ENOUGH....Time for Gun Control....NOW

Then move. Or stop crying. Your choice.

But you're too lazy or probably have some sort of check coming each month from the state which is preventing you from getting off your fat ass.

I shouldn't have to move to protect a constitutional right. What I have here is family I have to take care of.

And I am a net provider to the tax system, not a moocher like you probably are.

Just like I suspected. All mouth, no action. Cry more why don't ya.

I support my local NRA affiliate in their fight to repeal NY's onerous gun laws. Too bad the judges around here suck.
So then why not make nuclear bombs legal too?

I was wondering when the gun-haters would get their fannies spanked enough to switch over to the silly "nuclear weapon" dodge instead.

and tell me, WHY do you need a semi-automatic weapon instead of a simple handgun to protect yourself from a danger that most people never face?
It's always fun to find someone who believes I need to explain to a hysterical stranger "why" I need to exercise the same rights he has.

Tell me, what danger have you faced for which you really needed a semi-automatic?
How much are you offering for the book-deal rights?

To me, these guns produce more risk than benefit.
Some people can handle them, and some can't. My sympathies. But thanks for your candor.
I was wondering when the gun-haters would get their fannies spanked enough to switch over to the silly "nuclear weapon" dodge instead.

The Supreme Court has clearly stated that Americans do not have the right to own ANY gun they choose, that the Government can place limits on certain weapons,

Wrong as usual. The Supremes said that they weren't going to address that issue in the Heller decision. Thus letting the present status quo sit for now.

He's talking about Miller which said we have the right to military weapons due to the role of the militia, but that the government can say no to weapons that have no militia use.
In 2008, when the United States experienced over 12,000* gun-related homicides, Japan had only 11, or fewer than half as many killed Friday in Newtown, Conn.""""""

Population of Japan, 129,000,000.

In 2006, Japan had 32,115 suicides.

Any stats on the drug-using % of populations in US vs Japan?
How much gun violence and how much drug use is going on?
(prescription also, where people on inconsistent meds can get homicidal/suicidal)

At any point, GISMYS can jump in and blame the lack of God/spirituality
for the surge in dependency on drugs that is not sustainable or stable.
The Supreme Court has clearly stated that Americans do not have the right to own ANY gun they choose, that the Government can place limits on certain weapons,

Wrong as usual. The Supremes said that they weren't going to address that issue in the Heller decision. Thus letting the present status quo sit for now.

He's talking about Miller which said we have the right to military weapons due to the role of the militia, but that the government can say no to weapons that have no militia use.

The U.S. Supreme Court has released a ruling saying that military-style weapons are protected by the 2nd amendment, and thus the right of ordinary citizens to "keep and bear" them cannot be taken away or restricted.

The ruling came from a surprise case that came directly from a Federal District Court in Arkansas, without travelling the "usual" route through a Federal Court of Appeals first.

This clearly indicates that so-called "assault rifles", even though misnamed by most politicians and media, are protected by the 2nd due to the very features that such people fear: Bayonet lugs, flash suppressors, folding stocks etc. that make them appear similar to weapons used by the military. And of course, the ruling also means that genuine military weapons such as M-16s and AK-47s that can fire continuously like a machine gun, are also protected, and cannot be restricted by Federal, State, or local legislation.

In their Opinion of the Court, the Justices indicated that weapons which are "part of the ordinary military equipment" came under the protection of the 2nd amendment, even in civilian hands, as well as a gun whose "use could contribute to the common defense."

The ruling was especially surprising in light of the fact that the entire Defense team was absent from the Supreme Court trial during the proceedings. Apparently the defendant himself, Jack Miller, the owner of the gun in question, could not be found by his lawyer to prepare a defense. The lawyer decided that since he could not prepare an adequate defense without any consultation or information from Miller, and that since he was unlikely to receive any pay for the massive effort needed to prepare a Supreme Court case, he would not attend the hearings nor submit any briefs to the Court.

This left the Government prosecution team with an unexpected windfall. The prosecution decided to enter into the record a number of demonstrably false statements, including:

(a) Only weapons commonly used by the armed services, were protected by the 2nd amendment. This is clearly false, since the 2nd merely mentions militias as a reason why the right to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed, not as a governing condition of such a right.

(b) The weapon owned by defendant Miller (a short-barrelled shotgun) was not a weapon in use by military forces. This is also demonstrably false, since such weapons were commonly used by both sides in recent major wars, and were known as "trench guns".

(c) Membership in a militia was necessary for a person to have the right to keep an bear arms. This is, of course, false for the reasons given above. More recent cases have positively stated that the right is and individual right, and is not based on a citizen's membership in any military organization.

But since no one stood up for the Defense to point out the falsehood of the Government's statements, the Justices rubber-stamped most of them into an Opinion.

The Opinion of the Court is loaded with phrases indicating the Justices' frustration over not hearing any arguments from the Defense. "In the absence of any evidence tending to show that...", and "...we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees...", and "...it is not withing judicial notice that...". This is as close as any Justice has ever gotten to protesting the complete lack of counterarguments to the Prosecution's falsehoods.

But the trial had to go on, as scheduled. And even with the lopsided "evidence" presented, the Justices were still able to salvage a ruling that civilian ownership and usage of military and military-style weapons, at least, enjoyed the protection of the 2nd amendment.

Defendant Miller was found later, dead in a stream bed, with four pistol bullets in his chest.

As in all Supreme Court cases, this ruling will remain valid and in force without limit, unless a subsequent Supreme Court case overrules or reverses it. To date, no such case has done that, except DC v. Heller which ruled in 2008 that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right, not contingent on military membership.

The case was US v. Miller (307 U.S. 174), ruling delivered on May 15, 1939. It remains valid to this day.

United States v. Miller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939)
Backgound checks on all sales and better mental health care would be a nice change. This is getting ridiculous...Great job, greedy idiot Pubs and their paranoid, conspiracy nut hater dupes!
And it would take a massive federal and state level assault on the citizens do not want to be disarmed.
I think it highly unlikely that any gun control laws passed would result in an attempt to disarm citizens. Far more likely are laws aimed at restricting sales, because 40% of American households own guns and the country is pretty evenly divided on the issue.

Allowing citizens to keep firearms that I would no longer be able to purchase violates equal protection. Just because someone has it already is not a viable reason to let the keep it and deny me access to it as long as we have equally clean backgrounds.

Also allowing the police to keep them would be a violation as well. Police are citizens, with only the additional ability to arrest people with immunity to claims against them as long as the arrest is handled per procedures.

they are not a class of knights, upon whom we bestow a right of arms we deny everyone else.
However, restricting sales is not likely to create any armed conflict between police and gun owners.
I think it highly unlikely that any gun control laws passed would result in an attempt to disarm citizens. Far more likely are laws aimed at restricting sales, because 40% of American households own guns and the country is pretty evenly divided on the issue.

Allowing citizens to keep firearms that I would no longer be able to purchase violates equal protection. Just because someone has it already is not a viable reason to let the keep it and deny me access to it as long as we have equally clean backgrounds.

Also allowing the police to keep them would be a violation as well. Police are citizens, with only the additional ability to arrest people with immunity to claims against them as long as the arrest is handled per procedures.

they are not a class of knights, upon whom we bestow a right of arms we deny everyone else.
However, restricting sales is not likely to create any armed conflict between police and gun owners.

I don't care. You shouldn't be able to restrict my rights without going the full bore. I demand equal protection under the law, thus if Joe Blow is able to keep his AR-15, I have the right to purchase one if I so desire.
The fact that people can skirt the law shouldn't mean we don't need the law in the first place. The Supreme Court has clearly stated that Americans do not have the right to own ANY gun they choose,
That's not what it said at all.

that the Government can place limits on certain weapons,
Yes. Those that are "dangerous and unusual".
Those in common use for traditionally lawful purposes? These may not be banned.

WHY do you need a semi-automatic weapon....
Right are not subject a subjective demonstration of need.

...instead of a simple handgun to protect yourself from a danger that most people never face?
Most people never face danger from criminals with guns?
Why then do we need more gun control?
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Backgound checks on all sales and better mental health care would be a nice change. This is getting ridiculous...Great job, greedy idiot Pubs and their paranoid, conspiracy nut hater dupes!
Thank you for helping to prove the premise than anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I love how you nutters and grabbers don't actually care or bother to read anything that is posted. You just type and paste as fast as your fingers can move.
I love how you nutters and grabbers don't actually care or bother to read anything that is posted. You just type and paste as fast as your fingers can move.

Why bother? At this point it's the same arguments and positions every time. There's nothing new to say.
Active Shooter at Oregon High School

BREAKING: Reports of active shooter at high school near Portland | Q13 FOX News

PORTLAND — There were multiple reports of an active shooter around 8:30 a.m. at a high school in Troutdale, Oregon.

According to the Columbian Newspaper, area police requested assistance from Clark County Washington sheriff’s deputies at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Ore. to respond to calls of a possible shooting.

Read more: BREAKING: Reports of active shooter at high school near Portland | Q13 FOX News

Sorry, children. It's time to make it harder to get your shiny, dangerous toys. Too many loonies out there. Every week now.

The "GOOD GUY WITH A GUN" at Walmart ended up in the hospital in Las Vegas. SO there goes that Wayne LaPierre bullshit myth.

Bullshit. All across America today people have been run over and in car crashes. Should we make it harder to get those very shiny and dangerous toys called the automobile?

Of course not. Only whack jobs like yourself want to strip law abiding citizens of their rights to own a gun.
There is a shooter, so let's make sure everyone is completely unarmed and at the mercy of the next shooter that comes along.

Seriously, why on earth do you think that makes any sense whatsoever?

Highly trained and properly equipped police officers respond with alacrity to active shooter situations. The civilian in Wal-Mart is dead because he acted without training, intel or backup and believed his gun would win the day. Today bad, he drank the same Kool-Ade as you.

Please no blanket statements.

Just because the WalMart shopper failed, doesn't mean all of us with a gun would.
There is a shooter, so let's make sure everyone is completely unarmed and at the mercy of the next shooter that comes along.

Seriously, why on earth do you think that makes any sense whatsoever?

Highly trained and properly equipped police officers respond with alacrity to active shooter situations. The civilian in Wal-Mart is dead because he acted without training, intel or backup and believed his gun would win the day. Today bad, he drank the same Kool-Ade as you.

Please no blanket statements.

Just because the WalMart shopper failed, doesn't mean all of us with a gun would.

More to the point, even with all their training there are numerous stories where the police fail to hit their target or simply shoot the wrong guy.
Active Shooter at Oregon High School

BREAKING: Reports of active shooter at high school near Portland | Q13 FOX News

PORTLAND — There were multiple reports of an active shooter around 8:30 a.m. at a high school in Troutdale, Oregon.

According to the Columbian Newspaper, area police requested assistance from Clark County Washington sheriff’s deputies at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Ore. to respond to calls of a possible shooting.

Read more: BREAKING: Reports of active shooter at high school near Portland | Q13 FOX News

Sorry, children. It's time to make it harder to get your shiny, dangerous toys. Too many loonies out there. Every week now.

The "GOOD GUY WITH A GUN" at Walmart ended up in the hospital in Las Vegas. SO there goes that Wayne LaPierre bullshit myth.

Bullshit. All across America today people have been run over and in car crashes. Should we make it harder to get those very shiny and dangerous toys called the automobile?

Of course not. Only whack jobs like yourself want to strip law abiding citizens of their rights to own a gun.

Tsk, tiresome, stupid argument.

Do you really think the truck driver who smashed into Tracy Morgan's vehicle a couple of nights ago on the NJ Turnpike did this because he was pissed off at Tracy Morgan? Really?

No, he hadn't slept in over 24 hours. That's why it happened.

So using your logic and applying it to the Las Vegas shooting, Jerad Miller just had some really bad insomnia going on and that's why he shot those cops?

Do you understand the meaning of intent?

Get your tiny head out of your ass and hand that stupid argument to one of your neanderthals on a different thread.
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Please no blanket statements.

Just because the WalMart shopper failed, doesn't mean all of us with a gun would

BWAHAHAHAHAAAA....Yeah, some guy who goes to a shooting range has the ability to handle himself in an unexpected, lethal encounter in a public place where the situation probably transpires in less than 30 seconds. Right.

This is the same doofus who can stand for 10 minutes and point at something that isn't moving or firing back. Bahahahaha... Idiots!!!!!
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