EPA Chief Spent Millions on Security and Travel

"Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's concern with his safety came at a steep cost to taxpayers as his swollen security detail blew through overtime budgets and at times diverted officers away from investigating environmental crimes to protect him.

Altogether, the agency spent millions of dollars for a 20-member full-time security detail that is three times the size of his predecessor's part-time security contingent.

New details in Pruitt's expansive spending for security and travel emerged from agency sources and documents reviewed by The Associated Press. They come as the embattled EPA leader fends off allegations of profligate spending and ethical missteps that have imperiled his job."

AP sources: EPA chief spent millions on security and travel

And Trump sycophants will continue to attempt to defend the indefensible.
I guess it's a good thing Trump is dismantling the useless epa, huh?
Back to the topic, does Pruitt have an overinflated sense of his own importance, or is he paranoid?.

$41,000 for a "cone of silence", using the lights and siren to get to dinner faster.

You tell me.
We all know the FBI conducted espionage on the incoming Trump administration, so protection against such eavesdropping is entirely warranted. Once again, psychotic douchebag snowflakes create a problem, and then they whine about the cost of dealing with it.
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Please don't send Pruitt back to Oklahoma, his pandering of the oil company's cost millions of dollars to regular working people with his lack of regulations. now at the EPA clean drinking water is under attach.
This man is ethically and morally bankrupt. Time for him to go back to Oklahoma - for GOOD

Washington (CNN)EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is facing renewed questions about the size and cost of his 24-hour security detail, adding to a string of ethically questionable arrangements or actions on his part that have surfaced over the past year.

Pruitt's security team currently consists of 19 agents and includes a fleet of at least 19 vehicles, a source with direct knowledge of Pruitt's security detail said. With the cost of maintenance, gas, and training for agents, that leaves the dollar amount for his round-the-clock security in the millions.

The size of Pruitt's security is unprecedented. No previous EPA chief has ever received a 24/7 security detail, the agency's inspector general has said. Former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman, who served under George W. Bush, has told CNN she walked to work alone even after the September 11 terrorist attacks, and although she traveled with security, it was never this large.

Last October, CNN reported that salaries alone for his security team cost at least $2 million a year, according to figures compiled by CNN from public documents -- a number that does not include the costs of such things as training, equipment and travel.​


Pruitt faces renewed questions over cost of security detail - CNNPolitics
Why would he need 19 vehicles? I doubt that claim is true. It sounds like snowflake hysteria.
Please don't send Pruitt back to Oklahoma, his pandering of the oil company's cost millions of dollars to regular working people with his lack of regulations. now at the EPA clean drinking water is under attach.
Reducing regulations saves people money, moron. It doesn't cost them money.

How is clean drinking water under attack?
Highly amusing. The left floods the man with death threats then complains about his security.

If you don't want him to have security, disband the EPA. Then there is no need of a department head.

Yeah yeah yeah ...

Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service

And yet, Obama had no more security than any other POTUS

Maybe you could tell us Tipsy - why is first class safer than coach?

And if he felt endangered by coach passengers, then why did he fly coach when HE had to pay for it?

Pruitt flew coach when taxpayers were not paying for his travel: report
Obama had no more death threats than any other POTUS, moron.
This man is ethically and morally bankrupt. Time for him to go back to Oklahoma - for GOOD

Washington (CNN)EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is facing renewed questions about the size and cost of his 24-hour security detail, adding to a string of ethically questionable arrangements or actions on his part that have surfaced over the past year.

Pruitt's security team currently consists of 19 agents and includes a fleet of at least 19 vehicles, a source with direct knowledge of Pruitt's security detail said. With the cost of maintenance, gas, and training for agents, that leaves the dollar amount for his round-the-clock security in the millions.

The size of Pruitt's security is unprecedented. No previous EPA chief has ever received a 24/7 security detail, the agency's inspector general has said. Former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman, who served under George W. Bush, has told CNN she walked to work alone even after the September 11 terrorist attacks, and although she traveled with security, it was never this large.

Last October, CNN reported that salaries alone for his security team cost at least $2 million a year, according to figures compiled by CNN from public documents -- a number that does not include the costs of such things as training, equipment and travel.​


Pruitt faces renewed questions over cost of security detail - CNNPolitics
It seems odd to WANT a security detail like that. The man can't possibly have a moment alone/privately. Have his policies been that unpopular? Is he receiving death threats on Twitter everyday? What do you suppose would cause him to want a force that large?

I don't think there's anything wrong with the guy having a security detail if necessary or flying first class on commercial, for heaven's sake. He is the administrator of the EPA! Have a little respect. He gets "outted" for spending too much money and then when he SAVES money on a condo, he gets "outted" for that, too.
Leave these guys alone, fer chrissakes. Accepting tickets to Wimbledon? Really? You fire someone for that? You sneak your wife over to Europe with you and make the trip a bit of a vacay? How many executives in the country have not done something similar?
You want expensive furniture in your official office? Watch it, you're fired. It was okay for Nancy Reagan, though. And Hillary and Bill could RENT OUT the Lincoln bedroom.
Leave 'em alone on petty stuff like this. It's just a campaign to get every single one of Trump's people fired. Probably most of the leaks that have caused firings of his advisors were the same.
I can't stand the guy, but this is too dirty for me.
It's obvious from the threads in this forum that the snowflakes absolutely loath Pruitt. He's butchering their sacred cow - one of the main engines the left has been using to destroy capitalism.
He is the administrator of the EPA! Have a little respect. He gets "outted" for spending too much money and then when he SAVES money on a condo, he gets "outted" for that, too..

He spends taxpayers money, and accepted a gift from a lobbyist in order to save on personal expenses.

Same with his trips, he flew on the public dime, for a trip that was mostly pleasure, and wasn't much business.

They're still looking into if he charged the government on his travel vouchers, for the time he was at home.
I don't recall any of you douchebags whining about Loretta Lynch flying around the country in her own personal learjet.
Being the target of thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes isn't an ethical issue. Douchebags like you create a problem by issuing death threats to Trump administration officials, and then you whine about the cost of dealing with it. That's the ultimate in hypocrisy.

and yet, there's no record, anywhere, of this happening to him

even once

to recap, his 20 man security team, which is necessary because of the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* making him a target, haven't apprehended even one of these alleged snowflakes , but we're supposed to believe that this is an everyday occurrence.


even a trumpling should know better
He is the administrator of the EPA! Have a little respect. He gets "outted" for spending too much money and then when he SAVES money on a condo, he gets "outted" for that, too..

He spends taxpayers money, and accepted a gift from a lobbyist in order to save on personal expenses.

Same with his trips, he flew on the public dime, for a trip that was mostly pleasure, and wasn't much business.

They're still looking into if he charged the government on his travel vouchers, for the time he was at home.
I don't recall any of you douchebags whining about Loretta Lynch flying around the country in her own personal learjet.

Linkie Twinkie?
Being the target of thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes isn't an ethical issue. Douchebags like you create a problem by issuing death threats to Trump administration officials, and then you whine about the cost of dealing with it. That's the ultimate in hypocrisy.

and yet, there's no record, anywhere, of this happening to him

even once

to recap, his 20 man security team, which is necessary because of the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* making him a target, haven't apprehended even one of these alleged snowflakes , but we're supposed to believe that this is an everyday occurrence.


even a trumpling should know better

You are simply a lying douchebag:

Death threats cause security costs for EPA head to skyrocket

The EPA’s inspector general’s office says that Pruitt has received more death threats than any of his predecessors and has launched more than 70 investigations into threats against him and others.
He is the administrator of the EPA! Have a little respect. He gets "outted" for spending too much money and then when he SAVES money on a condo, he gets "outted" for that, too..

He spends taxpayers money, and accepted a gift from a lobbyist in order to save on personal expenses.

Same with his trips, he flew on the public dime, for a trip that was mostly pleasure, and wasn't much business.

They're still looking into if he charged the government on his travel vouchers, for the time he was at home.
I don't recall any of you douchebags whining about Loretta Lynch flying around the country in her own personal learjet.

Linkie Twinkie?
Duh . . . where did the notorious meeting with Slick Willy happen?
He is the administrator of the EPA! Have a little respect. He gets "outted" for spending too much money and then when he SAVES money on a condo, he gets "outted" for that, too..

He spends taxpayers money, and accepted a gift from a lobbyist in order to save on personal expenses.

Same with his trips, he flew on the public dime, for a trip that was mostly pleasure, and wasn't much business.

They're still looking into if he charged the government on his travel vouchers, for the time he was at home.
I don't recall any of you douchebags whining about Loretta Lynch flying around the country in her own personal learjet.

Linkie Twinkie?
Duh . . . where did the notorious meeting with Slick Willy happen?

Oh - was that in HER personal lear jet that she used her entire time as AG?

You are simply a lying douchebag:

Death threats cause security costs for EPA head to skyrocket

The EPA’s inspector general’s office says that Pruitt has received more death threats than any of his predecessors and has launched more than 70 investigations into threats against him and others.

The EPA's inspector general's office?

You don't trust the EPA?

An EPA inspector general appointed by Pruitt?

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Pruitt's sloppiness my surpass even his corruption

“In their rush to get things done, they’re failing to dot their i’s and cross their t’s. And they’re starting to stumble over a lot of trip wires,” said Richard Lazarus, a professor of environmental law at Harvard. “They’re producing a lot of short, poorly crafted rulemakings that are not likely to hold up in court.”

In His Haste to Roll Back Rules, Scott Pruitt, E.P.A. Chief, Risks His Agenda

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