Enrichment of co2 in greehhouses

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020

The carbon dioxide level may drop to 150 to 200 parts per million during the day in a sealed greenhouse, because CO2 is utilized by plants for photosynthesis during daytime. Exposure of plants to lower levels of CO2 even for a short period can reduce rate of photosynthesis and plant growth.

Interesting reading on why they enrich co2 levels to 1,000ppm in greenhouses. Above 1,800ppm, they think it may cause plant damage. As plants are categorised, it's likely tomatoes and cucumbers that might get upset. So eat more meat!!

If you're thinking of using a greenhouse, give it a read, you might want to use extra co2.
You know, when you ferment wine it produces a lot of carbon dioxide gas. The little yeast guys eat sugar, piss ethanol and exhale carbon dioxide.

A natural way to enrich your greenhouse with carbon dioxide is to ferment wine in there.

CO2 is the green gas.

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