ER' actress Vanessa Marquez killed by police after she pulled a BB gun on officers

The issue is that the police shot and killed a woman who was mentally ill, and who they believed was mentally ill.

The police need to be trained about how to deal with sick people and frightened people without killing them.

Someone called the police because they believed a neighbour was in trouble. Because her neighbour asked the police to help, their neighbour is now deal. The people they called to help her, gunned her down.

It was obvious they did try, for over an hour.

What are they supposed to do if someone aims a weapon at them?
In my mind the cops did not do their job.

True; they shouldn't have wasted an hour on some dumbass nut job.

They do in cities that have a $1.2M median home cost.

If she was that rich, she could easily afford home care for managing her neurotic compulsions; it's not a policeman's job to get killed dealing with loons, no matter how many wish it was their job to be all things to all people, and for $8 an hour.
The issue is that the police shot and killed a woman who was mentally ill, and who they believed was mentally ill.

The police need to be trained about how to deal with sick people and frightened people without killing them.

Someone called the police because they believed a neighbour was in trouble. Because her neighbour asked the police to help, their neighbour is now deal. The people they called to help her, gunned her down.

It was obvious they did try, for over an hour.

What are they supposed to do if someone aims a weapon at them?

How did they allow her to get a weapon, what were they doing checking their status on FB ?
The issue is that the police shot and killed a woman who was mentally ill, and who they believed was mentally ill.

The police need to be trained about how to deal with sick people and frightened people without killing them.

Someone called the police because they believed a neighbour was in trouble. Because her neighbour asked the police to help, their neighbour is now deal. The people they called to help her, gunned her down.
Pulling a gun on police has consequences. Period
I posted a thread on this on Friday not realizing you had already posted one.

The thing that is most distressing to me is that the news article says that upon her arrival she was having a seizure therefore the first thing that should have happened is that they should have summoned EMTs to tend to her medically. People who have seizures can experience disorientation, temporary memory loss, etc. Subjecting somone who has experienced a seizure and may have been experiencing even more (smaller, less detectable) to an on site interrogation is horrible is my opinion. The story doesn't say whether she had the fake weapon on her or had to retrieve it from somewhere but I agree this story doesn't sound right at all, particularly when they mentioned that she had made an allegation against a very powerful and well liked Hollywood figure. And no I'm not saying that George Clooney had anything to do with this, but there are crazy people in the world that will take offense on behalf of others.
I posted a thread on this on Friday not realizing you had already posted one.

The thing that is most distressing to me is that the news article says that upon her arrival she was having a seizure therefore the first thing that should have happened is that they should have summoned EMTs to tend to her medically. People who have seizures can experience disorientation, temporary memory loss, etc. Subjecting somone who has experienced a seizure and may have been experiencing even more (smaller, less detectable) to an on site interrogation is horrible is my opinion. The story doesn't say whether she had the fake weapon on her or had to retrieve it from somewhere but I agree this story doesn't sound right at all, particularly when they mentioned that she had made an allegation against a very powerful and well liked Hollywood figure. And no I'm not saying that George Clooney had anything to do with this, but there are crazy people in the world that will take offense on behalf of others.

Multiple members here have stated there seems to be more to the story than is portrayed.

Here is my take:
We have a dead civilian that was reported to have experienced some medical condition that was eventually killed by law enforcement. The story is concealing certain aspects of the bigger picture in an attempt to 'protect' law enforcement. We have seen this movie before & we know how it ends. Initially the press typically plays it safe when there is an OIS. Later on is when the facts start to flow & then we realize law enforcement was being protected by the press, by not putting the facts out there, from the 'get go.' Of course, law enforcement typically doesn't help in regard to these types of cases either because they typically withhold information from the press that may shine a negative light on law enforcement. Again, we see this all the time too.

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