Environment is Cleaner Than it's Been in More Than 100 Years


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I know this will drive the environmental wackos. "How dare anyone claim the environment is clean!"

Michigan s Environment is Cleaner than it s Been in More than 100 Years Michigan Capitol Confidential

Michigan's Environment is Cleaner Than it's Been in More Than 100 Years

Disease, contamination and pollutants are mostly in the past while

Many people view the relationship between humans and nature as a zero-sum game: Our progress comes at the direct expense of the environment. Actually, that’s not the case.

Recently, we’ve been able to dramatically improve our standard of living while simultaneously leaving behind a cleaner environment. In fact, Michigan’s environment is arguably cleaner than it has been in more than 100 years.

Consider how clean our drinking water has become. In the early 20th century, waterborne infectious diseases such as cholera, dysentery and typhoid were leading causes of death, and typhoid epidemics annually sickened thousands in American cities. With technological leaps in filtration – now to the level of filtering microbes and chemical compounds, disinfection and water analysis – these waterborne illnesses have been practically eradicated in Michigan and the United States.

The water in our rivers, lakes and streams is also less contaminated than it used to be. Treated wastewater and storm water contain significantly lower levels of contaminants, as technology and control systems have advanced. Some wastewater treatment plants in Michigan discharge water of higher quality than their receiving streams. For example, the PARCC Side Clean Water Plant in Plainfield, Michigan discharges four million gallons of water per day into the Grand River that is of better quality than the river’s water. Other Michigan treatment plants can also produce effluents better than river water much of the time.

Wildlife habitats are improving, too. In a 2010 Detroit News article, Jim Lynch chronicled the repopulation of wildlife around Detroit, writing, “After decades of struggling to overcome the Detroit River’s polluted past, a variety of fish and bird species have re-established themselves ... [t]he budding osprey population is joined by increasing numbers of walleye, lake sturgeon and whitefish as well as bird species like the bald eagle and peregrine falcon.”
I know this will drive the environmental wackos. "How dare anyone claim the environment is clean!"

For most of the environmentalists I know, this would likely elicit a very enthusiastic 'Ta-Da!'

Followed by a satisfied 'You're welcome'.
I know this will drive the environmental wackos. "How dare anyone claim the environment is clean!"

For most of the environmentalists I know, this would likely elicit a very enthusiastic 'Ta-Da!'

Followed by a satisfied 'You're welcome'.

No, what most of them will do is insist that the environment is so dirty that we need to take even stronger measures to clean it up. After all, if it's as clean as it was in 1914, then why do we need more environmental regulations?
I know this will drive the environmental wackos. "How dare anyone claim the environment is clean!"

For most of the environmentalists I know, this would likely elicit a very enthusiastic 'Ta-Da!'

Followed by a satisfied 'You're welcome'.

No, what most of them will do is insist that the environment is so dirty that we need to take even stronger measures to clean it up. After all, if it's as clean as it was in 1914, then why do we need more environmental regulations?

To keep it that way.
So, ONE state out of 50 is cleaner? Well, that's good news! What about the other 49? Shouldn't you send a "Thank You" note to the EPA - and the state of Michigan?
It's cleaner because of more environmental awareness, back 100 years ago there wasn't "any" environmental awareness.

Now the GOP wants to deregulate all environment protections and dismantle the EPA....as Colbert says: "If something's working why continue it?"
As a retired EPA employee and a conservative, let me note that according to EPA, our air and water are cleaner. You can check the statistics on the EPA website if you don't believe me.

That means that the basic EPA legislation and regulations are working. We need to control pollution to protect human health and the environment.

However, the current regime is not into controlling pollution but is off regulating global climate change.,

While garden variety pollution is not being well enforced domestically.
It's cleaner because of more environmental awareness, back 100 years ago there wasn't "any" environmental awareness.

Now the GOP wants to deregulate all environment protections and dismantle the EPA....as Colbert says: "If something's working why continue it?"

That's not so. What Republicans want is for EPA to concentrate on pollution, not climate change.
It's cleaner because of more environmental awareness, back 100 years ago there wasn't "any" environmental awareness.

Now the GOP wants to deregulate all environment protections and dismantle the EPA....as Colbert says: "If something's working why continue it?"

That's not so. What Republicans want is for EPA to concentrate on pollution, not climate change.

Oh really?

30 GOP senators sponsor bill to stop EPA s water rule TheHill
It's cleaner because of more environmental awareness, back 100 years ago there wasn't "any" environmental awareness.

Now the GOP wants to deregulate all environment protections and dismantle the EPA....as Colbert says: "If something's working why continue it?"

That's not so. What Republicans want is for EPA to concentrate on pollution, not climate change.

Oh really?

30 GOP senators sponsor bill to stop EPA s water rule TheHill

Yeah, well, they do have a problem with the EPA's attempt to confiscate the private property of almost every property owner in America.

The EPA is a criminal organization. It's a greater threat to this country than the former Soviet Union was. It's time to defang it.
It's cleaner because of more environmental awareness, back 100 years ago there wasn't "any" environmental awareness.

Now the GOP wants to deregulate all environment protections and dismantle the EPA....as Colbert says: "If something's working why continue it?"

That's not so. What Republicans want is for EPA to concentrate on pollution, not climate change.

Oh really?

30 GOP senators sponsor bill to stop EPA s water rule TheHill


What you fail to grasp is that the traditional EPA laws and regulations are OK.

This new rule -- like so many of the others goes way beyond.

Not to mention EPA doesn't have the resources to enforce the laws and regs already on the books.
It's cleaner because of more environmental awareness, back 100 years ago there wasn't "any" environmental awareness.

Now the GOP wants to deregulate all environment protections and dismantle the EPA....as Colbert says: "If something's working why continue it?"

That's not so. What Republicans want is for EPA to concentrate on pollution, not climate change.

Oh really?

30 GOP senators sponsor bill to stop EPA s water rule TheHill

Yeah, well, they do have a problem with the EPA's attempt to confiscate the private property of almost every property owner in America.

The EPA is a criminal organization. It's a greater threat to this country than the former Soviet Union was. It's time to defang it.

It's not a criminal organization. However, it's run during this Administration by craven political thugs.
It's cleaner because of more environmental awareness, back 100 years ago there wasn't "any" environmental awareness.

Now the GOP wants to deregulate all environment protections and dismantle the EPA....as Colbert says: "If something's working why continue it?"

That's not so. What Republicans want is for EPA to concentrate on pollution, not climate change.

Oh really?

30 GOP senators sponsor bill to stop EPA s water rule TheHill


What you fail to grasp is that the traditional EPA laws and regulations are OK.

This new rule -- like so many of the others goes way beyond.

Not to mention EPA doesn't have the resources to enforce the laws and regs already on the books.

Oh this just keeps getting better...

So the Republicans back in the early 2000's took away the EPA's "Traditional" authority over the storage of large amounts of fertilizers and gave that to the DHS, namely because the chemical companies wanted it that way. This was specifically because the Republicans did not like the EPA having any authority at all and wanted it powerless.

The result? The DHS has no fricking clue how to handle large storage of ferilizers like ammonium nitrate and a plant filled with the stuff blows up in Waco Texas killing 15 people.

West Fertilizer Company explosion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are so full of propoganda crap it's hilarious...please keep going.
So, ONE state out of 50 is cleaner? Well, that's good news! What about the other 49? Shouldn't you send a "Thank You" note to the EPA - and the state of Michigan?

North Carolina's rivers are toast, thanks to Duke Energy.

Good for Michigan. But about a month ago we went to a pub cafe on the Delaware River, south of New Hope, PA. There was a large potable water tank in the parking lot and a sign on the door that stated, "Due to water shortage, non-patrons will be charged $1.00 for use of restrooms". So I asked our waitperson after we were seated that the Delaware was full and running, so what water shortage? She said the sign was a bit of a lie, that actually the PA health department had condemned their water supply for human consumption, but it wasn't their fault. Great. Yeah, things are looking up.
It's cleaner because of more environmental awareness, back 100 years ago there wasn't "any" environmental awareness.

Now the GOP wants to deregulate all environment protections and dismantle the EPA....as Colbert says: "If something's working why continue it?"

That's not so. What Republicans want is for EPA to concentrate on pollution, not climate change.

Oh really?

30 GOP senators sponsor bill to stop EPA s water rule TheHill


What you fail to grasp is that the traditional EPA laws and regulations are OK.

This new rule -- like so many of the others goes way beyond.

Not to mention EPA doesn't have the resources to enforce the laws and regs already on the books.

Oh this just keeps getting better...

So the Republicans back in the early 2000's took away the EPA's "Traditional" authority over the storage of large amounts of fertilizers and gave that to the DHS, namely because the chemical companies wanted it that way. This was specifically because the Republicans did not like the EPA having any authority at all and wanted it powerless.

The result? The DHS has no fricking clue how to handle large storage of ferilizers like ammonium nitrate and a plant filled with the stuff blows up in Waco Texas killing 15 people.

West Fertilizer Company explosion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are so full of propoganda crap it's hilarious...please keep going.

The authority was transferred to Homeland Security because it was a homeland security issue and they had personnel and resources more suited to protecting them than EPA did or does.

Frankly, the case you list shows that EPA enforcement is grossly undermanned.
It's cleaner because of more environmental awareness, back 100 years ago there wasn't "any" environmental awareness.

Now the GOP wants to deregulate all environment protections and dismantle the EPA....as Colbert says: "If something's working why continue it?"

That's not so. What Republicans want is for EPA to concentrate on pollution, not climate change.

Oh really?

30 GOP senators sponsor bill to stop EPA s water rule TheHill


What you fail to grasp is that the traditional EPA laws and regulations are OK.

This new rule -- like so many of the others goes way beyond.

Not to mention EPA doesn't have the resources to enforce the laws and regs already on the books.

Oh this just keeps getting better...

So the Republicans back in the early 2000's took away the EPA's "Traditional" authority over the storage of large amounts of fertilizers and gave that to the DHS, namely because the chemical companies wanted it that way. This was specifically because the Republicans did not like the EPA having any authority at all and wanted it powerless.

The result? The DHS has no fricking clue how to handle large storage of ferilizers like ammonium nitrate and a plant filled with the stuff blows up in Waco Texas killing 15 people.

West Fertilizer Company explosion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are so full of propoganda crap it's hilarious...please keep going.

The authority was transferred to Homeland Security because it was a homeland security issue and they had personnel and resources more suited to protecting them than EPA did or does.

Frankly, the case you list shows that EPA enforcement is grossly undermanned.

It wasn't under EPA authority, it was specifically under Homeland Security to monitor chemical storages at large plants, even though they had almost no personal or tools to do so.

Either way, it clearly does show that the GOP takes authority away from the EPA pretty much any chance it gets, regardless of the risks.

...and it also blows away your silly little talking points about "The GOP only wants the EPA to stop focusing on climate change....errr...The GOP just doesn't want "new" laws for the EPA" which frankly we both know are nonsense.
Under Bush, every government agency was enlarged, except two. The EPA and the SEC were shrunk. How'd that turn out? Deepwater Horizon and the economic crash.

Plus he created an entirely new and massive cabinet level department. How's that police state working out for ya?

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