all women are morons. I didn't say that all women are morons. Mia Love is a moron. That's why she's Conservative. Conservatives are morons, both men and women.

4) I'll endorse whatever I wish. Your demands of me prove your lack of tolerance for my support of his ability to express himself. Perhaps if you would let a man do his job, maybe you would be supporting him for his products, not admonishing him for his opinions. But alas, you know nothing of free expression. "Free expression" means for you having an opinion that doesn't stray from liberal dogma.
"Free expression" means Eich was responsible to his shareholders who would have lost money if he had stayed on as CEO, but now the poor, sweet, innocent multi-millionaire has to suffer the humiliation of being trapped in his mansion or travelling the world in his private jet.

5) Yeah, this ultimately made my point. You claim to care for those with disabilities, yet call Palin "retarded." Not only does that show an intolerance of white conservative women, it shows an obvious disdain for those with down syndrome and learning disorders.

Stop hitting yourself.
If Sarah Palin speaks for white conservative women then, yeah, I have disdain for white conservative women. BECAUSE SARAH PALIN IS FUCKING RETARDED. If she has a learning disability (and she does, that's why she's Conservative) then she shouldn't be the Commander-in-Chief of the world's deadliest military.

Do you think that Sarah Palin is smart? If you do then you're even more retarded than she is.
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KNB said:
I never claimed to be tolerant, especially not of stupid people who insist that there is an invisible man in the sky and that I have to do whatever you tell me that your imaginary friend says. "Fuck your God" is simply me paraphrasing the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

Apparently you never read the First Amendment then. The government may not support, nor infringe on religion. That's what it says. But then again, you continue to make my case for me.

KNB said:
No, it would be misogynistic to say that all women are morons. I didn't say that all women are morons. Mia Love is a moron. That's why she's Conservative. Conservatives are morons, both men and women.

Nice try but no. Even still, your position is intolerant. If you support women and their standing in this world, KNB, you wouldn't be trashing conservative women either. Case in point.

KNB said:
"Free expression" means you are responsible to your shareholders who would have lost money if he had stayed on as CEO, but now the poor, sweet, innocent multi-millionaire has to suffer the humiliation of being trapped in his mansion or travelling the world in his private jet.

"Free enterprise" means you get to make a living without being attacked for what you believe in; i.e. running a business or a corporation. Your intolerance of Brendan Eich is based off the fact he is rich, not because he opposes gay marriage. Such conflicted hearts you liberals have.

KNB said:
If Sarah Palin speaks for white conservative women then, yeah, I have disdain for white conservative women. BECAUSE SARAH PALIN IS FUCKING RETARDED. If she has a learning disability (and she does, that's why she's Conservative) then she shouldn't be the Commander-in-Chief of the world's deadliest military.

Do you think that Sarah Palin is smart? If you do then you're even more retarded than she is.

How utterly laughable. Once again, standing up for women means standing up for all of them, not just a certain group. You really don't grasp that concept do you?
The liberal left has for years been claiming to be tolerant of opinions, faiths, beliefs and whatnot.
And we are, within certain limits. Like all things it has limitations.

Islam is mostly peaceful. Liberals are mostly tolerant. Conservatives are often stupid. There it is.

And you.

1) "Islam is mostly peaceful?" Where have you been since 9/11/2001?

2) "Liberals are mostly tolerant?" According to whom? I could say I'm the president, but reality says I'm not. You can say you're tolerant, but reality says you're not. Your actions betray your words.

3) "Conservatives are often stupid?" Given that you think Islam is a "peaceful" religion, perhaps you should reconsider that statement.
The liberal left has for years been claiming to be tolerant of opinions, faiths, beliefs and whatnot.
And we are, within certain limits. Like all things it has limitations.

Islam is mostly peaceful. Liberals are mostly tolerant. Conservatives are often stupid. There it is.

And you.

1) "Islam is mostly peaceful?" Where have you been since 9/11/2001?

2) "Liberals are mostly tolerant?" According to whom? I could say I'm the president, but reality says I'm not. You can say you're tolerant, but reality says you're not. Your actions betray your words.

3) "Conservatives are often stupid?" Given that you think Islam is a "peaceful" religion, perhaps you should reconsider that statement.
Islam, meaning most Muslims, are peaceful in general but sometimes they fly fully-loaded planes into large buildings, like 12 years ago. Unlike Christianity they are supposed to kill their enemies, not pray for them. They aren't pansies.

Liberals are mostly tolerant but that stops at Intolerance, which we won't allow. It's ironic I know but so is life on this planet.

And Conservatives, especially reactionaries like those here, are dumb as dog shit.
And we are, within certain limits. Like all things it has limitations.

Islam is mostly peaceful. Liberals are mostly tolerant. Conservatives are often stupid. There it is.

And you.

1) "Islam is mostly peaceful?" Where have you been since 9/11/2001?

2) "Liberals are mostly tolerant?" According to whom? I could say I'm the president, but reality says I'm not. You can say you're tolerant, but reality says you're not. Your actions betray your words.

3) "Conservatives are often stupid?" Given that you think Islam is a "peaceful" religion, perhaps you should reconsider that statement.
Islam, meaning most Muslims, are peaceful in general but sometimes they fly fully-loaded planes into large buildings, like 12 years ago. Unlike Christianity they are supposed to kill their enemies, not pray for them. They aren't pansies.

Liberals are mostly tolerant but that stops at Intolerance, which we won't allow. It's ironic I know but so is life on this planet.

And Conservatives, especially reactionaries like those here, are dumb as dog shit.

Well then. It appears you've quite easily deluded yourself. You live in a fantasy world where tolerance is measured, Islam is peaceful, and Christians are pansies.

Please be advised, this thread is being archived for future use. But you go on my ignore list. I'm surprised I've been this patient with you.

"Conservatives are dumb as dog shit" tells me how tolerant you really are.

And you.

1) "Islam is mostly peaceful?" Where have you been since 9/11/2001?

2) "Liberals are mostly tolerant?" According to whom? I could say I'm the president, but reality says I'm not. You can say you're tolerant, but reality says you're not. Your actions betray your words.

3) "Conservatives are often stupid?" Given that you think Islam is a "peaceful" religion, perhaps you should reconsider that statement.
Islam, meaning most Muslims, are peaceful in general but sometimes they fly fully-loaded planes into large buildings, like 12 years ago. Unlike Christianity they are supposed to kill their enemies, not pray for them. They aren't pansies.

Liberals are mostly tolerant but that stops at Intolerance, which we won't allow. It's ironic I know but so is life on this planet.

And Conservatives, especially reactionaries like those here, are dumb as dog shit.

Well then. It appears you've quite easily deluded yourself. You live in a fantasy world where tolerance is measured, Islam is peaceful, and Christians are pansies.

Please be advised, this thread is being archived for future use. But you go on my ignore list. I'm surprised I've been this patient with you.

"Conservatives are dumb as dog shit" tells me how tolerant you really are.

You are free to run from the truth. Using your ignore option means you are censoring what you can't deal with, and you are free to live your life in ignorance if you wish. So be it.
The one who hung himself is you, in the rope of stupidity you cling to.

Ah yes, more tolerance. With each insult, with each put down, you make my case. I'm running out of rope buddy!
I'm not tolerant of stupid people such as yourself, nor should I be.

Youre the biggest idiot on this board other than truthmatters, so i find it ironic youre so smug and self indulgent.

And to a previous point, you dont get to define intolerance

Again you never offer anything, so ill call you paint my face from now on
Islam, meaning most Muslims, are peaceful in general but sometimes they fly fully-loaded planes into large buildings, like 12 years ago. Unlike Christianity they are supposed to kill their enemies, not pray for them. They aren't pansies.

Liberals are mostly tolerant but that stops at Intolerance, which we won't allow. It's ironic I know but so is life on this planet.

And Conservatives, especially reactionaries like those here, are dumb as dog shit.

Well then. It appears you've quite easily deluded yourself. You live in a fantasy world where tolerance is measured, Islam is peaceful, and Christians are pansies.

Please be advised, this thread is being archived for future use. But you go on my ignore list. I'm surprised I've been this patient with you.

"Conservatives are dumb as dog shit" tells me how tolerant you really are.

You are free to run from the truth. Using your ignore option means you are censoring what you can't deal with, and you are free to live your life in ignorance if you wish. So be it.

you mean hes using tactics that liberals do, lets just call it a speech code or pc.
Ah yes, more tolerance. With each insult, with each put down, you make my case. I'm running out of rope buddy!
I'm not tolerant of stupid people such as yourself, nor should I be.

Youre the biggest idiot on this board other than truthmatters, so i find it ironic youre so smug and self indulgent.
And to a previous point, you dont get to define intolerance
Again you never offer anything, so ill call you paint my face from now on
Call me anything you like. It makes no difference as to you being a moron.
And so, per site rules and per my rights therein, PMH's trolling and name calling of my person thereto has resulted in a neg.

According to C_K:

If you constantly attack another poster or an opposing side then you should be prepared to be neg repped, a lot and it is NOT considered abuse of the rep system.

I am prepared to debate civilly on this matter, but if all you're going to do is call me names and insult my faith, you will be negged. No matter how new or low on rep you might be. I would expect to be negged for similar behavior. I am quite well aware of the etiquette involving negative reputation, but I also know my rights.

That is all.
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