Esper: Trump Wanted to Shoot Protesters

So just for the record, you think it was ok to shoot these people, right?






First adn third yes. Others are unclear what exactly is going on. Last one? No. That guy needs a good club to the head, but a shooting seems uncalled for.

This is pretty standard Western style law and order. That it is confusing to you, as though it is something you have never been exposed to, is a you problem.

You need to educate yourself more.
First adn third yes. Others are unclear what exactly is going on. Last one? No. That guy needs a good club to the head, but a shooting seems uncalled for.

This is pretty standard Western style law and order. That it is confusing to you, as though it is something you have never been exposed to, is a you problem.

You need to educate yourself more.


Did you just seriously say that I'm the one that doesn't understand law and order?

Moron, law and order in THIS COUNTRY is that lethal force is reserved strictly as a last resort measure to prevent grave harm to yourself or others. The law is that you don't shoot people for commiting minor criminal offenses, but charge them in the court of law for their respective crimes in accordance with due process.

Did you just seriously say that I'm the one that doesn't understand law and order?

Moron, law and order in THIS COUNTRY is that lethal force is reserved strictly as a last resort measure to prevent grave harm to yourself or others. The law is that you don't shoot people for commiting minor criminal offenses, but charge them in the court of law for their respective crimes in accordance with due process.
arson, and attempting to break into the White House to overthrow the Govt, while violently attacking guards...isn't's an insurrection.
arson, and attempting to break into the White House to overthrow the Govt, while violently attacking guards...isn't's an insurrection.
Thats right, so anyone participating in this riot needs to be shot according to Trumpster's logic.

Did you just seriously say that I'm the one that doesn't understand law and order?

Moron, law and order in THIS COUNTRY is that lethal force is reserved strictly as a last resort measure to prevent grave harm to yourself or others. The law is that you don't shoot people for commiting minor criminal offenses, but charge them in the court of law for their respective crimes in accordance with due process.

ANd people rioting are by definition a threat of violence.

It is worth noting that the rioters you showed, were lulled into thinking that rioting was now (then) accepted as acceptable political speech, by the years of riots from the Left, with mainstream dem support.
Thats right, so anyone participating in this riot needs to be shot according to Trumpster's logic.

Odd. I don't recall any Trump supporters saying that "ALL" people "NEED" to be shot.

You seem to be exaggerating our position. Why would you do that?
Odd. I don't recall any Trump supporters saying that "ALL" people "NEED" to be shot.

You seem to be exaggerating our position. Why would you do that?
people rioting are by definition a threat of violence.

What am I exeguratting? You are saying it's ok to shoot people that are rioting because they are by definition a threat.

These are you own words.
Most people obey the law, trump always tries to manipulate it to his advantage. That is a criminal act.
Maybe you should learn about subjects you post on before posting. You’re still clueless it's ok to shoot anyone protesting anything, anywhere? Whats the logic? What are you saying?

Here are people at Lafayatte square protesting something. You say it's ok to shoot them...because someone on the other side of the country commited arson during George Floyd protest.

Do any Trumpsters actually understand what comes out of their mouth and why? Or is everything some sort of fuzzy conflated mess in your head about "them"?
You hypocrite; you never comment on the constant violence committed by your fellow LibTards.

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