Equity vs Equality


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
When President Biden issued his “Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government,” he abandoned the concept of equal opportunity for equity. One of the order’s main aspects is to require all federal agencies to ferret out any policy that may produce unequal outcomes among members of categories deemed marginalized. So, even if an impartially applied policy leads to unequal outcomes, it is illegal, no matter how nondiscriminatory in intent. Policymakers will then search for racial/ethnical results, and their policies will become unfair and wasteful because they are base on identity politics rather than merit. I do not doubt that existing and past gov't policies have been discriminatory and/or corrupt, and by people in both parties. We should be making every effort to put a stop to that, but that is not the same as making sure everybody gets the same outcome.

Equity has now come to mean the functional opposite of equality. The latter means equal treatment to all citizens, such as the Constitution calls for in the clause of the 14th Amendment that deals with equal protection of laws. Equity means treating Americans unequally to ensure that outcomes are equalized—the old tried (and failed) Marxian standard. Which is another way of redistributing wealth and making reparations. The word “Equity,” by the way, appears 21 times, while that old American mainstay of “Equality” doesn’t even make a cameo. Vice President Kamala Harris was much more forthcoming and honest when she tweeted this on Nov. 1: ".... Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.”

The EO says “ ‘equity’ means the consistent and systematic fair, just and impartial treatment of all individuals.” Thus, everything turns on how administrators interpret the meaning of “fair”, "just" and "impartial.” How do you suppose that interpretation will be made? It will likely be a “woke” interpretation, considering the definition’s exhaustive inclusion of every victim category under the sun (“underserved communities that have been denied such treatment, such as black, Latino and Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders and other persons of color. . .”).

I have to ask a question: these "underserved communities that have been denied such treatment", how many have been run by democrats for the last 60 years or longer? How did they get to be underserved in the 1st place? In some ways, this policy rewards failure; no one has to worry about the consequences of failure cuz the gov't has your back. If you're among the 'underserved", then you are Golden. If not then you are now the one being discriminated against. Used to be people said "two Wrongs don't make a Right", but it does today if you're a democrat.
In law, the term "equity" refers to a particular set of remedies and associated procedures involved with civil law. These equitable doctrines and procedures are distinguished from "legal" ones. While legal remedies typically involve monetary damages, equitable relief typically refers to injunctions, specific performance, or vacatur. A court will typically award equitable remedies when a legal remedy is insufficient or inadequate....

Unfair advantages are the only things lost should equity be achieved. The law is tainted with the notion that the best black man is still lower than the worst white man.
It's only your idiotic opinion that says they are "unfair." Being born into a family with two legally married parents is "unfair" compared to being born illegitimate.

How do you propose to fix that?
Equality is equality of opportunity Equity is equality of outcome.

There is no such thing as equity in the real world. It exists artificially only. The only way you can have equity is to disadvantage others just enough that the worst among us come out just as far as the best!

So then, what's the point of being the best at anything if you fare no better at it?

Equality is equality of opportunity Equity is equality of outcome.

View attachment 483956 There is no such thing as equity in the real world. It exists artificially only. The only way you can have equity is to disadvantage others just enough that the worst among us come out just as far as the best!

So then, what's the point of being the best at anything if you fare no better at it?

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Equity is precisely the reason that Communist system always produce mass starvation and poverty.
"Equity" is an Orwellian euphemism for racial discrimination
The Poverty Rate for Blacks, Whites, Latinos and Asians are different.
However if you look at the population of poor people as a whole in America broken down by race it is a different thing.
Poor Whites do not have any special programs to help them in education or employment, but the are the largest portion of people living in poverty in America.(is that called being underserved?)
The Progressives loath poor White people even more than they do the working class ones.

"Equity" is an Orwellian euphemism for racial discrimination
The Poverty Rate for Blacks, Whites, Latinos and Asians are different.
However if you look at the population of poor people as a whole in America broken down by race it is a different thing.
Poor Whites do not have any special programs to help them in education or employment, but the are the largest portion of people living in poverty in America.(is that called being underserved?)
The Progressives loath poor White people even more than they do the working class ones.

View attachment 483965
The poorest white people live in red states and would rather do without social programs that they would qualify for to avoid giving black people "free stuff". How do you help people who have been fooled into thinking there is some kind of nobility in suffering their poverty quietly and without assistance?
The only way to produce equality of outcome (equity) is to force everyone down to the level of the least achieving. In other words establish an equality of misery.

As VP Harris said, ".... Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.” Which as you say is at the bottom. The problem is that when you redistribute wealth to that extent the people in the top half of the are less incentivized to earn more money, why work that hard and assume all the risks of an investment if the gov't is going to take all or most of it? Or, they sell out, pack up, and move offshore somewhere, and we've seen that happen in other countries time and again. When you fuck the rich, the rich leave or they stop producing as much wealth. And that leads to less investment and despite what the liberals say, that leads to less economic growth and fewer jobs downstream.

It cannot be more obvious, when you fuck the rich sooner or later everybody suffers and we all end up at the same low level of prosperity. Now, is that a good thing or a bad thing? For the democrats, it's a good thing cuz they can convince people they'll get more money from the gov't by way of the rich people. At least in the short run, but over time the rich people will stop producing as much wealth in response, because the risk of an investment is outweighed by the rewards, i.e., the gov't takes most of the rewards (taxes). So, the rich have less money to invest and the gov't takes most of the profits; what do you think would be the natural results long term? For society as a whole, it's a bad thing cuz now your amount of created wealth declines and keeps declining over time. That's what happens when you de-incentivize investments (capital gains). Investments are the life blood of the capitalistic system. If you overtax anything, you get less of it and that applies to investments like everything else.
Equality is equality of opportunity Equity is equality of outcome.

As always, Tipsy doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome."

Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome."
Hahaha….people should not control their own destiny through life choices THEY themselves make?
FATHER GOVERNMENT should always be there to lift them back to equivalence when they fuck up?
As always, Tipsy doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome."

View attachment 544142
I am short of stature and left handed. I insist that whatever money it
takes to compensate me for these handicaps, MUST BE PROVIDED
at public expense. I have a tendency to left right confusion also
As always, Tipsy doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome."

View attachment 544142
In other words, you cugly funt, equality is equal opportunity. Equity is equal outcome. How could you be so ignorant, blinded by communism, idiotic, brain damaged, brain dead, worthless, and have the cranial activity of an amoeba as to think a guarantee of equal outcome is in any way beneficia?l
As VP Harris said, ".... Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.” Which as you say is at the bottom. The problem is that when you redistribute wealth to that extent the people in the top half of the are less incentivized to earn more money, why work that hard and assume all the risks of an investment if the gov't is going to take all or most of it? Or, they sell out, pack up, and move offshore somewhere, and we've seen that happen in other countries time and again. When you fuck the rich, the rich leave or they stop producing as much wealth. And that leads to less investment and despite what the liberals say, that leads to less economic growth and fewer jobs downstream.

It cannot be more obvious, when you fuck the rich sooner or later everybody suffers and we all end up at the same low level of prosperity. Now, is that a good thing or a bad thing? For the democrats, it's a good thing cuz they can convince people they'll get more money from the gov't by way of the rich people. At least in the short run, but over time the rich people will stop producing as much wealth in response, because the risk of an investment is outweighed by the rewards, i.e., the gov't takes most of the rewards (taxes). So, the rich have less money to invest and the gov't takes most of the profits; what do you think would be the natural results long term? For society as a whole, it's a bad thing cuz now your amount of created wealth declines and keeps declining over time. That's what happens when you de-incentivize investments (capital gains). Investments are the life blood of the capitalistic system. If you overtax anything, you get less of it and that applies to investments like everything else.

Your assumption is that everyone ends up at the bottom. The reality in every other country where there is "equity", is that EVERYBODY BENEFITS.

Your other statement "when you fuck the rich" is ridiculous. The rich are holding 80% of the wealth and income of the nation. The rich are fucking YOU. When an economy is run for the benefit of the wealthy, you have a Banana Republic, and the USA is 3/4 of the way there now.

Your wealthy live in gated communities with private security.

If you are born poor, you have a 2% chance of working your way out of poverty, given the poor quality of public education in poor neighbourhoods. The USA is one of 2 first world nations which spend less money education the children of the poor. The other is Turkey.

Police are given license to brutalize and murder poor people with impunity.

The Republican Party is disenfranchising poor and minority voters.

Welcome to your Banana Republic America!!

A healthy and thriving middle class is necessary to a successful healthy economy. Republicans are strangling the middle class. The USA is the only first world country where the middle class is declining. It's not the wealthy who determine your future, it's your workers.

Republicans are killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

my sense is that dragonlady never lived in the USA or spent
much time here. She spits propaganda

I dislike to denigrate another poster but damn, her post #18 is filled with so much unsubstantiated crap that I don't think it's worth time and trouble to discuss all of it cuz she's never going to even consider anything that contradicts her ideology. IOW, I'd be wasting my time. So, I will just start with her 1st sentence:

Your assumption is that everyone ends up at the bottom. The reality in every other country where there is "equity", is that EVERYBODY BENEFITS.

Tell me a country that actually has equity that everybody benefits from. I am unaware of any such place. You said: "Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome." I know of no such place in the world, past or present, that does that.

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