ENOUGH....Time for Gun Control....NOW

As usual, when a leftist whiner loses an argument, he starts ranting hysterically.


So you don't think I should be able to have my own RPG?

Considering the police don't see a need for one, I am comfortable with RPG's and grenades being regulated as explosives, which they are.

What I want is to be able to buy a semi auto handgun or rifle without onerous restrictions. Currently I cannot do that in new york state, thus they are violating my constitutional rights.

Then move. Or stop crying. Your choice.

But you're too lazy or probably have some sort of check coming each month from the state which is preventing you from getting off your fat ass.
Japan has a suicide rate of 25 per 100,000.

The US has a suicide rate of 11 per 100,000.

because of their frustration with not being able to own guns...

That's actually pretty funny but since you've never shown yourself to have a sense of humor, I suspect you're serious.


you dont see me laughing when i read your posts?.... guys like you and Rdd keep me laughing all day long....look im laughing now....:lol:....you bust me up....
So you don't think I should be able to have my own RPG?

Considering the police don't see a need for one, I am comfortable with RPG's and grenades being regulated as explosives, which they are.

What I want is to be able to buy a semi auto handgun or rifle without onerous restrictions. Currently I cannot do that in new york state, thus they are violating my constitutional rights.

Then move. Or stop crying. Your choice.

But you're too lazy or probably have some sort of check coming each month from the state which is preventing you from getting off your fat ass.

I shouldn't have to move to protect a constitutional right. What I have here is family I have to take care of.

And I am a net provider to the tax system, not a moocher like you probably are.
Isn't it almost nap time?

Naps are for everyone.

I power nap for 1-2 hours before I goes out drinkin.

Of course you do. How else would you have the energy to put down a case of Busch and then vomit all over yourself and pass out on your porch sofa.

Busch beer is really only good for outdoor stuff like Camping. Right now my preferred beer of choice at the local pub is the Dogfish-Head 60 min IPA. very crisp.
So then why not make nuclear bombs legal too?

I was wondering when the gun-haters would get their fannies spanked enough to switch over to the silly "nuclear weapon" dodge instead.

The fact that people can skirt the law shouldn't mean we don't need the law in the first place. The Supreme Court has clearly stated that Americans do not have the right to own ANY gun they choose, that the Government can place limits on certain weapons, and tell me, WHY do you need a semi-automatic weapon instead of a simple handgun to protect yourself from a danger that most people never face? Tell me, what danger have you faced for which you really needed a semi-automatic? To me, these guns produce more risk than benefit.
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Guess you didn't follow the Columbine kids very closely. They were building bombs in their garages in Littleton, CO along with amassing firearms BOUGHT FOR THEM BY AN 18-YEAR OLD GIRLFRIEND.

Which was already illegal, yet it strangely happened :eusa_whistle:

Should an 18-year-old be able to buy guns? We won't let them drink.

That may be strange to you, but it's sheer idiotic laws passed by gun nuts with NRA backing to me.

Should an 18-year-old be able to buy guns? We won't let them drink.

but we have no problems sending them off to war with those guns people are trying to ban.....
Is that because of that American exceptionalism that Americans are so proud of?

No. Mexico has strict gun laws. And lots of crime. South Aftrica has strict gun laws and lots of crime. Gun control doesnt work, period.

Mexico's crime rate is skewed from the Sinaloa drug cartel, not ordinary citizens sporting their assault weapons at local tacquerias, dumbass.

Mexicans are too poor to own guns in the first place. They save their money up to pay for the truck ride to the U.S. border. The relo-broker gets about $1000 a head. That's a LOT of pesos, honey.

You make shit up. Ordinary citizens sporting their assault rifles contribute ZERO to crime issues.
And of coure you engage in bigoted stereotyping of Mexicans, like the good little hypocrite you are.
Active Shooter at Oregon High School

BREAKING: Reports of active shooter at high school near Portland | Q13 FOX News

PORTLAND — There were multiple reports of an active shooter around 8:30 a.m. at a high school in Troutdale, Oregon.

According to the Columbian Newspaper, area police requested assistance from Clark County Washington sheriff’s deputies at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Ore. to respond to calls of a possible shooting.

Read more: BREAKING: Reports of active shooter at high school near Portland | Q13 FOX News

Sorry, children. It's time to make it harder to get your shiny, dangerous toys. Too many loonies out there. Every week now.

The "GOOD GUY WITH A GUN" at Walmart ended up in the hospital in Las Vegas. SO there goes that Wayne LaPierre bullshit myth.
Everytime a nut shoots someone the looney left wants to over regulate guns instead of the cook doing the shooting. The only myth is that libtards have brains.
Should an 18-year-old be able to buy guns? We won't let them drink.

but we have no problems sending them off to war with those guns people are trying to ban.....

The whole age thing is SO bogus. After all, they are officially infants until age 26.

Don't believe me?

Read (when you have a month or so to waste) The Great Obamacare Law.
Common sense and critical thinking aren't supported here.

True. PeeParty lies about his own posts. Other simply repeat that we need to restrict guns from crazy people, like that's possible in any way. They're totally unhinged.

You are a perfect example of someone that shouldn't be allowed to own a gun, let alone sell them.

You are the shining example of why kids die in school pretty much every day in this country.

Your statement is a perfect example of why lolberals have lost the gun control argument.
I am not sure I believe in more gun control, but here is something I came up with:

1a. The English system--with very, very few exceptions, prohibit semi-automatic rifles and pistols.
1b. If mental issues are present, pass a severe psychological evaluation before purchasing a gun.
2. One of the purposes of a government is to protect its people, and while most people are able to safely own a firearm, not all people are. It is fairly simple to obtain a gun if you have no criminal background.
3. A prohibition on semi-automatic rifles and pistols would help prevent these mass killings, since they are the ones that can cause the most damage. All of the killers were mentally unstable, and many of these instabilities were known before the shooting. Obviously this wouldn't prevent them from taking the gun from someone else, but it would help prevent them from obtaining a gun legally, while the prohibition on the semi-automatics would keep them from taking it.
4. The Bill of Rights does not grant citizens a right to EVERYTHING. There are limits to Free Speech--you can't slander, lie, use fighting/offensive words, make threats, etc. In District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court ruled that "the right [to bear arms] is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose," only weapons that are 'necessary,' as some people see fit, solely for lawful purposes, such as self-defense. These semi-automatic weapons are not.

The police would have to follow the exact same restrictions, and you know that won't happen.

All you do when you ban semi-autos is make it easier for a criminal to out-gun a law abiding citizen, simple as that.

If they aren't available, how would the criminal be able to out-gun the law-abiding citizen? Obviously there is no immediate fix, since people already have the guns and you can't take them away, but in the long-term I don't see how this would be negative.

How do you get rid of 300M guns, not to mention the ability to produce more at will?
Me! Me! Me!

Me the People....

You're a true patriot. Be proud.

A true patriot is focused on fulfilling his own responsibilities, including the one to defend himself and his family. If you spent more time trying to fix your own problems instead of trying to control everyone else's life, you'd be happy.

I am trying to fix my own problems. I consider kids dying in school every week to be my problem. I know you don't give a fuck, but thats because you are a selfish prick.

Wow arent you the fucking martyr. Remind me how you are solving this problem. Are you hanging around school yards in a trench coat waiting for bad guys to show up?
If the nutters get their way, we will all be shooting at each other.

I don't know of anyone who has all the answer but does that mean we should do as the gun nuts want?

Why is it they want us to just roll over and give up?

because they feel that you want law abiding citizens to just roll over and give up.....if both sides cant come up with something that both can live with nothing is going to change until Congress feels forced to do something.....and usually when they are forced....its not good....
If they aren't available, how would the criminal be able to out-gun the law-abiding citizen? Obviously there is no immediate fix, since people already have the guns and you can't take them away, but in the long-term I don't see how this would be negative.

If you ban me from owning a firearm some other identical citizen can you are denying me equal protection under the law.

Plus any decent machinist with the proper plans can make a semi-automatic handgun, and soon we will be able to print them out with 3-D printing.

Banning the type of weapon doesn't do squat. Its feel good crap that denies me my rights.

Police Officers in those nations don't have these weapons. That's the point. They aren't available.

So then why not make nuclear bombs legal too? Obviously they're more difficult to make, but it can still be done.

Laws don't totally prevent. Everybody knows that. People still do plenty of things that are illegal. But the laws will not, I believe, have exactly zero benefit like gun-rights activists claim.

What country are you talking about again?
Considering the police don't see a need for one, I am comfortable with RPG's and grenades being regulated as explosives, which they are.

What I want is to be able to buy a semi auto handgun or rifle without onerous restrictions. Currently I cannot do that in new york state, thus they are violating my constitutional rights.

Then move. Or stop crying. Your choice.

But you're too lazy or probably have some sort of check coming each month from the state which is preventing you from getting off your fat ass.

I shouldn't have to move to protect a constitutional right. What I have here is family I have to take care of.

And I am a net provider to the tax system, not a moocher like you probably are.

Just like I suspected. All mouth, no action. Cry more why don't ya.
A true patriot is focused on fulfilling his own responsibilities, including the one to defend himself and his family. If you spent more time trying to fix your own problems instead of trying to control everyone else's life, you'd be happy.

I am trying to fix my own problems. I consider kids dying in school every week to be my problem. I know you don't give a fuck, but thats because you are a selfish prick.

Wow arent you the fucking martyr. Remind me how you are solving this problem. Are you hanging around school yards in a trench coat waiting for bad guys to show up?

Live out your sick school yard fantasies somewhere else.
So then why not make nuclear bombs legal too?

I was wondering when the gun-haters would get their fannies spanked enough to switch over to the silly "nuclear weapon" dodge instead.

The fact that people can skirt the law shouldn't mean we don't need the law in the first place. The Supreme Court has clearly stated that Americans do not have the right to own ANY gun they choose, that the Government can place limits on certain weapons, and tell me, WHY do you need a semi-automatic weapon instead of a simple handgun to protect yourself from a danger that most people never face? Tell me, what danger have you faced for which you really needed a semi-automatic? To me, these guns produce more risk than benefit.

The ruling upheld guns in common use. That means semi autos. Virtually every police department issues them. Are you suggesting police should be disarmed?
I am trying to fix my own problems. I consider kids dying in school every week to be my problem. I know you don't give a fuck, but thats because you are a selfish prick.

Wow arent you the fucking martyr. Remind me how you are solving this problem. Are you hanging around school yards in a trench coat waiting for bad guys to show up?

Live out your sick school yard fantasies somewhere else.

I'm not the one pretending to be Florence Nightingale, Mary.
You now have reached the point you always do: when confronted with facts refuting your stupid arguments you flail into irrelevance and insults.
So then why not make nuclear bombs legal too?

I was wondering when the gun-haters would get their fannies spanked enough to switch over to the silly "nuclear weapon" dodge instead.

The Supreme Court has clearly stated that Americans do not have the right to own ANY gun they choose, that the Government can place limits on certain weapons,

Wrong as usual. The Supremes said that they weren't going to address that issue in the Heller decision. Thus letting the present status quo sit for now.

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