Entitlement (insurance) programs


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing, unemployment insurance are all insurance programs most of us have paid into with deserve. Most of us have never used any of these programs after paying into them for 50 years.

GOP plan to pay down the debt that they racked up by making cuts to Entitlement Insurance Programs. No one should have to work longer than 50 years to collect from programs they paid for. Unemployment insurance should never be denied to the unemployed.

If Social Security, Medicare, etc is in trouble it is because our government miss-managed the money paid into the system. If managed and invested wisely it would be solid until the end of time. Cutting benefits and raising the age of retire is meant to exclude some of those who have worked 50 years paying into the program. Creating jobs for the 14 million unemployed will fix Social Security and Medicare and the economy.
It's not Insurance, sweetie.

Neither program is sound from an actuarial standpoint. The government spends the money now with a promise that future taxpayers will pay for future benefits.

Don't confuse an entitlement with an investment.

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing, unemployment insurance are all insurance programs most of us have paid into with deserve. Most of us have never used any of these programs after paying into them for 50 years.

GOP plan to pay down the debt that they racked up by making cuts to Entitlement Insurance Programs. No one should have to work longer than 50 years to collect from programs they paid for. Unemployment insurance should never be denied to the unemployed.

If Social Security, Medicare, etc is in trouble it is because our government miss-managed the money paid into the system. If managed and invested wisely it would be solid until the end of time. Cutting benefits and raising the age of retire is meant to exclude some of those who have worked 50 years paying into the program. Creating jobs for the 14 million unemployed will fix Social Security and Medicare and the economy.

This is what the GOP is all about. Cut programs for ordinary Americans so they can make more tax breaks for billionaires. Too bad the republican working class base thinks republicans are their good buddies fighting the good fight for them. If they would stop and think, Romney was also talking about millions of republican working stiffs when he made that stupid 47% speech.
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It's not Insurance, sweetie.

Neither program is sound from an actuarial standpoint. The government spends the money now with a promise that future taxpayers will pay for future benefits.

Don't confuse an entitlement with an investment.

Let me guess. Limbaugh, Beck? C'mon, where'd you hear it from? You know socialist security has been around since before WW2? Still chugging along.
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It's not Insurance, sweetie.

Neither program is sound from an actuarial standpoint. The government spends the money now with a promise that future taxpayers will pay for future benefits.

Don't confuse an entitlement with an investment.

War is not sound from an actuarial standpoint. Production and resources going into something that destroys , maims and kills. Don't go to drug addicted D.J's for your information.
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