Zone1 Escaping the Watchtower.

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Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2018
Very informative and interesting video. This young man was born a JW. He discusses learning to not being being allowed to celebrate birthdays, Christmas, learning how to shun as a kid, etc. He finally got free.
Very informative and interesting video. This young man was born a JW. He discusses learning to not being being allowed to celebrate birthdays, Christmas, learning how to shun as a kid, etc. He finally got free.


I had an old, old BF who professed to be a JW, who, as Christmas approached, explained that they did not celebrate it, which I already knew.

Imagine my shock when I was handed a package wrapped in Merry Christmas paper on Dec 24th.


When do they stop being hypocrites?


I had an old, old BF who professed to be a JW, who, as Christmas approached, explained that they did not celebrate it, which I already knew.

Imagine my shock when I was handed a package wrapped in Merry Christmas paper on Dec 24th.


When do they stop being hypocrites?

Never. Just imagine how many JWs wake up but choose to stay because the thought of losing your family is unthinkable.
You know what? This has already been done to death with Mormons and that other crazy cult in Hollywood, the one with Tom Cruise.
You know what? This has already been done to death with Mormons and that other crazy cult in Hollywood, the one with Tom Cruise.
Obviously, it hasn't because there are people still defending it.
Obviously, it hasn't because there are people still defending it.
Escaping these cults has spawned all kinds of really bad television shows about it, in my opinion. I forgot the Amish, there was some stupid television show about this too.
Escaping these cults has spawned all kinds of really bad television shows about it, in my opinion.
I find them interesting. I really enjoyed the one about scientology with the lady actress from King of Queens.
Very informative and interesting video. This young man was born a JW. He discusses learning to not being being allowed to celebrate birthdays, Christmas, learning how to shun as a kid, etc. He finally got free.

I certainly do not believe what they believe, but I have found Jehovah Witnesses to pretty much universally be pleasant people, not in anybody's face re their beliefs, congenial, courteous.

Anecdotal: We once lived in a rural area just east of Albuquerque and at times when hubby was travelling on business, I was alone in the house for days at a time. (We worked from home in those days.) I am very much a people person and one day invited in the Jehovah Witnesses just to have somebody to talk to.

I had a fresh cup of coffee made and we had coffee and a pleasant discussion about their beliefs. The thing is I know my Bible and write Bible based adult curricula and history so could counter all their Biblical interpretations. The younger woman making the arguments was being stumped by my questions again and again. In no time the older 'supervisor' announced they needed to go and they left not unpleasantly but rather abruptly.

I never got another visit by Jehovah Witnesses in the remaining years we lived there. :)
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I certainly do not believe what they believe, but I have found Jehovah Witnesses to pretty much universally be pleasant people, not in anybody's face re their beliefs, congenial, courteous.

Anecdotal: We once lived in a rural area just east of Albuquerque and at times when hubby was travelling on business, I was alone in the house for days at a time. (We worked from home in those days.) I am very much a people person and one day invited in the Jehovah Witnesses just to have somebody to talk to.

I had a fresh cup of coffee made and we had coffee and a pleasant discussion about their beliefs. The thing is I know my Bible and write Bible based adult curricula and history so could counter all their Biblical interpretations. The younger woman making her arguments was being stumped by my questions again and again. In no time the older 'supervisor' announced they needed to go and they left not unpleasantly but rather abruptly.

I never got another visit by Jehovah Witnesses in the remaining years we lived there. :)
Of course you didn't get another visit. You knew your Bible.
I find them interesting. I really enjoyed the one about scientology with the lady actress from King of Queens.
I never saw it but I know which one this is. This one I considered watching just for the insight into how that group works and what they believe. Really weird it has a bunch of Hollywood types in it, including this woman in the doc.
I never saw it but I know which one this is. This one I considered watching just for the insight into how that group works and what they believe. Really weird it has a bunch of Hollywood types in it, including this woman in the doc.

I allowed a Scientologist acquaintance to drag me into the "church" for an afternoon, and that's all it took for me to know it was a complete lying scam.

We had two teenage boys with us and the first thing the members did was separate them and tell each of them that the other had made the decision to join the "church". As soon as we got out of there, the young men consulted with each other about the experience and were so pissed that they wanted to go back to the "church" and raise hell. Smart youngsters.

I never saw it but I know which one this is. This one I considered watching just for the insight into how that group works and what they believe. Really weird it has a bunch of Hollywood types in it, including this woman in the doc.
Oh, they're pretty nasty. I used to work with one. She laughed when she told me she and her husband would steal the anti scientology books at the library. That was 30 years ago. Hope she got out.
Oh, they're pretty nasty. I used to work with one. She laughed when she told me she and her husband would steal the anti scientology books at the library. That was 30 years ago. Hope she got out.

Sounds right. The one I knew told me that everybody must be converted and others did not have the right to reject the "church" and its teachings.

She was nuts and so were they. She had a mentor in the "church" who advised her to take more potassium -- not a bad thing, necessarily, but then he supplied her with a bottle of potassium hydroxide tablets. If you're not a chemist, potassium hydroxide is lye -- very caustic. Drain cleaner. NEVER to be ingested. The kind of potassium that's used as a dietary supplement is potassium chloride -- commonly found in many healthy foods. It burned her esophagus badly and she ended up with huge scabs on her face for months -- I imagine her body trying to detox from the damage.

And she kept giving all her money to the "church".

Sounds right. The one I knew told me that everybody must be converted and others did not have the right to reject the "church" and its teachings.

She was nuts and so were they. She had a mentor in the "church" who advised her to take more potassium -- not a bad thing, necessarily, but then he supplied her with a bottle of potassium hydroxide tablets. If you're not a chemist, potassium hydroxide is lye -- very caustic. Drain cleaner. NEVER to be ingested. The kind of potassium that's used as a dietary supplement is potassium chloride -- commonly found in many healthy foods. It burned her esophagus badly and she ended up with huge scabs on her face for months -- I imagine her body trying to detox from the damage.

And she kept giving all her money to the "church".
Life is hard when you're stupid.
Very informative and interesting video. This young man was born a JW. He discusses learning to not being being allowed to celebrate birthdays, Christmas, learning how to shun as a kid, etc. He finally got free.

well, one thing that strikes me is the Catholic Church, whether we speak of the old one (I'm in that one) or the new one headed by the heretic Francis, never shunned people who don't believe in the CC.

In fact, I think Nancy Pelosi and people like her should be... not shunned but excommunicated for promoting murder of the unborn. I was very happy to hear that Biden was denied Communion in S Carolina by a true Catholic priest. He was not told to never come back to Mass, though, and that has never happened that I know of in all the Church's history.

That's the way it is supposed to work.

I haven't finished watching the video but I seriously doubt if all those JWs ostracized by the JW cult were into promoting baby murder or anything remotely like it. But they were rejected and shunned anyway, their families divided.

Jesus did say to let the weeds live alongside the wheat until the very end
well, one thing that strikes me is the Catholic Church, whether we speak of the old one (I'm in that one) or the new one headed by the heretic Francis, never shunned people who don't believe in the CC.

In fact, I think Nancy Pelosi and people like her should be... not shunned but excommunicated for promoting murder of the unborn. I was very happy to hear that Biden was denied Communion in S Carolina by a true Catholic priest

That's the way it is supposed to work. I haven't finished watching the video but I seriously doubt if all those JWs ostracized by the JW cult were into promoting baby murder or anything remotely like it. But Jesus did say to let the weeds live alongside the wheat until the very end
JWs will disfellowship members for getting a blood transfusion or simply disagreeing with doctrine. Nasty.

Sounds right. The one I knew told me that everybody must be converted and others did not have the right to reject the "church" and its teachings.

She was nuts and so were they. She had a mentor in the "church" who advised her to take more potassium -- not a bad thing, necessarily, but then he supplied her with a bottle of potassium hydroxide tablets. If you're not a chemist, potassium hydroxide is lye -- very caustic. Drain cleaner. NEVER to be ingested. The kind of potassium that's used as a dietary supplement is potassium chloride -- commonly found in many healthy foods. It burned her esophagus badly and she ended up with huge scabs on her face for months -- I imagine her body trying to detox from the damage.

And she kept giving all her money to the "church".
Wow, that's amazing. Things are worse than I thought with the JWs

I am pretty sure it is potassium chloride that is injected into the hearts of unborn children to kill them, which is still legal despite Roe v Wade being abolished

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