Esteemed Muslim leader: "Women are only for breeding; Gender equality is inhumane and un-Islamic

No, NYCarbineer is a simple minded dumbass.

I'm trying to be polite darling :smoke:

I don't take that into account when I'm expressing the truth about him.

Convince me that you wouldn't like to see the religion of Islam eradicated from this planet. Cease to exist.
Islam seeks to eradicate the rest of us from this planet. If it comes down to us or them, I vote for us. I don't know about you but I will not stand for my children to live under the edicts of some illiterate, pedophile warlord, who's been dead for 1400 years.

So you agree with Lucy. You would like to see Islam eradicated.
If you're talking genocide no. But I will never stand for submitting to any part of it. If that puts me at odds with islam I will resist, violently if necessary. I will submit to no man and I will not see my children submit to some dead barbarian.
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

Muslim refugees have attacked women in the countries taking them in. It's all based on how Muslims see women to begin with. They aren't viewed as people with equal rights. They are barely viewed as people. One Muslim leader says that women are only good for having children and that equal rights threatens to destroy Islam. Well, I say, let the destruction begin.

An Imam was quick to defend the gangs of Muslims who groped, assaulted and raped young women in Cologne, Germany, and other cities on New Year's Eve. The women are to blame for the inappropriate clothing and the fact that they were wearing perfume.

Even when Muslim immigrants attacked filmmakers who were trying to show them in a positive light, the filmmakers made excuses and blamed others for not doing enough for them.

Always excuses, no matter how bad it gets.

Why the hell do we want this shit here? I bet the day will come when we are warned to dress appropriately (according to sharia) and to watch ourselves lest we offend the savages. Because when more people are attacked and killed, it will be our fault for not following their rules.

"Kanthapuram AP Aboobacker Musliar, leader of the traditionalist Sunni Muslim community in the southern Indian state of Kerala, visited New Zealand in January of this year in hopes of strengthening his base of followers in the city of Hamilton by building what he called "a beacon of Islam" in the area.

At a conference of the Muslim Students Federation (MSF) toward the end of last year, Kanthapuram, who frequently calls upon men to "lord over their women," was attacked for his misogynistic statements.

"Gender equality is not Islamic, wise, or humane," Kanthapuram said. "It [gender equality] is not going to happen. Women can only deliver babies. This world is controlled by men. Women can’t withstand a major crisis and they even lack courage to perform major surgeries including open heart procedures."

The 76-year-old Islamic scholar also spoke out against reserving seats for women in elections. He remarked that the 50% of seats reserved for women in civic polls was "too high."

Kanthapuram claimed that allowing women and men to study together in colleges was "part of a calculated move to destroy Islam and culture."

"The obstinacy that boys and girls should study sitting on the same bench is an indirect attack aimed at destroying Islam and its culture," Kanthapuram said."

Muslim Scholar: Woman only fit to deliver children

Girls were raped (by Muslims) because they were half-naked (in chilly weather) and wore perfume

More blaming of the victims. Despite it not being warm on New Year's Eve, the victims of the sexual harrassment and rapes by what appeared to be coordinated attacks are being blamed on the young women and girls for dressing inappropriately and wearing perfume. Why, of course, liberals find it reasonable for Muslims to attack when non-Muslims so batantly disobey sharia law.

"Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted and in some cases raped by gangs of migrant men in cities across Germany the Imam said: "the events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire".

The tone of the report was telling, expressing no surprise that Muslim mass migration would result in violence and gang-rape. The narrator of the report told viewers that after the events of New Year’s Eve it was becoming difficult to tell who’s country Germany was, one belonging to Muslims or to Germans. Also expressed was the opinion that the sex attacks were no more than a dress rehearsal for something much bigger to come.

The television interview with a former police officer featured in the short also expressed concern about mass migration. The officer remarks that crimes by migrants are not always recorded by the police in Germany, and even when they are they aren’t passed upwards to the government. He tells the interviewer that in his experience immigrants don’t come to Germany for a better life, but come in groups to engage in organised crime.

Sami Abu-Yusuf is the Imam of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne’s Kalk neighbourhood, just one of thousands of such establishments practising in converted residential, retail, and industrial properties serving the booming Muslim population of Europe. The mosque, which is named as preaching the fundamentalist Salafist creed of Islam was raided by counter terror officers in 2004.

A news report from the time states officers moved in to break up a "secret network of Arab Mujahideen" being built by the worshippers there, and suspicion of terror attacks being planned at the mosque. Officers in full riot dress raided the mosque while the "Muslim brothers" there were at prayers, seizing papers and processing the identities of those inside the building at the time."

Filmmakers Attacked While Trying to Show Muslim Refugees in a Positive Light

Initially, they were told not to report this since it would hurt their cause. They made it public anyway but, being typical liberals, placed blame elswhere. As always, not the fault of the savages, but rather the fact that France wasn't doing enough for them.

It's bizarre how all the Feminists are completely quiet about this stuff. This proves what, that Feminists don't actually give a crap about "women's rights".

Where are the Lib defenders of women on this...

Feminism and Islam is like oil and water. It's like when homosexuality and Islam collides, the left is flummoxed

When homosexuality and Islam collides, the gays get thrown off tall buildings. Again the Leftists are silent about this.

Conservative Christians oppose gay rights too. One more glaring similarity between Islam and you fundies.

Ah, Dorftrottel! - Village Idiot - Du bist ein Dummkopf oder auch Verrückt!

Conservative Christians do not throw the gays off buildings or take sword to their heads.
No, NYCarbineer is a simple minded dumbass.

I'm trying to be polite darling :smoke:

I don't take that into account when I'm expressing the truth about him.

Convince me that you wouldn't like to see the religion of Islam eradicated from this planet. Cease to exist.
Islam seeks to eradicate the rest of us from this planet. If it comes down to us or them, I vote for us. I don't know about you but I will not stand for my children to live under the edicts of some illiterate, pedophile warlord, who's been dead for 1400 years.

So you agree with Lucy. You would like to see Islam eradicated.

Not that I even said this. I have no problem with Islam, I just want it to stay inside Islamic nations and not come into Western nations that are historically Christian nations....Islam and Christianity do not mix, never have, never will.
What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents.
A very common lie you bigots tell each other.

You deserve to be lied to.

All the Leftists in America and Europa seem to be often doing is defending the Muslim savages, we don't hear of many Leftists condemning their barbarism, but we hear of many Leftists even in denial that the Muslim savages commit these acts.
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

Muslim refugees have attacked women in the countries taking them in. It's all based on how Muslims see women to begin with. They aren't viewed as people with equal rights. They are barely viewed as people. One Muslim leader says that women are only good for having children and that equal rights threatens to destroy Islam. Well, I say, let the destruction begin.

An Imam was quick to defend the gangs of Muslims who groped, assaulted and raped young women in Cologne, Germany, and other cities on New Year's Eve. The women are to blame for the inappropriate clothing and the fact that they were wearing perfume.

Even when Muslim immigrants attacked filmmakers who were trying to show them in a positive light, the filmmakers made excuses and blamed others for not doing enough for them.

Always excuses, no matter how bad it gets.

Why the hell do we want this shit here? I bet the day will come when we are warned to dress appropriately (according to sharia) and to watch ourselves lest we offend the savages. Because when more people are attacked and killed, it will be our fault for not following their rules.

"Kanthapuram AP Aboobacker Musliar, leader of the traditionalist Sunni Muslim community in the southern Indian state of Kerala, visited New Zealand in January of this year in hopes of strengthening his base of followers in the city of Hamilton by building what he called "a beacon of Islam" in the area.

At a conference of the Muslim Students Federation (MSF) toward the end of last year, Kanthapuram, who frequently calls upon men to "lord over their women," was attacked for his misogynistic statements.

"Gender equality is not Islamic, wise, or humane," Kanthapuram said. "It [gender equality] is not going to happen. Women can only deliver babies. This world is controlled by men. Women can’t withstand a major crisis and they even lack courage to perform major surgeries including open heart procedures."

The 76-year-old Islamic scholar also spoke out against reserving seats for women in elections. He remarked that the 50% of seats reserved for women in civic polls was "too high."

Kanthapuram claimed that allowing women and men to study together in colleges was "part of a calculated move to destroy Islam and culture."

"The obstinacy that boys and girls should study sitting on the same bench is an indirect attack aimed at destroying Islam and its culture," Kanthapuram said."

Muslim Scholar: Woman only fit to deliver children

Girls were raped (by Muslims) because they were half-naked (in chilly weather) and wore perfume

More blaming of the victims. Despite it not being warm on New Year's Eve, the victims of the sexual harrassment and rapes by what appeared to be coordinated attacks are being blamed on the young women and girls for dressing inappropriately and wearing perfume. Why, of course, liberals find it reasonable for Muslims to attack when non-Muslims so batantly disobey sharia law.

"Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted and in some cases raped by gangs of migrant men in cities across Germany the Imam said: "the events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire".

The tone of the report was telling, expressing no surprise that Muslim mass migration would result in violence and gang-rape. The narrator of the report told viewers that after the events of New Year’s Eve it was becoming difficult to tell who’s country Germany was, one belonging to Muslims or to Germans. Also expressed was the opinion that the sex attacks were no more than a dress rehearsal for something much bigger to come.

The television interview with a former police officer featured in the short also expressed concern about mass migration. The officer remarks that crimes by migrants are not always recorded by the police in Germany, and even when they are they aren’t passed upwards to the government. He tells the interviewer that in his experience immigrants don’t come to Germany for a better life, but come in groups to engage in organised crime.

Sami Abu-Yusuf is the Imam of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne’s Kalk neighbourhood, just one of thousands of such establishments practising in converted residential, retail, and industrial properties serving the booming Muslim population of Europe. The mosque, which is named as preaching the fundamentalist Salafist creed of Islam was raided by counter terror officers in 2004.

A news report from the time states officers moved in to break up a "secret network of Arab Mujahideen" being built by the worshippers there, and suspicion of terror attacks being planned at the mosque. Officers in full riot dress raided the mosque while the "Muslim brothers" there were at prayers, seizing papers and processing the identities of those inside the building at the time."

Filmmakers Attacked While Trying to Show Muslim Refugees in a Positive Light

Initially, they were told not to report this since it would hurt their cause. They made it public anyway but, being typical liberals, placed blame elswhere. As always, not the fault of the savages, but rather the fact that France wasn't doing enough for them.

You didn't name Muslim leaders.
Here is a prediction I recently made:

The airwaves have been filled with Muslims condemning these attacks.

I do not watch Fox News. Have they aired any Muslims condemning these attacks? Or are they going to wait a few months and do the same shit they always do; ask their rube audience, "Where are the Muslims condemning these attacks?" Or maybe they will go out and find some shithead Muslim with radical views and see if they can get him to say something inflammatory, with the implication that is how a majority of Muslims think.

The ones condemning these acts are everywhere. You know...if you LOOK.

Muslim Leaders Speak Out Against Paris Attack

Not long after, ScreamingEagle fulfilled that prediction:

Good one. Who isn't calling the terrorists,,,terrorists?

silent muslims everywhere...

And now we have the same bullshit meme from Claudette that, "What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents."

These people are flat out lying bigoted retards.

Muslim Community In France Mourns Mass Shooting Victims

MESSAOUDENE: Well, yesterday there was a huge gathering in front of La Tutelaire de Saint-Denis (ph). Muslims are of course upset and sad about what happened. This doesn't deal with religion. This has nothing to do with Islam. This is a crime.

MESSAOUDENE: I'm not comfortable with the idea that we have to ask the Muslim people to prove that they are condemning what happened, to prove that they are against violence, to prove that they are for democracy. We don't - I don't have to apologize for what happened two days ago. For me, the two killers that killed 12 people two days ago are not Muslim.

MESSAOUDENE: No, for me, they are not Muslim. You can't kill someone in the name of Islam or in the name of any other religion. So they are not Muslims. These are fanatics. And we don't have to put all the Muslims in the same bag.
Here is what I use to represent the retards who are willfully blind to Reality and who drink the piss of their propaganda ministries:

Like I said. The evidence which blows this delusional bullshit that Muslims are silent on terrorism is there...IF YOU LOOK!
I'm trying to be polite darling :smoke:

I don't take that into account when I'm expressing the truth about him.

Convince me that you wouldn't like to see the religion of Islam eradicated from this planet. Cease to exist.
Islam seeks to eradicate the rest of us from this planet. If it comes down to us or them, I vote for us. I don't know about you but I will not stand for my children to live under the edicts of some illiterate, pedophile warlord, who's been dead for 1400 years.

So you agree with Lucy. You would like to see Islam eradicated.

Not that I even said this. I have no problem with Islam, I just want it to stay inside Islamic nations and not come into Western nations that are historically Christian nations....Islam and Christianity do not mix, never have, never will.

Good. Then leave. Muslims have exactly the same rights in this country as you do.
I don't take that into account when I'm expressing the truth about him.

Convince me that you wouldn't like to see the religion of Islam eradicated from this planet. Cease to exist.
Islam seeks to eradicate the rest of us from this planet. If it comes down to us or them, I vote for us. I don't know about you but I will not stand for my children to live under the edicts of some illiterate, pedophile warlord, who's been dead for 1400 years.

So you agree with Lucy. You would like to see Islam eradicated.

Not that I even said this. I have no problem with Islam, I just want it to stay inside Islamic nations and not come into Western nations that are historically Christian nations....Islam and Christianity do not mix, never have, never will.

Good. Then leave. Muslims have exactly the same rights in this country as you do.

How about they leave and go to where their religion is their government. While they're at it, take you with them and let you see if you like doing things their way.
I don't take that into account when I'm expressing the truth about him.

Convince me that you wouldn't like to see the religion of Islam eradicated from this planet. Cease to exist.
Islam seeks to eradicate the rest of us from this planet. If it comes down to us or them, I vote for us. I don't know about you but I will not stand for my children to live under the edicts of some illiterate, pedophile warlord, who's been dead for 1400 years.

So you agree with Lucy. You would like to see Islam eradicated.

Not that I even said this. I have no problem with Islam, I just want it to stay inside Islamic nations and not come into Western nations that are historically Christian nations....Islam and Christianity do not mix, never have, never will.

Good. Then leave. Muslims have exactly the same rights in this country as you do.

:confused-84: What country are you meaning? I'm European, I'm Austrian.
Like I said. The evidence which blows this delusional bullshit that Muslims are silent on terrorism is there...IF YOU LOOK!
I've said it before I'll say it again, I don't care what a handful of western muslims say, the problem is islam. Whether people want to acknowledge it or not isis has more in common with muhamed than so called moderate muslims. Complete with slaughter, rape, slavery and forced conversion. Putin said it best after 911, to islam we are but dust.

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