Environmental Religious Zealots, you have blood on your hands because of "CLEAN ENERGY".

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If you think that is how actual mental health experts speak then count yourself lucky your family has never had to deal with this topic.

You are truly blessed.
so another one of your specialties huh? you know it all right? got it all going do you? You seem like a bore.
What? Having a family member who struggles with mental health issues? It's not a specialty of mine by choice.


Not even close

I don't get into family discussions in here since it isn't permitted.

Pam Hupp is mental and she is fking crazy.
As an example: one of the sources of naturally occurring hopanes appears to be the diagenetic alteration of bacterial components (oil is made up mostly of algal and bacterial material)



Diagenesis is the first set of alterations that happen to organic materials that are deposited and buried. Oil starts off with accumulation of organic materials from bacteria and algae which is why we have a variety of BIOMARKERS like hopanes as well as porphyrin rings (these latter come from chlorophyl) and even pristane/phytane which is an alkyl chain that cleaves off of chlorophyl and the ratio of pristane to phytane can tell you something about the thermal aging of the organic material in a geologic setting.
You didn't answer the question.
If one claims "expertise" in an area like mental health (as koshergrl did) going even further noting that she has testified in court on the topic then using derogatory terms like "crazies" for the mentally ill would be highly unlikely.
The people who have worked with the insane are the ones most likely to use the term "crazy" btw.
I don't do politically correct, woke nonsense.
Yes I compiled recommendations based on my observations of the insane (sex offender) men who lived in the group homes I managed. These reports included day to day observances, my own and others, incident reports, and my own recommendations regarding continued state supervision and the level of safety restrictions required to keep the clients and the community safe.
I worked with social services, psychiatrists, and in some cases law enforcement (post prison supervision).
You can believe it or not, lol.
And that's not the whole of my experience with the crazy, but that's some of it.
If you think that is how actual mental health experts speak then count yourself lucky your family has never had to deal with this topic.

You are truly blessed.
it's how we all speak.
Not in court, though.
Fascists get so hung up on terminology. It's funny.
You didn't answer the question.

Because the article I cited didn't call them "additives". In fact I couldn't find the word "additives" anywhere in the article I cited.

Either way, the compounds with "nearly imperceptible biodegradation rates" were all naturally occurring in petroleum.

Which is kind of why I went further to show you WHERE they may have come from initially.
The people who have worked with the insane are the ones most likely to use the term "crazy" btw.
I don't do politically correct, woke nonsense.
Yes I compiled recommendations based on my observations of the insane (sex offender) men who lived in the group homes I managed. These reports included day to day observances, my own and others, incident reports, and my own recommendations regarding continued state supervision and the level of safety restrictions required to keep the clients and the community safe.
I worked with social services, psychiatrists, and in some cases law enforcement (post prison supervision).
You can believe it or not, lol.
And that's not the whole of my experience with the crazy, but that's some of it.

It must be hard working with people like that. That's got to be tough.

Might explain your apparent dislike of the mentally ill. Not all mentally ill people are that kind of mentally ill. And they certainly don't deserve the epithet "crazies".

"...Today’s models, at least, appear to agree that “a diversified mix of low-CO2 generation resources” add up to a more cost-effective path to deep decarbonization than 100% renewables. This is particularly true above 60% or 80% decarbonization, when the costs of the renewables-only option rise sharply.​
Again, it’s all about balancing out VRE. The easiest way to do that is with fast, flexible natural gas plants, but you can’t get past around 60% decarbonization with a large fleet of gas plants running. Getting to 80% or beyond means closing or idling lots of those plants. So you need other balancing options."..."​

Many say 100% is possible. I don't see it soon.

"...The main barriers to the widespread implementation of large-scale renewable energy and low-carbon energy strategies are seen to be primarily social and political rather than technological or economic.[9][10] According to the 2013 Post Carbon Pathways report, which reviewed many international studies, the key roadblocks are: climate change denial, the fossil fuels lobby, political inaction, unsustainable energy consumption, outdated energy infrastructure, and financial constraints.[11]..​

"You don't know shit " is inaccurate and Blind partisan nonsense.

To the degree your post is I thank you.
But I will do my best to embarrass and put down one-line or Insult-only trolls due to the LACK of Moderation on USMB. (Home OF the RW trolls.. perhaps 70%)

of course the $100 trillion price tag disagrees with facebook and google, that is where you go for answers, right, the same people who spent a billion dollars to get biden put in office.

and lets not forget Ivanpah, Googles great blunder, one of the largest solar power plants to fail in history. Yet, all is fine, look the other way people, while biden and the democrats, and even many republicans, get rich

But hey, the wind is weak, and so is the sun, they will never ever power our economy, it is only the very stupid that believe.

It is not a matter that the wind simply does stops blowing, or cloudy days produce no electricity, you also have the problem that there is not enough land for dream that the obsolete can power our world.

Today's models? Computer models? Are you a lunatic, an idiot, or just plain stupid, we have thirty years of installed Wind and Solar power plants we can learn directly from. We do not need a computer model to explain a future when the recent past has provided a real world experiment where the result is right under our nose.

Yep, all we need, is to follow the science, democrats say that we need to only build, 1000 foot tall wind turbines and cover the earth by the square mile with solar panels. The cost does not matter? For those that will get rich investing in Green energy. Green as in money.
Because the article I cited didn't call them "additives". In fact I couldn't find the word "additives" anywhere in the article I cited.

Either way, the compounds with "nearly imperceptible biodegradation rates" were all naturally occurring in petroleum.

Which is kind of why I went further to show you WHERE they

It must be hard working with people like that. That's got to be tough.

Might explain your apparent dislike of the mentally ill. Not all mentally ill people are that kind of mentally ill. And they certainly don't deserve the epithet "crazies".
I don't dislike them at all, silly.
Is that why you use pejorative terms while you rant about your gun rights? Call them "crazies"?

Prioritize your guns over the "crazies" you presumably make your living serving?
No, I use the term "crazies" because they are crazy. It's a lay term that makes it very clear what we are dealing with.
I'm not talking about people with a mild anxiety disorder when I say "crazies". Context matters.
Which ones? The ones you aren't supposed to use?
All of them.
Not “supposed” to use?
lol I don’t do fascism in any form.
But I find fascists who try to tell others what they are “supposed” to say to be the most disgusting.
All of them.
Not “supposed” to use?

Well, you know, insulting those who are suffering from an illness is usually frowned upon. Certainly by the "fascists".

lol I don’t do fascism in any form.

You don't seem to actually know what the word "fascist" means so I don't know how you avoid it.

But I find fascists who try to tell others what they are “supposed” to say to be the most disgusting.

Luke 6:31.
Well, you know, insulting those who are suffering from an illness is usually frowned upon. Certainly by the "fascists".

You don't seem to actually know what the word "fascist" means so I don't know how you avoid it.

Luke 6:31.
why are acting as a fascist then?
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