EPA Chief Spent Millions on Security and Travel

He and his family get death threats from hostile snowflakes every day, jackass.


then how come there's no record of anyone being charged? anywhere?

it's bullshit, you buffoon, and you eat it up with a spoon and beg for more

Pruitt has said his use of first-class airfare was initiated following unpleasant interactions with other travelers. In one incident, someone yelled a profanity as he walked through the airport.

But a nationwide search of state and federal court records by AP finds no case where anyone has been arrested or charged with threatening Pruitt.

EPA chief spent millions on security and travel

Can you name a single person that's ever been charged with giving someone a death threat? Normally they remain anonymous because they are cowards. CNN says he recieved death threats.

Death threats cause security costs for EPA head to skyrocket

You're such a dumbfuck.
I am all for getting rid of anyone that abuses their powers.

Especially when they cost the tax payers money because their horrible habits.

But if this was a far left administration, Pruitt would be getting a promotion.
Not to mention the pollution created by the excess travel while the EPA complains about ordinary citizens using too much energy.
Pruitt has been under attack from the Left since the minute his name was floated for EPA Administrator.

The "charges" against him are a joke. He rented a room in D.C. from an acquaintance at a rate that was SHOCKINGLY LOW!. Oh My Fucking GAWD! He caused his driver to turn on the lights and sirens so he wouldn't have to sit for hours in DC traffic. BE STILL MY HEART! HE FLEW FIRST CLASS to avoid abuse by Leftist frogs on commercial flights!

He increased his SECURITY DETAIL!!! (at zero cost; these fukkers are full time government employees. It's not like the government would save money if they were doing something else).

This is a typical tactic of the Left. They make a mountain of unfounded or unreasonable accusations, then describe him as "embattled," and claim that he is going to be fired for malfeasance.

He is a GREAT EPA Administrator. I personally guarantee that if he is replaced, his replacement will be doing exactly the same thing. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Supposedly, Pruitt's sorry hide needs constant protection from the "various threats"made on his life.

So, the question arises as to WHO is the most threatening individual to this current corrupt administration....and, of course, that would be Mueller.

Should Mueller be also walking around with a 20 person security detail (as well as Mueller's staff needing protection) AND are Mueller's offices protected from Watergate-like break-ins???
There’s no telling what one of Trump’s thuggish supporters might do.
somebody called him an asshole in an airport once, so he needs 24/7 security and first class flights

trumplings will believe anything

He and his family get death threats from hostile snowflakes every day, jackass.

Really then there has to be police records of these things happening to him and his family. After all these are possible serious charges, surely he has filed reports!

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