Enjoying Your $1400 COVID-19 Relief Check? Illegal Families Are Getting $284,000 Per Family

The Illegals vote democrat 200% of the time

LOLOL.. You are demented. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegals voted in 2016 and ultimately dropped it because he couldn't prove that either. Don't you just hate being lied to by a moron like Trump?
Where do they get these numbers? If your room is $120 per night, you'd have to stay there for two years and one month to rack up that amount. Or, you could rent the room by the month and stay there twice as long.

Room is not $120/night. Hotel is $86.9 million and only houses 1200 families.
That's disgusting. Are they being given mandatory vaccines, being mandated to wear a mask, social distance, and have mandatory Covid testing and Mandatory Covid Tracking?

Faux Xiden is 100% wrong 200% of the time.

Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

Not incompetence--funnelling money to those will kickback to the corrupt Dem administration and their family members--a whole lot of Bidens people need to be going to prison or shot for treason...either or.

This is sheer incompetence since it was the Biden administration that created this migrant problem in the first place.

I haven't seen the $1400 show up.
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

Did you complain about dumb donald's regular trips to Florida to play golf, and spent taxpayers money for the flight, for the lodging of the secret service and the cost to rent golf carts?

President Trump's travels to his private club Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., give the chief executive a chance to unwind, hang out with friends and play golf. But that presidential rest and recreation comes with a cost.

A new report from the Government Accountability Office says four such trips early on in Trump's presidency cost taxpayers $13.6 million, or some $3.4 million each. That is far higher than the estimates of Trump's travel costs early in his presidency, which were pegged at about $1 million per trip.

Trump's Travel Costs Add Up, Setting Him On Path To Outspend Obama's Travel Costs Add Up, Setting Him On Path To Outspend Obama
Trump's Travel Costs Add Up, Setting Him On Path To Outspend Obama

The congressional watchdog's report is the first official accounting of Trump's travel costs. The report also found that the Secret Service spent nearly $400,000 protecting Trump's sons Donald Jr. and Eric on trips they took in January and February 2017. The costs of Trump's visits to Florida were calculated based on trips in February and March of that year.

The GAO found that the government spent $10.6 million for the operating costs of government aircraft and boats and $3 million for "temporary duty costs of government personnel supporting the President's travel, including transportation, lodging, and meals and incidental expenses."

Read more here:

The GAO found that in addition to the Secret Service, the Defense Department and the Coast Guard incurred costs related to the president's travel.

Shutdown Shutters Many D.C. Tourist Attractions — But Not The One In Trump's Hotel's Hotel
Shutdown Shutters Many D.C. Tourist Attractions — But Not The One In Trump's Hotel

Presidential travel costs are a frequent political target. President Obama came under criticism from some conservatives and by Trump for flights he took to his home state of Hawaii as well as to vacation spots such as Martha's Vineyard.

Before entering politics, Trump often tweeted criticisms about the high cost of presidential travel.

According to the Washington Post, Trump has taken some 19 trips to Mar-a-Lago during his presidency so far. If the average cost of $3.4 million for the first four trips is extrapolated, that means the president's vacations have cost taxpayers at least $64.6 million. And that doesn't count travel to his club in Bedminster, N.J., where Trump goes in the summer.

What say you Easy, it appears to me you are the biggest damn hypocrite on earth.

'B...b....b....BUT TRUMP...'

:206: :itsok: Bwuhahahahaha....he still OWNS you...24/7!

Suck it up, buttercup....CCP Joe is spending $284,000 per illegal family, but according to you Americans should be thankful for their $1400 because 'Orange man Bad'?! :p

Joe has opened our border, surrendered our sovereignty, is helping the Cartels make as much as $14 MILLION per day, is hosting the biggest Super Spreader Event ever - putting American lives in danger - while begging Americans to wear masks so the virus doesn't spread and while facilitating the largest drug, human, and child trafficking event in history...,

'B....b....but Ttump....'

You're so freaking PATHETIC.
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

Did you complain about dumb donald's regular trips to Florida to play golf, and spent taxpayers money for the flight, for the lodging of the secret service and the cost to rent golf carts?

President Trump's travels to his private club Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., give the chief executive a chance to unwind, hang out with friends and play golf. But that presidential rest and recreation comes with a cost.

A new report from the Government Accountability Office says four such trips early on in Trump's presidency cost taxpayers $13.6 million, or some $3.4 million each. That is far higher than the estimates of Trump's travel costs early in his presidency, which were pegged at about $1 million per trip.

Trump's Travel Costs Add Up, Setting Him On Path To Outspend Obama's Travel Costs Add Up, Setting Him On Path To Outspend Obama
Trump's Travel Costs Add Up, Setting Him On Path To Outspend Obama

The congressional watchdog's report is the first official accounting of Trump's travel costs. The report also found that the Secret Service spent nearly $400,000 protecting Trump's sons Donald Jr. and Eric on trips they took in January and February 2017. The costs of Trump's visits to Florida were calculated based on trips in February and March of that year.

The GAO found that the government spent $10.6 million for the operating costs of government aircraft and boats and $3 million for "temporary duty costs of government personnel supporting the President's travel, including transportation, lodging, and meals and incidental expenses."

Read more here:

The GAO found that in addition to the Secret Service, the Defense Department and the Coast Guard incurred costs related to the president's travel.

Shutdown Shutters Many D.C. Tourist Attractions — But Not The One In Trump's Hotel's Hotel
Shutdown Shutters Many D.C. Tourist Attractions — But Not The One In Trump's Hotel

Presidential travel costs are a frequent political target. President Obama came under criticism from some conservatives and by Trump for flights he took to his home state of Hawaii as well as to vacation spots such as Martha's Vineyard.

Before entering politics, Trump often tweeted criticisms about the high cost of presidential travel.

According to the Washington Post, Trump has taken some 19 trips to Mar-a-Lago during his presidency so far. If the average cost of $3.4 million for the first four trips is extrapolated, that means the president's vacations have cost taxpayers at least $64.6 million. And that doesn't count travel to his club in Bedminster, N.J., where Trump goes in the summer.

What say you Easy, it appears to me you are the biggest damn hypocrite on earth.
Did Faux Xiden's Diaper Changer have your write this rubbish to waste all of our time on this forum?

Faux Xiden is 100% wrong 200% of the time and so are you.
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

Wow! What a great price! It's 50% to 90% less than under what the Trump admin spent per adult in immigration d

This comes out to $100 a day per family/hotel room....

We were spending $750 a day per child Trump separated from their parents put in detention, plus the cost per parent in detention was $140-$200 dollars a day each!
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

WOW! What Great savings!!!

what the Trump admin paid was 50% to 750% more per adult or child he put in detention....per day!!!!

The children he separated and took from their parents, he was paying $750 per child in detention!!! Again, per day!

And in addition $200 a day in detention for each parent.

$100 a day for an entire unseparated family is a HUMONGOUS SAVINGS!

Dems need about 30 million illegals so they can rig elections.

Actually, no.
Poor poser BluesLegend calculated wrong.
It is NOT "30 million".
Rather it was only 7,052,770 needed. (that is for all 50 states and some territories; however, we now know that some states the Dems needed only 11,779 votes. We know that because Don Trump informed us of that in his call to Raffensberger.)

Are they being given mandatory vaccines, being mandated to wear a mask, social distance,......

No they are not, poster Original Tree.
And what is worse.....is that they are given a free car, cell phone, free wi-fi, plus, they are exempt from the authoritarian supermarket rule of requiring a shirt and shoes. Those illegals don't hafta do that.

We should all be shocked. No?

Well, if you ain't........I am!

I love this bar.
Where do they get these numbers? If your room is $120 per night, you'd have to stay there for two years and one month to rack up that amount. Or, you could rent the room by the month and stay there twice as long.
$82M to house ILLEGAL immigrants is ridiculous when we have homeless AMERICANS living on the streets in every major city in the country. There is NO justification.
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

WOW! What Great savings!!!

what the Trump admin paid was 50% to 750% more per adult or child he put in detention....per day!!!!

The children he separated and took from their parents, he was paying $750 per child in detention!!! Again, per day!

And in addition $200 a day in detention for each parent.

$100 a day for an entire unseparated family is a HUMONGOUS SAVINGS!

That is a lie. Link?
Wow a large circle jerk ^^^ posting the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Theories - the grist which trump kooks thrive upon.
Biden opens the border up and encourages a flood of illegal minors to come on in and then turns around and takes the money from taxpayers to pay for illegal's accommodations in nice hotel rooms.
On top of that covid infected illegals are then just turned lose in America.

Who does dementia sufferer Biden go to bat for? Illegals from Mexico and other Central American countries
or the tax paying law abiding citizens of the USA?

Biden is like a flea infested mutt you let into your home who then craps all over your carpet.
It's all those fucking Panamanians and Costa Rican pieces of shit looking to downgrade their quality if life..
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

Mexico is paying for it. Just like they did the imaginary wall.

Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

Mexico is paying for it. Just like they did the imaginary wall.


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