*England Begining To Open Eye's On Islam*

*Is This A Great In History Or What?*

  • 2. *Could Be, But My Brian Only Functions Half Strenght*

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Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. Finally England begun an awakening, and started to realize what I have known for over 30 years.
2. I have been pulling for England to wake up, and its about time.
3. America needs the same awakening, Islam is nothing good that this way comes.
4. I don't see it happening till Obama is no longer in office.
5. But at least England is getting it together, to a degree anyway.
6. England will have to lead the way, its up to them, to fight for thier country first, and we need to give them all the support they need.
7. Link: My Way News - UK's Cameron: Europe must wake up on extremism

"MUNICH (AP) - Europe must stamp out intolerance of Western values within its own Muslim communities and far-right groups if it is to defeat the roots of terrorism, British Prime Minister David Cameron said Saturday.

Cameron told the annual Munich Security Conference that European governments have been too tolerant of some sectors of society that publicly oppose democracy or reject equal rights for all.

He said Britain had found that many convicted terrorists had initially been influenced by so-called "nonviolent extremists" - people who aren't involved in encouraging plots, but denounce Western politics and culture - before going on to carry out violence.

"We won't defeat terrorism simply by the actions we take outside our borders. Europe needs to wake up to what is happening in our own countries," Cameron told the conference.

Both Britain and Germany have had noisy domestic debates about the impact of immigration, and the difficulties of integrating some religious communities, or those who struggle with the language of their new home.

In an attack on Britain's previous government, Cameron said authorities there had been too hesitant to intervene when some sectors of society espoused abhorrent views.

"We have even tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that run counter to our values," Cameron said. "We have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream."

Cameron said a culture of tolerance had allowed both Islamic extremists, and far-right extremists, to build support for their causes. "We've been too cautious, frankly even fearful, to stand up to them," he said.

Some European allies have criticized Britain for harboring hardline Islamic clerics and failing to clamp down on mosques that promote a perverted view of Islam.

Several terrorists involved in attacks or attempted plots in the U.S., Sweden, Denmark and Norway over the last two years have had links to Britain, or British-based clerics.

"If we are to defeat this threat, I believe it's time to turn the page on the failed policies of the past," Cameron said. "Instead of ignoring this extremist ideology, we - as governments and societies - have got to confront it, in all its forms."

He told the conference that developments in the Middle East should be harnessed to disprove Muslims who claim their religion cannot be observed properly within the democratic system.

"If they want an example of how Western values and Islam can be entirely compatible, they should look at what's happened in the past few weeks on the streets of Tunis and Cairo," Cameron said."

8. I thank God, English leaders are begining to understand just what's at stake with Islam doing what Islam does, that is, destroy everything good and decent about the host Nations.
9. This is indeed a great day in history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. God save the Queen, and England!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
11. EDIT: Oh and *CHECKMATE*!!!!!

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Too little and too late. They are already entrenched in the western secular nations and growing. Unless the western governments are willing to stand up the bleeding-heart liberals and ACLU types and ultimately suspend their own freedoms long enough to round up the Islamists and force them out of their countries, they're all headed toward becoming Islamic states. It's just a matter of time.
The Canadian government sent its mounties out to the mosques in their country to ascertain how many of them were preaching hardline/extremist views. The result of their study: The mounties said that the figure was 85%of the mosques were doing such.
Bottom line, our very freedoms are being used against us and the Islamists are laughing about it all the way to and from their mosques. If the governments aren't willing to do anything about it, then there must be a civil war. Any less and all is eventually lost.
You think Islam is the enemy?

Is Islam making you poor? Is Islam causing high unemployment? Is Islam devaluing your currency? How many of your family members have been killed because Islam denied your health insurance?

Fear and Hatred are corosive of human unity.
You think Islam is the enemy?

Is Islam making you poor? Is Islam causing high unemployment? Is Islam devaluing your currency? How many of your family members have been killed because Islam denied your health insurance?
These are all things Islam does to their own people, and wants to do to others.
You think Islam is the enemy?

Is Islam making you poor? Is Islam causing high unemployment? Is Islam devaluing your currency? How many of your family members have been killed because Islam denied your health insurance?

Fear and Hatred are corosive of human unity.

Islam is not "the enemy". But it is the breeding ground of the enemies of all that is non-Islam.
Too little and too late. They are already entrenched in the western secular nations and growing. Unless the western governments are willing to stand up the bleeding-heart liberals and ACLU types and ultimately suspend their own freedoms long enough to round up the Islamists and force them out of their countries, they're all headed toward becoming Islamic states. It's just a matter of time.
The Canadian government sent its mounties out to the mosques in their country to ascertain how many of them were preaching hardline/extremist views. The result of their study: The mounties said that the figure was 85%of the mosques were doing such.
Bottom line, our very freedoms are being used against us and the Islamists are laughing about it all the way to and from their mosques. If the governments aren't willing to do anything about it, then there must be a civil war. Any less and all is eventually lost.

i know that at least one of the rightwingnut blogs has said that. but i'm wondering...where is a credible link for the assertion that the canadian mounties said that 85% of mosques were radical.
Actually Cameron differentiated between Islam as a religion and the extremist Islam politics. Islam, as a religion, is no different to any other religion. It is the extremist political views that Cameron feels we need to confront. And, he's right.
What changes in law are being proposed?

The Prime Minister pledged to end all public funding for groups which give succour to extremist views. And he called for action to ban extremists from radicalising young people in universities, prisons and internet chat rooms.

Downing Street last night declined to name the groups Mr Cameron is referring to. But controversial organisations which have received state funding in the past include Hizb-ut-Tahrir and the Muslim Council of Britain.

Read more: David Cameron: Stop tolerating Islamic extremists and respect British 'core values' | Mail Online
You think Islam is the enemy?

Is Islam making you poor? Is Islam causing high unemployment? Is Islam devaluing your currency? How many of your family members have been killed because Islam denied your health insurance?

Fear and Hatred are corosive of human unity.

You looking for a Public Rest Room just ask Comrade. :evil:
I'm impressed with Cameron. I usually view British leaders as being pretty wimpy & whiny characters for the most part. Looks like Cameron may be changing my views though. The British Left refused to force assimilation on their Immigrants. Multiculturalism without assimilation just doesn't work in the end. Most of Britain's recent Immigrants have no loyalty at all to Great Britain. Their Citizenship requirements are very sub-par to say the least. Great Britian has simply lost their identity. Good to see some in Great Britain are waking up though. Multiculturalism has become a miserable failure in all of Western Europe. Great Britain and others in Western Europe have proven conclusively that Multiculturalism without assimilation is a recipe for disaster. I just hope the U.S. is paying attention. Are we assimilating our Immigrants? Something to ponder i guess. Kudos to Mr. Cameron though.
I'm impressed with Cameron. I usually view British leaders as being pretty wimpy & whiny characters for the most part. Looks like Cameron may be changing my views though. The British Left refused to force assimilation on their Immigrants. Multiculturalism without assimilation just doesn't work in the end. Most of Britain's recent Immigrants have no loyalty at all to Great Britain. Their Citizenship requirements are very sub-par to say the least. Great Britian has simply lost their identity. Good to see some in Great Britain are waking up though. Multiculturalism has become a miserable failure in all of Western Europe. Great Britain and others in Western Europe have proven conclusively that Multiculturalism without assimilation is a recipe for disaster. I just hope the U.S. is paying attention. Are we assimilating our Immigrants? Something to ponder i guess. Kudos to Mr. Cameron though.

You're like a fucking cushion! You bear the imprint of the last arse that sat on you!

In a another thread you kept repeating what a whimp David Cameron is! Just goes to prove how much weight any post made by you carries!
I'm impressed with Cameron. I usually view British leaders as being pretty wimpy & whiny characters for the most part. Looks like Cameron may be changing my views though. The British Left refused to force assimilation on their Immigrants. Multiculturalism without assimilation just doesn't work in the end. Most of Britain's recent Immigrants have no loyalty at all to Great Britain. Their Citizenship requirements are very sub-par to say the least. Great Britian has simply lost their identity. Good to see some in Great Britain are waking up though. Multiculturalism has become a miserable failure in all of Western Europe. Great Britain and others in Western Europe have proven conclusively that Multiculturalism without assimilation is a recipe for disaster. I just hope the U.S. is paying attention. Are we assimilating our Immigrants? Something to ponder i guess. Kudos to Mr. Cameron though.

You're like a fucking cushion! You bear the imprint of the last arse that sat on you!

In a another thread you kept repeating what a whimp David Cameron is! Just goes to prove how much weight any post made by you carries!

What part of "Kudos to Mr. Cameron" do you not understand? He actually sounded quite brave & reasonable. I give credit where credit is due. However i still stand by my views of most British leaders. They do tend to be quite wimpy & whiny for the most part. Cameron may be changing my views though. We'll see.
What exactly would you do in order to "force" people to assimilate??
Limit immigration to something below "overwhelming numbers". Too many immigrants all at once does not foster assimilation.
Make immigrants respect the law and culture of a host country (I had a to sign a document saying almost the same thing when I got my work visa for Japan)
Not allow multi-cultural, multi-language education in schools.
Prosecute people for sedition.

Just a start.
I'm impressed with Cameron. I usually view British leaders as being pretty wimpy & whiny characters for the most part. Looks like Cameron may be changing my views though. The British Left refused to force assimilation on their Immigrants. Multiculturalism without assimilation just doesn't work in the end. Most of Britain's recent Immigrants have no loyalty at all to Great Britain. Their Citizenship requirements are very sub-par to say the least. Great Britian has simply lost their identity. Good to see some in Great Britain are waking up though. Multiculturalism has become a miserable failure in all of Western Europe. Great Britain and others in Western Europe have proven conclusively that Multiculturalism without assimilation is a recipe for disaster. I just hope the U.S. is paying attention. Are we assimilating our Immigrants? Something to ponder i guess. Kudos to Mr. Cameron though.

You're like a fucking cushion! You bear the imprint of the last arse that sat on you!

In a another thread you kept repeating what a whimp David Cameron is! Just goes to prove how much weight any post made by you carries!

What part of "Kudos to Mr. Cameron" do you not understand? He actually sounded quite brave & reasonable. I give credit where credit is due. However i still stand by my views of most British leaders. They do tend to be quite wimpy & whiny for the most part. Cameron may be changing my views though. We'll see.

I doubt there will be any who give a toss as to whether you change your views or not. As for whimpy and whiney...nobody does that better than you!
Sorry bout that,

Too little and too late. They are already entrenched in the western secular nations and growing. Unless the western governments are willing to stand up the bleeding-heart liberals and ACLU types and ultimately suspend their own freedoms long enough to round up the Islamists and force them out of their countries, they're all headed toward becoming Islamic states. It's just a matter of time.
The Canadian government sent its mounties out to the mosques in their country to ascertain how many of them were preaching hardline/extremist views. The result of their study: The mounties said that the figure was 85%of the mosques were doing such.
Bottom line, our very freedoms are being used against us and the Islamists are laughing about it all the way to and from their mosques. If the governments aren't willing to do anything about it, then there must be a civil war. Any less and all is eventually lost.

1. I don't believe it will have to come to civil war, but that may be whats needed to happen, some huge unrest displayed by those who are being effected by Islams grip, which is everyboby else, a huge protest, might do a lot of good, in pushing the governments to do something.
2. As of now, in Europe, there is a uneasy calm about whats taking place, people are wondering if they just buy a rug, and play act they are Muslims, then Islam will go away, it won't.
3. I see Muslims here in Texas and I feel sick when I see them, I want them to go back to where they came from, thats all I think about when I see them, and I wonder if they will blow up too.
4. Canada, Austrailia, and all its colonies (America included), will follow England's lead when it comes to dealing with Muslims, England's back is at the wall, and they know it, and they are finally trying to at least, deal with it, if only in a small measure, but they will have to come to a *final conclusion* the Muslim problem isn't in South America, because they won't allow Islam the foot hold within thier nations, something about the spanish speaking nations, Islam has a problem getting local laws to support them, same goes with the Philippines, they won't have it either.
5. The *final conclusion* can be only one, that I can come up with which is, *they got to go*.
6. No and not rounded up and put into camps, first we have to identify all the scary ones first, give them notice that they are being relocated, back to where they came from, *invited to leave*, then give them a certain amount of time to get their affairs in order, selling houses, cars, belongings, then schedule them a flight, charter them in groups to shuffle them over to sponsor nations, meaning Islamic nations, and ban their return and block others from migrating here.
7. It really is that easy.
8. And *ALL* the free world has no other choice, if you think this is crazy talk, you are the one who is indeed crazy, if you think otherwise.
9. And oh,..*checkmate*.:clap2:


Cameron does need to butch up a bit though. He comes off as being a bit too prissy. He's gotta buck up and become a man. These are very tough times so Britain needs a tough Leader. There's no time for a prancing prissies. He just needs some coaching. Maybe they can get some of those Soccer Hooligans to give him some lessons. But it does look like he's making some progress. His recent speech was fantastic. WTG Mr. Cameron!
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Sorry bout that,

You think Islam is the enemy?

Is Islam making you poor? Is Islam causing high unemployment? Is Islam devaluing your currency? How many of your family members have been killed because Islam denied your health insurance?

Fear and Hatred are corosive of human unity.

1. Yes, look at Detroit as an example.
2. Yes, again look at Detroit as an example.
3. Yes, again look at Detroit, no one has money, the people with money have left.
4. Give Islam time, and they will get their hands into health care here as well.
5. There is and can be no unity between Christians and Islam, as long as Islam follow's the teachings of Islam.
6. Fear and hatred are what keeps us free just a little longer till we determine how to get rid of Islam Muslims and its trappings.


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