Environmental Religious Zealots, you have blood on your hands because of "CLEAN ENERGY".

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Hypocrisy is that you are using a plastic(which came from oil) keyboard to type your idiocy on this site, while using CO2 fired powerplants to supply you with electricity so you can send it here.

Oh yeah! I agree! But at least I'm not burning gasoline every single second of every minute I am driving. So just on that basis I'm still doing better than you are.

I drive for free, you pay and pay and pay.

If that makes you "smarter" then I guess I don't want to be your kind of "smart". :)
It would be helpful. But I'm not controlling anyone. I'd like to see us deal with climate change but given how many morons in the US seem to have control over our ability to do anything meaningful I guess I'll just have to laugh at you folks instead.

Well, I can't really agree with him because I actually ENJOY hearing the whiners whine.

Hey, it's YOUR money. Waste it how you like. Just don't expect anyone to actually CARE ABOUT YOUR PAIN. LOL.

You want to give the oil companies a lot of money while they also get subsidies from your tax money, that's your thing.
Nice diversion, yeah, you arent controlling anyone because you are a progressive slave who has no power. But yeah, nothing like everyone having to take hours to charge up their EV's and when there isnt enough power plants, do you charge up your car, or keep your refrigerator going, or air conditioner, or even you computer. You guys sure do like to have that feel good moment ,but never see what would happen in the future if your ideas ever take root.
Oh yeah! I agree! But at least I'm not burning gasoline every single second of every minute I am driving. So just on that basis I'm still doing better than you are.

I drive for free, you pay and pay and pay.

If that makes you "smarter" then I guess I don't want to be your kind of "smart". :)
No, but some CO2 powerplant is exhausting plenty of CO2 into the atmosphere, just so you can drive your 250 miles, before you have to do it all over again.
Oh yeah! I agree! But at least I'm not burning gasoline every single second of every minute I am driving. So just on that basis I'm still doing better than you are.

I drive for free, you pay and pay and pay.

If that makes you "smarter" then I guess I don't want to be your kind of "smart". :)
We’re happy for you!
Oh yeah! I agree! But at least I'm not burning gasoline every single second of every minute I am driving. So just on that basis I'm still doing better than you are.

I drive for free, you pay and pay and pay.

If that makes you "smarter" then I guess I don't want to be your kind of "smart". :)
Binet-Simon_scale.jpg<-------PV System smart......
But yeah, nothing like everyone having to take hours to charge up their EV's

I will admit it takes time.

and when there isnt enough power plants, do you charge up your car, or keep your refrigerator going, or air conditioner, or even you computer.

Why wouldn't there be enough power plants?

You guys sure do like to have that feel good moment ,but never see what would happen in the future if your ideas ever take root.

That's ironic. Because at least we are aware of the long-term damage that is and will be done using fossil fuels.
So what are YOU doing about it? You use Lithium every day. What are you doing to stop this?

I mean you don't want to be a RAVING IGNORANT HYPOCRITE, do you?

You DO realize that oil extraction and coal mining are also environmentally damaging right?

If you are so worked up about this, what are YOU DOING to offset your use of all these things?
We aren't talking about whether or not I use lithium. I'm not calling for shutting down industry. You are.
So my question is, why are you ok with lithium mining, but not oil drilling? What makes lithium better?
Do you have stock?
Because YOU USE THOSE THINGS AS WELL. So you can't go blaming folks like me as if you aren't also complicit.

Is it moreso than mining coal and extracting oil and burning it every second of every day you are alive?

Where do you think all the metal for your car comes from? Do you know the various rare metals that are in your combustion car? Where do you think RHODIUM comes from?

I'm genuinely curious. You act all high and might trying to score points against "environmentalists" while you are enjoying every single benefit from every one of those types of horrors.

That's what hypocrisy is.
No, hypocrisy is whining about the negative effects of electric and oil infrastructure, while encouraging people to use resources and materials that are even worse.
We aren't talking about whether or not I use lithium. I'm not calling for shutting down industry. You are.

Well, you did kind of interject yourself when you made it one-sided as if others didn't care about the environmental impact of Li and Cu mining.

If YOU don't care about it why do you care if OTHERS do?

Honestly I get it, you want to score points against the eco people. Good. Fine. But don't act like you aren't also benefiting from these things.

So my question is, why are you ok with lithium mining, but not oil drilling? What makes lithium better?

I'm as OK with Lithim mining as YOU ARE. How's that?

I understand (far better than you do) the potential negative impacts of mining and drilling of all sorts. My degrees were all around organic geochemistry so I spent a lot of time learning about fossil fuels at a molecular level.

Oil and coal are simply bad. The extraction is environmentally bad and the use is environmentally bad. Lithium mining is probably not particularly environmentally friendly. But my car doesn't burn lithium. The lithium acts as an energy storage medium which is used over and over and over and over and over again. Meanwhile I don't spew pollution out of my tailpipe. My driving doesn't cause the climate to be negatively impacted.

Do you have stock?

Unless it's buried in my 401k somewhere not to my knowledge.
No, hypocrisy is whining about the negative effects of electric and oil infrastructure, while encouraging people to use resources and materials that are even worse.

Are they really worse? You see, I don't know if that's necessarily the case.

Oil drilling and coal mining are extremely environmentally costly things. Li mining is also environmentally costly.

The difference is oil and coal are then BURNED to create the energy. The Li isn't. The Li goes in a battery which has years of usage. A tank of gasoline does NOT. The tank of gasoline IMMEDIATELY goes into creating CO2 which harms the climate as well as other tailpipe emissions which lead to increased rates of asthma and other health effects. Coal contains just about every toxic metal you can name and we burn it all day every day.

So, yeah, I'm not entirely convinced that Li mining is all that bad.

But again, YOU BENEFIT FROM IT AS WELL. So I will agree to be as anti-Lithium as you are.
Is it moreso than mining coal and extracting oil and burning it every second of every day you are alive?
We mine and extract more coal and oil everyday to build solar panels and wind turbines.

That is your hypocrisy, your solution to supposed climate change is to use more oil and coal.
We mine and extract more coal and oil everyday to build solar panels and wind turbines.

But it is not the ONLY means of doing so.

And, again, YOU enjoy those very things as well, so you might want to try to find something ONLY EV and Solar users use.

That is your hypocrisy, your solution to supposed climate change is to use more oil and coal.

Would it be possible to have an actual adult nuanced conversation abou this topic or is the game just to troll back and forth?

Because I can and actually WOULD like to discuss this. But you don't seem capable of it. You're a die-hard troll and that seems to be the ONLY thing you like.
Well, you did kind of interject yourself when you made it one-sided as if others didn't care about the environmental impact of Li and Cu mining.

If YOU don't care about it why do you care if OTHERS do?

Honestly I get it, you want to score points against the eco people. Good. Fine. But don't act like you aren't also benefiting from these things.

I'm as OK with Lithim mining as YOU ARE. How's that?

I understand (far better than you do) the potential negative impacts of mining and drilling of all sorts. My degrees were all around organic geochemistry so I spent a lot of time learning about fossil fuels at a molecular level.

Oil and coal are simply bad. The extraction is environmentally bad and the use is environmentally bad. Lithium mining is probably not particularly environmentally friendly. But my car doesn't burn lithium. The lithium acts as an energy storage medium which is used over and over and over and over and over again. Meanwhile I don't spew pollution out of my tailpipe. My driving doesn't cause the climate to be negatively impacted.

Unless it's buried in my 401k somewhere not to my knowledge.
"As if" = I made no such assertion, it's in your head.
I don't care if others care. I care when others try to force me to go along with an option I don't care for, by making a moral argument that it's "less harmful" and my option is "worse" when in reality, the option you are trying to force is even worse.
You just always understand everything better than everybody, don't you? Just ask you, you'll tell us! You're an expert on mental illness, and now you're an expert on lithium mining. I call bullshit.
I never said your car burns lithium. Another splendid irrelevancy.
The extraction of lithium (which your electric car needs) is worse for the environment than the extraction of oil, and the disposal of it is MUCH more problematic than fossil fuel carbon. MUCH worse.
Your driving does cause the climate to be negatively impacted. Ask the fish that live at the Amazon delta. You just choose to ignore it because they're south of the border and well, it isn't really about saving the environment. It's about punishing people, pushing stock up, controlling resources and $$$.
"As if" = I made no such assertion, it's in your head.
Then you don't understand the words you use.

You just always understand everything better than everybody,

Well, manifestly better than you lot in most cases. But that's because of the advantage of education.

don't you? Just ask you, you'll tell us! You're an expert on mental illness, and now you're an expert on lithium mining. I call bullshit.

I'm not an expert on mental illness, but I know what impact it has on people.

As for Lithium mining, as I said, I'm not a hardrock geologist, but again, I've got much more experience with mineralogy and mining than you do. I got my degrees in geology, so...

I never said your car burns lithium. Another splendid irrelevancy.

But your car burns oil.

The extraction of lithium (which your electric car needs)

As do the things you enjoy. Don't forget that. We didn't start mining lithium just for ev'S

is worse for the environment than the extraction of oil,

I don't actually believe that yet. But even if it is once extracted the oil continues to pollute. My Li batteries are used for many years.

Your driving does cause the climate to be negatively impacted.

Not as much as yours.

"As if" = I made no such assertion, it's in your head.
I don't care if others care. I care when others try to force me to go along with an option I don't care for, by making a moral argument that it's "less harmful" and my option is "worse" when in reality, the option you are trying to force is even worse.
You just always understand everything better than everybody, don't you? Just ask you, you'll tell us! You're an expert on mental illness, and now you're an expert on lithium mining. I call bullshit.
I never said your car burns lithium. Another splendid irrelevancy.
The extraction of lithium (which your electric car needs) is worse for the environment than the extraction of oil, and the disposal of it is MUCH more problematic than fossil fuel carbon. MUCH worse.
Your driving does cause the climate to be negatively impacted. Ask the fish that live at the Amazon delta. You just choose to ignore it because they're south of the border and well, it isn't really about saving the environment. It's about punishing people, pushing stock up, controlling resources and $$$.
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