Enough is Enough

You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
He's a fucking moron. That's why.
So moron why are people allowed to wear the neck gators if it's about health and safety?
Because covering your mouth blocks spit from projecting when you talk sneeze and cough. The less spit that flies the less virus flies. The odds of spread are reduced. This isn’t complicated, what are you not understanding?
. Could have saved myself some time if I had read your response to that idiot. Lol
idiot you're the one who bought into the face diaper I laugh at idiots like you
Don’t you wear one over your chin?! Who’s the sheep here?!
yes I wear one over my chin with the word TRUMP on it
The point, that you missed, is that businesses can't dictate anything.
And you can't read. I didn't say they couldn't refuse service. I said they couldn't dictate anything.
they are dictating the wearing of masks
No, they aren't. They're saying, "if you don't wear a mask, you're not welcome hear. We won't serve you". The fact that you can't recognize that distinction is exactly why liberty is in such jeopardy.
that's a mandate on them of a medical procedure within their store
Nope. It's simply saying - 'This is my property. If you don't wear a mask, I will ask you to leave. And if you don't leave, I'll call the police to have you escorted out'.

Do you really think they shouldn't have that right?

Someone refusing to accommodate you isn't dictating to you. They aren't violating your rights. They're just refusing to accommodate you.
idiot if a store requires that you wear a mask it's a mandate of a medical procedure
Wearing a mask is a medical procedure?!. Damn you’re stupid. Who fed you that line?!
the cdc you dumb fuck
Haha. Are we believing the CDC now?! Does that mean I get to reference other things the CDC says and you’ll respect it the same way you do this statement?
So face diaper wearer what value does a neck gator have at stopping a virus?
I’ve already told you like three times. You’re done man. Give it up
it has no value you're done
I wear a mask on my chin that has the name Trump on it
Appreciate that, let's us no who the idiots are so we can avoid them.
It's not
let's us no who the idiots are
So if it's about health and safety why are people allowed to wear the neck gators in place of N95 masks??
Dumb fucking sheeple
Yep, dumb fucking steeple is right about the republican party and trumpsters especially. Yall buy into horse shit like no one's business. Tucker Carlson gets sued and his defense is only morons would belive me me. The kracken gets sued and her defense is only morons would belive me but ya just keep eating it up. The masks are about protecting other people from spittle. That is why neck gators covering your mouth and nose are supported. The good masks protect the person wearing them. Dumb fuck. Of course we all know the typical trumpster only cares about themselves they are to short sighted to understand by protecting others you are also protecting your self as less people have the disease the less likely you are to catch it. Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that belive people like the cracked and Tucker carlson.
hey dumbfuck you bought into the face diaper shit
You do realize neck gators have zero means of stopping a virus
Stops your spit from traveling dumb fuck. Go listen to Tucker Carlson and rot your pathetic brain some more. Gotta love people who are told they are a moron by their own info source and keep eating up. Hopefully it rots your brain enough Darwinian theory takes over eliminates you and I won't have to listen to your idiocy anymore. Even better if it happens before you procreate.
Dumb fuck face gators do not have the ability to stop a virus
Wear your face diaper as a way that we can identify the most stupid of all people
Gators stop spit. Spit carries the virus. Gators reduce the amount of virus being projected. Are you still confused?
they don't stop viruses dumbass
Haha. You’re just saying shit you know nothing about. They stop spit, virus is in spit. It is very simple. Airborne particles still get through, so the virus cam still spread. The gators and the masks aren’t 100% preventative. They only help. Distancing and hand washing still need to happen as well if one wants to be safe
no face diaper wearer you're the one talking shit and don't know what you are talking about
face gators do not stop viruses
You do not live your life merely to survive. Your life has more value than that and should not be lived in fear.

Another flop waiting to happen. Where do these idiots come from?!
Do you have a large family?
you must talk a lot of shit because you feel the need to wear a face diaper
Just being a good citizen my man. Not letting my ego be a nuisance to others.

It's common courtesy. I wear a mask, during a pandemic, for the same reasons I don't piss on the sidewalk or fart in a crowded elevator. Of course these sick motherfuckers probably do both of those things. You know, to show they're not afraid!
Yo wore a mask because you were told to do so
I wear a mask covering my chin that's all
Why do you wear a mask to cover your chin? The fact that you are anti mask yet you still wear one makes you more of a sheep than those who are actually wearing them out of concern for others dontchya think?!
He's a fucking moron. That's why.
So moron why are people allowed to wear the neck gators if it's about health and safety?
Because covering your mouth blocks spit from projecting when you talk sneeze and cough. The less spit that flies the less virus flies. The odds of spread are reduced. This isn’t complicated, what are you not understanding?
. Could have saved myself some time if I had read your response to that idiot. Lol
idiot you're the one who bought into the face diaper I laugh at idiots like you
Don’t you wear one over your chin?! Who’s the sheep here?!
yes I wear one over my chin with the word TRUMP on it
So you don’t believe in them yet you wear them anyway. Sorry to tell you but you’re the sheep. Acting rebellious about it doesn’t mean you’re not conforming
The point, that you missed, is that businesses can't dictate anything.
And you can't read. I didn't say they couldn't refuse service. I said they couldn't dictate anything.
they are dictating the wearing of masks
No, they aren't. They're saying, "if you don't wear a mask, you're not welcome hear. We won't serve you". The fact that you can't recognize that distinction is exactly why liberty is in such jeopardy.
that's a mandate on them of a medical procedure within their store
Nope. It's simply saying - 'This is my property. If you don't wear a mask, I will ask you to leave. And if you don't leave, I'll call the police to have you escorted out'.

Do you really think they shouldn't have that right?

Someone refusing to accommodate you isn't dictating to you. They aren't violating your rights. They're just refusing to accommodate you.
idiot if a store requires that you wear a mask it's a mandate of a medical procedure
Wearing a mask is a medical procedure?!. Damn you’re stupid. Who fed you that line?!
the cdc you dumb fuck
Haha. Are we believing the CDC now?! Does that mean I get to reference other things the CDC says and you’ll respect it the same way you do this statement?
So face diaper wearer what value does a neck gator have at stopping a virus?
I’ve already told you like three times. You’re done man. Give it up
it has no value you're done
I literally just told you the value and you can’t refute it with more than just ignoring my explanation. That’s funny
I wear a mask on my chin that has the name Trump on it
Appreciate that, let's us no who the idiots are so we can avoid them.
It's not
let's us no who the idiots are
So if it's about health and safety why are people allowed to wear the neck gators in place of N95 masks??
Dumb fucking sheeple
Yep, dumb fucking steeple is right about the republican party and trumpsters especially. Yall buy into horse shit like no one's business. Tucker Carlson gets sued and his defense is only morons would belive me me. The kracken gets sued and her defense is only morons would belive me but ya just keep eating it up. The masks are about protecting other people from spittle. That is why neck gators covering your mouth and nose are supported. The good masks protect the person wearing them. Dumb fuck. Of course we all know the typical trumpster only cares about themselves they are to short sighted to understand by protecting others you are also protecting your self as less people have the disease the less likely you are to catch it. Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that belive people like the cracked and Tucker carlson.
hey dumbfuck you bought into the face diaper shit
You do realize neck gators have zero means of stopping a virus
Stops your spit from traveling dumb fuck. Go listen to Tucker Carlson and rot your pathetic brain some more. Gotta love people who are told they are a moron by their own info source and keep eating up. Hopefully it rots your brain enough Darwinian theory takes over eliminates you and I won't have to listen to your idiocy anymore. Even better if it happens before you procreate.
Dumb fuck face gators do not have the ability to stop a virus
Wear your face diaper as a way that we can identify the most stupid of all people
Gators stop spit. Spit carries the virus. Gators reduce the amount of virus being projected. Are you still confused?
they don't stop viruses dumbass
Haha. You’re just saying shit you know nothing about. They stop spit, virus is in spit. It is very simple. Airborne particles still get through, so the virus cam still spread. The gators and the masks aren’t 100% preventative. They only help. Distancing and hand washing still need to happen as well if one wants to be safe
no face diaper wearer you're the one talking shit and don't know what you are talking about
face gators do not stop viruses
They stop spit and spit carries virus. Do you refute that?
I really have no problem with people who question the pandemic measures. There are lots of things to question. It's the tin-foil hat shit that gets old.

For example, Texas covid numbers have gone down since they dropped the mask mandate. That's a really interesting data point - something we could actually learn from. But when the principal objections are from insecure idiots who are worried people will think they're afraid, or delusional whack-jobs who think mask mandates are a plot by Fauci and the aliens from Alpha Centuari to subjugate the human race - sane people can't take that shit seriously.

These dumbfucks actually make it harder to mount credible criticism of the pandemic response. They undermine their own cause with their brain-dead idiocy.
The point, that you missed, is that businesses can't dictate anything.
And you can't read. I didn't say they couldn't refuse service. I said they couldn't dictate anything.
they are dictating the wearing of masks
No, they aren't. They're saying, "if you don't wear a mask, you're not welcome hear. We won't serve you". The fact that you can't recognize that distinction is exactly why liberty is in such jeopardy.
that's a mandate on them of a medical procedure within their store
Nope. It's simply saying - 'This is my property. If you don't wear a mask, I will ask you to leave. And if you don't leave, I'll call the police to have you escorted out'.

Do you really think they shouldn't have that right?

Someone refusing to accommodate you isn't dictating to you. They aren't violating your rights. They're just refusing to accommodate you.
idiot if a store requires that you wear a mask it's a mandate of a medical procedure
Wearing a mask is a medical procedure?!. Damn you’re stupid. Who fed you that line?!
the cdc you dumb fuck
Haha. Are we believing the CDC now?! Does that mean I get to reference other things the CDC says and you’ll respect it the same way you do this statement?
So face diaper wearer what value does a neck gator have at stopping a virus?
I’ve already told you like three times. You’re done man. Give it up
it has no value you're done
I literally just told you the value and you can’t refute it with more than just ignoring my explanation. That’s funny
You told me nothing but a lie
I wear a mask on my chin that has the name Trump on it
Appreciate that, let's us no who the idiots are so we can avoid them.
It's not
let's us no who the idiots are
So if it's about health and safety why are people allowed to wear the neck gators in place of N95 masks??
Dumb fucking sheeple
Yep, dumb fucking steeple is right about the republican party and trumpsters especially. Yall buy into horse shit like no one's business. Tucker Carlson gets sued and his defense is only morons would belive me me. The kracken gets sued and her defense is only morons would belive me but ya just keep eating it up. The masks are about protecting other people from spittle. That is why neck gators covering your mouth and nose are supported. The good masks protect the person wearing them. Dumb fuck. Of course we all know the typical trumpster only cares about themselves they are to short sighted to understand by protecting others you are also protecting your self as less people have the disease the less likely you are to catch it. Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that belive people like the cracked and Tucker carlson.
hey dumbfuck you bought into the face diaper shit
You do realize neck gators have zero means of stopping a virus
Stops your spit from traveling dumb fuck. Go listen to Tucker Carlson and rot your pathetic brain some more. Gotta love people who are told they are a moron by their own info source and keep eating up. Hopefully it rots your brain enough Darwinian theory takes over eliminates you and I won't have to listen to your idiocy anymore. Even better if it happens before you procreate.
Dumb fuck face gators do not have the ability to stop a virus
Wear your face diaper as a way that we can identify the most stupid of all people
Gators stop spit. Spit carries the virus. Gators reduce the amount of virus being projected. Are you still confused?
they don't stop viruses dumbass
Haha. You’re just saying shit you know nothing about. They stop spit, virus is in spit. It is very simple. Airborne particles still get through, so the virus cam still spread. The gators and the masks aren’t 100% preventative. They only help. Distancing and hand washing still need to happen as well if one wants to be safe
no face diaper wearer you're the one talking shit and don't know what you are talking about
face gators do not stop viruses
They stop spit and spit carries virus. Do you refute that?
gaters don't do shit but play the part of a face diaper and keeps your bullshit you spew contained
I really have no problem with people who question the pandemic measures. There are lots of things to question. It's the tin-foil hat shit that gets old.

For example, Texas covid numbers have gone down since they dropped the mask mandate. That's a really interesting data point - something we could actually learn from. But when the principal objections are from insecure idiots who are worried people will think they're afraid, or delusional whack-jobs who think mask mandates are a plot by Fauci and the aliens from Alpha Centuari to subjugate the human race - sane people can't take that shit seriously.

These dumbfucks actually make it harder to mount credible criticism of the pandemic response. They undermine their own cause with their brain-dead idiocy.
scared people wear the face diapers
I really have no problem with people who question the pandemic measures. There are lots of things to question. It's the tin-foil hat shit that gets old.

For example, Texas covid numbers have gone down since they dropped the mask mandate. That's a really interesting data point - something we could actually learn from. But when the principal objections are from insecure idiots who are worried people will think they're afraid, or delusional whack-jobs who think mask mandates are a plot by Fauci and the aliens from Alpha Centuari to subjugate the human race - sane people can't take that shit seriously.

These dumbfucks actually make it harder to mount credible criticism of the pandemic response. They undermine their own cause with their brain-dead idiocy.
scared people wear the face diapers
LOL.. thanks. That's exactly the kind of thing in talking about.
I really have no problem with people who question the pandemic measures. There are lots of things to question. It's the tin-foil hat shit that gets old.

For example, Texas covid numbers have gone down since they dropped the mask mandate. That's a really interesting data point - something we could actually learn from. But when the principal objections are from insecure idiots who are worried people will think they're afraid, or delusional whack-jobs who think mask mandates are a plot by Fauci and the aliens from Alpha Centuari to subjugate the human race - sane people can't take that shit seriously.

These dumbfucks actually make it harder to mount credible criticism of the pandemic response. They undermine their own cause with their brain-dead idiocy.
scared people wear the face diapers
LOL.. thanks. That's exactly the kind of thing in talking about.
I meant to say scared sheeple will do as the master overlords tell them to do regardless if it makes sense or not
I really have no problem with people who question the pandemic measures. There are lots of things to question. It's the tin-foil hat shit that gets old.

For example, Texas covid numbers have gone down since they dropped the mask mandate. That's a really interesting data point - something we could actually learn from. But when the principal objections are from insecure idiots who are worried people will think they're afraid, or delusional whack-jobs who think mask mandates are a plot by Fauci and the aliens from Alpha Centuari to subjugate the human race - sane people can't take that shit seriously.

These dumbfucks actually make it harder to mount credible criticism of the pandemic response. They undermine their own cause with their brain-dead idiocy.
scared people wear the face diapers
LOL.. thanks. That's exactly the kind of thing in talking about.
I meant to say scared sheeple will do as the master overlords tell them to do regardless if it makes sense or not
Even better. Thanks!
I really have no problem with people who question the pandemic measures. There are lots of things to question. It's the tin-foil hat shit that gets old.

For example, Texas covid numbers have gone down since they dropped the mask mandate. That's a really interesting data point - something we could actually learn from. But when the principal objections are from insecure idiots who are worried people will think they're afraid, or delusional whack-jobs who think mask mandates are a plot by Fauci and the aliens from Alpha Centuari to subjugate the human race - sane people can't take that shit seriously.

These dumbfucks actually make it harder to mount credible criticism of the pandemic response. They undermine their own cause with their brain-dead idiocy.
scared people wear the face diapers
LOL.. thanks. That's exactly the kind of thing in talking about.
I meant to say scared sheeple will do as the master overlords tell them to do regardless if it makes sense or not
Even better. Thanks!
truth is hard to argue against and you're welcome
I wear a mask on my chin that has the name Trump on it
Appreciate that, let's us no who the idiots are so we can avoid them.
It's not
let's us no who the idiots are
So if it's about health and safety why are people allowed to wear the neck gators in place of N95 masks??
Dumb fucking sheeple
Yep, dumb fucking steeple is right about the republican party and trumpsters especially. Yall buy into horse shit like no one's business. Tucker Carlson gets sued and his defense is only morons would belive me me. The kracken gets sued and her defense is only morons would belive me but ya just keep eating it up. The masks are about protecting other people from spittle. That is why neck gators covering your mouth and nose are supported. The good masks protect the person wearing them. Dumb fuck. Of course we all know the typical trumpster only cares about themselves they are to short sighted to understand by protecting others you are also protecting your self as less people have the disease the less likely you are to catch it. Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that belive people like the cracked and Tucker carlson.
Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that believe people like the publishers of msm....1 sided bullshit....Dumb fuck..... Of course we all know the typical communist demonRATS only care about treason and communism... dumb fucking sheep-- the commie demonRAT party and xiden idolers especially.
I wear a mask on my chin that has the name Trump on it
Appreciate that, let's us no who the idiots are so we can avoid them.
It's not
let's us no who the idiots are
So if it's about health and safety why are people allowed to wear the neck gators in place of N95 masks??
Dumb fucking sheeple
Yep, dumb fucking steeple is right about the republican party and trumpsters especially. Yall buy into horse shit like no one's business. Tucker Carlson gets sued and his defense is only morons would belive me me. The kracken gets sued and her defense is only morons would belive me but ya just keep eating it up. The masks are about protecting other people from spittle. That is why neck gators covering your mouth and nose are supported. The good masks protect the person wearing them. Dumb fuck. Of course we all know the typical trumpster only cares about themselves they are to short sighted to understand by protecting others you are also protecting your self as less people have the disease the less likely you are to catch it. Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that belive people like the cracked and Tucker carlson.
hey dumbfuck you bought into the face diaper shit
You do realize neck gators have zero means of stopping a virus
Stops your spit from traveling dumb fuck. Go listen to Tucker Carlson and rot your pathetic brain some more. Gotta love people who are told they are a moron by their own info source and keep eating up. Hopefully it rots your brain enough Darwinian theory takes over eliminates you and I won't have to listen to your idiocy anymore. Even better if it happens before you procreate.
Dumb fuck face gators do not have the ability to stop a virus
Wear your face diaper as a way that we can identify the most stupid of all people
Gators stop spit. Spit carries the virus. Gators reduce the amount of virus being projected. Are you still confused?
they don't stop viruses dumbass
Haha. You’re just saying shit you know nothing about. They stop spit, virus is in spit. It is very simple. Airborne particles still get through, so the virus cam still spread. The gators and the masks aren’t 100% preventative. They only help. Distancing and hand washing still need to happen as well if one wants to be safe
no face diaper wearer you're the one talking shit and don't know what you are talking about
face gators do not stop viruses
They stop spit and spit carries virus. Do you refute that?
gaters don't do shit but play the part of a face diaper and keeps your bullshit you spew contained
Do gators stop spit from flying out of your mouth and nose and into the surrounding environment? Yes or no
I wear a mask on my chin that has the name Trump on it
Appreciate that, let's us no who the idiots are so we can avoid them.
It's not
let's us no who the idiots are
So if it's about health and safety why are people allowed to wear the neck gators in place of N95 masks??
Dumb fucking sheeple
Yep, dumb fucking steeple is right about the republican party and trumpsters especially. Yall buy into horse shit like no one's business. Tucker Carlson gets sued and his defense is only morons would belive me me. The kracken gets sued and her defense is only morons would belive me but ya just keep eating it up. The masks are about protecting other people from spittle. That is why neck gators covering your mouth and nose are supported. The good masks protect the person wearing them. Dumb fuck. Of course we all know the typical trumpster only cares about themselves they are to short sighted to understand by protecting others you are also protecting your self as less people have the disease the less likely you are to catch it. Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that belive people like the cracked and Tucker carlson.
Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that believe people like the publishers of msm....1 sided bullshit....Dumb fuck..... Of course we all know the typical communist demonRATS only care about treason and communism... dumb fucking sheep-- the commie demonRAT party and xiden idolers especially.
Lol right wing name calling is all a fucking moron has. What a moron just like Tucker Carlson and the kracken says you are . Hillarious
I wear a mask on my chin that has the name Trump on it
Appreciate that, let's us no who the idiots are so we can avoid them.
It's not
let's us no who the idiots are
So if it's about health and safety why are people allowed to wear the neck gators in place of N95 masks??
Dumb fucking sheeple
Yep, dumb fucking steeple is right about the republican party and trumpsters especially. Yall buy into horse shit like no one's business. Tucker Carlson gets sued and his defense is only morons would belive me me. The kracken gets sued and her defense is only morons would belive me but ya just keep eating it up. The masks are about protecting other people from spittle. That is why neck gators covering your mouth and nose are supported. The good masks protect the person wearing them. Dumb fuck. Of course we all know the typical trumpster only cares about themselves they are to short sighted to understand by protecting others you are also protecting your self as less people have the disease the less likely you are to catch it. Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that belive people like the cracked and Tucker carlson.
Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that believe people like the publishers of msm....1 sided bullshit....Dumb fuck..... Of course we all know the typical communist demonRATS only care about treason and communism... dumb fucking sheep-- the commie demonRAT party and xiden idolers especially.
Lol right wing name calling is all a fucking moron has. What a moron just like Tucker Carlson and the kracken says you are . Hillarious
well, shit stain...those were lines out of your post....so, you are the asshole that started w/the name calling...DUH!!!
What a moron just like beijing xiden, and the communist demonRATS
I wear a mask on my chin that has the name Trump on it
Appreciate that, let's us no who the idiots are so we can avoid them.
It's not
let's us no who the idiots are
So if it's about health and safety why are people allowed to wear the neck gators in place of N95 masks??
Dumb fucking sheeple
Yep, dumb fucking steeple is right about the republican party and trumpsters especially. Yall buy into horse shit like no one's business. Tucker Carlson gets sued and his defense is only morons would belive me me. The kracken gets sued and her defense is only morons would belive me but ya just keep eating it up. The masks are about protecting other people from spittle. That is why neck gators covering your mouth and nose are supported. The good masks protect the person wearing them. Dumb fuck. Of course we all know the typical trumpster only cares about themselves they are to short sighted to understand by protecting others you are also protecting your self as less people have the disease the less likely you are to catch it. Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that belive people like the cracked and Tucker carlson.
Of course what do you expect from fucking morons that believe people like the publishers of msm....1 sided bullshit....Dumb fuck..... Of course we all know the typical communist demonRATS only care about treason and communism... dumb fucking sheep-- the commie demonRAT party and xiden idolers especially.
Lol right wing name calling is all a fucking moron has. What a moron just like Tucker Carlson and the kracken says you are . Hillarious
well, shit stain...those were lines out of your post....so, you are the asshole that started w/the name calling...DUH!!!
What a moron just like beijing xiden, and the communist demonRATS
Lol, more name calling from the guy who listens to the kracken and Tucker Carlson. People who say those that listen are unreasonable morons. You parrot their idiocy and I am supposed to be worrying about your opinions? Hillarious

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