Zone1 Escaping the Watchtower.

well, one thing that strikes me is the Catholic Church, whether we speak of the old one (I'm in that one) or the new one headed by the heretic Francis, never shunned people who don't believe in the CC.

In fact, I think Nancy Pelosi and people like her should be... not shunned but excommunicated for promoting murder of the unborn. I was very happy to hear that Biden was denied Communion in S Carolina by a true Catholic priest. He was not told to never come back to Mass, though, and that has never happened that I know of in all the Church's history.

That's the way it is supposed to work.

I haven't finished watching the video but I seriously doubt if all those JWs ostracized by the JW cult were into promoting baby murder or anything remotely like it. But they were rejected and shunned anyway, their families divided.

Jesus did say to let the weeds live alongside the wheat until the very end

My beloved late husband was a fallen away Catholic, but his parents were devout, and there was never a time when I, as a non-Catholic, felt anything but welcome in their company or at a function of their church.

I've been in plenty of Protestant churches but have always felt uncomfortable in them, but never felt anything but welcome in a Catholic church.

You are a deceiver. Jesus himself teaches that members of ones own household would be their enemies. Matt 10:36. That means they are Gods enemies--like you.
You don't get it. Leaving your organization isn't Leaving God. Your organization isn't Jesus. Millions of people worship God and don't need your organization to do it. You're the one deceived.
You don't get it. Leaving your organization isn't Leaving God. Your organization isn't Jesus. Millions of people worship God and don't need your organization to do it. You're the one deceived.
Yes millions worship the only true God=YHWH(Jehovah) the rest are lost.
Nope. Anti Watchtower cult, yes. You follow heretics.
They listen to Jesus-You do not. John 17:3--This means eternal life, their knowing you( Father)THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Christ Jesus.. Not to difficult to understand english, but for you it is. You fail 100% to know the Father as the only true God thus mis out on eternal life. and mislead others into doing the same by standing in opposition to Jesus and his 1 real religion that does listen to him-WHY?
Yes millions worship the only true God=YHWH(Jehovah) the rest are lost.
From the NWT, your Bible. Acts 4.
"Rulers of the people and elders, 9 if we are being examined today about a good deed to a crippled man,+ and you want to know who made this man well, 10 let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that in the name of Jesus Christ the Naz·a·reneʹ,+ whom you executed on a stake+ but whom God raised up from the dead,+ by means of him this man stands here healthy in front of you. 11 This is ‘the stone that was treated by you builders as of no account that has become the chief cornerstone.’*+ 12 Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is no other name+ under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.”+

What name?
They listen to Jesus-You do not. John 17:3--This means eternal life, their knowing you( Father)THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Christ Jesus.. Not to difficult to understand english, but for you it is. You fail 100% to know the Father as the only true God thus mis out on eternal life. and mislead others into doing the same by standing in opposition to Jesus and his 1 real religion that does listen to him-WHY?
I understand it. Jesus called God his Father. What name is the ONLY name by which you can be saved?
From the NWT, your Bible. Acts 4.
"Rulers of the people and elders, 9 if we are being examined today about a good deed to a crippled man,+ and you want to know who made this man well, 10 let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that in the name of Jesus Christ the Naz·a·reneʹ,+ whom you executed on a stake+ but whom God raised up from the dead,+ by means of him this man stands here healthy in front of you. 11 This is ‘the stone that was treated by you builders as of no account that has become the chief cornerstone.’*+ 12 Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is no other name+ under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.”+

What name?
By listening to him-you wont. Saul was the foremost one who stood against Jesus followers. Jesus spoke to him in a vision. showing it takes listening to Jesus to get out of the darkness.
I understand it. Jesus called God his Father. What name is the ONLY name by which you can be saved?
Jesus called his Father- the only true God--teaching any other God is calling Jesus a liar in reality. He warned you at John 4:22-24-hewarned all other Gods are false and said the true followers would worship the Father( not Father, son, hs) in spirit and truth. You wont believe him.
Jesus saw you coming way back then-John 15:20-21.

My beloved late husband was a fallen away Catholic, but his parents were devout, and there was never a time when I, as a non-Catholic, felt anything but welcome in their company or at a function of their church.

I've been in plenty of Protestant churches but have always felt uncomfortable in them, but never felt anything but welcome in a Catholic church.

That's interesting.

You never felt comfortable in ANY of the protestant ones?

I went to a Baptist "church" years ago , before I had studied Catholicism( or returned to it), and I liked it. There was a good spirit there.
By listening to him-you wont. Saul was the foremost one who stood against Jesus followers. Jesus spoke to him in a vision. showing it takes listening to Jesus to get out of the darkness.
That isn't Saul speaking. Peter is speaking. You're a joke.
Jesus called his Father- the only true God--teaching any other God is calling Jesus a liar in reality. He warned you at John 4:22-24-hewarned all other Gods are false and said the true followers would worship the Father( not Father, son, hs) in spirit and truth. You wont believe him.
Jesus saw you coming way back then-John 15:20-21.
You didn't answer the question. What is the only name by which you can be saved?
That's interesting.

You never felt comfortable in ANY of the protestant ones?

I went to a Baptist "church" years ago , before I had studied Catholicism( or returned to it), and I liked it. There was a good spirit there.

I've been in Methodist, Seventh Day Adventist, Lutheran, Presbyterian and Baptist churches, plus these vapid assholes, and never felt at all welcome.

Check out the irony. Their website proclaims "You are welcome here". I was assisting some blind friends in finding a church in which they felt comfortable. When we went to Mars Hill, we met one of the founding pastors who was dressed like a pimp, and his wife who looked like a really skanky biker babe.

We went into the sanctuary and were shown to the very back pew. The screaming metal music gave us all a headache, and the fact that no one even offered to include us in communion, because my friends were blind and it was obvious that we were not going to find our way to the altar with three blind people and their service dogs, was a complete turnoff. It was like they were saying "Yeah, you're allowed to sit here and shut up and don't ask for anything.

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I've been in Methodist, Seventh Day Adventist, Lutheran, Presbyterian and Baptist churches, plus these vapid assholes, and never felt at all welcome.

Check out the irony. Their website proclaims "You are welcome here". I was assisting some blind friends in finding a church in which they felt comfortable. When we went to Mars Hill, we met one of the founding pastors who was dressed like a pimp, and his wife who looked like a really skanky biker babe.

We went into the sanctuary and were shown to the very back pew. The screaming metal music gave us all a headache, and the fact that no one even offered to include us in communion, because my friends were blind and it was obvious that we were not going to find our way to the altar with three blind people and their service dogs, was a complete turnoff. It was like they were saying "Yeah, you're allowed to sit here and shut up and don't ask for anything.

sorry to hear about your weird, un-Christian-like experience

Do you think they just were pre-occupied? But yeh, I have had the experience of being treated like dirt by people who were supposed to "care about everyone" Frankly, I think that's a crock. Those who claim to "love everyone" usually love only a few "groups" or persons. They just don't want to admit they are biased, sometimes extremely

Maybe they knew you were a conservative?

yeh, that's probably it. Maybe you had a Trump hat on? LOL
What are you talking about? Jesus appeared to Saul in a vision. Saul listened and became a follower.
The passage in Acts chapter four that I quoted is Peter speaking. You're an idiot and a fraud.

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