Et tu, Stephen Hawking???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Strange world.
Often, there are events difficult to explain...
....the following is one.

1. "How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel

2. Has Stephen Hawking really left the company of Albert Einstein, an avowed Zionist who worked to create the State of Israel, and replaced him with the august company of Elvis Costello and other Israel boycotters?

3. In his statement embracing the boycott of the Jewish state, Hawking said, “I have received a number of emails from Palestinian academics. They are unanimous that I should respect the boycott. In view of this I must withdraw from the conference.”

4. One would think that Hawking’s response to these academics might be a call to, say, Hamas to start using the billions channeled to the Palestinians as the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid into building universities rather than buying bombs, or educating women rather than tacitly allowing the honor killings of young Palestinian women ...

5. ...Hawking decided instead to condemn the country whose scholars have won ten Nobel prizes, from a population of six million, while the entire Arab world, numbering in the hundreds of millions, have won two, outside the peace prize (another four). Clearly, a knowledge of physics is no guarantor of a knowledge of foreign affairs.

6. ...often called the Einstein of his generation, it is worth reminding him that Einstein was a committed Zionist who traveled around the United States with Chain Weizmann to raise money for the creation of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an institution that Hawking now refuses to even visit.

a. ....Einstein wrote, “On Saturday I'm off to America — not to speak at universities (though there will probably be that, too, on the side) but rather to help in the founding of the Jewish University in Jerusalem. I feel an intense need to do something for this cause.”

b. ...[and] Einstein wrote, “I am not at all eager to go to America but am doing it only in the interests of the Zionists, who must beg for dollars to build educational institutions in Jerusalem and for whom I act as high priest and decoy . . . I do what I can to help those in my tribe who are treated so badly everywhere.”

7. When in 1948 President Truman recognized the new Jewish State of Israel, Einstein declared it "the fulfillment of our dream.”

8. How unfortunate that a man as visionary as Stephen Hawking can peer so deeply into the Universe but it is so myopic as to fail to see the righteousness of Israel’s cause even as it stares him right in the face."
How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel - The New York Sun
Strange world.
Often, there are events difficult to explain...
....the following is one.

1. "How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel

2. Has Stephen Hawking really left the company of Albert Einstein, an avowed Zionist who worked to create the State of Israel, and replaced him with the august company of Elvis Costello and other Israel boycotters?

3. In his statement embracing the boycott of the Jewish state, Hawking said, “I have received a number of emails from Palestinian academics. They are unanimous that I should respect the boycott. In view of this I must withdraw from the conference.”

4. One would think that Hawking’s response to these academics might be a call to, say, Hamas to start using the billions channeled to the Palestinians as the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid into building universities rather than buying bombs, or educating women rather than tacitly allowing the honor killings of young Palestinian women ...

5. ...Hawking decided instead to condemn the country whose scholars have won ten Nobel prizes, from a population of six million, while the entire Arab world, numbering in the hundreds of millions, have won two, outside the peace prize (another four). Clearly, a knowledge of physics is no guarantor of a knowledge of foreign affairs.

6. ...often called the Einstein of his generation, it is worth reminding him that Einstein was a committed Zionist who traveled around the United States with Chain Weizmann to raise money for the creation of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an institution that Hawking now refuses to even visit.

a. ....Einstein wrote, “On Saturday I'm off to America — not to speak at universities (though there will probably be that, too, on the side) but rather to help in the founding of the Jewish University in Jerusalem. I feel an intense need to do something for this cause.”

b. ...[and] Einstein wrote, “I am not at all eager to go to America but am doing it only in the interests of the Zionists, who must beg for dollars to build educational institutions in Jerusalem and for whom I act as high priest and decoy . . . I do what I can to help those in my tribe who are treated so badly everywhere.”

7. When in 1948 President Truman recognized the new Jewish State of Israel, Einstein declared it "the fulfillment of our dream.”

8. How unfortunate that a man as visionary as Stephen Hawking can peer so deeply into the Universe but it is so myopic as to fail to see the righteousness of Israel’s cause even as it stares him right in the face."
How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel - The New York Sun
The boycott will continue as long as people of conscience exist...The world has changed since Einstein’s days who was an atheist secular Jew who insisted on co-existence with the Arabs not the Religious Etrez Israel right wingers who dish out Wars and land expropriations’.
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I don't think any given 'side' in this situation has a monopoly on 'persons of conscience' (I think most of us are 'conscious') - except for the Arab League states, which have a seeming monopoly of LACK of said persons, for their cynical manipulation of Palestinians .....

Nor does it seem reasonable to me to suggest that those who disapprove of such academic boycotts are 'right wingers' as your words seem to suggest.

As you point out -the world has changed since Einstein's day. Palestinian 'nationalists' weren't attacking at the Olympics and murdering athletes, nor hijacking airplanes and cruise ships. Such murder sprees of civilians have influenced Israeli views, I think.

Of course, the direct antecedents of the Arab League had already begun their boycott of Israel and their 'divestment' of their own ethnic cleansing of their indigenous Jewish communities even in Einstein's day. Those actions shout out loudly indeed against any *Arab* intentions of 'co-existance' with any Jews - not at all limited to 'Zionist Europeans'.

'Pan-Arabism' has ALWAYS excluded Jews, it seems - even Jews in Yemen who couldn't find Europe on a map and had never heard of Herzl.....
Strange world.
Often, there are events difficult to explain...
....the following is one.

1. "How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel

2. Has Stephen Hawking really left the company of Albert Einstein, an avowed Zionist who worked to create the State of Israel, and replaced him with the august company of Elvis Costello and other Israel boycotters?

3. In his statement embracing the boycott of the Jewish state, Hawking said, “I have received a number of emails from Palestinian academics. They are unanimous that I should respect the boycott. In view of this I must withdraw from the conference.”

4. One would think that Hawking’s response to these academics might be a call to, say, Hamas to start using the billions channeled to the Palestinians as the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid into building universities rather than buying bombs, or educating women rather than tacitly allowing the honor killings of young Palestinian women ...

5. ...Hawking decided instead to condemn the country whose scholars have won ten Nobel prizes, from a population of six million, while the entire Arab world, numbering in the hundreds of millions, have won two, outside the peace prize (another four). Clearly, a knowledge of physics is no guarantor of a knowledge of foreign affairs.

6. ...often called the Einstein of his generation, it is worth reminding him that Einstein was a committed Zionist who traveled around the United States with Chain Weizmann to raise money for the creation of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an institution that Hawking now refuses to even visit.

a. ....Einstein wrote, “On Saturday I'm off to America — not to speak at universities (though there will probably be that, too, on the side) but rather to help in the founding of the Jewish University in Jerusalem. I feel an intense need to do something for this cause.”

b. ...[and] Einstein wrote, “I am not at all eager to go to America but am doing it only in the interests of the Zionists, who must beg for dollars to build educational institutions in Jerusalem and for whom I act as high priest and decoy . . . I do what I can to help those in my tribe who are treated so badly everywhere.”

7. When in 1948 President Truman recognized the new Jewish State of Israel, Einstein declared it "the fulfillment of our dream.”

8. How unfortunate that a man as visionary as Stephen Hawking can peer so deeply into the Universe but it is so myopic as to fail to see the righteousness of Israel’s cause even as it stares him right in the face."
How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel - The New York Sun
The boycott will continue as long as people of conscience exist...The world has changed since Einstein’s days who was an atheist secular Jew who insisted on co-existence with the Arabs not the Religious Etrez Israel right wingers who dish out Wars and land expropriations’.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?
True, and when SOME Palestinian individuals have compounded the wrongs of the militant groups attacking innocent Israelis by *cheering* such repeated mass murders, just as when some benighted American and other individuals make disgusting remarks about 'there are no Israeli civilians' - well, that just tarnishes the Palestinian 'cause' even more.

IN fact, by now the 'Palestinian cause' is so blackened - it really does look like the 'Palestinian cause' is NOT to have a Palestinian state, but to destroy the existing Israeli state. And NO, I don't think that has ever meant simply changing the form of government - particularly when HAMAS has already tried to create a 'Taliban' style theocracy in Gaza!
NB: My previous post was intended to be a response to Phil's "Two wrongs don't make a right" - bt it works just as well as a response to PC's post in between : ))
Strange world.
Often, there are events difficult to explain...
....the following is one.

1. "How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel

2. Has Stephen Hawking really left the company of Albert Einstein, an avowed Zionist who worked to create the State of Israel, and replaced him with the august company of Elvis Costello and other Israel boycotters?

3. In his statement embracing the boycott of the Jewish state, Hawking said, “I have received a number of emails from Palestinian academics. They are unanimous that I should respect the boycott. In view of this I must withdraw from the conference.”

4. One would think that Hawking’s response to these academics might be a call to, say, Hamas to start using the billions channeled to the Palestinians as the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid into building universities rather than buying bombs, or educating women rather than tacitly allowing the honor killings of young Palestinian women ...

5. ...Hawking decided instead to condemn the country whose scholars have won ten Nobel prizes, from a population of six million, while the entire Arab world, numbering in the hundreds of millions, have won two, outside the peace prize (another four). Clearly, a knowledge of physics is no guarantor of a knowledge of foreign affairs.

6. ...often called the Einstein of his generation, it is worth reminding him that Einstein was a committed Zionist who traveled around the United States with Chain Weizmann to raise money for the creation of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an institution that Hawking now refuses to even visit.

a. ....Einstein wrote, “On Saturday I'm off to America — not to speak at universities (though there will probably be that, too, on the side) but rather to help in the founding of the Jewish University in Jerusalem. I feel an intense need to do something for this cause.”

b. ...[and] Einstein wrote, “I am not at all eager to go to America but am doing it only in the interests of the Zionists, who must beg for dollars to build educational institutions in Jerusalem and for whom I act as high priest and decoy . . . I do what I can to help those in my tribe who are treated so badly everywhere.”

7. When in 1948 President Truman recognized the new Jewish State of Israel, Einstein declared it "the fulfillment of our dream.”

8. How unfortunate that a man as visionary as Stephen Hawking can peer so deeply into the Universe but it is so myopic as to fail to see the righteousness of Israel’s cause even as it stares him right in the face."
How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel - The New York Sun
Here's an Einstein quote you can add to your list...
"The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a "Leader State" is the goal."
Hawking is reputed to be one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists of this or any age, and he probably deserves every single iota of that reputation, despite his own changing point of view on some of his own earlier work and theories.

He is also a cultural icon of sorts and, given his contributions and his ongoing efforts at both serious theoretician work and educating the public, he has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe and the continuing popularization of the sciences.

But he's mortal, and fallible.

And his political opinions and actions should hold no more weight than any other person's, given that this is not his specialty nor forte.
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Hawking is reputed to be one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists of this or any age, and he probably deserves every single iota of that reputation, despite his own changing point of view on some of his own earlier work and theories.

He is also a cultural icon of sorts and, given his contributions and his ongoing efforts at both serious theoretician work and educating the public, he has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe and the continuing popularization of the sciences.

But he's mortal, and fallible.

And his political opinions and actions should hold no more weight than any other person's.
He may be mortal, but he's also moral.
Hawking is reputed to be one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists of this or any age, and he probably deserves every single iota of that reputation, despite his own changing point of view on some of his own earlier work and theories.

He is also a cultural icon of sorts and, given his contributions and his ongoing efforts at both serious theoretician work and educating the public, he has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe and the continuing popularization of the sciences.

But he's mortal, and fallible.

And his political opinions and actions should hold no more weight than any other person's, given that this is not his specialty nor forte.
Meh it's par for the course. He called the US invasion of Afghanistan a "war crime". This doesn't change anything.
Strange world.
Often, there are events difficult to explain...
....the following is one.

1. "How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel

2. Has Stephen Hawking really left the company of Albert Einstein, an avowed Zionist who worked to create the State of Israel, and replaced him with the august company of Elvis Costello and other Israel boycotters?

3. In his statement embracing the boycott of the Jewish state, Hawking said, “I have received a number of emails from Palestinian academics. They are unanimous that I should respect the boycott. In view of this I must withdraw from the conference.”

4. One would think that Hawking’s response to these academics might be a call to, say, Hamas to start using the billions channeled to the Palestinians as the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid into building universities rather than buying bombs, or educating women rather than tacitly allowing the honor killings of young Palestinian women ...

5. ...Hawking decided instead to condemn the country whose scholars have won ten Nobel prizes, from a population of six million, while the entire Arab world, numbering in the hundreds of millions, have won two, outside the peace prize (another four). Clearly, a knowledge of physics is no guarantor of a knowledge of foreign affairs.

6. ...often called the Einstein of his generation, it is worth reminding him that Einstein was a committed Zionist who traveled around the United States with Chain Weizmann to raise money for the creation of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an institution that Hawking now refuses to even visit.

a. ....Einstein wrote, “On Saturday I'm off to America — not to speak at universities (though there will probably be that, too, on the side) but rather to help in the founding of the Jewish University in Jerusalem. I feel an intense need to do something for this cause.”

b. ...[and] Einstein wrote, “I am not at all eager to go to America but am doing it only in the interests of the Zionists, who must beg for dollars to build educational institutions in Jerusalem and for whom I act as high priest and decoy . . . I do what I can to help those in my tribe who are treated so badly everywhere.”

7. When in 1948 President Truman recognized the new Jewish State of Israel, Einstein declared it "the fulfillment of our dream.”

8. How unfortunate that a man as visionary as Stephen Hawking can peer so deeply into the Universe but it is so myopic as to fail to see the righteousness of Israel’s cause even as it stares him right in the face."
How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel - The New York Sun
The boycott will continue as long as people of conscience exist...The world has changed since Einstein’s days who was an atheist secular Jew who insisted on co-existence with the Arabs not the Religious Etrez Israel right wingers who dish out Wars and land expropriations’.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?
Outstanding post!
"He may be mortal, but he's also moral."

As are a great many people who would not agree with him, concerning this ethereal boycott.

It's rather tiresome, I find, trying to 'discuss' topics with people who are forever strutting about preening themselves on their own imagined 'superiority' - whether it's the pretense of 'being saved' or that of 'superior intelligence', or that of 'more-moral-than-thou'......

Such maneuvering elicits from me the same response as does the 'sqealing and vrooming' from a 'jackrabbit' start and run through a parking lot. I understand all four examples I've given to be making the same statement. To wit,
"Look at MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - I'm an asshole!"
It's rather tiresome, I find, trying to 'discuss' topics with people who are forever strutting about preening themselves on their own imagined 'superiority' - whether it's the pretense of 'being saved' or that of 'superior intelligence', or that of 'more-moral-than-thou'......

Such maneuvering elicits from me the same response as does the 'sqealing and vrooming' from a 'jackrabbit' start and run through a parking lot. I understand all four examples I've given to be making the same statement. To wit,
"Look at MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - I'm an asshole!"
There is nothing moral about bearing a false witness, which you have just demonstrated.
Strange world.
Often, there are events difficult to explain...
....the following is one.

1. "How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel

2. Has Stephen Hawking really left the company of Albert Einstein, an avowed Zionist who worked to create the State of Israel, and replaced him with the august company of Elvis Costello and other Israel boycotters?

3. In his statement embracing the boycott of the Jewish state, Hawking said, “I have received a number of emails from Palestinian academics. They are unanimous that I should respect the boycott. In view of this I must withdraw from the conference.”

4. One would think that Hawking’s response to these academics might be a call to, say, Hamas to start using the billions channeled to the Palestinians as the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid into building universities rather than buying bombs, or educating women rather than tacitly allowing the honor killings of young Palestinian women ...

5. ...Hawking decided instead to condemn the country whose scholars have won ten Nobel prizes, from a population of six million, while the entire Arab world, numbering in the hundreds of millions, have won two, outside the peace prize (another four). Clearly, a knowledge of physics is no guarantor of a knowledge of foreign affairs.

6. ...often called the Einstein of his generation, it is worth reminding him that Einstein was a committed Zionist who traveled around the United States with Chain Weizmann to raise money for the creation of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an institution that Hawking now refuses to even visit.

a. ....Einstein wrote, “On Saturday I'm off to America — not to speak at universities (though there will probably be that, too, on the side) but rather to help in the founding of the Jewish University in Jerusalem. I feel an intense need to do something for this cause.”

b. ...[and] Einstein wrote, “I am not at all eager to go to America but am doing it only in the interests of the Zionists, who must beg for dollars to build educational institutions in Jerusalem and for whom I act as high priest and decoy . . . I do what I can to help those in my tribe who are treated so badly everywhere.”

7. When in 1948 President Truman recognized the new Jewish State of Israel, Einstein declared it "the fulfillment of our dream.”

8. How unfortunate that a man as visionary as Stephen Hawking can peer so deeply into the Universe but it is so myopic as to fail to see the righteousness of Israel’s cause even as it stares him right in the face."
How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel - The New York Sun
The boycott will continue as long as people of conscience exist...The world has changed since Einstein’s days who was an atheist secular Jew who insisted on co-existence with the Arabs not the Religious Etrez Israel right wingers who dish out Wars and land expropriations’.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?
Libertarians like myself were Republicans like most of my adult life...Socially Liberal, Conservative Family Values, Conservative in Economic Policies....

In many ways Libertarians are more faithful to the Constitution of the US than the petty wars fought in Congress who act as prostitutes to their political contributions to get re-elected for another term.

Most of all, America needs Campaign Finance Reform if this country is to break the chains of Oligarchy and become a democracy again.

Your assessment of the left as you call it, is too general.
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As are a great many people who would not agree with him, concerning this ethereal boycott.
There is nothing moral about supporting a regime that denies an entire population of their inherent, inalienable right to self-determination.
Well then you must agree with Hawking's other "moral" anti Christian views then.
Here's an Einstein quote you can add to your list...
"The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a "Leader State" is the goal."

Unlike most of those who torture history creating false narratives, Einstein and apparently Hawking have integrity. Just as a real AMERICAN conservative like IKE would not have pissed in NeoConRon Reagan's mouth if Reagan's tongue was on fire from telling another lie, Einstein was on record consistently as wanting no part of terrorism propping up fascism.

Facts on file about Einstein overcome misrepresentations, and Hawking's honor and integrity are his own business.
As are a great many people who would not agree with him, concerning this ethereal boycott.
There is nothing moral about supporting a regime that denies an entire population of their inherent, inalienable right to self-determination.
Quite true, which is exactly why the US began to favor Israel during the 1948-1967 timeframe as the Palestinians and their nearby Arab-Muslim neighboring countries refused to recognize the partition of Old Palestine into two states and conducted repeated warfare against the fledgling Israeli state even within its 1948-1967 borders with the intention of drowning both the long-native Jews and their European refugee kinsmen in the Mediterranean Sea.

Both the Palestinians and their Arab-Muslim neighbor-states had plenty of opportunities to recognize the existence of that fledgling Israeli state and 'their inherent inalienable right to self-determination', but the Arabs chose aggression over peace. After pushing the Israelis against the wall in the run-up to the 1967 Six-Day War and then the Israelis winning a stunning victory against overwhelming odds, the dynamic changed, and the chance to make peace with Israel upon terms favorable to or fair to the Palestinians and Arabs had passed.

Since the conclusion of the 1967 War, Israel has been in Maintenance Mode and, capped by their victory in 1973, the Israelis now enjoy a very considerable support in The West, both open and behind-the-scenes, which they did not enjoy beforehand; thus ensuring that they will continue to enjoy the right of self-determination and holding at arms' length those who so foolishly and for so long mocked the idea of Peace until they arrived at the sorry state of affairs to which their foolishness has reduced them.

The Jewish-Arab struggle for Palestine is largely over; won in 1967.

Everything since that time has been epilogue.

The Palestinians lost any vestiges of Moral High Ground which they might have once enjoyed by mocking and disdaining the idea of Peace with Israel during the period 1948 to 1967.

After 1967 it was too late to do so on decent terms, and they'd had a whole lotta chances up to that point in time.

It's been 65 years now, since the State of Israel was born.

Several generations of Arab-Palestinians are paying for the mistake of their ancestors who oftentimes simply abandoned their lands in the hope of pushing their Jewish neighbors into the sea during the early going, and who stayed in those refugee centers for decades afterwards, rather than dispersing into neighboring countries and beginning new lives.

There is insufficient contiguous land and resources to create and sustain a viable Palestinian State, despite the forlorn fantasies of they and their supporters, and the unanticipated conquests of 1967 and several intentional encroachments since then have largely finished the job of finishing-off Palestinian dreams of a viable contiguous State.

It's time for them (the Palestinians) to toss-in the towel and start new lives someplace else.

There is no particular moral high ground to be had nowadays, given both their historical blindness and foolishness, and their misguided and desperate attempts to re-tip the scales in their favor through terror.

It's over. A viable and sustainable Arab-Palestinian State is as dead as Julius Caesar. It's rather like a chicken that has had its head cut off. It runs about the barnyard for a while making flapping noises and spouting blood and making a mess but in the end the electrical impulses diminish and it figures out that it's dead and it does the decent thing and lies down and is still.

Slowly but surely, any Palestinian with a lick of common sense and two shekels to rub together is going to get himself and his family out of there, and to make new and happy lives for themselves someplace else.

Vae victus.

There is no 'morality' to be had by supporting the already-dead chicken in its mad final dash about the barnyard.

Best for it to lie down and be done with it, so that individuals and families can find happiness in neighboring lands that share their ethnicity and religious beliefs.
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