Zone1 Equality is downsizing religions, as parent refuse to downsize their love for an LGBTQ+ or female child.

I can decide for myself whether my killing some dirt bag is a sin.
Correct, as you can add that to your delusional thinking that a genocidal god is somehow a good god.

Yahweh can justify his genocides, homophobia and misogyny, so I am sure that all you immoral Christians can justify murder.

You are also good at justifying your sins, and that is why you can hypocritically sing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to God's plan.

All while hypocritically cursing Adam and blaming him for death.

Christians and morals are anathema.

You do realize that lots of heterosexual couples engage in anal sex don't you?
Want to know a little secret? Doesnt make it right. That could be why Magic Johnson got his johnson fucked up and he got HIV? Keep marginalizing fudge packing, it makes you look like a typical Joe Biden voter.

But providing a service is not that.

If you are a baker you bake cakes. Baking a cake is not a sin. Selling a cake is not a sin. No one has ever shown me in the Bible that it is commanded to deny all services to sinners.
So much for CHOICE?

Doesnt make it right.
I question your view of right and wrong.

I think it right to put love above sex and gender and what people do with their junk.

We have your opinion, give us your argument for putting love below sex and gender and why you would deny people love.

I do not expect a worthy answer from one who does not live by the Golden Rule.

Parents of LGBTQ children face a difficult choice

Their faith used to I struct them to drive those children from their homes because of their sins

Now, parents are choosing to support their children over their faith regarding homosexuality
False. No one has to give up their faith because of "LOVE". All men sin........"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar; AND HIS WORD IS NOT IN US." -- 1 John 1:8-10

Pesonally I would show this family member more love, more patience, more understanding than members of my family that are strong in THE WORD. Demonstrate to them that where love exists, eternal hope also exists.

No Christian would drive anyone from their home because of SIN. There would be no one in the home if everyone was forced out of said home because of sin. Only the ignorant (where the Word of the Lord does not live) would "disavow" a family member because of sin. There is no Sin that can't be overcome, except the unrepentant sin. As sin is equal, all have the same wages........eternal separation from the Father....spiritual death. As long as there is life and "light" there is hope.......when darkness comes (death) there is no hope for the unrepentant sin. Sometimes God uses sin to build hope where all appears to be hopeless.

"Jesus answered; It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but the works of God might be displayed in him; We must work the works of Him who sent sent Me while it is day (light); night is coming where NO MAN can work........" -- John 9:3-4

The wages of sin is death: "For the wages of sin is death -- Romans 6:23, (there is no distinction of is not greater than another, -- 1 Cor. 6:9-10, the homosexual faces the same wages for their sin as does the adulterer, the fornicator, the thief....etc., all those who break God's laws, as sin is LAWLESSNESS -- 1 John 3:4

All of "US" sinners have only ONE HOPE.........the cleasning sacrifical blood of Christ that stands as our advocat force -- 1 John 2, separating our sin from the Father. "I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me." -- John 14:6

Regardless of sexual preference; No one that lives is "worthy" of salvation......we are all saved by GRACE. Its better to "abstain" than burn. Sex is a choice........any type of sex is a free will choice........or you have just been raped. Sex is not required to sustain human life........for shelter, health care, food, etc, these are HUMAN RIGHTS. There is no such RACE of peoples as homosexual people.......homosexuals are found in every race on earth. You can attempt to change the language but you can't change the facts of life. Homosexuality is a "mindset"........a choice. All sex is based upon LUST, not biology.....the human mind is the greatest sexual organ in the body.
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By telling them how horrible they are.
Is that your idea of LOVE and UNDERSTANDING? (don't project your hatred....all sins are the same) I'd wager that you would have no problem telling the murderer how horrible that act of lawlessness is........the thief, would you be so understanding, or when someone bears false witness? (wink, wink, I have re-read the post......I can't seem to find the word HORRIBLE anywhere):doubt: attempt to take a simple message and declare YOUR HATE for a presentation of "scriptural truth". There is a word for such:

Not at all. I was talking about your behavior, not mine.
Again...........look up FALSE WITNESS. In lay terms. LIAR. The word "HORRIBLE" is your word of choice, not mine. Seems Like I remember using terms like, Understanding, Love, eternal hope............

This is akin to those who support abortion on demand. All those who favor such have already been born.
Again...........look up FALSE WITNESS. In lay terms. LIAR. The word "HORRIBLE" is your word of choice, not mine. Seems Like I remember using terms like, Understanding, Love, eternal hope............

This is akin to those who support abortion on demand. All those who favor such have already been born.
So you are going to tell them they are fine, and you understand and love them. And leave them alone about it.

Okay, great. I stand corrected.
Homosexuality is a "mindset"........a choice.
I agree but would add our chemistry that controls it.

That would mean that heterosexuality is also.

You, if a heterosexual, would not have your choice discriminated against, would you? --- so why the double moral standard, --- where you would have LGBTQ+ women and their choices discriminated against?

Is that how G D Christians are to do unto others?

Again...........look up FALSE WITNESS. In lay terms. LIAR. The word "HORRIBLE" is your word of choice, not mine. Seems Like I remember using terms like, Understanding, Love, eternal hope............

This is akin to those who support abortion on demand. All those who favor such have already been born.
What kind of a hole God would create such abominations for us to hate?

So you are going to tell them they are fine, and you understand and love them. And leave them alone about it.

Okay, great. I stand corrected.
Only if the LGBTQ+ scum do not practice what they are and ruin their lives.

All the other Christians follow all of the Christian rules.

So you are on the down low, LOL. I knew it.
The closet fags like you have been easy to spot since childhood. You can't help but tell on yourselves, like you are right now.

In the same vein, we both know your affinity for the word Ni**er arises from another sexual preference for dark meat.

No need for these embarrassing displays. Let yourself be you. This is 2022.
No, it isn't. It can be socially acceptable at a given time, but it can not be biologically normal.

Someone born without legs is not normal. Someone born a psychopath is not normal, and someone born not being into the opposite sex is not normal. Hell my nearsightedness is not normal, but I don't pretend it is.
You can deny the facts all you want.

Maybe you need to read up on some psychology and sociology.

And the incidence of psychopathy in the human population is a known percentage that has been verified many times over so once again in the population as a whole it is normal to have a small percentage of that population to exhibit psychopathy.


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