Energy Catalyzer Test in Italy is a Success!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
News:Real-Time Updates on the October 6, 2011 E-Cat Test - PESWiki

Around thirty scientists and engineers from around the world showed up. Among these individuals were Christos Stremmenos, who is on the board of directors of Defkalion. In addition, professors Levi and Ferrari from the University of Bologna was present at the test. Dr. Focardi also attended the test. Media representatives from NyTecnic, Radio 24, and, documented the test. They took many photos and videos that will be posted in the coming days.

On the technical side of things, it seems the E-Cat performed well. We do not have final numbers for energy in and out, but we have been told the E-Cat self sustained for four hours with no input. We were told the E-Cat itself got incredibly hot (so hot those present could not touch it), the heat exchanger worked well, a steam temperature of 110 C was recorded inside of the E-Cat, and the energy output was so much larger than the input, that there was no need to extend the length test.

What is very important, is that no one has indicated the test was a failure, the results were bad, or that there was a major technical problem. From all reports, this test was a success. Of course we will have to wait until tomorrow for all of the information to be posted online, before we form a final conclusion.

If this test was as successful as it seems, this could be the dawning of a new age.

This is not some krank doing silly things with his moms cup in the garage.

If this really checks out, and I really hope it does, this will change our world in so many ways.

The machine is being patented and preped for commercial use:
Cold Fusion From Italy Nearly Commercial Ready | New Energy and Fuel

Nuclear reaction Confirmed by Swedish physicists last May:
Swedish Researchers confirm Rossi and Focardi Energy Catalyzer as a Nuclear Process

More reports on Rossies E-Cat power plant
Hope Grows as Journals Weigh in on Italian Cold Fusion Breakthrough

Cold Fusion is coming...Energy Created with no Power for 4 hours

Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: Probably Real, With Credit to Piantelli |

Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: The Melich and Macy Reports |

Focardi and Rossi Energy Catalyzer first jan 14 demo videos and summary of an online Question and Answer session from Jan 15

This may very well be a historic day.
Rossi e-cat – Oct 6 significant test at Nebraska Engineer

Today Rossi’s Low Energy Nuclear Energy device was tested again in Bologna Italy. Previous test results have come under scrutiny because of technical details in measuring how much energy the device actually put out. The measurement method was altered for this test to answer those criticisms. In addition, the test was observed, recorded, pictured, and filmed by around 30 scientists, engineers, professors, and journalists.

Early first reports can be seen here and here. Details and conclusions on the success of the test will have to wait the publication of reports in the following days. But all early indications are that the test went well. The e-cat was reported by observers to have run in “self-sustaining mode”, that is, no input energy while continuing to generate output energy, for 4 straight hours. All of this leads up to the scheduled installation and demonstration of a 1MW generation version of 52 e-cats tied together at the end of October.

To summarize what makes the e-cat important or supremely interesting:

1. It is very likely based upon the same phenomenon reported by Fleishmann and Pons from Utah in 1989 which was labeled “cold fusion” and led to their being discredited largely ruined professionally. They may end up labeled as “geniuses” yet.

2. It is a small physical device in its current form, which generates up to 27 KW of power while transmuting a very inexpensive element, nickel, via exposure to hydrogen, into other elements, mostly copper but also iron and other elements. No possible chemical reaction could generate that much power in so little space. Earlier indications are that 1 gram of nickel in the e-cat generates as much heat as 517 kilograms of oil. Or in other terms, a bit of the element Nickel the size of a US 5 cent piece (aka a nickel), can generate as much energy as 5 barrels of oil. Or yet another way it has been stated: 100g (3.5 ounces) of Nickel can generate 10kW of power in an e-cat for 6 months. And Nickel as an element is extremely abundant on the earth and very inexpensive.

3. When this process of nickel transmutation occurs, there is a small amount of low energy radiation that occurs during the process that is easily blocked with a modest amount of shielding, but there are no dangerous radioactive by-products afterwards.

4. This process has to be some type of nuclear phenomenon or some type of atomic level process related to some strangeness of Quantum Mechanics. There is no accepted theory at this point that fully explains what is going on (assuming that this test proves something actually is going on). There are a variety of competing ideas at this point.

5. NASA has been investigating LENR reactions for a while. NASA scientist Dennis Bushnell recently stated:

The temperature you can get out of [LENR] is interesting,” Bushnell said. “We’ve had to be careful [in our research in] terms of the energetics. I don’t think there is a power [limitation] problem. I think the problem now is of raw courage to look into something that is new. We’ve been fortunate to have a center director at Langley that has the courage to support us to do this. We’ve been at it for three or four years.

6. Rossi has turned out to be quite a character. He claims that since his business partner (Defkalion of Greece) could not come up with money to fund the 1MW demonstration reactor, Rossi sold his own house and has funded the final stretch of development with that money. So – we have drama.

So now we await the reports of the scientists from today’s test. And we await the 1MW plant demonstration at the end of October.

:D It keeps getting better.
A critical report of the test was released and translated from Italian into English here:

The accuracy of the measurements during this test must be considered fairly low.
Still, the measurements should lead to the conclusion that this model of the E-cat produced heat at a power of at least 2 to 3 kilowatts in self sustained mode, in this case supposedly with only one of three reactors inside the casing in operation.
As a heat exchanger was used in this set up, steam quality had no importance for the calculation.
The self sustained mode that went on for over three hours, also seemed extremely stable and showed no measurable sign of weakening.
It can also be noted that after three and a half hours of self sustained operation water could still be felt boiling inside, putting a hand on top of the insulated casing. The surface temperature of the insulation was then between 60 and 85 degrees centigrade, meaning that a significant heat loss must have decreased the power output through the steam and the heat exchanger.
News:Real-Time Updates on the October 6, 2011 E-Cat Test - PESWiki

Around thirty scientists and engineers from around the world showed up. Among these individuals were Christos Stremmenos, who is on the board of directors of Defkalion. In addition, professors Levi and Ferrari from the University of Bologna was present at the test. Dr. Focardi also attended the test. Media representatives from NyTecnic, Radio 24, and, documented the test. They took many photos and videos that will be posted in the coming days.

On the technical side of things, it seems the E-Cat performed well. We do not have final numbers for energy in and out, but we have been told the E-Cat self sustained for four hours with no input. We were told the E-Cat itself got incredibly hot (so hot those present could not touch it), the heat exchanger worked well, a steam temperature of 110 C was recorded inside of the E-Cat, and the energy output was so much larger than the input, that there was no need to extend the length test.

What is very important, is that no one has indicated the test was a failure, the results were bad, or that there was a major technical problem. From all reports, this test was a success. Of course we will have to wait until tomorrow for all of the information to be posted online, before we form a final conclusion.

If this test was as successful as it seems, this could be the dawning of a new age.
This is not some krank doing silly things with his moms cup in the garage.

If this really checks out, and I really hope it does, this will change our world in so many ways.

The machine is being patented and preped for commercial use:
Cold Fusion From Italy Nearly Commercial Ready | New Energy and Fuel

Nuclear reaction Confirmed by Swedish physicists last May:
Swedish Researchers confirm Rossi and Focardi Energy Catalyzer as a Nuclear Process

More reports on Rossies E-Cat power plant
Hope Grows as Journals Weigh in on Italian Cold Fusion Breakthrough

Cold Fusion is coming...Energy Created with no Power for 4 hours

Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: Probably Real, With Credit to Piantelli |

Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: The Melich and Macy Reports |

Focardi and Rossi Energy Catalyzer first jan 14 demo videos and summary of an online Question and Answer session from Jan 15

This may very well be a historic day.

You are right, this is not some crank doing silly things in a garage, it is a bunch of cranks doing sill things in public and selling it to gullible idiots.
You are right, this is not some crank doing silly things in a garage, it is a bunch of cranks doing sill things in public and selling it to gullible idiots.

And you assert this contrary to the well documented observations of scores of physicists, engineers and journalists based on....what?

Your normalcy bias eating you up?

The hard numbers are there; this stuff works, and even if it is a fraud, then whatever Rossi is using for a fraud is itself a major discovery considering the amount of energy it has put out over nearly 4 hours. The energy output came from the unit while it was isolated from any outside energy input. That means it was generating energy somehow, and however that is, it is huge.

Dont be ridiculous with your knee jerk dismissals.
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Nyteknik a highly read Swedish technical magazine published its review of the demonstration last thursday in Bologna.

TV: New test of the E-cat enhances proof of heat - NyTeknik

At a new test in Bologna on Thursday, the ‘E-cat’ invented by Andrea Rossi ran in a completely stable self sustained mode for over three hours. Ny Teknik attended the test.

The test on Thursday was performed before a number of invited physicists and engineers from various countries – Italy, Sweden, USA and China – as well as journalists from a couple of Italian media outlets and Ny Teknik.

One of the invited researchers was chemist Roland Pettersson, retired Associate Professor from the University of Uppsala and a colleague of Professor Sven Kullander’s. Kullander issued a report on the E-cat earlier this year; Pettersson has conducted research on LENR together with Professor Hidetsugu Ikegami from Osaka University in Japan.

“I’m convinced that this works, but there is still room for more measurements”, Pettersson told Ny Teknik after the test.

The important new element in the test was that it was possible to bypass the controversial energy calculation, based on vaporization, by injecting the steam from the energy catalyzer into a heat exchanger, where a flow of water was heated.

Although accuracy was moderate and the measurement set up could have been more advanced, results was clear, mainly because the E-cat ran for over three hours in self sustained mode.

Furthermore, the casing enclosing the reactor was opened after completion of the test, and the invited guests was thus able to see what was inside – basically a heat exchanger with metal flanges; within it, according to Rossi, was a shielded flat reactor unit with three reactor chambers, only one of which was operating during the test.

This is the same magazine that Wikipedia quotes as both being a harsh critic/skeptic of E-cat and also an involved partner in the talk section, lol.
You are right, this is not some crank doing silly things in a garage, it is a bunch of cranks doing sill things in public and selling it to gullible idiots.

And you assert this contrary to the well documented observations of scores of physicists, engineers and journalists based on....what?

Your normalcy bias eating you up?

The hard numbers are there; this stuff works, and even if it is a fraud, then whatever Rossi is using for a fraud is itself a major discovery considering the amount of energy it has put out over nearly 4 hours. The energy output came from the unit while it was isolated from any outside energy input. That means it was generating energy somehow, and however that is, it is huge.

Dont be ridiculous with your knee jerk dismissals.

I would assert that it you claimed thousands saw it happen.

They are not allowing anyone to actually examine what they call the "core," until they do, and let other people build their own device for testing, it is a scam.
You -- and I --- have NO idea what's happening here. The fact that it is "isolated" from other energy sources is pure bunkem. There are metals, liquids, other ingredients creating chemical exothermic chemical energy.

Could it be important? Perhaps... If you want to build a consumable battery.. I can take a laptop computer drop it in a bucket of water and generate heat energy for 4 hours. And "transmuting nickel into copper" sounds like 14th alchemy to me..

Hold your horses -- get the facts from peer reviewed reports and get back to us.. So I can eat crow...
You -- and I --- have NO idea what's happening here. The fact that it is "isolated" from other energy sources is pure bunkem. There are metals, liquids, other ingredients creating chemical exothermic chemical energy.

Could it be important? Perhaps... If you want to build a consumable battery.. I can take a laptop computer drop it in a bucket of water and generate heat energy for 4 hours. And "transmuting nickel into copper" sounds like 14th alchemy to me..

Hold your horses -- get the facts from peer reviewed reports and get back to us.. So I can eat crow...

I will join you in that dish, if we get something that works.
You -- and I --- have NO idea what's happening here. The fact that it is "isolated" from other energy sources is pure bunkem. There are metals, liquids, other ingredients creating chemical exothermic chemical energy.

Could it be important? Perhaps... If you want to build a consumable battery.. I can take a laptop computer drop it in a bucket of water and generate heat energy for 4 hours. And "transmuting nickel into copper" sounds like 14th alchemy to me..

Hold your horses -- get the facts from peer reviewed reports and get back to us.. So I can eat crow...

I will join you in that dish, if we get something that works.

I'll get the deep fryer ready.. Do you prefer a Chardonay or a Merlot to go with that?
A 60 Minutes piece on Cold Fusion
[ame=]60-Minutes Piece on Cold Fusion - YouTube[/ame]

I guess DARPA is just full of morons, lol.

And Rossi's work has been confirmed by several independent publications, tw of which are connected to the physics societies of Sweden and Italy.

Here is an article that covers the matter of who finds this compelling work with a lot of promise.
The American Reporter Vol. 16, No. 4,306 - October 10, 2011

This time around, some of the most important work is being done not by figures unknown to the public but by the Chief Scientist NASA's Langley Research Center, Dennis "Dan" Bushnell. It would be fitting indeed if the cold-fusion breakthrough that is coming would come from NASA, just as the Internet itself came from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, and ultimately belonged to the taxpayers of the United States.

"I think we're almost over the 'We don't understand it' problem. I think we're almost over the 'This doesn't produce anything useful' problem. And so I think this will go forward fairly rapidly now. And if it does, this is capable of, by itself, completely changing geo-economics, geopolitics, of solving quite a bit of energy," Bushnell told researcher J. William Monroe in May.

I know there are a lot of people that like to play the stick-in-the-mud and get some kind of ego boost making condescending remarks aimed at anyone who would dare to bring up ideas that go against the scientific consensus today, but without somekind of contrary evidence instead of mere rhetorical dodging and sad attempts at humor, it is nothing but snarky bullshit.

Yes, I am going to save this thread and add posts as time goes on and the technology rolls out.

Just for the record.
Before you go back to the BatCave.. I'll have to break this to you gently.. I spent a good deal of time following the links and checking references.

There IS only references to a tiny program existing within the NASA Sensors division. There is a total of one science-tortured slide show that doesn't even look like NASA standards. (I worked at KSC).

You have to explain comments like

"Should NASA complete its journey - there's not been much news since top scientists reported in 2009 that they had completed designing their device and were ready for fabrication - or should Rossi and Defcalion or Mills finally deliver, this world will change very quickly."

I think it's funding left over from the initial hype of Cold Fusion.. You know programs never die at Govt Agency -- they just retire..

The entire staff of "NewEnergyNews" is fighting within themselves and with the scientific world for any remaining shreds of respect. (Having been blacklisted from Wikipedia for quite a spell for questionable acts and entries)..

Got to tell you --- a technology as advanced as your claiming it is would have FAR MORE details published for scientific review..

The folks who cover the journalism side of this have NO understanding whatsoever. Might as well be covering bigfoot. As evidenced by crap like ---

Resource: (For the very sophisticated astrophysicist): A slide show on the latest in LENR physics, June 2011.

astrophysicist??? Really???

Good luck with all that.. I'll be looking up them crow recipes in the meantime...
Before you go back to the BatCave.. I'll have to break this to you gently.. I spent a good deal of time following the links and checking references.

There IS only references to a tiny program existing within the NASA Sensors division. There is a total of one science-tortured slide show that doesn't even look like NASA standards. (I worked at KSC).

You have to explain comments like

"Should NASA complete its journey - there's not been much news since top scientists reported in 2009 that they had completed designing their device and were ready for fabrication - or should Rossi and Defcalion or Mills finally deliver, this world will change very quickly."

I think it's funding left over from the initial hype of Cold Fusion.. You know programs never die at Govt Agency -- they just retire..

The entire staff of "NewEnergyNews" is fighting within themselves and with the scientific world for any remaining shreds of respect. (Having been blacklisted from Wikipedia for quite a spell for questionable acts and entries)..

Got to tell you --- a technology as advanced as your claiming it is would have FAR MORE details published for scientific review..

The folks who cover the journalism side of this have NO understanding whatsoever. Might as well be covering bigfoot. As evidenced by crap like ---

Resource: (For the very sophisticated astrophysicist): A slide show on the latest in LENR physics, June 2011.

astrophysicist??? Really???

Good luck with all that.. I'll be looking up them crow recipes in the meantime...

More snark, no surprize. DARPA and NASA are spending money on this not because they think there is anything useful but only because the money has been budgeted for 20 years and they cant find anything else to do with it? That is your theory? Then why the eloquent endorsements by Bushnell if the money allotted is eternal anyway?

And what of the investigation for 60 minutes? That was all just budgetary fluff too I guess?

But this pschobable crap is irrelevant.

The FACT is that last Thursday, Oct 6th, Rossi held a demonstration that was verified and witnessed by more than 30 scientists and engineers and his E-Cat produced far more energy than was put into it by a factor of three at least. And that was only with one running cell of three. Previously skeptical journals of note in physics have come over to Rossi's side and say it is a qualified success, and only qualified in that some measurements could have been tighter, though it was close enough that the resulting energy makes the tolerances irrelevant.

LENR is the future; might as well get used to it.
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To make the Italians look less kooky, really what there is to claim here is that hydrogen, electricity and nickel powder can constitute a source of energy. It's pointless to point out that less energy is put in than taken out because combustion motors do that all the time… were you not to count the fuel source.

The bottom line is if these scientists want to be taken seriously, they'll have to isolate their electrodes from any copper or iron, and run their test long enough to determine a consumption rate or a conversion rate if they are claiming to have a nuclear reaction at play.

It doesn't seem plausible. You would think someone would've discovered this dealing with hydrogen already.
To make the Italians look less kooky, really what there is to claim here is that hydrogen, electricity and nickel powder can constitute a source of energy. It's pointless to point out that less energy is put in than taken out because combustion motors do that all the time… were you not to count the fuel source.

The bottom line is if these scientists want to be taken seriously, they'll have to isolate their electrodes from any copper or iron, and run their test long enough to determine a consumption rate or a conversion rate if they are claiming to have a nuclear reaction at play.

It doesn't seem plausible. You would think someone would've discovered this dealing with hydrogen already.

That was what they did Oct 6th.

Here is an article in the Journal of Nuclear Physics on cold fusion
Cold nuclear fusion « Journal of Nuclear Physics

Perhaps, in this long-standing history of cold fusion, finally the mystery of this curious and enigmatic phenomenon is gradually being opened. Besides possible benefits that the practical application of this discovery will bring, the scientific community should take into account the sociological lessons that we have gained during such a long ordeal of rejection of this brilliant, though largely accidental, scientific discovery. We would like to express the special appreciation to the scientists that actively resisted the negative verdict imposed about twenty years ago on this topic by the vast majority of nuclear physicists.

An article on a plausible theory that explains how it works:

Generalized theory of Bose-Einstein condensation nuclear fusion (BECNF) is used to carry out theoretical analyses of recent experimental results of Rossi et al. for hydrogen-nickel system. Based on incomplete experimental information currently available, preliminary theoretical explanations of the experimental results are presented in terms of the generalized BECNF theory. Additional accurate experimental data are needed for obtaining more complete theoretical descriptions and predictions, which can be tested by further experiments.

I. Introduction
Over the last two decades, there have been many publications reporting experimental observations of excess heat generation and anomalous nuclear reactions occurring in metals at ultra-low energies, now known as „low-energy nuclear reactions‟ (LENR). Theoretical explanations of the LENR phenomena have been described based on the theory of Bose-Einstein condensation nuclear fusion (BECNF) in micro/nano-scale metal particles [1-3]. The BECNF theory is based on a single basic assumption capable of explaining the observed LENR phenomena; deuterons in metals undergo Bose-Einstein condensation. While the BECNF theory is able to make general qualitative predictions concerning LENR phenomena it is also a quantitative predictive physical theory. Some of the theoretical predictions have been confirmed by experiments reported recently. The BECNF theory was generalized for the case of two species of Bosons [4].

Recently, there were two positive demonstrations (January and March, 2011) of a heat generating device called “Energy Catalyzer” [5]. The Energy Catalyzer is an apparatus built by inventor Andrea Rossi, Italy. The patent application [5] states that the device transforms energy stored in its fuel (hydrogen and nickel) into heat by means of nuclear reaction of the two fuel components, with a consequent observed production of copper [5,6]. According to Rossi‟s patent application [5], heating of the sample is accomplished by an electric resistance heater. Details of March 2011 demonstration were reported by Essen and Kullander [7]. The report [7] also contains references to January 2011 demonstration. In the following, we describe hydrogen-nickel reactions in section II. Other possible reactions are discussed in section III. Conclusions are given in section IV.

II. Hydrogen-Nickel Reactions

The generalized BECNF theory [4] can be applied to the case of hydrogen-nickel fusion reactions observed in Rossi‟s device (the energy catalyzer) [5] under the following two conditions: (1) additives used (not disclosed in the patent application) form Ni alloy and/or Ni metal/alloy oxide in the surface regions of nickel nano-scale particles, so that Ni atoms/nuclei become mobile with a sufficiently large diffusion coefficient and (2) local magnetic field is very weak in the surface regions, providing a suitable environment in which two neighboring protons can couple their spins anti-parallel to form spin-zero singlet state (S=0). Relatively low Curie temperature (nickel has the Curie temperature of 631 oK (~358 oC)) is expected to help to maintain the weak magnetic field in the surface regions. If Rossi‟s device is operated at temperatures greater than the Curie temperature ~358 oC and with hydrogen pressures of up to ~22 bars, the conditions (1) and (2) may have been achieved in Rossi‟s device.

It is looking more likely with each day that passes we will see these types of devices in most peoples homes like the desktop computer.
I would say at least it's more and more likely every day that the scientists behind "cold fusion" will endeavor to have a scientific trial.

Let's start there. Enthusiasm is great, but it's not part of what will make or break the success of cold fusion, so better leave it for after a real test is been completed.
News:Real-Time Updates on the October 6, 2011 E-Cat Test - PESWiki

Around thirty scientists and engineers from around the world showed up. Among these individuals were Christos Stremmenos, who is on the board of directors of Defkalion. In addition, professors Levi and Ferrari from the University of Bologna was present at the test. Dr. Focardi also attended the test. Media representatives from NyTecnic, Radio 24, and, documented the test. They took many photos and videos that will be posted in the coming days.

On the technical side of things, it seems the E-Cat performed well. We do not have final numbers for energy in and out, but we have been told the E-Cat self sustained for four hours with no input. We were told the E-Cat itself got incredibly hot (so hot those present could not touch it), the heat exchanger worked well, a steam temperature of 110 C was recorded inside of the E-Cat, and the energy output was so much larger than the input, that there was no need to extend the length test.

What is very important, is that no one has indicated the test was a failure, the results were bad, or that there was a major technical problem. From all reports, this test was a success. Of course we will have to wait until tomorrow for all of the information to be posted online, before we form a final conclusion.

If this test was as successful as it seems, this could be the dawning of a new age.

This is not some krank doing silly things with his moms cup in the garage.

If this really checks out, and I really hope it does, this will change our world in so many ways.

The machine is being patented and preped for commercial use:
Cold Fusion From Italy Nearly Commercial Ready | New Energy and Fuel

Nuclear reaction Confirmed by Swedish physicists last May:
Swedish Researchers confirm Rossi and Focardi Energy Catalyzer as a Nuclear Process

More reports on Rossies E-Cat power plant
Hope Grows as Journals Weigh in on Italian Cold Fusion Breakthrough

Cold Fusion is coming...Energy Created with no Power for 4 hours

Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: Probably Real, With Credit to Piantelli |

Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: The Melich and Macy Reports |

Focardi and Rossi Energy Catalyzer first jan 14 demo videos and summary of an online Question and Answer session from Jan 15

This may very well be a historic day.

This is good news for humankind, though our power-crazed imperialists who thrive from wars resulting from quest for fuel control would be bored to death and head to hell where they belong.
I would say at least it's more and more likely every day that the scientists behind "cold fusion" will endeavor to have a scientific trial.

Let's start there. Enthusiasm is great, but it's not part of what will make or break the success of cold fusion, so better leave it for after a real test is been completed.

I agree. While I see some good reason to take Rossi's claims as valid after the October 6th demonstration, it was not rigorous science by any means, for example the use of a bathroom scale calibrated by two guys there who were confident of their weight. lol

But even so sloppy as it was, with even a two significant digit measurement throught, the amount of energy that was put out overwhelms such points.

Which is why some have said it shows promise but it is not tight science by any means.

But then again, Rossi is not a scientist, but an entrepreneur with a lot of determination.

If he managed to stumble on some real LENR material, it wouldnt be the first time a new invention or technology was demonstrated, discovered or produced more by sweat expended than theory imagined.
I would say at least it's more and more likely every day that the scientists behind "cold fusion" will endeavor to have a scientific trial.

Let's start there. Enthusiasm is great, but it's not part of what will make or break the success of cold fusion, so better leave it for after a real test is been completed.

I agree. While I see some good reason to take Rossi's claims as valid after the October 6th demonstration, it was not rigorous science by any means, for example the use of a bathroom scale calibrated by two guys there who were confident of their weight. lol

But even so sloppy as it was, with even a two significant digit measurement throught, the amount of energy that was put out overwhelms such points.

Which is why some have said it shows promise but it is not tight science by any means.

But then again, Rossi is not a scientist, but an entrepreneur with a lot of determination.

If he managed to stumble on some real LENR material, it wouldnt be the first time a new invention or technology was demonstrated, discovered or produced more by sweat expended than theory imagined.

You know, it's not that significant that the electricity put into the reaction is less then what was abstracted. Again, the motor in your car achieves that. What is significant is if the energy put into obtaining the fuel then putting that into play in the reaction leaves a balance that's worth going through all of the trouble to take nickel out of the ground and isolate hydrogen.

Very specific ratios of the products of fusion should be discernible. Instead of stopping the experiment because you had seen an electrical surplus, these scientists probably know that they should have established that a fusion reaction happened.

There's something very fishy about how cockeyed this is being done. There's no reason to conduct science like that in this day and age. Money is not an object.

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