Eric Holder Just Made My Day....

Eric Holder puts the clowns in place with a few well selected words and bumped up his stock in my estimation. its refreshing when a public figure lets there true feelings be known sometimes.

Eric Holder On Fast And Furious Critics Kiss My Ass

Newly released emails show Attorney General Eric Holder said that Justice Department prosecutors who were critical of the department's handling of the fallout of the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal could "kiss my ass."

Proud to be a criminal - and you support crime by our law enforcement.

Yeah, that does mean you're a total scumbag...
Holder needs to go to prison.

I don't know that wasting time on Fast & Furious makes sense, other than to establish a consistent pattern of criminal behavior by Holder and Obama. Holder needs to be indicted for interstate extortion in the "Operation Choke Point" racket. RICO applies, making the Justice department a criminal enterprise.

Arresting Eric Holder and putting him in prison is a first step in impeaching, arresting, and throwing Obama in prison.

ONLY when these two are behind bars can we again claim to be a nation of justice for all. If the law is not applied to the president and his gangsta Shock Collar, then why would ANYONE follow the law?
well if so then you have a sad damn life when some Politician can make your day
Especially when they've just told you to kiss their, (not 'there' as the idiot OP spelled it), ass, after they broke the law.

You just can't fix stupid, and progtards are some incredibly dumb sons a bitches.
Guys - discussions about your personal sexual proclivities belong in the Flame Zone...there are rooms available at no cost, a benefit of USMB Membership.
Sorry, Coyote...can't help myself when it comes to the Board's resident "millionaire...martial arts expert...chick magnet"! Milkweed is just too much fun to needle. I'll try and contain myself...
Guys - discussions about your personal sexual proclivities belong in the Flame Zone...there are rooms available at no cost, a benefit of USMB Membership.
I didnt know a certain user was talking about his sexual proclivities until you just mentioned it. So thats why he was talking about using Roofies?

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