Entire country even the state of california rooting for the royals.lol. Yahoo!!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
amazing.not one single state rooting for the Giants. even california.just the city of san francisco.:lol: go royals!!!!

whats really funny though is just across the bay area, across the golden gate bridge,a good portion of that bay area is cheering for the royals since a good portion of the area consists of oakland A'S fans.:lmao:

as i said on my other thread,the team with the coolest baseball park in the major leagues with that royal crown scoreboard and water fountains.:dance:

Last weekend while I was on a trip to Las Vegas, I felt it. Wearing Royals gear while walking though the lobby of the MGM Grand, some random dude shouted “The whole country is rooting for you guys!” Another man shouted something similar on The Strip a few minutes later. It happened again at the airport. A TSA agent noticed my Royals cap. He said he was rooting for KC.

No states not even California are rooting for the Giants

Nobody wants the Giants to win not even Californians - The Washington Post

Nightengale Destiny vs. dynasty in the World Series

The Kansas City Royals Huge Appeal - The Atlantic

Jared Max Underdog Kansas City Royals Becoming America 8217 s Team CBS New York
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I'm not rooting for either team and I would venture to say, based on ratings, the vast majority of the country doesn't care either.
I'm not rooting for either team and I would venture to say, based on ratings, the vast majority of the country doesn't care either.

Wow what a complete waste of time that post was for you. So much bitterness...

Anyways; GO ROYALS!

What bitterness? Just stating the facts. His poll is a subjective poll, not scientific and as such it is a subjective answer that I give. I have lost interest over the years in baseball, as have most Americans. It is a game for 50 years old and up, not getting much new young viewership. Unless they change their marketing, their branding, it will become a fourth sport. Football has overtaken America's pastime and basketball is getting ready to, it is just a matter of time.

Television ratings have been on a down turn for a couple of decades. Game one of the World Series gives us this headline.

World Series strikes out with lowest game 1 ratings in history - Oct. 22 2014

Kansas City had great ratings, San Francisco good ratings, the rest of the country, the lowest game one ever.

Please tell me how I am wrong? Oh wait, you can't attack the message because it is right on, so as usual with you, you got nothing, so you attack the messenger.

Cardinal fan here rooting for the Royals.

Im impressed that you a cardinals fan is rooting for the royals considering most cardinal fans in the Lou have a bitterness and hate towards the royals beleving they stole the world series from them by that bad call from Denkinger.obviously your not one of them that hold a grudge.:up:

you would think the card fans would let it go especialy since stan musial himself said theres no guarantee the cards would have won that game even if the umpire got the call correct.
Giants Fan...here in CA where everyone I know is cheering the Giants!
they are all probably Giants fans is why.lol

I have many friends in LA and I know they all are rooting for the royals.
I'm not rooting for either team and I would venture to say, based on ratings, the vast majority of the country doesn't care either.

Wow what a complete waste of time that post was for you. So much bitterness...

Anyways; GO ROYALS!
thats pooper for you.His posts are ALWAYS a complete waste of time.thank god there is an ignore list feature.
I am rooting for KC. They've been terrible for on long so it's natural for me to root for the former rag dolls.
I'm not rooting for either team and I would venture to say, based on ratings, the vast majority of the country doesn't care either.

Wow what a complete waste of time that post was for you. So much bitterness...

Anyways; GO ROYALS!
thats pooper for you.His posts are ALWAYS a complete waste of time.thank god there is an ignore list feature.

You are a tool tin foil nut job. I get to call you outs as the dumb shit you are and i don't have to listen to your bullshit because you pretend to have me on ignore.

lol! What a fuckin retard.
Cardinal fan here rooting for the Royals.
im amazed that there are more cardinal fans out there besides yourself who are not holding a grudge against the royals rooting for them.i was at the rams/chiefs game yesterday and i heard ram fans from saint louis on the bus say they were pulling for the royals to win.:thup:

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