Erdogan says he has evidence US led forces supported ISIS

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, now there's a credible source, I mean if you can't take the word of the corrupt despot who can you trust?

Erdogon has turned Turkey into a police state, clamped down on any descent, destroyed the free media. Not sure how credible his claims are given he is one of the fingers stirring the Syrian pot now and best buds with Putin.

Turkey is one of America's closest allies. Anything going on in Turkey, is on the US. Erdogan has been propped up by the US. So it's pretty disingenuous for an American to blame other countries for its own Government's creation. And like i said, both the US and Turkey funded & armed ISIS. It was all about their 'Regime Change.'

Erdogan has changed Turkey. The US did not fund ISIS. It funded groups that eventually defected to ISIS.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, now there's a credible source, I mean if you can't take the word of the corrupt despot who can you trust?

Erdogon has turned Turkey into a police state, clamped down on any descent, destroyed the free media. Not sure how credible his claims are given he is one of the fingers stirring the Syrian pot now and best buds with Putin.

Turkey is one of America's closest allies. Anything going on in Turkey, is on the US. Erdogan has been propped up by the US. So it's pretty disingenuous for an American to blame other countries for its own Government's creation. And like i said, both the US and Turkey funded & armed ISIS. It was all about their 'Regime Change.'

Erdogan has changed Turkey. The US did not fund ISIS. It funded groups that eventually defected to ISIS.

Regardless, it's very disingenuous for Americans to blame other countries for Erdogan. Turkey's in bed with the US. Has been for many years. If Americans dislike Erdogan, they should take it up with their own Government. He's propped up with their Tax Dollars.

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