EPA Chief Spent Millions on Security and Travel

Being the target of thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes isn't an ethical issue. Douchebags like you create a problem by issuing death threats to Trump administration officials, and then you whine about the cost of dealing with it. That's the ultimate in hypocrisy.

and yet, there's no record, anywhere, of this happening to him

even once

to recap, his 20 man security team, which is necessary because of the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* making him a target, haven't apprehended even one of these alleged snowflakes , but we're supposed to believe that this is an everyday occurrence.


even a trumpling should know better

You are simply a lying douchebag:

Death threats cause security costs for EPA head to skyrocket

The EPA’s inspector general’s office says that Pruitt has received more death threats than any of his predecessors and has launched more than 70 investigations into threats against him and others.
*alleged* threats, but no charges

A nationwide search of state and federal court records by the AP found no case where anyone has been arrested or charged with threatening Pruitt. EPA's press office did not respond Friday to provide details of any specific threats or arrests.

and somehow, the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* who threaten poor little scoooter and his family aren't a concern when the scooter is picking up the tab

Pruitt has said his use of first-class airfare was initiated following unpleasant interactions with other travelers. In one incident, someone yelled a profanity as he walked through the airport.

But on weekend trips home for Sooners football games, when taxpayers weren't paying for his ticket, the EPA official said Pruitt flew coach.

and of course, being a trumpling par excellence, he'll still steal anything that isn't nailed down.

Pruitt sometimes used a companion pass obtained with frequent flyer miles accumulated by Ken Wagner, a former law partner whom Pruitt hired as a senior adviser at EPA at a salary of more than $172,000. Taxpayers still covered the airfare for the administrator's security detail.

Walter Shaub, who until last year ran the federal Office of Government Ethics, said it is a potential ethics violation for Pruitt to accept the airline tickets, even if Wagner didn't pay cash for them. Federal officials are barred from accepting gifts from employees that have a market value of more than $10.

"It would be a very serious ethics problem, indeed, if Pruitt accepted airline tickets from a subordinate," Shaub said.


Being the target of thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes isn't an ethical issue. Douchebags like you create a problem by issuing death threats to Trump administration officials, and then you whine about the cost of dealing with it. That's the ultimate in hypocrisy.

and yet, there's no record, anywhere, of this happening to him

even once

to recap, his 20 man security team, which is necessary because of the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* making him a target, haven't apprehended even one of these alleged snowflakes , but we're supposed to believe that this is an everyday occurrence.


even a trumpling should know better

You are simply a lying douchebag:

Death threats cause security costs for EPA head to skyrocket

The EPA’s inspector general’s office says that Pruitt has received more death threats than any of his predecessors and has launched more than 70 investigations into threats against him and others.
*alleged* threats, but no charges

A nationwide search of state and federal court records by the AP found no case where anyone has been arrested or charged with threatening Pruitt. EPA's press office did not respond Friday to provide details of any specific threats or arrests.

and somehow, the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* who threaten poor little scoooter and his family aren't a concern when the scooter is picking up the tab

Pruitt has said his use of first-class airfare was initiated following unpleasant interactions with other travelers. In one incident, someone yelled a profanity as he walked through the airport.

But on weekend trips home for Sooners football games, when taxpayers weren't paying for his ticket, the EPA official said Pruitt flew coach.

and of course, being a trumpling par excellence, he'll still steal anything that isn't nailed down.

Pruitt sometimes used a companion pass obtained with frequent flyer miles accumulated by Ken Wagner, a former law partner whom Pruitt hired as a senior adviser at EPA at a salary of more than $172,000. Taxpayers still covered the airfare for the administrator's security detail.

Walter Shaub, who until last year ran the federal Office of Government Ethics, said it is a potential ethics violation for Pruitt to accept the airline tickets, even if Wagner didn't pay cash for them. Federal officials are barred from accepting gifts from employees that have a market value of more than $10.

"It would be a very serious ethics problem, indeed, if Pruitt accepted airline tickets from a subordinate," Shaub said.


Reporters have filed FOIA requests with the EPA for any records of death threats made against Scott Pruitt.

EPA said it had zero records.
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He is the administrator of the EPA! Have a little respect. He gets "outted" for spending too much money and then when he SAVES money on a condo, he gets "outted" for that, too..

He spends taxpayers money, and accepted a gift from a lobbyist in order to save on personal expenses.

Same with his trips, he flew on the public dime, for a trip that was mostly pleasure, and wasn't much business.

They're still looking into if he charged the government on his travel vouchers, for the time he was at home.
I don't recall any of you douchebags whining about Loretta Lynch flying around the country in her own personal learjet.

Linkie Twinkie?
Duh . . . where did the notorious meeting with Slick Willy happen?

Oh - was that in HER personal lear jet that she used her entire time as AG?

it was obviously a government Learjet. If she used it once, she probably used it multiple times. Slick Willy knew she was in it. How did he know that? Did she ever fly coach? Why weren't all you sleazy lying snowflakes screaming for information on Loretta Lynn's use of Learjets for her travel? How much do you think it cost to fly a Lear jet across the country? It's a hell of lot more than a business class ticket on an airline.
Last edited:
Being the target of thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes isn't an ethical issue. Douchebags like you create a problem by issuing death threats to Trump administration officials, and then you whine about the cost of dealing with it. That's the ultimate in hypocrisy.

and yet, there's no record, anywhere, of this happening to him

even once

to recap, his 20 man security team, which is necessary because of the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* making him a target, haven't apprehended even one of these alleged snowflakes , but we're supposed to believe that this is an everyday occurrence.


even a trumpling should know better

You are simply a lying douchebag:

Death threats cause security costs for EPA head to skyrocket

The EPA’s inspector general’s office says that Pruitt has received more death threats than any of his predecessors and has launched more than 70 investigations into threats against him and others.
*alleged* threats, but no charges

A nationwide search of state and federal court records by the AP found no case where anyone has been arrested or charged with threatening Pruitt. EPA's press office did not respond Friday to provide details of any specific threats or arrests.

and somehow, the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* who threaten poor little scoooter and his family aren't a concern when the scooter is picking up the tab

Pruitt has said his use of first-class airfare was initiated following unpleasant interactions with other travelers. In one incident, someone yelled a profanity as he walked through the airport.

But on weekend trips home for Sooners football games, when taxpayers weren't paying for his ticket, the EPA official said Pruitt flew coach.

and of course, being a trumpling par excellence, he'll still steal anything that isn't nailed down.

Pruitt sometimes used a companion pass obtained with frequent flyer miles accumulated by Ken Wagner, a former law partner whom Pruitt hired as a senior adviser at EPA at a salary of more than $172,000. Taxpayers still covered the airfare for the administrator's security detail.

Walter Shaub, who until last year ran the federal Office of Government Ethics, said it is a potential ethics violation for Pruitt to accept the airline tickets, even if Wagner didn't pay cash for them. Federal officials are barred from accepting gifts from employees that have a market value of more than $10.

"It would be a very serious ethics problem, indeed, if Pruitt accepted airline tickets from a subordinate," Shaub said.



This is all a pile of chickenshit nothing burgers. Of course the government covers the cost of airfare for his security detail. Do you expect Pruitt to cover it? Did Obama cover the cost of airfare for his security detail? Loretta Lynch? Of course Democrats don't need nearly as much security because conservatives don't go around making death threats to Dim politicians. Snowflakes, on the otherhand, are well known for going after conservative politicians with rifles.
Being the target of thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes isn't an ethical issue. Douchebags like you create a problem by issuing death threats to Trump administration officials, and then you whine about the cost of dealing with it. That's the ultimate in hypocrisy.

and yet, there's no record, anywhere, of this happening to him

even once

to recap, his 20 man security team, which is necessary because of the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* making him a target, haven't apprehended even one of these alleged snowflakes , but we're supposed to believe that this is an everyday occurrence.


even a trumpling should know better

You are simply a lying douchebag:

Death threats cause security costs for EPA head to skyrocket

The EPA’s inspector general’s office says that Pruitt has received more death threats than any of his predecessors and has launched more than 70 investigations into threats against him and others.
*alleged* threats, but no charges

A nationwide search of state and federal court records by the AP found no case where anyone has been arrested or charged with threatening Pruitt. EPA's press office did not respond Friday to provide details of any specific threats or arrests.

and somehow, the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* who threaten poor little scoooter and his family aren't a concern when the scooter is picking up the tab

Pruitt has said his use of first-class airfare was initiated following unpleasant interactions with other travelers. In one incident, someone yelled a profanity as he walked through the airport.

But on weekend trips home for Sooners football games, when taxpayers weren't paying for his ticket, the EPA official said Pruitt flew coach.

and of course, being a trumpling par excellence, he'll still steal anything that isn't nailed down.

Pruitt sometimes used a companion pass obtained with frequent flyer miles accumulated by Ken Wagner, a former law partner whom Pruitt hired as a senior adviser at EPA at a salary of more than $172,000. Taxpayers still covered the airfare for the administrator's security detail.

Walter Shaub, who until last year ran the federal Office of Government Ethics, said it is a potential ethics violation for Pruitt to accept the airline tickets, even if Wagner didn't pay cash for them. Federal officials are barred from accepting gifts from employees that have a market value of more than $10.

"It would be a very serious ethics problem, indeed, if Pruitt accepted airline tickets from a subordinate," Shaub said.


Reporters have filed FOIA requests with the EPA for any records of death threats made against Scott Pruitt.

EPA said it had zero records.

Why would you assume there are records of it? Does the EPA record every phone call it recieves?
You have it precisely backwards. Pruitt's policy quality is excellent. The policy quality of his predecessor, Gina McCarthy, was disasterous. Apparently you believe the more EPA policies destroy our economy, the better.
You are simply a lying douchebag:

Death threats cause security costs for EPA head to skyrocket

The EPA’s inspector general’s office says that Pruitt has received more death threats than any of his predecessors and has launched more than 70 investigations into threats against him and others.

The EPA's inspector general's office?

You don't trust the EPA?

An EPA inspector general appointed by Pruitt?

Are you saying you can't trust government officials? But you think we should trust Herr Mewler, Rosenstein and Comey, right?
it was obviously a government Learjet. If she used it once, she probably used it multiple times. Slick Willy knew she was in it. How did he know that? Did she ever fly coach? Why weren't all you sleazy lying snowflakes screaming for information on Loretta Lynn's use of Learjets for her travel? How much do you think it cost to fly a Lear jet across the country? It's a hell of lot more than a business class ticket on an airline.

I'll need a link to just how many times she used it. I'll also need a link to the pleasure, lobbying and campaigning trips she took. Any two-day stopovers in Paris with her staff and 20 person security detail?

Sorry, but bringing up Clinton's or Obama won't work for you Trumptards anymore.
"Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's concern with his safety came at a steep cost to taxpayers as his swollen security detail blew through overtime budgets and at times diverted officers away from investigating environmental crimes to protect him.

Altogether, the agency spent millions of dollars for a 20-member full-time security detail that is three times the size of his predecessor's part-time security contingent.

New details in Pruitt's expansive spending for security and travel emerged from agency sources and documents reviewed by The Associated Press. They come as the embattled EPA leader fends off allegations of profligate spending and ethical missteps that have imperiled his job."

AP sources: EPA chief spent millions on security and travel

And Trump sycophants will continue to attempt to defend the indefensible.

Many of Trump's appointees are terrified of the American people. Telling in itself isn't it.
it was obviously a government Learjet. If she used it once, she probably used it multiple times. Slick Willy knew she was in it. How did he know that? Did she ever fly coach? Why weren't all you sleazy lying snowflakes screaming for information on Loretta Lynn's use of Learjets for her travel? How much do you think it cost to fly a Lear jet across the country? It's a hell of lot more than a business class ticket on an airline.

I'll need a link to just how many times she used it. I'll also need a link to the pleasure, lobbying and campaigning trips she took. Any two-day stopovers in Paris with her staff and 20 person security detail?

Sorry, but bringing up Clinton's or Obama won't work for you Trumptards anymore.

There probably aren't any news reports about it because snowflake douchebags simply don't care how much Dim politicians spend. The only worry about spending and corruption when Republicans are in office.
There probably aren't any news reports about it because snowflake douchebags simply don't care how much Dim politicians spend. The only worry about spending and corruption when Republicans are in office.

You couldn't find something to your liking on TownHall, Breitbart, or DailyCaller?

Sad :(
There probably aren't any news reports about it because snowflake douchebags simply don't care how much Dim politicians spend. The only worry about spending and corruption when Republicans are in office.

You couldn't find something to your liking on TownHall, Breitbart, or DailyCaller?

Sad :(

Here ya go, douchbag:

Flight furor: Obama officials also took pricey, non-commercial planes

The use of private planes by President Trump’s Cabinet has come under intense media scrutiny in recent days, but officials in the Obama administration also took pricey flights on the government’s dime, including for personal trips.

Top figures during President Barack Obama’s tenure who used non-commercial planes for travel included then-attorney generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, then-FBI director Robert Mueller, and then-CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta.

Because of their jobs, these officials were required to take government planes for security and communications purposes. Still, critics questioned whether they could have found more cost-effective options and whether all the trips were necessary.
The rent was $50/day, not $50/month, you fucking retard.
Who said anything different ??? 50 a day is real cheap You failed 6th grade reading??
$1500/month is not cheap for a one bedroom apartment. In most cities that is quite expensive, but it's about the going rate for DC.
my son age 30 pays 3000 a month ,,in brooklyn and the apartment is NBD
There was a provision in Pruitt's lease that allowed him to not pay for the days he was not present in the apartment. Did your alleged son have that provision in his alleged apartment?
LOL no and I doubt many do A real sweetheart deal
thanks for that, it didn't cost us then.
Here ya go, douchbag:

Flight furor: Obama officials also took pricey, non-commercial planes

The use of private planes by President Trump’s Cabinet has come under intense media scrutiny in recent days, but officials in the Obama administration also took pricey flights on the government’s dime, including for personal trips.

Top figures during President Barack Obama’s tenure who used non-commercial planes for travel included then-attorney generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, then-FBI director Robert Mueller, and then-CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta.

Because of their jobs, these officials were required to take government planes for security and communications purposes. Still, critics questioned whether they could have found more cost-effective options and whether all the trips were necessary.

Check, the AG, FBI Director, CIA Director and Defense Secretary - Those are very high profile positions my friend and security can be a factor.

It isn't for EPA, Interior Secretary, Health & Human Services, Treasury or Veteran's Affairs.

There are five investigations into Trump Cabinet members' jet use

Thanks for confirming my point angry lil feller.
JUST POSTED: Federal Gov's Top Ethics Cop Writes Stern Letter to EPA Raising Serious Concerns about Scott Pruitt's Actions. Trust American public has in governance is at risk, he says.


Being the target of thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes isn't an ethical issue. Douchebags like you create a problem by issuing death threats to Trump administration officials, and then you whine about the cost of dealing with it. That's the ultimate in hypocrisy.

and yet, there's no record, anywhere, of this happening to him

even once

to recap, his 20 man security team, which is necessary because of the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* making him a target, haven't apprehended even one of these alleged snowflakes , but we're supposed to believe that this is an everyday occurrence.


even a trumpling should know better

You are simply a lying douchebag:

Death threats cause security costs for EPA head to skyrocket

The EPA’s inspector general’s office says that Pruitt has received more death threats than any of his predecessors and has launched more than 70 investigations into threats against him and others.
Looks like the EPA guy was full of shit regarding these made-up threats:
The EPA has reportedly spent $3 million on Scott Pruitt's security but can't name any death threats for him
Being the target of thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes isn't an ethical issue. Douchebags like you create a problem by issuing death threats to Trump administration officials, and then you whine about the cost of dealing with it. That's the ultimate in hypocrisy.

and yet, there's no record, anywhere, of this happening to him

even once

to recap, his 20 man security team, which is necessary because of the *thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes* making him a target, haven't apprehended even one of these alleged snowflakes , but we're supposed to believe that this is an everyday occurrence.


even a trumpling should know better

You are simply a lying douchebag:

Death threats cause security costs for EPA head to skyrocket

The EPA’s inspector general’s office says that Pruitt has received more death threats than any of his predecessors and has launched more than 70 investigations into threats against him and others.
Looks like the EPA guy was full of shit regarding these made-up threats:
The EPA has reportedly spent $3 million on Scott Pruitt's security but can't name any death threats for him

No state and federal court records of death threats? What kind of moron believes every death threat a politician recieves is recorded in some official court ledger?

It looks more like you're full of shit.

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