Ethical philanthropy


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
As some know I bake cookies and cupcakes every week for neighbors. Today's the day I normally bake chocolate chip cookies for everyone. But I'm getting over a minor cold and am presumedly contagious. It's only manifested as some sniffles, a noticeable cough, and hypersensitivity to touch (aches and chills.) Much as I enjoy people's reactions and feedback from the baked goodies, I've decided for the first time since starting over a year and a half or so ago to skip today's baking. What's a minor complaint to me, may not be in someone else. Especially considering some of the older folks and younger kids who receive them. Plus, being the Christmas season this is no time to be getting sick. While fastidious about cleanliness when cooking things for other people, I can feel the cold in me and can't ensure no transmission to others no matter how careful I'd be. The ethical decision's easy, skip it for today.

Currently considering a note on the door saying as much, "No cookies today: Plague" :) Or something like that. ;)

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