Equal Pay For Women

Should women get equal pay?

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The Amiable Host
May 2, 2011
Recently the president proposed equal pay for women. Bringing the issue up for the 2014 congressional elections. What are your views? Should the government force employers to pay women the same as men? Or should it be a private issue between the employer and employee?

I have attached a poll so VOTE! Let your opinion be known. I did a similar poll recently. Thanks.
Let the employer decide. We have enough government as it is in business we need less not more.
I am a strong proponent of pay for performance.

What exactly is "equal pay for equal work"?
I pay a person to mow my yard. If Mary takes 2.5 hours to mow my yard and Bill takes 2 hours to mow my yard, guess which one gets paid more?
On a flat rate, they both get paid the same pay, on an hourly rate, Bill gets paid more. Is that unfair of me? Liberals would probably say I am paying Mary less because she is a female.

Now, lets say Mary mows half my yard today, but she has kids she is taking care of, so she has to mow the second half of the yard tomorrow. But Bill can mow the entire yard on one day. It might be worth it to me to pay Bill an extra $5 to get the entire job done in one day. Is that unequal pay based upon gender? Or based upon performance?
how do you determine equal pay? no one is exactly equal....you have education, experience etc...now if you're paying a guy more money and he is less qualified...then that i don't agree with. when you're talking about professional jobs, there are so many factors in considering salaries i think it unrealistic to get the government involved.
When I hired women to work, I payed them the same as the men....
Yes, that's reality. Sex doesn't determine pay schedules; positions do.

This equal pay for women nonsense is another crisis that the left has invented.

It's not a crisis, it's a reality and not an invention of "the left". Are you that ignorant or that dishonest?
how do you determine equal pay? no one is exactly equal....you have education, experience etc...now if you're paying a guy more money and he is less qualified...then that i don't agree with. when you're talking about professional jobs, there are so many factors in considering salaries i think it unrealistic to get the government involved.

Equal pay for equal work as defined by the MQ's and the work load. If someone cannot perform up to the minimum expectation they can be let go. If they are, or exceed it, they can be rewarded with bonuses or advancement.

Have you ever had a job?
I am a strong proponent of pay for performance.

What exactly is "equal pay for equal work"?
I pay a person to mow my yard. If Mary takes 2.5 hours to mow my yard and Bill takes 2 hours to mow my yard, guess which one gets paid more?
On a flat rate, they both get paid the same pay, on an hourly rate, Bill gets paid more. Is that unfair of me? Liberals would probably say I am paying Mary less because she is a female.

Now, lets say Mary mows half my yard today, but she has kids she is taking care of, so she has to mow the second half of the yard tomorrow. But Bill can mow the entire yard on one day. It might be worth it to me to pay Bill an extra $5 to get the entire job done in one day. Is that unequal pay based upon gender? Or based upon performance?

Just have Bill take care of the kids..
When I was in the military, part of My job requirements where to move cylinders of noble gasses....Neon, Argon, etc.. Three women in My unit within the division would refuse to move the cylinders because they were too 'heavy'. Yet both of them were E-4 rank, same as I was. When I complained about it, I was hauled in front of the Commander on charges of sexism. The inquiry ended badly for them.

Lets understand what equal pay for equal work means.

It means you put in the exact same hours I do.
It means you do the exact same physical work that I do.
It means you have the exact same skills I have.
It means you have the exact same amount of time on the job that I do.
and add a laundry list of many more requirements.

I am a strong proponent of pay for performance.

What exactly is "equal pay for equal work"?
I pay a person to mow my yard. If Mary takes 2.5 hours to mow my yard and Bill takes 2 hours to mow my yard, guess which one gets paid more?
On a flat rate, they both get paid the same pay, on an hourly rate, Bill gets paid more. Is that unfair of me? Liberals would probably say I am paying Mary less because she is a female.

Now, lets say Mary mows half my yard today, but she has kids she is taking care of, so she has to mow the second half of the yard tomorrow. But Bill can mow the entire yard on one day. It might be worth it to me to pay Bill an extra $5 to get the entire job done in one day. Is that unequal pay based upon gender? Or based upon performance?

How do you handle payroll taxes when you hire people off the street? Do you have insurance to cover any industrial accident which harms your employee? Have you trained them in the proper and safe use of your equipment (should they use it)? Do you really pay by the hour, or by the project? To pay by the hour is dumb, almost as dumb as hiring people to do work who are unlicensed, uninsured and not independent contractors.
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When I was in the military, part of My job requirements where to move cylinders of noble gasses....Neon, Argon, etc.. Three women in My unit within the division would refuse to move the cylinders because they were too 'heavy'. Yet both of them were E-4 rank, same as I was. When I complained about it, I was hauled in front of the Commander on charges of sexism. The inquiry ended badly for them.

Lets understand what equal pay for equal work means.

It means you put in the exact same hours I do.
It means you do the exact same physical work that I do.
It means you have the exact same skills I have.
It means you have the exact same amount of time on the job that I do.
and add a laundry list of many more requirements.


First of all you have no credibility so I doubt your story is true. That said, the officer in charge who puts an employee into a situation wherein they cannot physically perform puts his business/agency/command in jeopardy.

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