Environment Health


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008

I came across this site today and found it very interesting. Ann, seems like a true trooper and she seems to have founded a true not for profit organization to help get out the issues many are concerned about. Permissions to reprint without charge on articles within her website.

August 2008

Safely dispose of unwanted drugs:

Teleosis Institute : Green Health Care - Environmental Health Education Programs

When science looks at a subject, it can only do so in the way it currently knows how to. Studies in science are built upon that which came before. ( Somewhat like case law).

So when an advocate speaks to a scientist about an environmental issue, she or he might be told "that has not been shown" or "there is no evidence". Actually that is a kind of shorthand for WE DO NOT KNOW HOW TO LOOK FOR THAT INFORMATION (YET). But the media and the general population do not hear the subtext-they just hear, it doesn't exist or no evidence. It is the job of an advocate to translate and push for new ideas.

For a long time, scientists have been giving animals one jolt of one toxic substance and then seeing how the animal fares. This IN NO WAY duplicates the life experience of a human with multiple exposures to pollution, pesticides, plastics and more every day and all together. So the basic premise of research in this area is faulty.

Recently the Environmental Protection Agency has begun to suggest guidelines for studying interactions and synergistic response. Some years ago the agency recognized that children were getting disproportionate exposures since they are smaller, have faster growing bodies and get the same chemicals at the same doses as adults. In fact, two chemicals were just slated to be taken off the market due to their damage to children 7/99).

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences website is National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). Here you will find information about studies, meetings, community outreach and more.

It is said that one out of every two American men will develop cancer in their lifetime and one out of every three women. What can the future hold? We must fight back.

Lots of groups are fighting for a cleaner environment. It can seem like a huge problem with no obvious solutions. But none of us can afford to ignore it.

Pick your issue, join with a group of like minded individuals, there are many organizations at work already. Get involved. Think Globally, Act Locally. It works for us.

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