EPA To Alaskans In Sub-Zero Temps: Stop Burning Wood To Keep Warm


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Apparently heating oil is too expensive and natural gas is not available.

Do they still make electric blankets?

Maybe they should burn some coal???


silly liberals, y'all are so precious. never change - please. I mean that...


EPA To Alaskans In Sub-Zero Temps: Stop Burning Wood To Keep Warm

In Jack London’s famous short story, “To Build A Fire,” a man freezes to death because he underestimates the cold in America’s far north and cannot build a proper fire. The unnamed man—a chechaquo, what Alaska natives call newcomers—is accompanied by a wolf-dog that knows the danger of the cold and is wholly indifferent to the fate of the man. “This man did not know cold. Possibly, all the generations of his ancestry had been ignorant of cold, of real cold, of cold 107 degrees below freezing point. But the dog knew; all its ancestry knew, and it had inherited the knowledge.”

If only the bureaucrats in Washington DC knew what the wolf-dog knew. But alas, now comes the federal government to tell the inhabitants of Alaska’s interior that, really, they should not be building fires to keep themselves warm during the winter. The New York Times reports the Environmental Protection Agency could soon declare the Alaskan cities of Fairbanks and North Pole, which have a combined population of about 100,000, in “serious” noncompliance of the Clean Air Act early next year.
Global warming steals more money than any other lie on earth and kills more people through regulation that it will ever kill through any type of nonexistent man made climate change.
Global warming steals more money than any other lie on earth and kills more people through regulation that it will ever kill through any type of nonexistent man made climate change.
That's a bold statement, but I am sure you are now going to provide us all with links to the irrefutable proof, right?
What will the EPA replace the wood with? Or, do they expect Alaskans to freeze to death?
Have no fear. Environmental genius rick perry will be here to save the day by running the department that he wanted to get rid of, but just couldn't think of the name of. LOL.
What will the EPA replace the wood with? Or, do they expect Alaskans to freeze to death?
Have no fear. Environmental genius rick perry will be here to save the day by running the department that he wanted to get rid of, but just couldn't think of the name of. LOL.
I suspect Rick Perry will call bullshit and let Alaskans burn wood.
What will the EPA replace the wood with? Or, do they expect Alaskans to freeze to death?

If you can't afford what they recommend, I guess you deserve to die. Solar isn't available and natural gas prices are high. Coal isn't allowed and now no wood.

The left, who believe welfare is a right, don't believe we have the right to survive winter. Go figure.

If you have the nerve to keep your family from freezing to death by the only means available to you , they will make you pay dearly!!!!!

If families can't afford conventional heating, they can't afford the fines, either. When you don't pay government fines, they can take your property. I guess kicking families to the street will teach them about trying to stay warm.

It's getting crazier by the year. Can't burn wood to keep your family alive because you don't deserve to live if you can't afford what the libs recommend. Can't collect rain water in barrels to keep your garden growing. You deserve to starve if you can't afford to water your garden with a hose. Bought to you by the party that claims they care. Moral of the story- your parents should have gone to Planned Parenthood for an abortion, then you wouldn't have been here to start a family and we wouldn't have this problem.
What will the EPA replace the wood with? Or, do they expect Alaskans to freeze to death?

why the hell would he do that?

I mean, don't you think the Trump Administration is going to continue to pursue this policy to protect the environment?

THIS is exactly the kind of ridiculous that we have put out and prevented from continuing

the histrionic shrieking about it continues unabated, and has been a pure joy to watch...
Real Alaskans don't heat with wood.

'Cause there are no trees where real Alaskans live.

Instead they heat with rendered whale blubber oil. They tried liberal blubber but quickly found that is composed entirely of tears and won't burn.
Real Alaskans don't heat with wood.

'Cause there are no trees where real Alaskans live.

Instead they heat with rendered whale blubber oil. They tried liberal blubber but quickly found that is composed entirely of tears and won't burn.
I would use the poop...
If you can't afford what they recommend, I guess you deserve to die.

a leftist wet dream, put this together with the Board that decides who gets priority medical treatments once we've full nationalized health care and energy!

we can call them "death panels"

good times
FTom the article: The New York Times reports the Environmental Protection Agency could soon declare the Alaskan cities of Fairbanks and North Pole, which have a combined population of about 100,000, in “serious” noncompliance of the Clean Air Act early next year.

So, let's recap. This paper says the EPA could do something but hasn't done anything. What happens to you when something actually happens?
I really must go locate more fear and rage for something an outlet with an agenda says might happen.
FTom the article: The New York Times reports the Environmental Protection Agency could soon declare the Alaskan cities of Fairbanks and North Pole, which have a combined population of about 100,000, in “serious” noncompliance of the Clean Air Act early next year.

So, let's recap. This paper says the EPA could do something but hasn't done anything. What happens to you when something actually happens?
triple secret probation?

it's like everything else Obama has done, ill conceived and impractical to implement

but just the fact that the agency even said anything is pretty stupid and mean spirited

so, there's that
FTom the article: The New York Times reports the Environmental Protection Agency could soon declare the Alaskan cities of Fairbanks and North Pole, which have a combined population of about 100,000, in “serious” noncompliance of the Clean Air Act early next year.

So, let's recap. This paper says the EPA could do something but hasn't done anything. What happens to you when something actually happens?

The thing is, you can never tell, there's no gradation in the the level of response/insanity.
What will the EPA replace the wood with? Or, do they expect Alaskans to freeze to death?

Freeze to death, and not kidding.

I actually have an idea, I think it might work. If we could get some left wing asshole (like slick willy) to convince the stupid sheep (must be in the billions) to commit mass suicide to "save the planet" I will bet we could succeed in culling the herd signficantly. Get mass hype behind it. Make it a grand day, where they take a big gulp of poisoned kool aid. I am telling you, billions will do it. Billions.

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