Eric Holder: 'I'm thinking about' running for president

that will be hard to do from prison, which is where he's going to be, along with obama, lynch, lerner, clapper, comey, and 100's of others.
Presidents need to be for The People, not just “his people”. Furtger, he is divisive and corrupt. But, if that’s what the Democrats want.

Trump is only for "his people" ... and by that I mean the very, very wealthy. Not the people who put him in office. He doesn't give 2 shits about them.

Look at the people you put in office.....wealthy 1 preventers intent on taking this Country more towards socialism and eliminating opportunity. Nancy Pelosi likes to wag her finger to people about making or having too much wealth and when asked about her own wealth, she says “we’re not going to talk about that. I’m a mother of five and can be louder than you”. Tell US how that attitude is better for the Country.
Presidents need to be for The People, not just “his people”. Furtger, he is divisive and corrupt. But, if that’s what the Democrats want.

Trump is only for "his people" ... and by that I mean the very, very wealthy. Not the people who put him in office. He doesn't give 2 shits about them.

Look at the people you put in office.....wealthy 1 preventers intent on taking this Country more towards socialism and eliminating opportunity. Nancy Pelosi likes to wag her finger to people about making or having too much wealth and when asked about her own wealth, she says “we’re not going to talk about that. I’m a mother of five and can be louder than you”. Tell US how that attitude is better for the Country.

Why do you think I'm some kind of fan of Pelosi? Don't recall mentioning her.
Oh, I wish he would try just for the sheer comedy of it. Are Democrats really this far up their own assholes they think America is ready to elect another black crybaby race-baiter who spent his entire career spewing hatred of whites and using the DOJ to bully them? Are their brains (such as they are) so integrated into their colons they think you can actually win elections by insulting the public, i.e. Hilarious Hillary's "deplorables"?
Oh, I wish he would try just for the sheer comedy of it. Are Democrats really this far up their own assholes they think America is ready to elect another black crybaby race-baiter who spent his entire career spewing hatred of whites and using the DOJ to bully them? Are their brains (such as they are) so integrated into their colons they think you can actually win elections by insulting the public, i.e. Hilarious Hillary's "deplorables"?

Why do you bring up race in pretty much every post I see of yours? Are you like a reverse Angela Rye or something?
Presidents need to be for The People, not just “his people”. Furtger, he is divisive and corrupt. But, if that’s what the Democrats want.

Trump is only for "his people" ... and by that I mean the very, very wealthy. Not the people who put him in office. He doesn't give 2 shits about them.

Tell that to the 80% of the population who received a tax break.
Presidents need to be for The People, not just “his people”. Furtger, he is divisive and corrupt. But, if that’s what the Democrats want.

Trump is only for "his people" ... and by that I mean the very, very wealthy. Not the people who put him in office. He doesn't give 2 shits about them.

Tell that to the 80% of the population who received a tax break.

A tax break that is pretty much going toward paying for the increased cost of gas. Wow. What a break for the middle class!!
Presidents need to be for The People, not just “his people”. Furtger, he is divisive and corrupt. But, if that’s what the Democrats want.

Trump is only for "his people" ... and by that I mean the very, very wealthy. Not the people who put him in office. He doesn't give 2 shits about them.

Tell that to the 80% of the population who received a tax break.

A tax break that is pretty much going toward paying for the increased cost of gas. Wow. What a break for the middle class!!

Not really, though I am sure you would like to think so. Yes, inflation hurts the middle class, but there are other advantages of the tax breaks that won't be seen for a while. One of the first was in the cost of healthcare, which has dropped a little bit because of the breaks. obummers policies ONLY helped the rich, so if you have a problem with presidents taking care of their rich friends take it up with obummer.
Presidents need to be for The People, not just “his people”. Furtger, he is divisive and corrupt. But, if that’s what the Democrats want.

Trump is only for "his people" ... and by that I mean the very, very wealthy. Not the people who put him in office. He doesn't give 2 shits about them.

Tell that to the 80% of the population who received a tax break.

A tax break that is pretty much going toward paying for the increased cost of gas. Wow. What a break for the middle class!!

Not really, though I am sure you would like to think so. Yes, inflation hurts the middle class, but there are other advantages of the tax breaks that won't be seen for a while. One of the first was in the cost of healthcare, which has dropped a little bit because of the breaks. obummers policies ONLY helped the rich, so if you have a problem with presidents taking care of their rich friends take it up with obummer.

Obama slammed the Middle Class with his healthcare program. The Middle Class responded by handing over the Hill to Republicans and voting in Trump. Trump was the middle finger to Obama.
Presidents need to be for The People, not just “his people”. Furtger, he is divisive and corrupt. But, if that’s what the Democrats want.

Trump is only for "his people" ... and by that I mean the very, very wealthy. Not the people who put him in office. He doesn't give 2 shits about them.

Look at the people you put in office.....wealthy 1 preventers intent on taking this Country more towards socialism and eliminating opportunity. Nancy Pelosi likes to wag her finger to people about making or having too much wealth and when asked about her own wealth, she says “we’re not going to talk about that. I’m a mother of five and can be louder than you”. Tell US how that attitude is better for the Country.

Wealthy 1 preventers? If that was intentional, my hat is off to you!

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