Entire county clerk office resigns over SSM

Here is what people do not consider - because the spiritual realm is invisible to the naked eye. There are angels that are recording every word we say, every thought we entertain, every action we make. All of our words, deeds and actions are being recorded.

With that said, Lass, Satan who is our adversary is also using his own demons to record every word we say and every action we take - so that he may use it against us when he goes before God to accuse us. Satan doesn't accuse us of what we haven't done but what we have done - he uses the Word of God like a lawyer uses a law book before a righteous Judge in a court of law.

Example: Satan will say to God, Your Word says, The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. This person who claims he is one of your children is defending homosexuality and homosexual marriage on a message board, he is misprepresenting your word in his posts and accusing your obedient children of error and I've found him regularly standing with the wicked which you warn against in your Word. Your word rules in Psalm 1:6 that the ungodly shall perish.

And again I remind you of your Word which says that the wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips! And again your Word says that a faithful witness will not lie but a false witness will utter lies. I find this man is returning evil for good too! He is is rewarding evil for good and your word says that whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house. Because of all these things - I have grounds to destroy this mans house and take his life. I am hereby petitioning you now to permit me to send my own workers to do a home invasion on his house and kill him. You said the wicked shall be turned into hell. I am petitioning to take him to hell now.

The LORD may say, I grant the petition or he may say to Satan - you cannot kill him but you can attack his body, destroy his house, take everything he has and cause him serious injury. But you cannot take his life.

This goes on every single day whether people realize it or not. We are being judged by our words, our thoughts and our deeds. (Satan cannot read our minds but the LORD can and if our thoughts are impure and un- repented of - they will send us to hell as easily as a sin committed in the flesh would. Remember that the man who lusted in his heart after a woman had committed adultery even as if he had done it in the flesh - Jesus said ).

So while some people who call themselves Christians desire to be "popular" - part of the "in - Crowd" it would be wise for them to consider that by compromising the Word of God and defending evil with their own tongue / writings - they are leaving themselves wide open for an attack from Satan.

To the person who uses the terminology a "real Christian" and then claims it is one who does not speak out against sin. I have news for you. The Satanists and Witches that visit this board know full well who the "real Christians" are because they are unable to touch them, to attack them, to prevail against them. They avoid the "real Christians" because they know they are asking for trouble.

In closing the story of these clerks quitting their jobs has already been recorded in heaven and I believe God counts it an act of righteousness. Good for them. I also believe that God will count it as an act of righteousness to make a thread about it and applaud those who stand up for the Word of God and walk it out - with their feet! Bless you, Lass.

Find and dandy, doesn't change the fact that we don't limit rights in this country based on what some people is right or holy.

The Supreme Court broke the law. It wasn't their place to rule against the constitution nor was it their place to change the laws of this land - it wasn't their place to decide at all, Bear. With that said, the only thing these workers could do was to quit their job. Abortion is legal too. It's still murder and no Christian would work in an abortion clinic either.

I have no qualms with their quitting. Of course that is their right.

But you are entirely wrong on the issue of the COTUS.

Please find me a section of the COTUS that empowers the government to outlaw gay marriage. You will not find one.

You are a nice person, and I believe your faith to be real, but you are confusing what your faith with our government. They are not the same thing. We do NOT pass laws based on what is sinful, we base laws on what harms other people.

For example, murder isn't illegal because the Bible says it's wrong. Murder is illegal because you do NOT have the right to end another person's life without justification.

So in order to make gay may marriage illegal you would have to justify that choice by pointing out how anyone is harmed by gay marriage.

^ And that is the basis I think will be used to put an end to gays being allowed to force businesses to take part in their weddings. Forget religious reasons, its all about taking away another persons' rights.

While I understand and appreciate what you are saying, Bear, I believe the determining factor would be what did our founding fathers have in mind on the matter of marriage? You see in this country it is against the law to be married to 2 wives or 2 husbands.

I do not know that our founding fathers ever imagined a time when our nation would actually believe that redefining marriage would be acceptable. That legalizing a marriage between two men or two women would even be suggested much less approved by the Supreme Court which was never designed to decide such matters!

On the matter of using it to force Christians into complying with "the laws of the land" or being jailed - I believe that is precisely where this is going. I preach the whole counsel of God - not in part - so it won't change how I preach the Gospel or what I preach. I do not focus in on one sin to the exclusion of all other sin but neither do I avoid calling sin sin while the rest of the world is calling it "a right".

Again, we don't base our laws on what is sinful.

And , of course our founding fathers didn't mention marriage at all. I think they would be appalled to realize that we have actually let out government force us to get a license to marry in the first place.

I just pointed out that we already have, Bear. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal. It comes from the commandments God gave to Moses. There is no denying this. At one time our nation was a Christian nation, Bear. On the matter of marriage - let me say this.

George Washington dedicated America to God and our nation was blessed greatly. Then the time came when the people departed from the Word of God and decided to create God in their own image - to their own liking - to accomodate their own sins and carnal pleasures - to many God became a God of love, mercy, forgiveness to the exclusion of all else - and soon some preachers no longer preached about the judgment of God, the wrath of God, the righteousness of God... a few even began to teach there is no such place as hell. Yet there is.

Our nation is in the mess it is in today because we have departed from the LORD and each man has gone his own way doing what he believes to be right - what seems to be right - yet the bible warns us - it will lead us to hell in the end. I have no desire to single out any one group - sin is sin - there is no mortal sin or venial sin - sin is sin - all sin separates us from God and separates us from the blessings of God. My desire for all Americans is that they would come to know Jesus Christ and receive Him as their LORD and Savior and walk as He did knowing the joy and liberty of their salvation can be as real and rewarding as it was for the early church.

I do not want to see this nation destroyed but truly......what choice does God have but to fulfill his Word? A nation who forgets God? Shall be destroyed.

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Psalm 9:17

I do appreciate your being willing to discuss this with me and I find you to have been most respectful and thoughtful in our conversation! Thank you so much, Bear! This will be my last post for today (God willing). Goodnight.
Find and dandy, doesn't change the fact that we don't limit rights in this country based on what some people is right or holy.

The Supreme Court broke the law. It wasn't their place to rule against the constitution nor was it their place to change the laws of this land - it wasn't their place to decide at all, Bear. With that said, the only thing these workers could do was to quit their job. Abortion is legal too. It's still murder and no Christian would work in an abortion clinic either.

I have no qualms with their quitting. Of course that is their right.

But you are entirely wrong on the issue of the COTUS.

Please find me a section of the COTUS that empowers the government to outlaw gay marriage. You will not find one.

You are a nice person, and I believe your faith to be real, but you are confusing what your faith with our government. They are not the same thing. We do NOT pass laws based on what is sinful, we base laws on what harms other people.

For example, murder isn't illegal because the Bible says it's wrong. Murder is illegal because you do NOT have the right to end another person's life without justification.

So in order to make gay may marriage illegal you would have to justify that choice by pointing out how anyone is harmed by gay marriage.

^ And that is the basis I think will be used to put an end to gays being allowed to force businesses to take part in their weddings. Forget religious reasons, its all about taking away another persons' rights.

While I understand and appreciate what you are saying, Bear, I believe the determining factor would be what did our founding fathers have in mind on the matter of marriage? You see in this country it is against the law to be married to 2 wives or 2 husbands.

I do not know that our founding fathers ever imagined a time when our nation would actually believe that redefining marriage would be acceptable. That legalizing a marriage between two men or two women would even be suggested much less approved by the Supreme Court which was never designed to decide such matters!

On the matter of using it to force Christians into complying with "the laws of the land" or being jailed - I believe that is precisely where this is going. I preach the whole counsel of God - not in part - so it won't change how I preach the Gospel or what I preach. I do not focus in on one sin to the exclusion of all other sin but neither do I avoid calling sin sin while the rest of the world is calling it "a right".

Again, we don't base our laws on what is sinful.

And , of course our founding fathers didn't mention marriage at all. I think they would be appalled to realize that we have actually let out government force us to get a license to marry in the first place.

I just pointed out that we already have, Bear. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal. It comes from the commandments God gave to Moses. There is no denying this. At one time our nation was a Christian nation, Bear. On the matter of marriage - let me say this.

George Washington dedicated America to God and our nation was blessed greatly. Then the time came when the people departed from the Word of God and decided to create God in their own image - to their own liking - to accomodate their own sins and carnal pleasures - to many God became a God of love, mercy, forgiveness to the exclusion of all else - and soon some preachers no longer preached about the judgment of God, the wrath of God, the righteousness of God... a few even began to teach there is no such place as hell. Yet there is.

Our nation is in the mess it is in today because we have departed from the LORD and each man has gone his own way doing what he believes to be right - what seems to be right - yet the bible warns us - it will lead us to hell in the end. I have no desire to single out any one group - sin is sin - there is no mortal sin or venial sin - sin is sin - all sin separates us from God and separates us from the blessings of God. My desire for all Americans is that they would come to know Jesus Christ and receive Him as their LORD and Savior and walk as He did knowing the joy and liberty of their salvation can be as real and rewarding as it was for the early church.

I do not want to see this nation destroyed but truly......what choice does God have but to fulfill his Word? A nation who forgets God? Shall be destroyed.
Our laws didnt come from the ten commandments. Sorry it's not true.

Most societies outlawed murder LONG before then ten commandments were ever heard of.
LOL gotta love it when an 80 year old pussy calls a 44 year old man a coward.

Hey Bull, go call MDK a queer again, I know it makes you feel like a tough guy.

I'm 67 not 80 and I can no doubt still bench twice what you can and wax your ass in a 100m or 5K. Further, I had an encounter with two of you "bad ass" MPs at the LBJ...one of them shoved me into a cell...he got head-butted and hip thrown, KO. The other one ran for the cell-block door before I could catch him....their First Shirt told them "never mess with a LRRP" and apologized. I was released a couple hours later....brown bars thought I needed to hear the door clang closed is all.
The Supreme Court broke the law. It wasn't their place to rule against the constitution nor was it their place to change the laws of this land - it wasn't their place to decide at all, Bear. With that said, the only thing these workers could do was to quit their job. Abortion is legal too. It's still murder and no Christian would work in an abortion clinic either.

I have no qualms with their quitting. Of course that is their right.

But you are entirely wrong on the issue of the COTUS.

Please find me a section of the COTUS that empowers the government to outlaw gay marriage. You will not find one.

You are a nice person, and I believe your faith to be real, but you are confusing what your faith with our government. They are not the same thing. We do NOT pass laws based on what is sinful, we base laws on what harms other people.

For example, murder isn't illegal because the Bible says it's wrong. Murder is illegal because you do NOT have the right to end another person's life without justification.

So in order to make gay may marriage illegal you would have to justify that choice by pointing out how anyone is harmed by gay marriage.

^ And that is the basis I think will be used to put an end to gays being allowed to force businesses to take part in their weddings. Forget religious reasons, its all about taking away another persons' rights.

While I understand and appreciate what you are saying, Bear, I believe the determining factor would be what did our founding fathers have in mind on the matter of marriage? You see in this country it is against the law to be married to 2 wives or 2 husbands.

I do not know that our founding fathers ever imagined a time when our nation would actually believe that redefining marriage would be acceptable. That legalizing a marriage between two men or two women would even be suggested much less approved by the Supreme Court which was never designed to decide such matters!

On the matter of using it to force Christians into complying with "the laws of the land" or being jailed - I believe that is precisely where this is going. I preach the whole counsel of God - not in part - so it won't change how I preach the Gospel or what I preach. I do not focus in on one sin to the exclusion of all other sin but neither do I avoid calling sin sin while the rest of the world is calling it "a right".

Again, we don't base our laws on what is sinful.

And , of course our founding fathers didn't mention marriage at all. I think they would be appalled to realize that we have actually let out government force us to get a license to marry in the first place.

I think they would be appalled SSM is legal....given many of them favored castration of homos

LOL I'd love for you to provide a single quote from anyone who signed either the DoI or the COTUS stating that they would favor castrating homosexuals. I would be SHOCKED if you could do so.

Thomas Jefferson authored a bill to allow it. George Washington court martialed them. Noah Webster: "Sodomy is a crime against nature". The state of New York outlawed and the penalty included up to death. It was against the law in all 13 colonies

You'll never convince anyone they favored or condoned homosexuality
Bull, I've walked many, many drunks back from the mistake of thinking they wanted to fight me, and you know what has ALWAYS held true? The loud mouth that runs around talking about " you don't want none of this" is always the biggest pussy in the room. ALWAYS.

This is the god damned internet son, and you pretty much daily talk about wooping someone's ass over a fucking message board....... Obvious pussy is obvious.

What's "true" is you never been in a fight, boy. Not a single fucking one. I know that because you're a coward plain and simple....a yellow bitch hiding behind an MP arm band pulling rank on a guys who'd rip your fucking head off one on one. You talk shit but you never show up.

:rofl: Hey Bull go ask the guys in your imaginary unit you "served" in who the last guy anyone wanted to fuck with was. Answer, the MP.

Now, call me a coward some more , it makes you look like a real man LOL

It's not you they were worried about,it's the power that backs you up.
All cops seem to have this fantasy that they're bad assess because people dont want to go to jail.
Pretty pathetic really.
LOL gotta love it when an 80 year old pussy calls a 44 year old man a coward.

Hey Bull, go call MDK a queer again, I know it makes you feel like a tough guy.

I'm 67 not 80 and I can no doubt still bench twice what you can and wax your ass in a 100m or 5K. Further, I had an encounter with two of you "bad ass" MPs at the LBJ...one of them shoved me into a cell...he got head-butted and hip thrown, KO. The other one ran for the cell-block door before I could catch him....their First Shirt told them "never mess with a LRRP" and apologized. I was released a couple hours later....brown bars thought I needed to hear the door clang closed is all.

Yeah, I'm just gonna call that story bullshit.

In fact I dont even believe you were a LRRP to begin with.
Bull, I've walked many, many drunks back from the mistake of thinking they wanted to fight me, and you know what has ALWAYS held true? The loud mouth that runs around talking about " you don't want none of this" is always the biggest pussy in the room. ALWAYS.

This is the god damned internet son, and you pretty much daily talk about wooping someone's ass over a fucking message board....... Obvious pussy is obvious.

What's "true" is you never been in a fight, boy. Not a single fucking one. I know that because you're a coward plain and simple....a yellow bitch hiding behind an MP arm band pulling rank on a guys who'd rip your fucking head off one on one. You talk shit but you never show up.

:rofl: Hey Bull go ask the guys in your imaginary unit you "served" in who the last guy anyone wanted to fuck with was. Answer, the MP.

Now, call me a coward some more , it makes you look like a real man LOL

It's not you they were worried about,it's the power that backs you up.
All cops seem to have this fantasy that they're bad assess because people dont want to go to jail.
Pretty pathetic really.

LOL no MPs aren't like civilian cops, you won't see MPs that shouldn't be in uniform the way you civilian cops.

Oh sure some of the upper rank officers get soft when they get in their late 40s and 50s , but the guys and gals who are out making the arrests . Yeah the rank and file dont fuck with them.
Bull, I've walked many, many drunks back from the mistake of thinking they wanted to fight me, and you know what has ALWAYS held true? The loud mouth that runs around talking about " you don't want none of this" is always the biggest pussy in the room. ALWAYS.

This is the god damned internet son, and you pretty much daily talk about wooping someone's ass over a fucking message board....... Obvious pussy is obvious.

What's "true" is you never been in a fight, boy. Not a single fucking one. I know that because you're a coward plain and simple....a yellow bitch hiding behind an MP arm band pulling rank on a guys who'd rip your fucking head off one on one. You talk shit but you never show up.

:rofl: Hey Bull go ask the guys in your imaginary unit you "served" in who the last guy anyone wanted to fuck with was. Answer, the MP.

Now, call me a coward some more , it makes you look like a real man LOL

It's not you they were worried about,it's the power that backs you up.
All cops seem to have this fantasy that they're bad assess because people dont want to go to jail.
Pretty pathetic really.

Also, I never thought I was bad, I just know that the bad never messed with me.
Bull, I've walked many, many drunks back from the mistake of thinking they wanted to fight me, and you know what has ALWAYS held true? The loud mouth that runs around talking about " you don't want none of this" is always the biggest pussy in the room. ALWAYS.

This is the god damned internet son, and you pretty much daily talk about wooping someone's ass over a fucking message board....... Obvious pussy is obvious.

What's "true" is you never been in a fight, boy. Not a single fucking one. I know that because you're a coward plain and simple....a yellow bitch hiding behind an MP arm band pulling rank on a guys who'd rip your fucking head off one on one. You talk shit but you never show up.

:rofl: Hey Bull go ask the guys in your imaginary unit you "served" in who the last guy anyone wanted to fuck with was. Answer, the MP.

Now, call me a coward some more , it makes you look like a real man LOL

It's not you they were worried about,it's the power that backs you up.
All cops seem to have this fantasy that they're bad assess because people dont want to go to jail.
Pretty pathetic really.

LOL no MPs aren't like civilian cops, you won't see MPs that shouldn't be in uniform the way you civilian cops.

Oh sure some of the upper rank officers get soft when they get in their late 40s and 50s , but the guys and gals who are out making the arrests . Yeah the rank and file dont fuck with them.

Yeah...and the people you were charged with watching over were a bunch of slobs?
Bull, I've walked many, many drunks back from the mistake of thinking they wanted to fight me, and you know what has ALWAYS held true? The loud mouth that runs around talking about " you don't want none of this" is always the biggest pussy in the room. ALWAYS.

This is the god damned internet son, and you pretty much daily talk about wooping someone's ass over a fucking message board....... Obvious pussy is obvious.

What's "true" is you never been in a fight, boy. Not a single fucking one. I know that because you're a coward plain and simple....a yellow bitch hiding behind an MP arm band pulling rank on a guys who'd rip your fucking head off one on one. You talk shit but you never show up.

:rofl: Hey Bull go ask the guys in your imaginary unit you "served" in who the last guy anyone wanted to fuck with was. Answer, the MP.

Now, call me a coward some more , it makes you look like a real man LOL

It's not you they were worried about,it's the power that backs you up.
All cops seem to have this fantasy that they're bad assess because people dont want to go to jail.
Pretty pathetic really.

LOL no MPs aren't like civilian cops, you won't see MPs that shouldn't be in uniform the way you civilian cops.

Oh sure some of the upper rank officers get soft when they get in their late 40s and 50s , but the guys and gals who are out making the arrests . Yeah the rank and file dont fuck with them.

Yeah...and the people you were charged with watching over were a bunch of slobs?

Of course they weren't. Never said they were.

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