eternal suffering teaching = 100% lie about God.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
For those who believe it--here--meet the true God--Deuteronomy 32:4= All of Gods ways are justice.
God taught all 100% pure justice= an eye for an eye--a perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable.

Lets apply these scales to eternal suffering teaching
On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin------ on the other side-- trillions x trillions x trillions, etc,etc of never ending years of punishment called eternal suffering.

see any balance=NO-- a false teaching accusing the true God of being a sadist.

Symbolism is what Gods word teaches on that matter
The eternal value of what is lost by all who are thrown into the lake of fire( eternal destruction)--as each new day dawns in Gods kingdom( paradise) those miss each day eternally. never ending.

Teachers who teach that sadist God--do not know him and vica versa--RUN.
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.

What does this have to do with my post?
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.

What does this have to do with my post?
The (breath) spirit of life within God made the living soul with has internal measures (hosts) to keep the life giving spirit, His justice is not corruptible (perfect on the day created). The spirit within that disobeys (son of perdition) suffers the eternal torment. If you just say whoever is a false teacher without having that knowledge could you possibly be a false teacher also? Just a thought you may want to inquire within your self about.
This is one of the reasons I rejected the Quran and decided it cannot be the words of God. Because it lays on the torments of eternal hellfire as thickly as it can. See the sura 22.19 to 22.22 for an example of the cruelty of Allah.
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.

What does this have to do with my post?
The (breath) spirit of life within God made the living soul with has internal measures (hosts) to keep the life giving spirit, His justice is not corruptible (perfect on the day created). The spirit within that disobeys (son of perdition) suffers the eternal torment. If you just say whoever is a false teacher without having that knowledge could you possibly be a false teacher also? Just a thought you may want to inquire within your self about.

Everyone who knows the true living God--knows this--Deut 32:4--all of Gods ways are justice--making eternal suffering an impossibility with God.
Jesus' truths prove who is correct and who is false. Few know his teachings, that is why Jesus taught, Few find the road that leads to life( eternal)--- 99% of all religions claiming Christianity aren't.
For those who believe it--here--meet the true God--Deuteronomy 32:4= All of Gods ways are justice.
God taught all 100% pure justice= an eye for an eye--a perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable.

Lets apply these scales to eternal suffering teaching
On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin------ on the other side-- trillions x trillions x trillions, etc,etc of never ending years of punishment called eternal suffering.

see any balance=NO-- a false teaching accusing the true God of being a sadist.

Symbolism is what Gods word teaches on that matter
The eternal value of what is lost by all who are thrown into the lake of fire( eternal destruction)--as each new day dawns in Gods kingdom( paradise) those miss each day eternally. never ending.

Teachers who teach that sadist God--do not know him and vica versa--RUN.

Too much Dante's version of hell here. Forget about torture. Unrepentant sin is a decision to turn from God as opposed to turning towards Him. Hell is a separation from God. If one spends all one's life here choosing separation from God, then what is going to happen the instant of death which would have that individual suddenly choosing God and things of God after years of choosing separation?
For those who believe it--here--meet the true God--Deuteronomy 32:4= All of Gods ways are justice.
God taught all 100% pure justice= an eye for an eye--a perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable.

Lets apply these scales to eternal suffering teaching
On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin------ on the other side-- trillions x trillions x trillions, etc,etc of never ending years of punishment called eternal suffering.

see any balance=NO-- a false teaching accusing the true God of being a sadist.

Symbolism is what Gods word teaches on that matter
The eternal value of what is lost by all who are thrown into the lake of fire( eternal destruction)--as each new day dawns in Gods kingdom( paradise) those miss each day eternally. never ending.

Teachers who teach that sadist God--do not know him and vica versa--RUN.

Too much Dante's version of hell here. Forget about torture. Unrepentant sin is a decision to turn from God as opposed to turning towards Him. Hell is a separation from God. If one spends all one's life here choosing separation from God, then what is going to happen the instant of death which would have that individual suddenly choosing God and things of God after years of choosing separation?

Death= death--no more no less. Gods word teaches--on the day of ones death, all thought stops.
Death= death--no more no less. Gods word teaches--on the day of ones death, all thought stops.

In the physical body, the soul, not so much. In fact, not at all.

The soul does not live on--men have killed souls-- Joshua 11:11)-- the soul is just the breath of life( Gen 2:7)--it does not live on.
Not a single mortal who died entered heaven from the ot--Gods word teaches Jesus was the very first. False religious teachers teach the soul goes to heaven.
For those who believe it--here--meet the true God--Deuteronomy 32:4= All of Gods ways are justice.
God taught all 100% pure justice= an eye for an eye--a perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable.

Lets apply these scales to eternal suffering teaching
On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin------ on the other side-- trillions x trillions x trillions, etc,etc of never ending years of punishment called eternal suffering.

see any balance=NO-- a false teaching accusing the true God of being a sadist.

Symbolism is what Gods word teaches on that matter
The eternal value of what is lost by all who are thrown into the lake of fire( eternal destruction)--as each new day dawns in Gods kingdom( paradise) those miss each day eternally. never ending.

Teachers who teach that sadist God--do not know him and vica versa--RUN.

Indeed it is a false teaching but most all churches are eaten up with false teachings. Teachings such as at one's death he/she goes off to a place of hellish torment or else flies off to bliss in heaven, the rapture of the church, that to be absent from the body is to be with God, speaking in unknown tongues, etc., are all false doctrines implanted into the churches by Satan.
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.

People are TAUGHT that there is this so-called "battle within". It is not a natural occurrence. The remote tribes of the planet were unaware of this artificial conflict until the missionaries came along.
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.

What does this have to do with my post?
The (breath) spirit of life within God made the living soul with has internal measures (hosts) to keep the life giving spirit, His justice is not corruptible (perfect on the day created). The spirit within that disobeys (son of perdition) suffers the eternal torment. If you just say whoever is a false teacher without having that knowledge could you possibly be a false teacher also? Just a thought you may want to inquire within your self about.

Everyone who knows the true living God--knows this--Deut 32:4--all of Gods ways are justice--making eternal suffering an impossibility with God.
Jesus' truths prove who is correct and who is false. Few know his teachings, that is why Jesus taught, Few find the road that leads to life( eternal)--- 99% of all religions claiming Christianity aren't.
To know God- also known as Jehovah-The Great White Spirit and so on and so forth. That which denies and does not believe surely does suffer eternal damnation. You are correct souls can be killed but that little piece in us made in the image of the Son by and through created with the Holy Spirit does not die. Not sure where you get the 99% at but I do agree many are teaching in error or at the least with very limited knowledge. It is when one steps out and starts teaching through their own preaching is when satan (the adversary) is stepping in.

I believe it is a part of the ultimate design though and was well thought out by that Spirit whom created All of the Living. One of the reasons Jesus told the crowds believe in even a portion so that portion within could be saved. There are time limits on eternity. Much of the rapture teachings come from those with a limited understanding or out of gathering crowd to here the plan. I like to refer back to the beginning at when Adam (red earth- the carnal human) is planted in the garden of its own pleasure for reference because that is where needs to start. If they can't get the "in the beginning portion" the rest will be pretty hard for them to comprehend. I think a big problem is from not having the Holy Spirit guidance and not studying further into the other scrolls and writings through the ages. I.e. the book of Jasher, Enoch, Jubilees, etc. Also the automatic calling out of those in the Jewish faith comes to mind. Most often I have seen instead of embracing a Jewish person to try to learn about the Christian faith most generally you see Christians doubling down on them and screaming about how they are going to hell. I ended up with a very dear Jewish friend in an instance such as that. She ended up finding a local pastor to help her study her new Bible so she could understand the faith of the mother of her soon to be born grandchildren.
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.

People are TAUGHT that there is this so-called "battle within". It is not a natural occurrence. The remote tribes of the planet were unaware of this artificial conflict until the missionaries came along.
whatever you think Huggy. I have no intentions on trying to debate you or rove to you anything. You are your own worst enemy whether you like it or not.
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.

People are TAUGHT that there is this so-called "battle within". It is not a natural occurrence. The remote tribes of the planet were unaware of this artificial conflict until the missionaries came along.
whatever you think Huggy. I have no intentions on trying to debate you or rove to you anything. You are your own worst enemy whether you like it or not.

Religious double talk. Save that "you are your own worst enemy" for fools. I am my own best friend.
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.

People are TAUGHT that there is this so-called "battle within". It is not a natural occurrence. The remote tribes of the planet were unaware of this artificial conflict until the missionaries came along.
whatever you think Huggy. I have no intentions on trying to debate you or rove to you anything. You are your own worst enemy whether you like it or not.

Religious double talk. Save that "you are your own worst enemy" for fools. I am my own best friend.
If you think
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.

People are TAUGHT that there is this so-called "battle within". It is not a natural occurrence. The remote tribes of the planet were unaware of this artificial conflict until the missionaries came along.
whatever you think Huggy. I have no intentions on trying to debate you or rove to you anything. You are your own worst enemy whether you like it or not.

Religious double talk. Save that "you are your own worst enemy" for fools. I am my own best friend.
If you think

I know this to be true. If and when I take full responsibility for my own development I can improve on my strengths and honestly recognize my failures. I can improve on that where I have failed only by owning that failure.

Thus I am different from someone that has given himself over to someone else s doctrine as I pick and choose my path/s of evolving towards what and where I want to be.

The "one size fits all" doctrines only really works for those that are pre disposed to fit as the "model".
Religions accept all comers for the obvious reason that in volume and number the religion is stronger and more powerful and therefore more desirable to many who are looking for guidance and strength. I am not seeking that kind of guidance.
In the Bible it is called scales and fins. People think that means fish but in fact it is talking about the scales of justice and the ability to touch Aaron's robe (touch the robe of the spirit as when the woman touches Jesus's robe and is healed). Levites are the heavenly host within that are in charge of these matters. Humans subject themselves by the choices they make. The battle is within.

People are TAUGHT that there is this so-called "battle within". It is not a natural occurrence. The remote tribes of the planet were unaware of this artificial conflict until the missionaries came along.
whatever you think Huggy. I have no intentions on trying to debate you or rove to you anything. You are your own worst enemy whether you like it or not.

Religious double talk. Save that "you are your own worst enemy" for fools. I am my own best friend.
If you think

I know this to be true. If and when I take full responsibility for my own development I can improve on my strengths and honestly recognize my failures. I can improve on that where I have failed only by owning that failure.

Thus I am different from someone that has given himself over to someone else s doctrine as I pick and choose my path/s of evolving towards what and where I want to be.

The "one size fits all" doctrines only really works for those that are pre disposed to fit as the "model".
Religions accept all comers for the obvious reason that in volume and number the religion is stronger and more powerful and therefore more desirable to many who are looking for guidance and strength. I am not seeking that kind of guidance.
A lot of people need that organization to get a toehold to start. Not all but some.
It's always fun to watch heretics and atheists debate the Bible
The "suffering" is in reference to eternal separation from God.
Can one logically think that a loving and just Father would punish you for eternity over 70yrs of stupid choices?
For those who believe it--here--meet the true God--Deuteronomy 32:4= All of Gods ways are justice.
God taught all 100% pure justice= an eye for an eye--a perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable.

Lets apply these scales to eternal suffering teaching
On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin------ on the other side-- trillions x trillions x trillions, etc,etc of never ending years of punishment called eternal suffering.

see any balance=NO-- a false teaching accusing the true God of being a sadist.

Symbolism is what Gods word teaches on that matter
The eternal value of what is lost by all who are thrown into the lake of fire( eternal destruction)--as each new day dawns in Gods kingdom( paradise) those miss each day eternally. never ending.

Teachers who teach that sadist God--do not know him and vica versa--RUN.

Indeed it is a false teaching but most all churches are eaten up with false teachings. Teachings such as at one's death he/she goes off to a place of hellish torment or else flies off to bliss in heaven, the rapture of the church, that to be absent from the body is to be with God, speaking in unknown tongues, etc., are all false doctrines implanted into the churches by Satan.

Not 1 church on earth teaches what Jesus taught.

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