Equality Act and Diversity Monitoring Forms


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Millions of teachers, nurses and policemen could be asked to disclose their sexuality, religion and race as part of a new Coalition equality drive.

Lib Dem equalities minister Lynne Featherstone says all public sector organisations should consider sending ‘diversity monitoring forms’ to staff to prove they are treating all sections of society fairly.

From April, public bodies will be subject to the Equality Act – passed by Labour but taken up enthusiastically by the Coalition – which will force them to consider the impact of everything they do on the diversity of the people they serve or employ.

Read more: Police and nurses to be asked their sexuality in new equality drive | Mail Online

Affirmative Action on steroids? :eek:
Inevitably it means focusing on the relatively easy data ie. race, creed, sex. No organization can be equally representative of all nine characteristics, if prioritizing is appropriate it has to be on that which can be easily measured/compared. External data on say religion and sexuality is very unreliable and information collected internally probably even more so. Sadly i think that brings me back to the concept of a hierarchy of protection which is not where i would want to be but understand in the current extremist Islamic ideological attack. The pendulum will return but only IF the Islamic rhetoric and responses also move to the ebb.

This will continue and in stronger terms if Islamic extremist ideologues continue their acts and rhetoric.

It is a wide brush being used in order to sweep up a smaller group from the brush.
This proposition, let's not forget what that word means, has already been critisized by both the coalition and the opposition Labour party as being too expensive to administer, especially with all the forecasted cuts.

Honestly, the article isn't even accredited to an actual named reporter. I lean towards the right along with the Daily Mail, but at least I know that most of what the Daily Mail reports is bullshit. I mean, they offer analysis on the EU, but it's been proven on countless occasions that the Daily Mail doesn't retain a correspondent in Brussels. In short, the Daily Mail reports mainly unsubstantiated rumours.
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Millions of teachers, nurses and policemen could be asked to disclose their sexuality, religion and race as part of a new Coalition equality drive.

Lib Dem equalities minister Lynne Featherstone says all public sector organisations should consider sending ‘diversity monitoring forms’ to staff to prove they are treating all sections of society fairly.

From April, public bodies will be subject to the Equality Act – passed by Labour but taken up enthusiastically by the Coalition – which will force them to consider the impact of everything they do on the diversity of the people they serve or employ.

Read more: Police and nurses to be asked their sexuality in new equality drive | Mail Online

Affirmative Action on steroids? :eek:
this caught my eye;

One example given in the document is banning police from imposing height restrictions because they may be discriminatory to women.

It also says that complying with the equality duty ‘may involve treating some people better than others, as far as this is allowed by discrimination law’.

Read more: Police and nurses to be asked their sexuality in new equality drive | Mail Online

I wonder who exactly would be doing the 'grunt ' work, that is who makes the compliance decisions, a Quango?

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