Enemies of the Far Left: A Case Study on Tolerance

1. Liberals religion, global cooling, global warming, or climate change take your pick.
2. Hippies peaceful, charles manson.
3. Mia love is an idiot, sheela jackson.
4. Brendan eich, bill maher still has a job.
5. Sarah palin is an idiot, nancy pelosi. The left totally supports jackson and pelosi are supported by liberals. If i was a liberal i would just keep my mouth shut.
The left sees the writing on the wall. They know catastrophe is right around the corner and they are going crazy. This is one of the most lunatic threads every put up. They are dragging out all their favorite monsters from under the bed. They just can't change the facts. They have very poor champions who have replaced the low hanging republican fruit with lower hanging democrat fruit.
The left sees the writing on the wall. They know catastrophe is right around the corner and they are going crazy. This is one of the most lunatic threads every put up. They are dragging out all their favorite monsters from under the bed. They just can't change the facts. They have very poor champions who have replaced the low hanging republican fruit with lower hanging democrat fruit.

You mean a hanging chad?
The left sees the writing on the wall. They know catastrophe is right around the corner and they are going crazy. This is one of the most lunatic threads every put up. They are dragging out all their favorite monsters from under the bed. They just can't change the facts. They have very poor champions who have replaced the low hanging republican fruit with lower hanging democrat fruit.

Trust me, these clowns will bring out George Bush, Sarah Palin, Mitch McConnell - Hell even Richard Nixon - in their desperate attempt to hold on to the Senate. They see an ass-whooping coming in November so look for them to pull out all the stops.

Won't do them any good. They are toast.
The left sees the writing on the wall. They know catastrophe is right around the corner and they are going crazy. This is one of the most lunatic threads every put up. They are dragging out all their favorite monsters from under the bed. They just can't change the facts. They have very poor champions who have replaced the low hanging republican fruit with lower hanging democrat fruit.

Trust me, these clowns will bring out George Bush, Sarah Palin, Mitch McConnell - Hell even Richard Nixon - in their desperate attempt to hold on to the Senate. They see an ass-whooping coming in November so look for them to pull out all the stops.

Won't do them any good. They are toast.
Did you miss the part about we have a two-party system? They change positions you know. It's nothing to panic about.
The left sees the writing on the wall. They know catastrophe is right around the corner and they are going crazy. This is one of the most lunatic threads every put up. They are dragging out all their favorite monsters from under the bed. They just can't change the facts. They have very poor champions who have replaced the low hanging republican fruit with lower hanging democrat fruit.

Trust me, these clowns will bring out George Bush, Sarah Palin, Mitch McConnell - Hell even Richard Nixon - in their desperate attempt to hold on to the Senate. They see an ass-whooping coming in November so look for them to pull out all the stops.

Won't do them any good. They are toast.

I would kind of like to see the Senate go majority Republican. Then the Democrats will use every trick they learned to keep anything from being done that Repubs want done. When the filibuster can be overridden, then Repubs will have the problem of a Presidential veto.

Oh won't it be great. A few more years of bitching on a message board and nothing getting done.

Why, this situation is so dysfunctional that only a plutocrat could have come up with it.
And ONLY a plutocrat could love it.
The liberal left has for years been claiming to be tolerant of opinions, faiths, beliefs and whatnot. This evening I will present to you a few cases that contradict their contentions.

Case 1: Sweet Cakes by Melissa

An Oregon bakery decided to refuse service to a homosexual couple because of their religious beliefs. Not only were they attacked viciously by militant gay rights advocates and members of the left, they were forced to downsize and operate out of their home. Nevermind Public Accommodation Laws, liberals, you claim to be tolerant of religious belief, but sat by and allowed the government to rule in favor of forcing these people to serve people against their faith. It's rather cut and dry.


Where did you ever get the idea that the Liberal consensus is to profess that all acts in the name of religion should be tolerated,

regardless of their nature, content, and effect on others?

Can you even quote one Liberal of consequence who has espoused that notion?
oh goodie one of these partisan moronic threads where the OP is so Bias it borderlines satire.
Im really tired honestly of people like you, Fox, Mac who simply do not understand the Tolerance debate and go and on and on how The PC crowd shouldnt be doing what they are doing, basically ignoring laws, and well consequences for actions.
Why so quiet? I tried being respectful here folks. Or is the reality simply to hard to deal with?
Perhaps people are getting tired of a loud mouthed troll whose principle reason for posting nonsense is to promote fights. I know I am.
The liberal left has for years been claiming to be tolerant of opinions, faiths, beliefs and whatnot. This evening I will present to you a few cases that contradict their contentions.

Case 1: Sweet Cakes by Melissa

An Oregon bakery decided to refuse service to a homosexual couple because of their religious beliefs. Not only were they attacked viciously by militant gay rights advocates and members of the left, they were forced to downsize and operate out of their home. Nevermind Public Accommodation Laws, liberals, you claim to be tolerant of religious belief, but sat by and allowed the government to rule in favor of forcing these people to serve people against their faith. It's rather cut and dry.


Where did you ever get the idea that the Liberal consensus is to profess that all acts in the name of religion should be tolerated,

regardless of their nature, content, and effect on others?

Can you even quote one Liberal of consequence who has espoused that notion?
Limbaugh and Malkin said it, so it must be true.
Intolerance of intolerance = Tolerance.

One cannot legitimately claim, for example, to be tolerant of gays, and their rights, and yet also claim to be tolerant of those who are intolerant of gays.

You cannot be allies simultaneously with someone and someone's enemies.
Case 1: Sweet Cakes by Melissa

An Oregon bakery decided to refuse service to a homosexual couple because of their religious beliefs. Not only were they attacked viciously by militant gay rights advocates and members of the left, they were forced to downsize and operate out of their home. Nevermind Public Accommodation Laws, liberals, you claim to be tolerant of religious belief, but sat by and allowed the government to rule in favor of forcing these people to serve people against their faith. It's rather cut and dry.

The only thing that is ‘cut and dry’ is the comprehensive ignorance of the OP.

“Nevermind Public Accommodation Laws,” the OP is actually being critical of liberals for obeying the law. Astounding:

Oregon law bans discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in jobs and in places that serve the public, such as restaurants and bakeries.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa violated same-sex couple's civil rights when it refused to make wedding cake, state finds | OregonLive.com

Not only are liberals tolerant of all religions, they also understand and obey the Constitution and its case law, and correctly understand when religious liberty is in fact being violated, and when it is not. Consequently, no one ‘sat by’ and ‘allowed’ the government to ‘force’ anyone to do anything.

Moreover, the government was acting in accordance with the Constitution, where the Commerce Clause authorizes the state to regulate markets, and because the regulation of markets is the primary focus of public accommodations laws, they in no way ‘violate’ religious liberty.

The OP is not only ignorant of the law, but he has contempt for it as well.
Or gay Americans?

Of course, both should just shut up and be ‘glad’ they live in the United States.

Well...he does have gay friends. They appreciate his point of view. There is no doubt that he has expressed his opinion clearly to them. They just love him so much....and want to be around him so badly, that they look past all of it.

His gay friends would never flaunt their gayness around him. Never! And they are thankful that we don't execute them here. Very thankful.
Why so quiet? I tried being respectful here folks. Or is the reality simply to hard to deal with?
Perhaps people are getting tired of a loud mouthed troll whose principle reason for posting nonsense is to promote fights. I know I am.

Actually, there was no need for you to come along. KNB made my point quite nicely.
The bottom line is that liberals want evil to be tolerated under the guise of good, but they are intolerant of good; paint it as evil!

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