EPA Chief Spent Millions on Security and Travel

What is this... 20 asinine threads about the same piss soaked mattresses?

Suck it up bed wetters, you assholes keep sending him death threats, his security detail has to stay fully staffed.

and yet there's no record, anywhere, of threats

go figure, huh, liddle pedey?
if the epa admin can't use lights and sirens to get to a french restaurant, are any of us really free?

Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt wanted his motorcade to use its lights and sirens to speed up local trips to the airport or dinner, three people who worked with the agency said in a New York Times report published Thursday. According to the officials, Pruitt was often late during his trips in Washington and used the motorcade's warning signals to quicken his trips to restaurants, such as Le Diplomate, a French restaurant he frequented.

Scott Pruitt reportedly wanted his motorcade to flash its lights and sirens to speed up trips to restaurants and airports
Highly amusing. The left floods the man with death threats then complains about his security.

If you don't want him to have security, disband the EPA. Then there is no need of a department head.

Yeah yeah yeah ...

Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service

And yet, Obama had no more security than any other POTUS

Maybe you could tell us Tipsy - why is first class safer than coach?

And if he felt endangered by coach passengers, then why did he fly coach when HE had to pay for it?

Pruitt flew coach when taxpayers were not paying for his travel: report
if the epa admin can't use lights and sirens to get to a french restaurant, are any of us really free?

Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt wanted his motorcade to use its lights and sirens to speed up local trips to the airport or dinner, three people who worked with the agency said in a New York Times report published Thursday. According to the officials, Pruitt was often late during his trips in Washington and used the motorcade's warning signals to quicken his trips to restaurants, such as Le Diplomate, a French restaurant he frequented.

Scott Pruitt reportedly wanted his motorcade to flash its lights and sirens to speed up trips to restaurants and airports

Hey now, Scotty liked to make a big splash in front of his pals when arriving at the restaurant.
Lights and sirens are one way to do that ...
Leave Scott Pruitt ALOOOONE!! :)

Highly amusing. The left floods the man with death threats then complains about his security.

If you don't want him to have security, disband the EPA. Then there is no need of a department head.

Yeah yeah yeah ...

Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service

And yet, Obama had no more security than any other POTUS

Maybe you could tell us Tipsy - why is first class safer than coach?

And if he felt endangered by coach passengers, then why did he fly coach when HE had to pay for it?

Pruitt flew coach when taxpayers were not paying for his travel: report
The article says coach for personal travel first class for official travel. He is more likely to come under attack in crowded coach than first class.

In either event, get rid of the EPA and he has no job.
Highly amusing. The left floods the man with death threats then complains about his security.

If you don't want him to have security, disband the EPA. Then there is no need of a department head.

Yeah yeah yeah ...

Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service

And yet, Obama had no more security than any other POTUS

Maybe you could tell us Tipsy - why is first class safer than coach?

And if he felt endangered by coach passengers, then why did he fly coach when HE had to pay for it?

Pruitt flew coach when taxpayers were not paying for his travel: report
The article says coach for personal travel first class for official travel. He is more likely to come under attack in crowded coach than first class.

In either event, get rid of the EPA and he has no job.

that's right, the article says money is no object when the taxpayers are footing the bill

you trumplings would let him take a dump in your mouth and compliment him on the consistency

truly pathetic
This man is ethically and morally bankrupt. Time for him to go back to Oklahoma - for GOOD

Washington (CNN)EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is facing renewed questions about the size and cost of his 24-hour security detail, adding to a string of ethically questionable arrangements or actions on his part that have surfaced over the past year.

Pruitt's security team currently consists of 19 agents and includes a fleet of at least 19 vehicles, a source with direct knowledge of Pruitt's security detail said. With the cost of maintenance, gas, and training for agents, that leaves the dollar amount for his round-the-clock security in the millions.

The size of Pruitt's security is unprecedented. No previous EPA chief has ever received a 24/7 security detail, the agency's inspector general has said. Former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman, who served under George W. Bush, has told CNN she walked to work alone even after the September 11 terrorist attacks, and although she traveled with security, it was never this large.

Last October, CNN reported that salaries alone for his security team cost at least $2 million a year, according to figures compiled by CNN from public documents -- a number that does not include the costs of such things as training, equipment and travel.​


Pruitt faces renewed questions over cost of security detail - CNNPolitics
It seems odd to WANT a security detail like that. The man can't possibly have a moment alone/privately. Have his policies been that unpopular? Is he receiving death threats on Twitter everyday? What do you suppose would cause him to want a force that large?

I don't think there's anything wrong with the guy having a security detail if necessary or flying first class on commercial, for heaven's sake. He is the administrator of the EPA! Have a little respect. He gets "outted" for spending too much money and then when he SAVES money on a condo, he gets "outted" for that, too.
Leave these guys alone, fer chrissakes. Accepting tickets to Wimbledon? Really? You fire someone for that? You sneak your wife over to Europe with you and make the trip a bit of a vacay? How many executives in the country have not done something similar?
You want expensive furniture in your official office? Watch it, you're fired. It was okay for Nancy Reagan, though. And Hillary and Bill could RENT OUT the Lincoln bedroom.
Leave 'em alone on petty stuff like this. It's just a campaign to get every single one of Trump's people fired. Probably most of the leaks that have caused firings of his advisors were the same.
I can't stand the guy, but this is too dirty for me.
It seems odd to WANT a security detail like that. The man can't possibly have a moment alone/privately. Have his policies been that unpopular? Is he receiving death threats on Twitter everyday? What do you suppose would cause him to want a force that large? .

Maybe he knows his rolling back of the sound Obama regulations such as clean air, and clean water, and clean cars, might be unpopular to environmentalists for one. But that still doesn't warrant a security detail bigger than folks who make enemies of drug lords, and terrorists.
It seems odd to WANT a security detail like that. The man can't possibly have a moment alone/privately. Have his policies been that unpopular? Is he receiving death threats on Twitter everyday? What do you suppose would cause him to want a force that large?

I don't think there's anything wrong with the guy having a security detail if necessary or flying first class on commercial, for heaven's sake. He is the administrator of the EPA! Have a little respect. He gets "outted" for spending too much money and then when he SAVES money on a condo, he gets "outted" for that, too.
Leave these guys alone, fer chrissakes. Accepting tickets to Wimbledon? Really? You fire someone for that? You sneak your wife over to Europe with you and make the trip a bit of a vacay? How many executives in the country have not done something similar?
You want expensive furniture in your official office? Watch it, you're fired. It was okay for Nancy Reagan, though. And Hillary and Bill could RENT OUT the Lincoln bedroom.
Leave 'em alone on petty stuff like this. It's just a campaign to get every single one of Trump's people fired. Probably most of the leaks that have caused firings of his advisors were the same.
I can't stand the guy, but this is too dirty for me.

Sorry OL, but the cumulative misbehavior of Scott Pruitt is not "petty".

It would have got him fired even in the Nixon or Reagan Admins where a lot of people did a lot of time.
It seems odd to WANT a security detail like that. The man can't possibly have a moment alone/privately. Have his policies been that unpopular? Is he receiving death threats on Twitter everyday? What do you suppose would cause him to want a force that large? .

Maybe he knows his rolling back of the sound Obama regulations such as clean air, and clean water, and clean cars, might be unpopular to environmentalists for one. But that still doesn't warrant a security detail bigger than folks who make enemies of drug lords, and terrorists.
I know some of those environmentalists can be pretty scary--bombs and all that. Curiouser and curioser.
The article says coach for personal travel first class for official travel. He is more likely to come under attack in crowded coach than first class..

HuH? Let's try this again - Why would he be more likely to "come under attack" in coach during official travel than he would personal??
He is the administrator of the EPA! Have a little respect. He gets "outted" for spending too much money and then when he SAVES money on a condo, he gets "outted" for that, too..

He spends taxpayers money, and accepted a gift from a lobbyist in order to save on personal expenses.

Same with his trips, he flew on the public dime, for a trip that was mostly pleasure, and wasn't much business.

They're still looking into if he charged the government on his travel vouchers, for the time he was at home.
But that still doesn't warrant a security detail bigger than folks who make enemies of drug lords, and terrorists.
I know some of those environmentalists can be pretty scary--bombs and all that. Curiouser and curioser.

Environmentalists are wackos, who throw blood on people wearing fur, they don't set off IED's.

Now drug lords and terrorists are something you have to protect somebody from. And their security details are much smaller than Pruitts.
It seems odd to WANT a security detail like that. The man can't possibly have a moment alone/privately. Have his policies been that unpopular? Is he receiving death threats on Twitter everyday? What do you suppose would cause him to want a force that large?

I don't think there's anything wrong with the guy having a security detail if necessary or flying first class on commercial, for heaven's sake. He is the administrator of the EPA! Have a little respect. He gets "outted" for spending too much money and then when he SAVES money on a condo, he gets "outted" for that, too.
Leave these guys alone, fer chrissakes. Accepting tickets to Wimbledon? Really? You fire someone for that? You sneak your wife over to Europe with you and make the trip a bit of a vacay? How many executives in the country have not done something similar?
You want expensive furniture in your official office? Watch it, you're fired. It was okay for Nancy Reagan, though. And Hillary and Bill could RENT OUT the Lincoln bedroom.
Leave 'em alone on petty stuff like this. It's just a campaign to get every single one of Trump's people fired. Probably most of the leaks that have caused firings of his advisors were the same.
I can't stand the guy, but this is too dirty for me.

Sorry OL, but the cumulative misbehavior of Scott Pruitt is not "petty".

It would have got him fired even in the Nixon or Reagan Admins where a lot of people did a lot of time.
Is this what happens when we hire a bunch of people with no government experience? People in private business expect a few perks in their positions. Then they get into government where there are more rules than a boy scout pack, and the rules are written in bureaucratese that only experienced lawyers can interpret. Worse than ancient Mayan.

I'll take your word for it, I guess, Doc, but I'm from the school of: Tell 'em once they did it wrong. Get paid back and see what happens. If it happens again, send them packing.
But that still doesn't warrant a security detail bigger than folks who make enemies of drug lords, and terrorists.
I know some of those environmentalists can be pretty scary--bombs and all that. Curiouser and curioser.

Environmentalists are wackos, who throw blood on people wearing fur, they don't set off IED's.

Now drug lords and terrorists are something you have to protect somebody from. And their security details are much smaller than Pruitts.
They blow up pipe lines all the time. Not that it's worth arguing about.
Back to the topic, does Pruitt have an overinflated sense of his own importance, or is he paranoid? Or are these guys somehow greasing the skids for him in another way?
It makes no sense to want this, imo.
Is this what happens when we hire a bunch of people with no government experience? People in private business expect a few perks in their positions. Then they get into government where there are more rules than a boy scout pack, and the rules are written in bureaucratese that only experienced lawyers can interpret. Worse than ancient Mayan.

I'll take your word for it, I guess, Doc, but I'm from the school of: Tell 'em once they did it wrong. Get paid back and see what happens. If it happens again, send them packing.

He directly disobeyed White House orders that said NO to raises for his favorite cronies and he doled them out anyway.

This is AS corrupt a loon as has EVER served in government.
Is this what happens when we hire a bunch of people with no government experience? People in private business expect a few perks in their positions. Then they get into government where there are more rules than a boy scout pack, and the rules are written in bureaucratese that only experienced lawyers can interpret. Worse than ancient Mayan.

That is why these guys have three different layers of people under them to give them advice, and explain the rules to them. Like when Pruitt asked the ethics professional if his condo deal for $50 bucks a night was kosher. And the guy first gave it the thumbs up, until he got wind of the actual facts of the case, as opposed to what Pruitt told him the deal was. Now he's not sure it passes ethics requirements.
Back to the topic, does Pruitt have an overinflated sense of his own importance, or is he paranoid?.

$41,000 for a "cone of silence", using the lights and siren to get to dinner faster.

You tell me.
This man is ethically and morally bankrupt. Time for him to go back to Oklahoma - for GOOD

Washington (CNN)EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is facing renewed questions about the size and cost of his 24-hour security detail, adding to a string of ethically questionable arrangements or actions on his part that have surfaced over the past year.

Pruitt's security team currently consists of 19 agents and includes a fleet of at least 19 vehicles, a source with direct knowledge of Pruitt's security detail said. With the cost of maintenance, gas, and training for agents, that leaves the dollar amount for his round-the-clock security in the millions.

The size of Pruitt's security is unprecedented. No previous EPA chief has ever received a 24/7 security detail, the agency's inspector general has said. Former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman, who served under George W. Bush, has told CNN she walked to work alone even after the September 11 terrorist attacks, and although she traveled with security, it was never this large.

Last October, CNN reported that salaries alone for his security team cost at least $2 million a year, according to figures compiled by CNN from public documents -- a number that does not include the costs of such things as training, equipment and travel.​


Pruitt faces renewed questions over cost of security detail - CNNPolitics

Being the target of thousands of psychotic deranged snowflakes isn't an ethical issue. Douchebags like you create a problem by issuing death threats to Trump administration officials, and then you whine about the cost of dealing with it. That's the ultimate in hypocrisy.

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