Esteemed Muslim leader: "Women are only for breeding; Gender equality is inhumane and un-Islamic

Like I said. The evidence which blows this delusional bullshit that Muslims are silent on terrorism is there...IF YOU LOOK!
Funny, all those videos are about IS or they are secular Muslims. That isn't the problem. Go back and read he first few pages. I addressed that
Munich, Germany, has banned male refugees from the public swimming pool after complaints of women being harassed. They came up with educational 'warnings' that look like comic strips that convey the message that it's not okay to touch or otherwise harass women. Anyone who needs to be told that is a fucking animal, but that's how it is. They are trying to train the refugees on how to treat women and will allow them back into the pool if they believe they have learned the rules. Insane that grown men need to be told that it's not okay to treat women that way, but it's the way they were raised and it'll probably be hard for them to adapt because they have been taught their entire lives that women are supposed to allow men to have their way.

Town bans male refugees from pools amid complaints

Women being harassed by Muslim males is a widespread problem and officials are finding it easier in most cases to tell the women to change their ways since they know the Muslims are incapable or unwilling. You can't educate someone who has been brainwashed their entire lives to believe that women are property and not people.
A female Muslim scholar says it's okay for Muslim men to rape non-Muslim women. They are all taught this, so no wonder we see such awful treatment of women by refugees. It seems to be universally accepted in the Muslim world that women are property and the men can do anything to them. Even Muslim women are mistreated and not given rights. They are taught from birth that they exist to please and obey the men. Many Muslim women are outspoken, but they are merely repeating what they are told.

Amazing that the left can support women being forced to keep their bodies covered with those ugly burkas and the libs say nothing when Muslim leaders remind us how they see women. This is all nothing new. For years, we've known that Islam doesn't allow rights for women and there have even been Muslim shows that discuss the proper way to beat women. But the left shrugs and asks us to accept this custom and not criticize. If you point out the obvious and express shock at such barbaric customs, the left accuses you of being the problem. They think the world will be perfect if only we can stop pointing out the atrocities.

Female Islamic Scholar Says Muslims Can Rape 'Non-Muslim Women’

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